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yes, i own a pink shirt.....and i look good in it lol
Here's one of me. :-D


My cam isn't the best... as you can see... 'tis my phone cam, which is my only cam.....unfortunately... :3

and another...

_Z3r0_ said:
Here's one of me. :-D


My cam isn't the best... as you can see... 'tis my phone cam, which is my only cam.....unfortunately... :3

and another...


You are gorgeous!
:-D Thank you. I wish I could say the same to you, but I haven't seen your pic(s) if you've posted them on here.

Well I did see your socks. :mrgreen: Very cute.
Dream said:

      • Oh my gosh, Ruby, you're so adorable.
        D: I swear, if I were a guy, I'd be
        all over you.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

      • Haha... thats not me silly! Its Z3ro!

        And did you promise pictures??

      • I know it's not you,
        I'm saying how pretty you are.

        : D

        OMG ZERO. >>;
        I totally missed those.
        You're cute too.
        OMG. D:

        STOP IT.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Mmmmm. Very handsome! Isayudoinitrite. -giggles- :mrgreen:

And thanks dream... I haven't seen your pictures to compliment you though... :-(

      • xD I'll be posting some on Tuesday after my roadtrip.

        : D I got my hair done so I'll be all photogenic. [/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Dream said:

      • xD I'll be posting some on Tuesday after my roadtrip.

        : D I got my hair done so I'll be all photogenic. [/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

      • Oh yay! I cant wait to see your hair.

      • xD Well, I'm black, so it's naturally
        thick and all like, *POOF*

        But I got it professionally permed
        and straightened and now it's all
        smooth and silky.

        xD I can't stop touching it.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
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