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Tokyo Decadence (Yume Kuribayashi) (NSFW)

Ken's moans were already plenty aroused from the dual assault on either side of his lower regions, but they gradually got louder, lewder, some might say sluttier as either side kept at it. Kiku with his perfectly paced and expertly enthused thrusts, and Mariko with her precise and intimate strokes, urging him to another climax that this time she could take partial claim in. Within a minute of her involvement, Ken was already at the edge, his precum having switched from an occasional drip to a slow pour, much of it landing on the specially treated tatami but no doubt some finding their way dangerously close to Mariko's boots, if not on top of them already. He had a feeling she'd wait 'til he finally climaxed to let him know if he was expected to clean them off. He'd already worshipped her footwear for the evening once, he'd happily do it again, especially if it also meant cleaning up his own mess in the process.
Both Mariko and Kiku pressed on, indeed continuing their assault from both sides as it were. Of course, Mariko knew Ken would be aiming to cover her boots but again, it was what she intended. Kiku on the other hand, had climaxed yet again; showing some impressive stamina that was no doubt expected from an employee of the Golden Sakura. Or at least the higher tier boys. Not every one was going to be capable of having something left in the tank after a strenuous session.

The noises that filled the room were, frankly music to their ears. Kiku knew he was doing his job right and Mariko knew he was enjoying it. Though with how unabashedly slutty Ken sounded, Mariko could not help but tease him a little.

[My my~] "I never thought I'd hear you sound like that."
She said lowly in a seductive tone. "Maybe you should quit your current job and work here instead. I'll be sure to put in a good word for you with the Madam. You'd like that wouldn't you? To be nothing but a fleshlight."
The longer Mariko and Kiku applied their respective ministrations, as oxymoronic as that sounded, to his body, the more Ken moaned, the more turned on he got and expressed through said moans. It was only a matter of time before he came, and as if to streamline the process, Mariko leaned in and teased him verbally. If starting out with the English version of the classic "ara ara" line wasn't enough, the thoughts she filled him with, of working at the Golden Sakura as part of its bottom rung, really got him going. He closed his eyes and moaned eagerly, nodding in approval. He squeezed Kiku's cock with his inner walls, and then released a brief spurt of pre. It failed to hit Mariko's boots, but it came dangerously close. More fuel to the fire, as it were.
"Mmm, I can just see you working here. I bet you'd be really popular~ What do you say, Ken-chan? Do you want to work here?" Mariko teased again, whispering into his ear before she would slowly and erotically lick his cheek. All the while her hand proceeded to move just a little bit faster, knowing that he had just squirted a burst of pre; though not quite a full orgasm. Kiku on the other hand, finally made a gasp of pleasure when Ken squeezed his member, sounding just as sweet as he looked. And yet he didn't stop thrusting. "The Madam trains her boys well." Mariko giggled. Her hand not ceasing to continuously milk him.

"Quit denying yourself, cum for me. Slut."
Ken inhaled and exhaled as Mariko drilled the thought of being a Golden Sakura boy further into his head. He almost had to wonder if she was seriously considering putting him up for employment. It would've beaten the grind of his office job, and even the mundane drudgery of his conbini side gig. But honestly, being used by the other femboys and few additional ladies comprising the staff, all at once, appealed to him more than attending to the sexual needs of clients he could just as easily piss off as he would satisfy. What's more, it would keep distance between him and Mariko, something he didn't want to come to pass. Hell, if he had a say in the matter, he'd want to be her live-in slave as his dream job. Of course, she already knew that; he lived that dream enough times that it was only a matter of having the guts to quit before it became a full reality.

Still, it wasn't as if he could say no to her, even when it technically being lying made him feel bad. After a few breaths, he was about to voice his answer. "Y-Ye-ahh~!" But he was interrupted when Kiku kept thrusting, even as he tightened his back door to throw him off-guard, if only enough to moan.

To his relief, Mariko changed topics, now commanding him to cum. It was hard to resist the order, and with his pre continuing to drip following that initial spurt, he was getting there. Inhaling and exhaling still, he nodded, groaning as he focused on the pleasure he felt from both ends, hoping that would make him cum sooner.
Admittedly for as much fun as the idea sounded; along with of course being much more fulfilling and ironically less exploitive than the retail job he held down, Mariko wasn't that willing to part with him. Far from it. In truth she did not like the sound of him being made to work for Yukiko. For as much as she respected the Madam, not only would it mean the two would see each other less but Ken would also have to give a percentage of his earnings to the Madam. So right now she was just filling his mind with thoughts of working here to excite him further.

Which, seemed to have worked a little. But Mariko was far from satisfied.

"Even after all of this, you're still holding it in? Even after I gave you instruction? It's like you want to be locked up." Her voice raised a little, putting on a much harsher tone that while she wasn't straight up yelling at him; indicated her impatience. "Cum, now." To further emphasize her point, she gripped his chin with her free hand roughly as she continued to jack him off.
Cumming on command was far easier said than done, and in Ken's case, even with the onslaught of pleasure coming from both sides, it was especially difficult. It was almost like he was trying to make his upcoming explosion worth the trouble it took to get there, on the subconscious level, of course. If directly asked, he wouldn't have minded a ruined orgasm that wasn't as intense or splash-worthy as the realest of deals. A submissive like him would have taken just about any degree of pleasure, overkill or nil, so long as he felt relief afterward and the domme who brought him there was satisfied.

Unfortunately for him, Mariko was not satisfied in the slightest. Even after everything she dished out to him thus far - the foot worship, the strap-on licking, the strap-on fucking, the whipping, getting fucked by the continually non-verbal Kiku, and ultimately this two-sided offensive - he still hadn't let out anything more than the occasional spillage of precum. It was no surprise she got upset with him. Performatively, but with the undercurrent of honest expression mixed in. Befitting of a domme, but especially so for one whose sub held as special a connection as Ken did for her.

That could be what inspired him to, through his grunts at the grab to his chin, he decided to stop holding back. He nodded weakly, and let out a few words, stuttered and strained by her firm grip. "Y-Yes... ojou-sama...!"

With a few more heavy breaths, he finally closed his eyes and grunted harshly, clenching his anal walls around Kiku's cock while thrusting his hips into Mariko's hand. The moment he did, the moment his inhibitions fell away. Almost squealing as he stifled his cries, he climaxed just as she ordered. It wasn't the strongest orgasm, but it wasn't nearly as weak as he thought it would be. Waves of pleasure washed over his mind and body alike, sending him into a state of ecstasy. Of course, this meant he had no idea where his seed landed. The remaining cognizant part of him expected it to land on her boots. Hell, he hoped it landed there! Seeing her sadistic side enter fuller form, demanding he cum while threatening to lock him in chastity, turned him on so much that he wanted more of it, if only for tonight.

Hell, maybe that's what finally convinced him to climax, and as strong as he did at that...
On the subject of Kiku being non-verbal, it wasn't out of maliciousness or disinterest but rather his preference in remaining quiet while on the job. As if he was constantly awaiting instructions from the customer that hired him. It certainly seemed unnerving to those who didn't know, but to those who did it was an example of his obedience to the task at hand; as well as his focus. Such was the latter than he was able to instantly discern that Ken had climaxed. His focus was only broken somewhat when he heard Mariko start to speak once more, this time in a raised and harsh tone.

"You disgusting boy." Mariko spat, gripping his member tight. If Ken had any more to give, it was likely he'd have a ruined orgasm. "Spilling over my boots, how dare you." She raised her gaze to Kiku afterward, preparing to dismiss him.

"Unlock him and you're free to go, give my gratitude to the Madam."

"Yes Mistress." Kiku said simply, pulling out of Ken and moving to do what Mariko had asked of him. "Is there anything else you require of me, Mistress?"

"No, that's all. As for this one...he's going to clean up the mess he has made, isn't he? boy?" She expected Ken to lick his cum off of her boots, all of it. "And not a single drop shall go to waste, otherwise he shall remain locked for....oh I don't know, the next three months?"

"I can whip him while he cleans, Mistress?

"Hmm..not a bad idea, you know what...go for it." Mariko nodded. "You hear that? Prostrate yourself and begin licking, now."
Just as anticipated, Ken got it. Mariko responded to his climax with a palpable displeasure, which would've made him instinctively wince if the vice-grip squeeze she gave his cock wasn't already hard at work making him wriggle and groan likewise. Her harsh words and reprimands made him blush at best, and at worst, they made his cock start re-stiffening, which was as good a sign as any that he approved of his upcoming punishment. Still, it was best to act like it was a fate to avoid. As such, he remained quiet throughout Mariko's exchange of words with Kiku, rubbing his wrists and neck once freed from the pillory in the meantime. As his ojou-sama addressed him, he nodded in response, gulping ambiguously as she threatened him with three months of chastity, were his clean-up efforts less than satisfactory. The thought - no, the inevitability of Kiku whipping him as he performed said clean-up only excited him more. And finally, at her orders, he complied to the letter, placing his hands on the floor and bowing to her in a dogeza pose.

"Of course, ojou-sama."

Without delay, he advanced forward a few inches, snaking his tongue out as he started running it across the tops of her boots, swiping up any cum droplets that managed to land on them, only occasionally going back over the same areas for worshipping purposes. Though he tried his best to suppress it, it was clear he was enjoying this, his eyes slightly glazed over and a perverse grin making itself present with every consecutive lick.
Mariko of course wasn't actually mad that he had came over her boots, far from it. She expected and wanted this to happen if only to add a little more spice to the current scene, and indeed it did. With Ken now on the floor before her. "Yes, grovel. I want that forehead kissing the floor." She growled, watching Ken get to work as she had told him to do so. All that training seemed to have paid of, she thought. Each lick was expertly done; if not damn near reverential in the way he snaked his tongue along the cum-stained, shiny leather. And if there were any moments of hesitation? Kiku gave some motivation by striking his buttocks with the same whip that Mariko had used on him earlier in the session.

She did wonder of course that if Ken did hesitate, he was doing it on purpose just to give Kiku an excuse. Not like he needed one anyway. Mariko did wish she could see his face through all of this. No doubt he was really, really enjoying this level of treatment at the hands of his Domme Girlfriend and the femboy whore.

"Satisfactory. You've earned yourself that three months." She cackled. "Unless you prove to me you deserve to not have that cock of yours locked away. When you are done, you're going to wear a penis gag and get me off. Am I understood?"
True to her gleefully sadistic expectations, Ken kowtowed to the degree that his forehead was pressed against the tatami, if only for a few seconds before he advanced forward. In-between licks, he yelped as Kiku struck his rear with the whip, wiggling his hips around in response as if he were beckoning for more. He never took his primary focus off of Mariko's boots, though, swiping up every last drop and bringing them to a practical shine.

Though she even commended him on the decent job, it wasn't enough for him to avoid long-term chastity. Not that he particularly minded - the idea of being locked up for so long was thrilling, especially with his ojou-sama as the one holding the key - but as with all things, it was something he was nervous about to start. But even then, those feelings were immediately offset by her giving him a chance to make up for his hesitant performance in lapping up his mess. As he continued to lick, he nodded and grunted, letting Mariko know full well he was willing to go through with her next task of him. He'd aim to make it worth her while, regardless of whether he wound up in or out of chastity.
Mariko watched as he continued his work, of course trying to provoke Kiku into keep striking him all the while. She figured he'd do that, such a shameless little masochist he was. But even then, this was why Mariko and Ken were perfect for each other. Be it a loving, dutiful boyfriend or a perverted slave, Ken was simply just the one for her. Once again however, she was getting distracted just thinking about him in a more personal light. Luckily, he couldn't see that due to his face being so deep in her boots right now.

Pulling her mind back to the here and now, the session they were in. Mariko was giving putting him in chastity some serious thought. Perhaps she should, regardless of his performance. No doubt having her hold the key to his cock cage would be even more of a turn on for him. It would certainly be an even clearer reminder of just who owned him, and that if he was going to orgasm it would be on her terms, not his.
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