A fiend-shaped stain upon all sapients.
- Joined
- Dec 27, 2019
- Location
- The EU, probably

Another day, another challenge: Amaya managed to get out of bed early, thanks to a cold, wet nose brushing her cheek as she groggily shook off the last vestige of sleep. Absent-mindedly, she put her hand on Lim's head, to give him a scratch behind the ears. She noticed that his body was fighting the beginning of a small illness and put a stop to it without a second thought, before she headed off to put coffee on and shower in short order.
Once all that is done and dusted, the young woman reads the news and is surprised by the surprising lack of superhuman actions, thus far. Her eyebrows furrowed: could she have been wrong? She was sure there were other metahumans with powers akin to hers out there, without doubts.
Had someone known this would happen? Either way, with a huff she packed her things and took Lim out on a walk, before going back and letting him in to nap: she had another morning meeting with her lawyers.
She was cautiously optimistic, despite everything: the day wasn't raining or gloomy and had started well enough, all things considered!
Hijos de Renzo umpteenth hangout place - Schro

"Hey Ana, remember the puto that gave your sister that black eye and broken arm?"
Came the sing-songy voice of a young man who had decided to call himself Schro. His brothers and sisters in violence and vice took his moniker up and referred to him as such, though a few still slipped in his former name during conversation. He kept those at arm's length, preferring to stay with the brighter individuals.
"Yes. Why?"
Ana was blunt and disliked mindgames: Schro teased her, from time to time, though there was no malice within that particular tendency. But he was malicious towards a foggy target, as he confided: "I learned where he lives: wanna go knock some heads? You can bust his balls a little if you want."
"What do you want?" In return for this information, Ana knew this pillock that lounged in the sofa wanted something for himself. "Well, since you're offering…~"
Marko's apartment (basement) - Marko

With a yawn, the pale young engineer woke up from the table he was napping on. Stretching his upper body, he stood up and tried to work out the crick in his back that sleeping on a chair at the desk will net someone, if they did as he did. The day before had been very productive, but he had lost track of time and there was no one to bring him back out of the tunnelvision-like focus he had while he was finishing the last few touches on the first suit for force field projection.
He had come up with a stealthy few bits of armor that could be hidden under loose clothing, composed of a pair of arm and leg bracers as well as a chest harness and a motorcycle-like helmet, with a face-concealing visor and enough cameras that he could still employ his full field of view, as though his head was not even covered by such an imposing metal mask-helmet.
Each of the pieces had mechatendrils that extended towards each other, connecting and linking their power sources, in order to better concentrate and recharge the fields that get hit more often.
Pulling up a loose shirt and a bomber jacket, it was a simple thing to keep the arm bracers hidden, though he'd still have to hide the helmet itself. He had ideas for more a more lightweight option, like a deployable circlet, but for one it did not match the aesthetic he preferred and secondly, he still needed to finish the upgraded power cell for his new multitool. After he'd gotten through with this project, the tool had powered down, as predicted.
With a grimace, he decided to drop by the pawn shop and get refurbished and barely usable electronics to salvage for materials cheaply.
Briefly, he entertained the idea of sneaking into a junkyard and taking things that he needed from there for free, but then he shelved the idea and finished breakfast: it was time he went to class for his next lecture on fields and energy physics. He had studied for an hour yesterday and gone through the rest of the semester's syllabus, before he got bored and decided to get an early start on his… was it going to be hero-ing? Vigilantism? Something like that: he didn't know exactly what he was going to do, yet, but that would not stop him from making things that would make him impervious to anything the criminals in this city could throw at him!
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