Fact: DOA Beach Volleyball can be a really pain in the ass game. Just got it, played as Kasumi first..........Only played two volley ball matches that whole first two game weeks. Started out with Christy as my partner...........lost my first match, then she left. I courted Hitomi, and we one a few matches.........but she left the next day anyways. Then, no matter what I did, none of the girls would react to any gift I gave them..........so I filled out the rest of the two weeks spamming the hopping many game and oogling Kasumi................But ah well, I'm fine now. Hot chicks in skimpy bikinis help me overlook the frustration.^_^
But I'm doing good now. Played as Kasumi again, courted and managed to keep Hitomi...............She's a fucking beast. Spikes like she's the incredible hulk and doesn't let a damn thing get past her when she jumps up for a block.......for me at least.