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*blushing* Hmmm, now your room, that could be fun

want to see the long hair? Then I suppose I could look for one, that isn't to old.
Like some of My books I own. Still be an interesting trip. Don't have to worry about anything at all, care free days.*chuckling* I just hope I get dusted here and there.
well, due to Me not being able to decide, I will post both. new within the past couple of months, still can't fully see how long My hair is though*chuckling* a bit hard when it goes past your waist though

Trygon said:
I just cut my hair from that length. Quick showers were too appealing.
All that beautiful hair...

But still, I'll admit, Try does look good with the length he has it now.
Although, I have explained to him why.

...I don't think he was very pleased with my reasoning.
Longest hair Ive ever seen was 6 feet long on a five foot tall girl, her bf used to help her wash it....she cut it and put the five foot long braid in a bag and gave it to him to punctuate their break up....I almost peed myself laughing,
You think theres ever been someone who made thier long hair into a noose and hung themself?
Dang, that's kinda sad.

Idk... it'd have to be really strong hair, or braided very well,... or the person had to be pretty light... or all three.
Since my picture is around the first few pages, and now at least 3 months old I'll post another. >___<

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