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The Killers - Killing as a service (Mainman x Mappy)

An old cop spotted 2 teenagers on bicycles and drove up to them. "There is a curfew! You are not supposed to be out... Where do you live?" The old cop said and got out of the car with a short bald cop. The 2 teenagers looked at the cops and stood there. "Look, we are just going to bring you home, we can take your bicycles along..."

"Why don't you mind your own business?" A teenager said. "A lot of cops are getting hurt tonight..."

"Look you are already in violation of a curfew," The old cop said and approached. "Don't make it worse..."

The boy punched the old cop in the gut and pulled him close while the girl circled the other cop.

"What the ..." The bald cop reached for his baton and the girl leaped on him and wrapped her thighs around his neck and squeezed.

"Fucking useless..." The boy said and choked the old cop out. "Man, these guys are heavy..."


"4 more cops..." The cop killer said as he saw flashlights approaching as he held down an old sergeant and thrust hard into him.

"Put your hands in the air!" A fat cop shouted and pointed his gun at the cop killer.

"Don't worry, I'll get to you soon..." The cop killer said and the ninjas placed daggers at the cops' throats and disarmed them.


A motorcycle cop entered the alley after looking around the 10 cops cars outside. He took out his flashlight and scanned around. "Something is not right..."

He saw the cop killer thrusting into a lieutenant who was pushed on the wall and the cop killer was fucking him hard. "You don't need more cops..." The cop killer said and a lady placed her arms around the motorcycle cop. "Get your friends in and we won't kill them..."

2 motorcycle cops entered the alley and they were grabbed and disarmed. The ninjas cuffed them and from behind the ninjas, 2 men entered and grabbed the ninjas and rammed fists into their vitals.

"Finally!" The cop killer said and smashed the lieutenant's head on the wall and approached. "At least they fight like real men!"

One of the man managed to snap the neck of the ninja and moved over to the cop killer. The cop killer does not look muscular or well built but he seemed to be pretty good at unarmed combat.

The motorcycle cops ran out and called for backup and saw a fat man approaching. "Hey sir, there is a curfew, can I see your ID?"

The fat man looked at the cops and chopped a the neck of a cop and he collapsed. The other cop was shocked at the speed of the fat man and the fat man pulled his belt and hugged him. His ribs were crushed and the fat man proceeded into the alley.

The man was surprised when the cop killer got serious. The cop killer became faster and crushed his throat with a punch and quickly too the man out with a punch to the face. The cop killer then grabbed the other man grappling with the female ninja and snapped his neck with ease.

A fat man entered and the ninja stabbed him in the neck but the fat man grabbed the ninja and tossed her into the wall. The knife stabbed him but he seemed to be so fat that it did not bleed.

"Overweight 'Murican..." The cop killer said. "So this fat fuck weights 800 lbs?"

The fat man grabbed the cop killer and hugged him. He was surprisingly fast for his size and the cop killer struggled as the fat man envelops him. The female ninja was dazed and saw the cop killer flailing as the fat man was inhumanly strong as well. She tried to club the fat man's head but the fat man ignored her and continued to crush the cop killer with the hug.

The elite ninja rushed in with a sword and stabbed the fat man with a sword. The fat man felt sharp pain in his back and kicked the sword deep into his body, piercing his heart.

The cop killer gasped and crawled out of the fat man's grasp. "Fuck, I'm never going to do that again... I'm done for the night."
6 armored cops searched the police station and 2 ninjas landed among them and stabbed 2 of them in the throat. The other 4 were punched in the back and the female ninjas grabbed their helmets and choked them. The ninjas changed into police uniforms and exited the police station. They walked into a police truck and poked 4 cops with poisoned darts and a lady grabbed a police sergeant while the other one grabbed the commander. The 4 cops collapsed and the lady choked the sergeant and told the commander. "If you don't want the sergeant to die, get the cops outside to follow me into the police station..."

The commander informed the uniformed officers outside to take orders from the ninja in police uniform and the sergeant was choked out and the commander was taken hostage. The elite ninja exited and told 4 cops to follow her into the police station. The cops followed her into the police station and she isolated 2 in the corridor and followed 2 into the toilet and she swiftly choked the 2 in the toilet and moved to the other 2 outside. She chopped one in the neck and hugged the other one and kissed him. She pulled down his pants and fucked the cop hard and squeezed him. The cop flailed as he could not breathe and eventually was crushed and went limp.

4 by 4, the cops entered the police station and did not come out. After taking out most of the cops, the 2 ninjas choked a few old cops and dragged them into the police truck and took the commander hostage and drove off.


Dave met the cops who went to hospital. He recognized the ninja they were talking about and was pretty sure he was also a victim before. The ninjas survived and escaped, assassins killed. Several cops were collateral. The police have a better idea on how she looks like and there is a manhunt out for her, and Dave predicted that she will try to rescue the cop killer as well.
"That fat guy was also an assassin?" The cop killer muttered and as he exited the alley, a few cops spotted him and rushed over and the cop killer put his hands up and stepped back into the alley.

"Don't move!" a short cop with white mustache shouted and approached.

"Hey, we are tired, just step aside..." The elite ninja said and the short cop turned around to see the other officers on the ground and the cop killer walked over and slapped away his gun. "I'm done for the day." The cop killer said and smiled at the cop as the cop stood there, frozen in fear. "But you..." The cop killer grabbed the short cop's crotch. "You can join me anytime..."

The short cop did not do anything and watch the cop killer get into a car and drive away.


The cops from other cities arrived but they were too late. The assassins were killed and the cop killer escaped again.

The FBI managed to build a list of all the ninjas and cops were dispatched to arrest all of them as the warrants were out. It was bloody and did not amount to any arrest as 7 ninjas were killed when the police went to arrest them.

The cop killer was with the elite ninja and they went to a safehouse to meet 2 other female ninjas, but the FBI had the address and 8 cops were sent to arrest the ninja. The cop killer looked outside and shook his head, "how did they find this?" The cop killer was still injured from the fight with the fat assassin and was in no condition to fight, and the elite ninja nodded at him and gave her assurance.

The 3 ninjas exited the rear and waited in ambush as 2 cops moved to secure the rear. The 2 cops were grabbed in sleeperholds and dragged into the house. The elite ninja circled around the 6 remaining cops and as she saw a motorcycle alone, she moved up behind him and gripped the side of his neck and the cop went limp. She moved behind a fat cop and snapped his neck and slit the throats of 2 cops beside him. Punching the 2 remaining cops with glasses in the gut, she grabbed their heads under her armpits and choked them.

"Don't kill them, we will bring them along..." The cop killer said and the cops were escorted to the police car and the group drove off.

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Dave went to serve a warrant at a house where a ninja was spotted and went to the rear of the house and made sure no one came out. The cops in the front had a warrant and no one opened he door so they breached the door and searched.

2 cops went into the bedroom and as a bald cop looked into the walk-in closet, the ninja from the ceiling dropped behind the other cop and snapped his neck. The bald cop was grabbed and the ninja crushed his throat and held his twitching body down and waited for the trashing to stop. 2 more cops entered and the ninja stabbed a cop in the spine and impaled his voice box and grabbed the other cop and stabbed him in the heart repeatedly.

"Where is everyone?" A sergeant muttered and saw a cop approaching a fat cop and the fat cop was stabbed in the throat. The sergeant drew his gun and the ninja stabbed him in the kidney and he fired a round before the ninja punctured his lungs and slit his throat.

Dave heard the gunshot and charged through the rear door and the ninja leaped over him, tackled his partner and snapped his partner's neck. Dave fired at the ninja and missed and a round cop entered the room and was grabbed as a hostage. Dave simply tazed the ninja and the cop and saw the ninja had already stabbed the cop in the back, piercing the heart. Dave aimed and shot the ninja in the head and quickly tried to stop the bleeding to try to save the injured cops.


The ninjas at the other locations were also cornered by the cops. The ninjas were deadly and they did put up a fight but in the end, but the large amount of policemen managed to take them down.
"They are really hunting us down..." The cop killer said as he listened to the police radio and decided to take action. He drove to the police station and saw 2 cops approaching the rear door and entered with them. The cop killer covered the mouth of a cop and stabbed him in the heart and as the other cop turned around the cop killer stepped forward and stabbed him with the dagger through the gap in his armor into his heart. Both cops were dragged into a closet and the cop killer moved from room to room.

"Let me have some fun while you guys kill my friends..." The cop killer said and licked his dagger.

The cop killer grabbed an old cop at evidence storage and forced him to unlock the computer. The cop killer cuffed the old cop and jerked him off while looking through the list of evidence and items the police confiscated. "You shall live..." The cop killer muttered as the old cop ejaculated and trembled in fear and the cop killer gripped the side of his neck and the old cop went limp.

"I see some bombs here, let me see if I can do something fun..." The cop killer said.


A few cops searched the police station. "Something is going on, where is the desk sergeant?" The cop killer circled the cops, grabbed the rear cop as he reached for his mic and snapped his neck. The cop beside him turned around and the cop killer drove a dagger through his spine into his throat. "I don't need the ninjas to finish you off..." The cop killer punched the backs of 2 cops and placed their heads under his armpits and snapped their necks. The cop killer covered the mouth of the round motorcycle cop and placed a dagger at his throat. The cop was disarmed and the cop killer sniffed his collar and licked his face. Then started to remove his belt and squeezed his crotch. "Fucking boots turn me on..."

"Smells like sweat and polyester..." The cop killer said as he jerked off the trembling cop with one hand and placed the dagger on his throat. Then the round cop was turned around and the cop killer thrusted into the cop and rammed a few fists into his vitals. The cop was in intense pain and was fucked hard until the cop killer cums.

The cop killer entered the camera room and rubbed the heads of the 2 limp cops on the desk and saw another group of cops entering the stairwell to the second floor. The cop killer placed a silencer on the guns he got from evidence and loaded the guns and moved towards them. The cop killer slit the throats of 2 cops beside the stairwell door and moved towards a fat cop. He counted 4 cops entering 2 rooms and put a bullet into the fat cop's head. Entering a room behind a tall cop, the cop killer placed the gun on his head and pffft.... pffft... 2 cops down.

A pudgy cop exited to the main corridor and saw the fat cop on the ground and a silenced gun was placed on his temple. pffft...

The cop killer pointed the gun at the remaining plump cop's head and the plump cop dropped his gun and put his hands up. "Nice piggy..." The cop killer said and pulled his belt close and hugged the cop. "I think I''m gonna fuck this one..." The plump cop begged and was fucked by the cop killer and the cop killer shoved a baton up his ass and left him screaming. Keeping a few webcams in the room, the cop killer dragged a few old cops out of the police station and approached 2 cops by a police car. The cop killer shot a cop in the head and dragged the other cop into the car and forced him to drive off.

Watching the webcam on his phone, various SWAT officers entered the building and searched. There seemed to be 2 men in suits at the main entrance and they found the dead cops in a closet. "Some agents or assassins..." The cop killer said and detonated the bombs.

The cop was forced to drive under a bridge and was dragged to a bush and the cop killer overpowered him and fucked him hard. Then shoved his erected dick into the cop's mouth, grabbed his white hair and choked the cop. The cop flailed and pawed helplessly and the cop killer ejaculated again and shoved his dick deeper into the cop's throat until the cop stopped moving.
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"Sorry piggies... I need this kill." A man said and snapped the necks of the cops one by one and moved towards other cops to ambush them.

"Where's backup!" An old cop said as he walked to a police van and looked inside. All the cops inside was limp. Then a man punched his gut and placed his head under his armpit and choked the cop silently.

The man choked a cop and looped a wire around a motorcycle cop next to him and choked him as well. He moved towards 3 fat cop and stabbed 2 in the spine and covered the remaining cop's mouth and rammed fists into his back. The cop trashed briefly and the man snapped his neck.


The man now in police uniform moved among the cops and clubbed them. Dave was preventing a sergeant from bleeding out and the man moved behind him and clubbed him in the back of his head. Dave could see the man in police uniform quickly take out the cops nearby before getting smashed in the head and everything went black.


Dave ended up in the hospital again and a ninja was arrested while more than a dozen were dead. A sanctioned assassin took the kills including the one that Dave shot. "This is weird..." Dave muttered and finished up his report and inform the sergeant about the cop killer and escaped ninjas may come to rescue their friends.
"Great, assassins arrested..." The cop killer muttered and packed up his gear and put on disguise and met up with the elite ninja. "These guys may have the new serum."

There were many calls around the city, gunshots heard in alleys, domestic violence, assault and battery, theft... and the police were all over the place again. A motorcycle cop spotted an empty police car outside an alley and called for backup while he looked around. The ninja walked towards the motorcycle cop and placed a blade at his throat and walked him into the alley and he was grabbed by the cop killer and fucked.

Another motorcycle cop arrived and heard moans and rushed over. He saw the cop killer fucking the motorcycle cop and reached for his gun but the ninja already pulled it out and shoved it to his neck. "Don't worry, I can fuck you too..." The cop killer said and finished off and clubbed the first cop and walked over. He seemed stronger than the motorcycle cop and held him down as he pulled down his breeches and fucked him from behind.

"I would think one of you would arrest me and fuck me in return..." The cop killer said. "But here, I'm still waiting."

The cop killer ambushed another 4 cops, knocked them out and got a set of fitting uniform before going to their police station and went to the evidence locker and forced the cop in charge to help him look for the belongings of the assassins. He found 2 vials which might be combat drugs and choked the cop out and left before anyone noticed.
"So these bitches killed a dozen cops each..." A plump cop muttered, "then why would they save them?"

A few other cops entered the room and took off their pants and approached the plump cop. "They fucked us before and left us in the hospital, now is payback..."

"Wait, I can't let you do that..." The plump cop said.

"Look, they did this to all the officers in the next few rooms. We have 36 officers in the hospital and a handful dead," The large cop said. "Fuck these bitches!"

As the plump cop tried to stop the large cop from fucking the limp lady on the bed, he was grabbed and choked.


A fat cop was fucking an athletic lady and she was cuffed to the bed, he fucked her hard and suddenly heard, "Piggy feels real nice..." Then she wrapped her thighs around his waist and squeezed.

The other ladies squeezed their cops hard and broke their ribs. One of the ladies dislocated her thumb and got out of the cuffs. She tossed the cop aside and looked at the other ladies. "Fucking bitches trying to kill me..." But she saw the shadows of cops outside the room and decided to unlock the ladies and said, "We are going to get out, fucking kill all of them, truce till we get out."

The other ladies nodded.

The cops outside the ward were grabbed and dragged into the room.

The large lady snapped the muscle cop and dragged him inside. 2 ladies choked the 2 fat cops while the ninja managed to punched the throat of her round cop and started to squeeze his groin and the round cop could not scream. The ladies pleasured the round cop and as he ejaculated, they ripped off his dick and snapped his neck.

The ladies armed themselves and exited the ward, and spotted a bald cop entering the toilet. The large lady covered his mouth and snapped his neck. The other ladies heard a flush sound and saw a sergeant exiting the cubicle and the ninja covered his mouth and punched his lower back. "Hello sarge... This piggy smells good..."

The ladies jerked him off and asked him about the number of guards in the secured wards. Once the information was obtained, the choked him out.

The ladies started clearing the wards one by one. An old cop outside a ward was dozing off a a set of breasts stood in front of him and his face was pressed on the breasts and he could not breath. The large lady entered the room and rushed towards a pudgy cop and grabbed his head... SNAP. The ladies dragged the bodies into the ward and sniffed at the patients. "Cop..." The large lady said after sniffing the patient and snapped his neck.

The ladies went to the next room and cleared the rooms.

The ladies saw 2 nurses and approached the nurse station and with quick chops to the necks, the nurses were knocked out and the ladies stripped and changed into uniforms and moved to the other wards. The assassins in nurse uniforms were able to get close to the cops at the end of the corridor and slit their throats. The other ladies entered the room and the old cop inside was hugged and kissed. Dave woke up and saw the large lady grabbing a patient and snapping his neck and quickly pressed the button to get the orderlies. The nurses entered and as one of them sniffed Dave, an alarm sounded and 4 cops entered the ward. The large lady covered the mouths of 2 cops and snapped their necks and the other 2 were disarmed and hugged.

The 2 ladies in nurse uniforms directed the cops into the rooms to get ambushed. Dave saw 2 motorcycle cops entering and the large lady snapped the rear cop's neck and choked the other one. The cops were no match for these professionals and soon the bodies were piling up. The large lady remained in the room and she was inhumanly strong as she grabbed an armored cop and snapped his neck. Another armored cop rushed into the room and she pulled his rifle and wrapped her arms around his neck and choked him.

Dave got out of the bed and reached for a cop's pistol and heard a snap sound and the lady had snapped the armored cop's neck. 2 State troopers entered the room and she punched their gut and grabbed their heads under her armpits. Dave aimed and fired, hitting the lady in the head and she collapsed. The 2 troopers were shocked and were gasping for air and 2 more cops entered and a nurse behind them slit their throats and went over to the choking troopers and stabbed them in the face. As she was checking for survivors, Dave fired and shot her in the head.

A few more cops rushed into the room and another nurse was behind them. "Be careful!"

The nurse cut the arteries of the cops and danced gracefully among them, stabbing them in the vitals and she circled and moved towards Dave who fired and missed her and his gun was disarmed and she connected a kick to his face and Dave collapsed. "Did this round old thing at the back kill the assassins?" The nurse muttered and did not think much and waited in ambush as more cops entered the room.

The nurse ran out, cutting the arteries of the cops as she passed them and saw the other lady strangling the old cop at the gate. The nurse nodded at the lady and took a wheelchair, the lady sat under with an assault rifle and blankets covering them and the nurse wheeled her out.


Dave woke up as more cops arrived. "The nurse and another lady took me out..." Dave said. "They probably did not get far, but they are really dangerous."


Many road blocks were set up and patrols searched the streets. 2 motorcycle cops spotted a car stopping and the passengers ran into an alley. The cops called for backup and searched the alley. "Be careful, they may be the cop killers..." A fat cop said and as he turned on his flashlight, he was disarmed and slammed on the wall. The lady followed with a kick to the head and the fat cop slumped to the ground. The other cop was grabbed and the lady sniffed his collar. "Piggy smells real good..." She said and squeezed his groin and removed his helmet and rubbed his balding head and pulled down his breeches. "Lets jack one off..."


Dave arrived at the alley. More than 10 cops were cuffed with their pants down. "They got away..." An old cop said. "She was very good with her mouth... and I really thought I was going to die, and she just gave me a blow job and went and took out the others as well. "

Dave sighed, it was like that the first time he met these killers. They are pretty and they became intimate enough, and made him not want to respond anymore, but they kill other cops and needed to be stopped.
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The cop killer called the elite ninja and passed her the 2 vials of combat drugs. "I need you to use this on 4 men in the hospital..."


The ninja in nurse uniform gave the prisoners who looked badly injured a dose each of the combat drug and left. "That's the easiest $200,000 ever...." She muttered.

The prisoners, 2 male and 2 female were all martial artists who participated in an underground fight and killed many people. The police and national guards came to arrest them and all the officers were murdered. With the bodycam videos, one by one the martial artists were cornered and while some escaped, the ones arrested were injured in the final tournament and did not want to put up a fight.

The cop killer just wanted more chaos and to test this new drug that helps the body repair damage and make the recipient very strong, fast and violent. The cop killer did not want to risk not coming out of the frenzy, and since he knew where to get more, he would test this on the killers.


The prisoners were all hyperventilating and paramedics and nurses rushed into the ward and tried to save a muscular man and revive him with the AED machine and as he woke up, he grabbed the 2 paramedics and slammed their heads together. The other prisoners broke their cuffs and as 4 cops tried to hold down the prisoner, the others moved and the ladies grabbed the nurses and choked them. The 2 men punched the faces and chopped the necks of the cops and the cops went limp.

"Good, no alarms..." The lady said and stripped the nurse and put on her uniform.

The prisoners were inhumanly fast. They opened the door of the ward and moved among the cops outside and chopped their necks, breaking their spines. The sergeant was grabbed before he could sound the alarm and they grabbed him and used him as a hostage. As they were wearing police uniform, one of the men had his hand around the sergeant's neck and they walked out of the secured wards.

One of the men grabbed the old cop at the gate and snapped his neck easily. "I'm fucking strong..." The man muttered and the sergeant screamed. "Help! Prison break!" The nurse grabbed his throat and crushed his Adam's apple.

The escaped prisoners began their massacre and the cop killer was excited as he heard screams and gunshots. "Fuck, I want something to fuck..." The cop killer said and approached a police car and grabbed a plump cop and placed a blade to his throat and dragged him into the alley across the road from the hospital. The old cop trembled in fear as he was disarmed and his pants pulled down. The cop killer fucked the old cop hard as the massacre continues and the escaped prisoners rushed out and attached the cops outside. They seemed to be inhumanly fast and they reached the cops outside and the cops were destroyed within minutes.

"See, I just saved your life..." The cop killer said and cuffed the old cop and approached the escaped prisoners. "Don't waste the drug, come..." The cop killer said and entered and ambulance and somehow the escaped prisoners trust him and they drove to a police station.

Outside the police station, the ladies hugged 2 cops with white hair and kissed them. The cops were squeezed and the men in police uniform walked into the police station. The cop killer watched the men grabbed the desk sergeant and smashed his head on the desk and leaped over and approached the other cops. They were quick and deadly and with jabs to the vitals, each blow was meant to kill.

A lady leaped on a motorcycle cop and wrapped her thighs around a cop's neck and grabbed the other cop's helmet and easily snapped the cops' necks. The other lady grabbed the remaining short motorcycle cop and shoved him to the wall and rammed a few fists into his body and with a quick elbow to his neck... SNAP.


"They seemed to have some self control, and they are really fast and strong," The cop killer said. "Looks like the real deal."
It was no time to rest. The prisoners, cop killers and ninjas were still at large targeting cops and Dave joined the searched in full body armor and many officers pulled multiple shifts and some were still missing.

Dave rushed to an alarm and 4 police cars were there but the officers were missing. "This is it!" Dave muttered and 3 more cops arrived and they quickly moved and searched the alley. Dave took out his tazer and looked around. He heard muffled moans and the cops behind him are missing. "Shit." Dave shouted. "Backup! Officer down. 335 Main Street back alley..." Dave scanned around with his flashlight and saw boots kicking. He rushed over and was tackled to the ground. Dave quickly tazed the hand of the attacker, mounted him and cuffed him. A lady choking a fat motorcycle cop saw Dave and elbowed the motorcycle cop and smiled. "A nice old piggy... wanna fuck?"

Dave aimed his tazer and got ready for her attack. She moved with inhuman speeds and reached Dave and Dave waited and shot the tazer and managed to shock her as she rammed a fist into his gut. But another prisoner circled Dave and grabbed him. Dave was choked and he tapped and flailed and saw more police cars approaching and felt fists into his back and he could not feel his legs even though he had a thick armor on.

"Don't snap his neck, I want to play with this old one..." A lady said.


A sergeant spotted a cuffed man and Dave twitching on the ground and approached and Dave saw the prisoners circled around the SWAT unit. Dave saw that the attackers were already in police uniforms and they chopped the necks of the armored cops with so much force that they snapped the neck of the cops. They moved and elbowed the other cop's throats and grabbed the helmets... SNAP.

The sergeant's rifle was kicked away but he quickly drew his pistol but the lady simple shoved a dagger under his throat up into the helmet and the sergeant went limp and was dragged away. Dave could taste blood in his mouth, he was in pain and he gasped for air and saw 4 more cops entering and searching, walking into the ambush.

Dave saw 2 of the men put on police armor and and the cops entering did not stand a chance. Within seconds, they were dragged beside Dave and a lady pulled down the pants of a plump cop with thick glasses and started fucking him. Dave saw the other lady waiting in ambush and lands swift blows into 2 more cops and dragged them near Dave and smashed the fat cop with thick mustache's head into the ground and started kissing the balding cop with wispy white hair.

Dave tried to move and reach for a gun on the ground and was still in a lot of pain. He saw the ladies fuck the cops and when they were satisfied, they shoved a baton up the cops' ass and let them scream in pain. Dave felt relieved that they did not do it to him.


The men in police armor directed a few cops at a time into the alley to be ambushed. They walked to a sergeant an an old cop and lured them to the back of a police car, away from other cops and opened the trunk. The cops were grabbed and choked silently and shoved into the trunk. They walked to a police van with an old driver and covered his mouth and dragged him to the back of the van and knocked him out with a few fists.

They moved among the cops outside, directing some into an ambush and swifting taking out the remainder and dragging their bodies into the police van. More motorcycle cops arrived, 2 were sent into the alley and the armored cops walked the other 2 to the back of the police van. One of the cop's necks was snapped and the other cop was punched and dragged into the van and the man in police armor overpowered him and started pulling down his breeches and fucked him.

2 State trooper arrived and they saw 2 beautiful ladies approaching them and a lot of police cars but the officers were all missing. The ladies reached them, placed daggers at their throats and escorted them to the back of the police van beside a pile of limp cops and started fucking them.

The men in police armor waited and 4 more police cars arrived and suddenly on the radio, the cops heard. "The killers are in SWAT armor! Be careful!"

The state troopers were confused but the men in police armor rushed over and punched them. The man punched a trooper in the gut and kneed his face, breaking his teeth and then snapping his neck. The other man in police armor punched the guts of 2 fat troopers, grabbed their heads and choked them. The other troopers drew their guns and shot at the armored men but the men were inhumanly fast and they reached the troopers and punched their soft guts and disarmed them. The troopers were then choked and did not offer any resistance.

Dave was dragged out of the alley and he saw a pile of limp cops and he was tossed into the back of the police van with many other unconscious cops, as the ladies walked away, Dave took out his phone and messaged the desk sergeant of his precinct about the situation and took some photos of the group. It was 2 ladies and 2 men. A SWAT truck arrived and as the driver and vehicle commander exited the truck, they were grabbed and kissed.

The men in police armor opened the rear door and tossed a few smoke grenades inside and waited. A minute later, they entered with daggers and there were screams and gurgles in the truck.

A police commander arrived and the ladies snapped the necks of the cops beside him and grabbed him. The armored cops covered in blood exited the truck and saw 2 motorcycle cops arriving and the cops pointed their pistols at the lady with the hostage commander and before they can radio for help, the armored cops reached them and slapped away their guns. The men in armor grabbed the motorcycle cops and was surprised as one of the cops stabbed him and he easily snapped the cops' necks.

No more police sirens were heard and the group picked up a handphone recording the massacre and left.
"Why not hunt down cops and have fun like before... Why do they need to use assassins to come for us?" The cop killer said. "I heard NYPD has a stash of combat drug, we can get it and hunt down all the licensed assassins."

The prisoners were all still a little high from the drug and wanted more blood, and agreed. The group split up into several vehicles and set a meeting point in Manhattan.


2 of the ladies who escaped decided to track down their friends. Using the police computer, they found that many of their friends were in a prison 80 miles away. "We need to go get them, but how do we do it without the combat drugs?"

The ladies went to meet their hacker friend and she connected them with some of the other crew who were not arrested. "We are going to get Gen and Amy out." One of the ladies said.

"They are in a pretty secured prison, and I think Amy is in an asylum..." The hacker said. "If it is just Gen, I can see what I can do..."

The hacker managed to trigger a transfer for Gen and told the group to get ready.


The 2 ladies entered a state police barracks and approached the desk sergeant. "Hey, old man..." One of the ladies whispered and leaped over the desk and grabbed him. "I need a favor..."

The other lady drew her dagger and moved silently into the police station and clubbed several cops in a room and slit the throats of the remainder cops. The ladies were swift and deadly and they got the sergeant in a police car and put on police jackets from the dead cops and went an set up a road block.

When the prison truck was driving by, they waved at the guards and as the driver opened the bus door, the ladies in police uniform entered the truck and shot the guards. They saw Gen and a few other prisoners and uncuffed them and escaped.

The 3 ladies drove to the asylum and approached the guard at the gate. One of the ladies moved behind the guard as the other ladies distracted him and she grabbed his head and snapped his neck. They unlocked the gates and entered the asylum and searched around. "Found the security room." The lady with the dagger entered and slit the throats of the guards. The ladies were quick and deadly and they hunted down all the guards and murdered every single one of them but the silent alarm was triggered. They went to unlock all the cell doors and searched for their friend.

Eventually, they found Amy but the police have arrived and the ladies decided to let the people in the asylum escape and opened the main doors. The cops were confused. There were many people from the asylum coming out and they did not know who to stop. The ladies moved among them and went to the cops by the police cars and started slitting the throats of the cops.

"So round..." A voice said behind a motorcycle cop and he was chopped in the neck and he went limp. The ladies were swift and deadly and they moved behind the cops trying to arrest some of the people from the asylum and started murdering everyone.

The police started shooting the mad people resisting arrest and the situation turned ugly and it was a massacre. The ladies used the chaos and shot at the cops and within minutes, it was over.
Dave woke up in a motel room and saw a large man fucking the police commander. The commander moaned as the man fucked him hard and when the man was done, the commander was choked out and tossed aside. Dave was grabbed by a lady and she pulled down his pants and gave him a hand job. Dave did not resist and saw another plump motorcycle cop getting fucked by another large man. Dave kept quiet and she rubbed out a load, wiped it off and started sucking on his dick and then fucked it vigorously, giving Dave the best climax he has got and she wrapped her thighs around his waist and squeezed and Dave struggled and could not breathe and went limp.


Dave woke up in an ambulance. The group fucked a dozen cops, from a variety of divisions including a detective. His body was sore and Dave was still a little traumatized. "These cop killers are high on drugs of some sort..." Dave said, "They also have not much memory and I've been fucked by them multiple times and they don't recognize me."

FBI requested Dave to participate in the anti-terrorist group as he survived multiple encounters with the killers. During the meeting, several SWAT teams from various police groups were ambushed and killed. The killers seemed to enjoy killing cops and they were well trained and well coordinated.


There was a call again and Dave joined the FBI as they flew to the location of the 4 killers. The killers were in a gun shop in a mall, and were purchasing ammo when someone ID them and called the police and all 4 responding officers along the mall security were killed, then they set up a trap and killed the SWAT team that entered the mall. The police chased them and they moved into a park nearby and 10 officers that entered the park were now missing.

Dave landed and joined the FBI squad and another group of cops were sent to hunt down the killers. "Be careful, they are professional, just 4 of them took down several police stations."

Dave saw 2 men grabbed the FBI agent and another man moved among the cops, chopped their necks and the cops collapsed. The man grabbed Dave's throat and lifted him off the ground. "Not just 4 of them, we are a squad now, and we can take out all of you..."

A few other men in police armor moved among the cops, covered their mouths and injected sedatives into them. The cops in the perimeter were all taken out easily by these professionals and all 50 cops were dragged into the police truck. Dave was cuffed with the FBI agent and they watch the group take out everyone.

"Agent Fenix... and the hero cop..." A lady said as she entered the command truck.

"Felicia... Widow Maker... I thought you were in Chile," The FBI agent said.

"Well, you know, we assassins need to stand together, and we are here for out gals," Felicia said.

Dave looks confused and she grabbed his groin and squeezed. "What the fuck was that for?"

"Wow, that felt like a good package," Felicia said. "I can see why they like fucking you."

"This is the Widow Maker," The agent said. "She is an assassin from Latin America and one of the top ones. She does not agree with the licensing and legalization of assassination and formed a group of assassins and murdered a bunch of lawmakers to try to push for a less restrictive platform."

"One of the ladies already played with me," Dave said. "Can I get a break?"

"Don't worry, we are not here for you," Felicia said. "Stop this nonsense, or we will start killing cops."

Gunshots were heard, followed by screams.

"I guess we tried not killing you guys?" Felicia said. "But I guess some of them decided to shoot at the piggies, probably not fatal."

"Hey Fenix, you know who we are, and you also probably how many of them are there... None of your FBI SWAT made it out of the truck," Felicia said. "Stop giving them false hope. The team is here, you know we can kill all of you and the next shift... But some of these prisoners are not assassins, so they are just plain cop killers."

The group left and Dave uncuffed himself and the FBI agent and looked around. She was right, all the cops were knocked out. Dave rushed over to the park and 2 SWAT teams walked into an ambush and a bomb went off and they were all executed and shot in the head. The other uniformed cops were choked out and some did not even had a chance to draw their guns.

Dave went with the FBI and they managed to get the videos off various sources and identified 10 assassins and 4 unknown assassins. These were also top killers, and Dave recognized one of them as a ninja. The assassins were all top class killers and the cops did not stand a chance. "I wouldn't want to fight that too."
"This is how you fuck shit up..." A lady said and sadistically broke the limbs of an army colonel. The other were all stabbing the remaining soldiers who were surprised. The ladies were great as a team and massacred the camp. The group took some weapons and some experimental armor and saw a road block ahead. "Let's see what this armor thing can do..."

A motorcycle cop was hugged and kissed and the lady rammed several fists into his gut and he struggled against the well trained opponent. He saw the other ladies circling among the other cops and they danced gracefully, cutting the arteries of the cops as they moved by. An old sergeant saw all the cops getting murdered and a lady with an exoskeleton grabbed his throat and lifted him off the ground. "Old piggy looks sooo nice." The lady said and she squeezed too tight and crushed his throat and the cop kicked and convulsed as his spine was broken.

"Wow, this thing is strong.." The ladies said and joined the cop killer.

"We have this armor thing, pretty strong and useful." The lady said. "We also have a full crew now."
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