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Random Fact About You.

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Broomhandle45 said:
I guess that's a bit of a moot point for me then, I've went to bed at two and woken up at nine, energetic as hell. :lol:

Seven hours is a decent amount of sleep for some people, but for some reason I'll feel exhausted for the majority of the day if I don't get at least eight hours. D: Even if it's an hour shy, I'll end up being too tired to want to do anything, or will fall asleep.
I'm that way lately, mostly because I think I wake up too late. I'll wake up at ten, pass out and wake up in another hour. Rather bleh.
Hehe. Thank-you.


That still really, really hurt.
My klutziness seems to be in over-drive today.
Anjeru said:
Fact: Smashing fingers in between a chair and desk hurts...>_<

*Kisses fingers gently*
I am going to have to use bubble wrap.


Writing away another erotic poem, this one slower, more intimate.

Yep, Notte is determined to protect me.
Bubble-wrap it is!

And Kaz can provide band-aids just in case.

Fact: -waits excitedly for Notte's poem-
*slides a conviently placed black bar over Kaios' dangly bits* There, safe for everyone.
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