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Random Fact About You.

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I did the full on laugh just one time, with my friend Riva when I finished she sat there staring at me paralyzed with fear.
Fact: The King was excited because The King was going to role-play with Zero.

Fact: On the note of being able to do creepy sounds, The King can mimic the raptors calls from Jurassic Park easily.

Fact: The King has been labeled the King Of Demons several times in school and The King's friends have been called The King's minions. x3​
Fact: The King has never done a yuri role-play, but might considering trying.

Fact: The King owns a few people's souls... The King just has to remember who exactly The King got. (XD)​
Fact: girl on girl is hot. :cool: Unfortunately its hard to find a good, worthwhile femslash my experience >_>
Fact: The King doesn't have school for like 2 weeks.
Fact: The King is answering a few role-plays and would appreciate it if Diesel pmed The King.
Fact: Unfortunately, I'm picky when it comes to femslash rps... I've had a lot of bad ones. :[ But I guess that goes for all my rps. I like plot, bbs! P-l-o-t.
Fact: Diesel is glad that she could make The King laugh.
Fact: Diesel is going to play WoW.
Fact: If you play, you should come and join me.

Fcknfgt Detheroc Horde. ^_^
Fact: The King has never played WoW.
Fact: The King thinks The King's computer wouldn't handle it.
Fact: The King says have fun Diesel. ^^"
Fact: We are opposed to use of titular noun rather than titular pronoun, a royal represents the will of subjects, not that of an individual. We are declaring will be plundered..and raped..and most likely some combination of the two involving lots of lubricant and fists..
Fact: The King says: The King won't stand for it. The King would prefer if The King did the raping, but bring the Lubricant anyway.

Fact: The King is still hungry.​
Fact: We have seen your picture..we have more minions than you do, and sources that you do not. We will can just take it and hope we spare you, or be decimated and end up with a colostomy bag and a wired jaw for the rest of your existance.
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