Aurora sighed as she shook her head. "Your guess would be just as good as mine, I'm afraid, Clair. We're talking getting together with two princesses, who although friends, don't see eye to eye; a warrior duchess; a Scot, who plays nice right now only because of the main king of England, as well as respect for Gregor; a doctor," She indicated herself, "and a, ahem, in her own words, a pastry baroness." She nodded to Cinnamon, who gave a nod back. "We'd all have to be on the same page. I suggest we divide and conquer... Meaning, we each talk to the other three."
Cinnamon cleared her throat. "I'll take our hostess. I might have just irked her, but we do have a rapport. I'll leave Her Highness Calla to one of you, and Princess Ruby to the other. And Doc, you miscounted. The warrior duchess, Grovershire, didn't bow out. Hate to tell a physician this, but check your math. There's only six sitting."