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Ah, I see. ^.^ Thank you for clarifying that for me. I knew most of those ideas and concepts, I just didn't realized there was a specific term for them. I suppose that I always considered these terms to be self-explanatory when starting such a relationship, but I guess I'm implying too much there then. ^^;
Everybody with a BDSM curiosity needs to learn the basics sometime; glad you're doing the community a good turn by spreading the word, Nottie. I basically had to read a whole hell of a lot and filter through the nonsense and idiocy and simply wrong thinking before I found approaches that worked for me. So for the learners, your advice ought to be welcomed.

Side question: do you ever get annoyed when people seem to think there's only one way to rule or serve? Like, everyone ought to know your little individual command words, and the "proper" way to kneel or whatever? It's just unrealistic, I think, and it makes me angry at idiot Tops who behave like that. I mean, get 50 Doms/Dommes in a room, you'll have 51 or 52 different "traditional" methods, right there...

Which, I just realized, is going way afield for a photo thread, but on the other hand, I'm not going to delete it. :p
I just realized how much I hate my smile....
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