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Show Yourselves!

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lol i guess we could all use the tough bunny love, i do love myself btw i love the way i look i wouldn't change a whole lot tho, its just my eyes are dull looking to me, you can't think other wise if you want to.
I'm sorry if I come off harsh. But, I find belittling one's self annoying, and very unproductive; no matter what. Nor will I argue with the person about those specific features being pleasing as it's a loss cause and often goes in one ear and out the other. I do not encourage such spoken words, and so I come off harsh especially to the ladies who have something to complain about with their features. It's just not something I tolerate.

Confidence is attractive.
I would like to take a moment to comment on the fact that I don't really think I'm all that terrible looking. Yeah, it's over modesty but it's how I deal with it. I consider myself average, or simply decent looking. Really the only think I don't like are my hair/eye color (which isn't too bad, really, just would prefer a less plain look), and my partially unfit body. But at least I'm working on the latter ^.^ Or, trying to if the weather will get nicer so I can do more outside. But I digress
Wow, this is getting out of hand. You don't have to prove your modest by telling me what you don't like. I was hoping for a reverse effect of hearing what someone does like about themself.
Confidence is attractive, but self praisal is not.

I know thats not what you mean, but I think that if anyone says they like too much about themself, it comes of as being conceded. Or atleast it would feel like that.
Actually, Bunny, I was just trying to ease your fears of the apparent lack of self confidence you were observing. Sorry, I misinterpreted what you said.
What do I like about myself? Well I'd say my hair but I don't know if that counts considering it's not a natural feature (ie how it looks due to product lol). As for natural, I suppose I have a nice facial structure. Also, at times I've noticed my gaze get's a little, hm, intense I suppose you could say; I do like that. The other thing I would have to add is my year round tan, one good thing my heritage gave me lol

Anyways, I hope that was more what you were looking for. Wasn't tryin to exasperate you with my reply earlier, just tryin to help any way I can ^.^
"The beautiful people, the beautiful people~"

Yay, Marilyn Manson quotes.

Anyways, pretty people and yes, Bun Bun. You are amazing. But I am The Amazing.​
I thought I'd just remind people.

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