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SAINTS (1x1 w/DarkMukip)

Megohime clenched her jaw as he adjusted the poker in the hot flames, a nervous look flickering across her face briefly.
"Just because you're with Date, doesn't mean you're untouchable, obviously. No one is scared of you. You're a mediocre investigator at best, from a dead family that no one remembers." He said, checking the iron periodically to make sure it was white hot.
She fought the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes, clenching her fists tight. “If I’m so insignificant, then why bother?”
Megohime scrambled back in her cage, eyes wide as she watched the glowing end of the poker closely.
Tears fell down her face as she glared back at him. “Fuck you..! You don’t get to ask that when I’m the one locked in a cage.” She said through clenched teeth.
"This is how dogs are broken in. Caged up and forced to obey. I've seen it many times. You're no different than a stray picked up to be used for fights." He told her as he moved into the cage, "Hold still. This will hurt."
She froze out of fear, her limbs heavy and her skin painfully cold. She watched the hot iron grow closer, holding desperately to the idea that Masamune would be there any minute.
Even as he dragged the poker down her back and over the wounds from the wool comb, she expected Masamune to burst in. He would be caked in blood and angry and he would kill Akima for her. Free her. So then...where was he...? Why wasn't he here...?
She gripped the cage bars tightly, screaming in agony as the hot poker burned effortlessly through the new gauze, searing the flesh of her back. She refused to believe Masamune wasn’t coming- he would never leave her like that.
Megohime slumped forward in the cage, body trembling as she did her best to block out the pain, the smell of burnt flesh starting to reach her nose.
She closed her eyes tightly, keeping her grip on the bars in front of her, saying nothing in response to his callous remarks. All she had to do was endure what he had for her, stay alive until Masamune got there, and he would handle the rest.
Megohime’s back was a mess, angry red blisters already forming over the shallow cuts that ran down her back. She was in so much pain she didn’t dare move, holding so tight to the bars her knuckles turned white and her fingers slowly grew numb.
"You should take it easy. I'll send for a real medic this time, and not those blundering idiots." He told her, throwing the poker back into the fire.
She had to bite back a bark of laughter, grinding her teeth together. It wasn’t like he was actually worried about her, he just wanted to prolong her suffering as much as he could.
She let him treat her, only letting out noises of pain when he was treating her. She glanced at the doctor, trying to figure out if she could convince him to help her or not.
“Please help me..” Megohime pleaded quietly, looking back at him the best she could. “Please, they’re going to kill me..!”
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