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Random Fact About You.

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If you fill a glass bottle to the top with water and cap it when you freeze it it explodes.
If you take anything with sugar in it thats large enough and put it to freeze the water freezes first from the outside in forcing the sugar inwards thus if its half frozen if you crack it open and drink the unfrozen part it tastes sweeter... when you melt the rest it tastes diluted....
Names shall not be stated.
But the poem can be found here:

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*arrives at work*


Is it time to go home yet?

Oh yeah... should include a fact... ummm...

Fact: I'm generally not ticklish, save one particular spot, and because it's not a spot that normally gets used as a ticklish spot, I jump every time I get touched there.
*Claps hands happily*
Great to know that its that good.
Maybe.. I should post the other one... Mmhmmm...
They are both about the same man after all.

And, Cheri, there is no need to be embarrassed.
Angel said:
-Points accusingly.-
I don't know you.
So... "Hi Kazi!"
*points back*


I prefer Kaz if you're going to shorten my name. ^^

And hello!
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Just changed the name of the topic - since it was another erotic poem and about the same man.
Thought they should go together.
Second post.
Have fun.
Kaziel said:
Angel said:
-Points accusingly.-
I don't know you.
So... "Hi Kazi!"
*points back*


I prefer Kaz if you're going to shorten my name. ^^

And hello!
-Giggle snort-
Boot to the head.

Daw! But "Kazi" is so much cuter!
But alright.
I will respect your wishes "Kaz."
*finds Angel's ego and deflates it*

Only room for one big egoed person and since Trygon isn't on at the moment, it can be only me. :p
I'm not so sure about that, Kaz.
I have a pretty damn big ego too.

And thank you, good to know that my poetry works to bring excitement.
Fantasies, just have to love them.
Only one person can defeat my ego.
That's my ex.
And it's only cause he owns in videogames period.
I learned from him.
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