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Random Fact About You.

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Anansi said:
Kumori2017 said:
Fact: I wish I were brave xD

Always remember bravery isn't being unafraid, its being able to face fear for what you want.
I know that ^.^ though, its the facing my fears that seem to give me trouble o_O

@Luna: Whether or not Im one of those people, your post made me giggle xD
Kumori2017 said:
Anansi said:
Kumori2017 said:
Fact: I wish I were brave xD

Always remember bravery isn't being unafraid, its being able to face fear for what you want.
I know that ^.^ though, its the facing my fears that seem to give me trouble o_O

@Luna: Whether or not Im one of those people, your post made me giggle xD

What're your fears?
Fact: Courage isn't not being afraid, it's facing your fears head-on.

head-on, apply directly to the forehead.
Death (before getting to really experience anything good), Public speaking, talking to members of the opposite sex that im interested in o_O , going insane, loosing a limb, heights, spiders, mushrooms O_O, Dick Chenney, Paris Hilton, aaaaaaand getting maimed. ^^

odd that public speaking is so high on that list o.o
Fact: I think it takes a really confident british man to wear a mini skirt while fighting a huge black guy.

Fact: Its been a while since I made someone over the intewebz laugh. This makes my day.

Fact: I hung out with my buddies that have yet to graduate highschool.

Fact: I admittedly reverted to being overly vulgar and obnoxious. xD
Fact: I agree about showering alone being dull
Fact: I shower while talking on the phone to other friends who are also in the shower ^_^
Kumori2017 said:
Death (before getting to really experience anything good), Public speaking, talking to members of the opposite sex that im interested in o_O , going insane, loosing a limb, heights, spiders, mushrooms O_O, Dick Chenney, Paris Hilton, aaaaaaand getting maimed. ^^

odd that public speaking is so high on that list o.o

I'll tell you what I told my pet. When you're speaking,make a friend in the class or have a friend sit in, and then talk to that person while glancing around occasionally. Focus on just them, it calms the anxiety because its like you're just speaking with a friend. LEast thats what I think I told her she told me what I said helped her overcome it.

Death is inevitable it comes for all of us eventually, so live your life how you want and don't worry about it.

Talking to the opposite sex seems imposing because most women hype it up. The average man would be surprised a woman talked to him much less talked because she liked him. Try to convince yourself you want to get to know him first and approach him from a friendly standpoint yet do not hold back the signs of interest simply keep it from conversation till you're comfortable.

Insanity is a thing that's tricky, if you look at it simply to live you have to be insane some of the time. Going into situations where you know you may be hurt in any sense. Being willing to stand up for oneself despite the odds, survival requires sometimes even a tiny measure of insanity to get you through the day, you just have to control it and not let it overwhelm you. Embrace that part of you that may be a little crazy..its a good thing.

Losing a limb really isn't something to fear seeing as how it happens to so few people outside of certain industries. Even then medical procedure is able to save many limbs as long as they are put on ice quickly.

I can continue if you want...
Fact: Thank you, Kumori. :3
Fact: I can't shower while talking to other friends who are in the shower because a] they'd call me a creep and b] I don't have a cell phone, and c] how would you do that if there is water? And, phones + water doesn't mix.
Fact: Removable shower heads FTW.

Fact: I really want to talk to my boyfriend right now.
angelicxdream said:
Fact: Oh. I usually don't remove it.

Fact: I would much rather have someone in the shower with me physically.
Fact: It makes it a lot funner if you remove it and use it as a sexual stimulant.
Luna said:
angelicxdream said:
Fact: Oh. I usually don't remove it.

Fact: I would much rather have someone in the shower with me physically.
Fact: It makes it a lot funner if you remove it and use it as a sexual stimulant.
Fact: Doesn't turn me on so much.
Fact: Angelic has a very bad habit of scrubbing off all the dirt off her body until her skin is red.
Kumori2017 said:
Anansi: Please, go on ^_^

and Yw Angelic dream ^.^

You're not afraid of the height, you're afraid of the fall associated with it. I'd say learn something that helps improve your balance like judo. Also try buying a step ladder and climbing it and standing there for a few minutes at each step till you're comfortable. If its not comfortable step down and try to get used to the previous level. Focus on balance over your surroundings simply let yourself become adjusted, then go higher and higher.

Most people fear spiders because they associate them to be some kind of gross creature. In reality the more deadly spiders are so light you probably wouldn't know they were on you but are in fact so rare you'd have to do something to push them to bite you. Learn more about spiders, look into them research , go to a pet store and work up the courage to touch a tarantula the more you know the less afraid you'll be

mushrooms O_O,
Food associated phobias are rather common it can stem from distaste with the food, association with a past traumatic event or fear of poisoning. Mushrooms as they are eaten are all specifically grown to be edible. Unless you're in the woods hunting for food you have nothing to worry about, same with the spiders educate yourself, learn more about them Teach yourself a recipe or two involving mushrooms you may like or simply add them to dishes in small but gradually increasing portions. Go to the store and look atthem for a while, realize there's no harm in those you see in day to day life. Mushrooms you see out in the woods also, they can't kill you unless you eat them and in many cases they won't kill you you'll just get sick.

Dick Chenney,
He's out of power and the level of creepy that he put off makes sure he will never see it again.

Paris Hilton,
She'll get whats coming to her, enjoy the time savoring the idea of it till it happens

aaaaaaand getting maimed

*See losing a limb and death
@Anansi: xD Thanks ^^ I'll give most of those a try.....though, the spiders. >.< they freak me out! they arent gross its just....I dont know. Too many legs o_O
But yea. I'll take your suggestions ^_^
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