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Tokyo Decadence (Yume Kuribayashi) (NSFW)

He had a point. Kotone was a different beast entirely when compared to her. The way Mariko understood things, was that it might take him a bit to work up the courage to stand face-to-face with a Domme of Kotone's stature. And indeed, she cast a very intimidating presence. Had Ken seen some of her photoshoots and videos? Perhaps then that was why he wanted to put it off a bit. Again, this was all from Mariko's perspective. So it might not have been the whole truth behind his reluctance and he simply just didn't want to cut into his schedule too much or he thought it was too early.

"That is fine." Mariko smiled and gave a light boot to his groin. "I do expect you to meet with her at some point though. But yes.." She stood up and gripped his collar. "Let us go and wash ourselves off. Or rather, you can wash me darling slave boy~"


Everything in the garden seemed fairly typical, like it had belonged in a Zen Garden save for the obvious bondage apparatus that sat dead center. Its presence though was mindboggling and yet made sense at the same time, if one knew the Ichijou and how they operated. Not that it mattered. Soon it would have an occupant and the tranquil evening air would be broken by the whimperings and screams of the maids current 'victim'

They dragged him along, inching him closer and closer to the frame before they'd drop him at its feet when close enough. "So what position? Something strict and yet simple? We could go for a simple box tie or a suspended frog tie. Do you have any ideas? Sister?"
Ken let out a soft grunt as Mariko gave a slight press to his crotch upon accepting the turn-down of her alternate offer. It was almost like she was disappointed with his reasoning, if only a little. With how extensively she was able to dominate him tonight, he couldn't fault her for wanting to take the next step and drag him along to experience it. But, as was consistent with the mutuality of their relationship, she gladly accepted his decision to wait to meet Kotone. Most of what he knew of her was from reputation, though he had taken a peek at some photos of her on Noukoudou's website; no vids, though, legally purchased or uploaded to a free-share site. If anything, they only affirmed how intimidating she was. That was just the aura the elder Mistress Inoue put off.

"Hnng, that goes without saying..." Ken squeaked out shortly after getting the literal boot. When she pulled back and tugged at his collar, he got on his feet, looking at her lovingly with a wide smile and nodded with eager obedience. "Whatever you desire, ojou-sama~!"


Shiki grunted as Natasha and Natalya dropped him in tandem, catching himself before his upper body could impact the hardwood catwalk like his knees before it. He started rubbing his arms, which felt sore from the twins' respective grips, and as he did, the pair discussed how to tie him.

"If we are considering base ties, a box for his arms and frog for his legs would be undeniably splendid. Though we want to keep him transfixed to the apparatus, no?" Natasha placed her hand on the apparatus, trailing her fingers up towards one of the small hooks protruding from the back. "A diamond harness for his chest will do just the trick in that regard, not to mention provide that classic look Mistress just craves when it comes to rope bondage!" As she spoke, her other hand reached behind her back and, seemingly out of thin air, she procured two bundles of brown jute rope. She was anticipating Natalya to procure the same.

Shiki listened to Natasha's suggestions but said nothing on them. Instead, he put his hands on his knees and remained still, trying his best to fight the erection no doubt forming at the thought of being presented in such a way for Aimi.
If he were to see her in action, the pictures would serve to be a more sanitised version of the kind of Domme Kotone was. But even so, just how she carried herself in the images was enough to send a shiver; and perhaps a tinge of arousal through the body of anyone who saw them. Mariko on the other hand, felt like a softer version but she was still an Inoue and still capable of untold sadism if prompted.

Mariko coiled her finger more around the O-ring on Kens collar as he answered her positively. "Indeed, whatever I desire." She whispered into his ear. "Remember that." And without any further warning, she turned and began to pull him along towards the showers, keeping her grip on his collar firm as she did so.


She thought a little on the kind of tie that Natasha had suggested, thinking it over for a few seconds before she raised her head and nodded in affirmation. "That sounds good. Again, it's strict and provides the classic look you mentioned and it's not too complicated. I would suggest stripping him as, after all there's no better piece of art than an exposed male squirming for his Mistress." Natalya grinned. "But sadly, we'll have to keep him clothed. He's supposed to be granted Hana as a reward for his service to Mistress. Speaking of which, did you get her papers ready? Sad to see her go...she had such lovely screams~"

Natalya blinked as she was broken out of her tangent by Natasha pulling out two bundles of rope out of nowhere. "Do you always have rope on you or are you some kind of magician?"
Ken shivered slightly as Mariko hooked her index finger into his collar ring, gulping in equal parts intimidation and delight at his girlfriend's low-key sadistic demeanor. Just as low in physical contact, the whisper into his ear made him shiver further. Right as she started to tug him along, he scrambled to his feet and started following behind her, nodding in delayed obedience to her reminder. As sudden a situation as he found himself in, he appeared to be blissful as he trailed along behind Mariko, looking forward to the rest of the evening and what might unfold in the process.


"Oh sister, don't go saying that like you don't have some stashed inside of your robe~." With a soft yet simultaneously sharp giggle, Natasha squatted down and pulled Shiki's arms behind him, beginning preparations for the box tie. "As for your question about Hana, the papers for her transfer are all signed and ready for Mistress to look over. And yes, while her continued presence here will be missed, it's not like we won't be seeing her ever again. Our boy toy here will no doubt bring her along every now and again, isn't that right?" She pulled the two lengths of rope she placed above and below Shiki's pecs against his body, enough for him to feel it even through the suit.

"Hnnng... Y-Yeah," Shiki nodded, shifting around slightly through his straining, "I'll bring her around every so often..."

"See?" Natasha smiled up at Natalya. "No reason to feel so down."
While the night for the two lovers was pleasant, the same could not be said for the individual a floor above them; the woman who was told to wait for the Madam herself. As for what was so significant about the apex of the Golden Sakura, such a floor could only belong to one person. Its opulence clearly indicated it was Madam Yukiko's floor, where her office and private chambers sat. It wasn't very often one would set foot there, and only under specific circumstances. Those being interviews, being her client and thus wealthy enough to be granted audience with her or for disciplinary proceedings.

It had to be going through the waiting occupants head that the latter of the three was why she was told to wait. For all she knew, Yukiko might send her away with a slight warning, deeming the wait to be punishment enough.

And she was about to find out as finally, the agonising wait would come to an end and Yukiko would make her appearance. Slowly walking over to and circling her before she leaned against her desk in a seductive pose, taking a small drag from her kiseru as she looked down at the waiting woman.

"What exactly is your problem?" Yukiko spoke, surprisingly softly. "Your appearance is not the reason why clients are not flocking to you so I want to know what you think. All my workers can come to me for advice and to voice their concerns, you know this. And yet you don't." She sighed.

"Before that however, was it really you who spilled the lube over the tatami.." She narrowed her eyes. "Or are you covering for someone? Speak." Yukiko effortlessly changed her tone into a much colder, more commanding one. One that was more fitting for her character.



She watched as her sister begun to tie the ropes around Shiki, listening to him grunt as she did so. She had to admit, she loved the look of ropes around the male body but she still wished he was naked as this was happening. Regardless, this was what her Mistress wanted and this was exactly she was going to get. "Well I hope Hana still comes around every so often, like I said she was so fun to play with~" Natalya sighed contently. "Did you know that, Shiki? That Hana is a fun slave girl to play with?"

"Just like how you're going to be fun to play with soon~"
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