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Random Fact About You.

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Fact: Zat ees un interestink numbear to hate, yes?
Fact: I... don't know why I typed that like that o_O
Fact: That's it! I need sleep

Ninja Fact Edit: Just thirteen more days :3
Fact: BlazBlue is going to be amazing.


Bang Shishigami is the motherfucking man. Dude has his own theme song.
Too much feeling?
My friend has the same problem!
Her nipples are always erected and you can't touch them without her laughing her ass off.
It's actually really funny.

It's actually not all that bad.

I've discovered you can be as rough with them, and I'm not in pain.
So, hopefully I'll end up with a man who likes that. : P

But I have a general idea of what happened in my past that might of caused that.
But either way, I've heard you lose feeling in your nipples when you breast feed.
. . .
Fact: I hate my gender sometimes. I hate when men are vain, conceited, unable to see the beauty of the person before them. I hate when they consider only themselves, how they disregard the feelings of others to get what they want. Each and every single one of them should be removed from existence forever.
fact: It seems at the point Vamp and I share a common thing. I have a general hatred towards most men in this worl without regards for who they are, it takes very unique people to get through that, but on average guys make me want to bludgeon them.
vampire seduction said:
Fact: I hate my gender sometimes. I hate when men are vain, conceited, unable to see the beauty of the person before them. I hate when they consider only themselves, how they disregard the feelings of others to get what they want. Each and every single one of them should be removed from existence forever.

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