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The Killers - Killing as a service (Mainman x Mappy)

Dave called for backup and informed the station that the assassin killed everyone and escaped. Tracking the police car, the police managed to track down the killer quickly and 2 motorcycle cops entered the alley to look for the police car. As the cop looked into the car, they saw the short cop limp in the driver's seat and the rear cop was grabbed. "Wow, you guys are fast..." He said and snapped the neck of the rear cop. The other cop reached for his gun and he was easily disarmed and the man broke his legs and dislocated his arms.

Another group of cops rushed into the alley as they heard the screams of the motorcycle cop and after the last cop entered the alley, the man moved silently behind him and inserted a dagger into his throat, severing his spine. The man stabbed 2 cops in the neck up into their brain and grabbed a fat cop and snapped his neck. He punched the backs of the 2 remaining cops with white hair and grabbed their heads in his armpits and choked them silently.

"Wow, these guys are really useless..." The man said and dragged the bodies aside as more police cars arrived.

Lured to the sound of the moaning cop, more policemen entered the alley. The man looped a wire and strangled the rear cop as he kicked silently in the air. The man was still in police uniform so he walked out to the other unsuspecting cops outside. He shoved his thumb into the throat of 2 cops and drew his daggers and started stabbing the other cops nearby. One of the cops shot a tazer into the man and he was stunned briefly and the other cops drew their guns and the man flicked his dagger into 2 of their necks and the cops returned fire, hitting the man with several shots. The man lunched and grabbed a short cop, stabbing his kidney and using him as a shield and approached the other cops and stabbed them one at a time.

"Stupid cops are not doing a good job..." The lady said and took out a sniper rifle and as the man shoved the short cop into the remaining sergeant, she fired a round and blew his head off. The cops were shocked and did not really respond and the lady got on her bike and rode away. "In the end, if you want things done right, you gotta do it yourself."
The infection was spreading. Assassins want to infect their fellow friends in the agency and the whole agency becomes filled with blood thirsty killers. With a few A class assassins infected, it did not take long before they turn the whole agency into killers.

The assassins were dark killers who enjoyed fucking with the cops. Bloom meets up with Eden and picks 2 cops to fuck everyday. A plump motorcycle cop arrived at a house and entered with his partner. They looked around for the other cops and Bloom covered the plump motorcycle cop's mouth and rammed a fist into his back. Eden grabbed the other motorcycle cop and walked him to the bedroom and forced him on the bed.

"We don't want to hurt you..." Eden said as he pulled down the cop's breeches and forced him on the bed. "I just want to warm up for the day..."

Bloom fucked her cop and knocked him out. "Yo, boy!" Bloom shouted. "I've killed the Wakos and my girls turned the Mayor. I know you turned your agency, and got the DA and the judges, who else should we target?"

"The agency tested out their powers by eliminating the triads and various gangs," Eden said. "I was thinking of turning, but some of the fuckers would not give up fighting and continued to shoot and stab at us even when we can easily kill them, so after a few rounds, we massacred them all."

"That was 108 dead," Bloom said. "That's a little too high profile for me. No wonder so many piggies are out today."
With the sudden spate of violence, with 4 of the high court judges assassinated and more than 100 policemen killed over a weekend, there was a call to end killing as a service, but just like torrents, the darkweb was hard to stop. Overnight, the assassins work became illegal, and for many of them, it was what they do best.


"Is this the cop?" A voice said and Dave's mouth was covered. "I think we should see what he knows..."

Dave struggled as he was choked and he saw a lady with a leather sap clubbing the heads of the cops near him. Dave went limp and a man carried him while the lady moved towards the other cops in the way and clubbed them before they noticed her. A police sergeant saw the lady clubbing the heads of 2 cops and he quickly reached for his gun but she reached him and slapped away his gun and smashed her leather sap on his temple and he collapsed to the ground.

The lady clubbed the head of a large cop and grabbed a balding cop with a white mustache. "Drive us out of here..." She said and removed the cop's gun.


Dave woke up his pants were pulled down to his knees and he saw the lady fucking his sergeant. "So, it is that old cop..." She said and walked over to Dave and grabbed his dick. "Tell me what I want to know and I'll pleasure you, and if you lie, I'll rip this off..."

"How do you get to all the safehouses?" The lady asked.

"When you assault police stations, you automatically become top priority," Dave said. "There are cameras everywhere, it will take time, but we will hunt you down..."

"I don't think you guys are that good..." The lady said and squeezed Dave's balls and Dave moaned in pain, then she slowly released and asked again. "How dod you find the safehouses, it is not just one, you located even some from the class A assassins."

"People do get careless..." Dave said and screamed in pain again as she squeezed harder.

"I'll kill your sergeant and the whole station..." The lady said.

"The cop may be right, some other cops are approaching the park, they seemed to be able to find us." The man said.

"Fuck this guy, I'll kill all his friends," The lady said. "Fuck that sergeant too!"

Dave curled into a ball as his balls almost burst and the man walked over to the sergeant and Dave heard the sergeant screaming in pain. Dave crawled to his belt and took his gun and waited. The man saw Dave on his back and straddled over Dave and Dave felt a huge dick entering his ass and it hurts so much. Dave struggled and screamed but it only made the man thrust harder and deeper. The man was muscular and inhumanly strong and tears rolled down Dave's face and after a few thrusts, he could not feel his legs anymore. Dave could not muster the strength to resist as his anal walls were probably torn and he simply waited for the man to finish and as the man turned him around, Dave pointed the gun at the man's head and fired a few rounds. The man was shocked and did not expect Dave could do something like that and one of the rounds went through the eye and penetrated to his brain.


"Fucking cops..." The lady said as she strangled a short cop in armor and snapped his neck. A plump cop walked over and found 4 armored cops limp on the ground and as he approached, the lady grabbed him in a chokehold. "Shhh..." She whispered.

For the cops, the park was full of places to ambush and she was well-trained and deadly. A pudgy cop heard some sounds and the cops behind him were missing and as he turned around and walked over, the lady above him wrapped her thigh around his neck and lifted him off the ground. The cop kicked silently in the air before she snapped his neck. None of the cops made it out of the park alive.
"There is something weird with the judge," A round old cop said. "Seemed to be giving a lot of warrants out to arrest different people and we are not even given much information..."

The cop looked at 2 ladies entering the police station. "Hello piggies, thanks for picking up the list..." Before the old cop could raise the alarm, a rag covered his mouth and he struggled briefly and went limp. 2 fat cops in the foyer were grabbed and choked by the other lady. "I'll let you guys live for now..."

The desk sergeant looked up and saw 3 cops on the ground and the lady covered his mouth with a rag before he could shout for help. "This is a little waste for 2 class A assassins to come..." The lady said and she entered a room and moved towards a few cops and clubbed them with a dildo. "These guys are not even challenging."


The short guard saw a lady with big boobs approaching him and he was confused. Before he could say anything, she grabbed his neck and squeezed an artery and his eyes rolled back. She opened the gate to the cells and took out a list and checked the names. "They are all here..." She said and entered each cell and clubbed the people in the head.

"Everyone that was part of the research are accounted for ..." The lady said. "And the cops gathered them for us."
"What the hell?" The lady shouted as the man collapsed. "You are done!"

A few cops rushed over to the sound of the gunshot. The lady put her hands up as the cops approached her.

"Be careful!" Dave shouted. "She is a class A Assassin!"

The lady slapped the old cop's gun and grabbed him in a chokehold. She flicked 2 daggers into the throats of the nearest cops and snapped the old cop's neck as the other cops started to shoot her. Using the old cop as a shield, she rushed at the remaining cops and they managed to shoot her in the arm as she tossed the old cop at them and it was over. She reached them and stabbed their throats with small knives up her sleeve.

"Holy shit!" 2 motorcycle cops arrived and saw the cops on the ground and the lady covered the mouth of the rear cop and snapped his neck. The other cop was punched in his lower back and the lady removed his gun and rammed a few more fists into his vitals, he screamed in pain and could not feel his legs. Then she waited in ambush again.

Dave crawled away as she moved among the armored cops and slit their throats and stabbed their hearts before a single round was fired and the sergeant was disarmed and she dislocated his spine.

Dave crawled out and a cop helped him to a police car. "Get me out of here, bomb the fucking place, a crazy class A assassin is killing everyone!"
It was strange for 2 Class A assassins from different agency to work together, but the 2 assassins collected all the researchers and brought them to the safehouse to infect them and extract information.


"Holy shit, the alarms are off the scale today..." An old cop said as he drove to respond to another murder scene where several street gang members were killed.

As he looked around, he spotted a lady walking out. "Hey you there! Freeze!"

"I'm not in the mood to kill cops now..." She said and the old cop heard muffled moans and saw the plump cop next to him choking.

The old cop tried to aim at the man who slapped away his gun and pulled him close. The cop was choked and stuffed in the trunk of his police car.


The police surrounded a research facility and a group of armored cops entered the building.

"You guys are early..." The Class A assassin said as she grabbed the police commander. "Get your men to leave for now, we have plans for you soon."


The infected assassins managed to get the researchers to come out with a variant that could spread to humans quickly, making them mindless and violent -- a good distraction while they are left to take over and infect those in charge.
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2 Teams of armored cops searched the park. "Get the cop killer now!"

Dave was sitting in the ambulance as the paramedics checked on him and soon, more gunshots were heard. "Fuck, this bitch is really good, just bomb the park!"


The lady covered the mouth of a police sergeant outside a truck and snapped his neck, she entered the truck and slit the throats of 3 cops and grabbed the police commander and injected his neck with a sedative and held him down. She then took out her phone and attached it to the radio and played a clip of the commander's voice to direct the armored cops to ambushes.

The lady moved behind 2 old cops and choked them silently. "This one is the police chief?" She muttered and snapped the neck of the other cop. "Ok, you will live..."

She was swift and deadly. She punched the spines of 2 old cops and grabbed their heads under her armpits and choked them. She moved towards the motorcycle cops and grabbed the rear one and dragged him behind the police van and choked him. She moved and chopped the necks of 2 more motorcycle cops and grabbed the helmet of the remaining one and snapped his neck.

"Now, for the armored ones,' She said and moved to the ambush point and sneaked behind a cop, covered his mouth and used her silenced pistol to shoot the other 2 in the head. The cop she grabbed trembled in fear as she disarmed him and started removing his belt and jerking him off.

"Please, I have 2 kids..." He begged and she squeezed his balls and rubbed his dick. When he ejaculated, she stabbed a dagger into his throat and severed his spine, making him cum continuously. "So... this is true!"


Gunshots are heard and a motorcycle cop calls for backup as he finds the pile of dead armored cops. A few state troopers arrived and they saw a man strangling the motorcycle cop and shot tazers at him, shocking him and arresting him. Another female assassin shot 3 state troopers in the head and tried to save the man but more state troopers arrived and gunned her down.

Dave saw the sergeant outside the ambulance getting clubbed and he collapsed. A young lady with a baton entered the ambulance and clubbed the paramedic's head, knocking him out. Dave pulled out his tazer and shot at her, shocking her and quickly went over and cuffed her. "Man, you look really young!" Dave said and as he peeped outside the ambulance, he saw 3 cops on the ground. "Really?" Dave muttered. "You did all this?"

Dave and a few cops sent the young lady to the police station to process her while more state troopers arrived.


"These new assassins need to be more patient..." The lady said as she grabbed a plump cop and choked him silently.

She looked at 2 dead assassins and the troopers cuffing a muscular assassin and moved towards the troopers. "Well, at least they took out quite a lot of them..."

The lady moved among the state troopers and slit the throats of 4 troopers and leaped on another one and choked him. As the trooper choked, the lady threw her knives into the heads of the remaining troopers. She took the key from the choking trooper and unlocked the muscular assassin. "Careless bastard..." She muttered and the man got up, walked to the choking trooper and broke his knee and the trooper screamed in pain as the assassins moved into the trees.

4 More troopers arrived and the lady looped a wire behind the rear trooper's neck and strangled him. The man grabbed 2 troopers head and slammed them together and hugged the remaining trooper with white hair. The trooper flailed helplessly as he crushed his ribs and the man released him and the trooper collapsed and twitched on the ground.

The assassins circled a small group of policemen by the police cars and the cops were grabbed and silently murdered one by one.

"Something is not right..." The lady said and noticed a lot of scars and the cop she was strangling seemed to be unusually strong. As she snapped his neck, she saw a red dot and she managed to dodge but the large caliber round hit her shoulder, rendering her right arm useless. 2 cops approached her and the man leaped on them, stabbing one in the throat and subduing the other one but another shot went off and his head was blown off.

"Fuck!" The lady complained and dodged a few more rounds and saw 3 cops with swords charging at her. Even with one arm, she seemed good at defending against 3 assassins and managed to cut one down at the knee and stabbed his face. She was cut in the hand by one of the assassins and she moved up and stabbed him in the heart with her dagger. The remaining assassin pounced on her and shoved her into the open and she broke her fall with her remaining arm, dropping the dagger and the assassin charged her and pinned her down. She punched the assassin's throat and he choked but gave the sniper enough time and this time, he did not miss and shot her in the head.
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There was a protest on the murders happening and police not managing the situation and suddenly, a gas canister was thrown into the crowd. A few assassins in gas masks moved among the crowd and pricked them with the virus and quickly left the area and within minutes, many people in the crowd convulsed in pain as their muscles expanded making them angry.

"Please leave the area," A police commander shouted on the speakers. "We need you to disperse for public safety, if you do not comply, we will use force."

With the group of people convulsing in pain, paramedics entered the area with a few cops to check on the protesters. There were easily 50 people who were exposed to the gas and another 20 pricked by the needle. As the paramedics were checking on the protesters, the protesters suddenly grabbed and choked the paramedics. The cops tried to separate the protesters and the paramedics and they were grabbed as well.

The cops took out their batons and clubbed the protesters and suddenly realized that these protesters were huge. Most of them stood close to 7ft and they had bulging muscles. The cops were grabbed and overpowered and the protesters snapped their necks before they called for backup.

Seeing some commotion in the crowd, the police advanced and shot tear gas into the crowd and moved in and dispersed the crowd. The police in riot gear clubbed the protesters in their way and dragged them away. Suddenly, large protesters moved and surrounded a group of cops and the cops used their shields to push them and started clubbing them. These protesters were inhumanly strong and the shields were ripped away and a lady grabbed a fat cop's throat and crushed his larnyx.

The large rioters now punched the armored police and each fist broke bones, although they seemed untrained, their strength made up for it and within seconds, they took out the armored cops.

The assassins moved to the police command truck and grabbed the 2 cops outside and dragged them in. 2 ladies danced among the cops inside, slitting their throats and they reached the police commander and pinned him down. The sergeant was strangled and he flailed helplessly and the assassins had taken over. The commander was knocked out and carried out of the truck and a few confused cops outside saw ladies approached them and the ladies drew their blades and made quick work out of them.

"What's going on here?" A motorcycle cop shouted as he saw a large man carrying the police commander and a lady with big boobs hugged and kissed him. The old cop beside him noticed something amiss as the motorcycle cop flailed and another lady removed his hat and rubbed his head. She dug her finger into his neck, preventing blood flow to his brain and the old cop went limp. A few other plump cops along the way were punched and knocked out before they realized they were in danger and the assassins escaped with the police commander.

The other assassins on the roof noticed the commander taken and left as well after eliminating all the snipers on the roof.


The riots got worse. The large rioters attacked everyone. The police with riot shields tried to move and corner them but more showed up and the policemen were grabbed. It quickly became a massacre as the large rioters shoved the policemen on the ground and stomped on their heads. The remaining cops were chased down and easily taken out with punches and kicks. Their armor could not save them.

The rioters also attacked the other protesters, tossing them at the trees or the walls and breaking bones in the process.

Other police from other precincts were sent to try to stop the riots and live rounds were eventually used as the armored units were massacred.


"This is another batch of drugs..." A lady said as she injected a group of thugs from a gang with prepared syringes. A dozen people were injected and the assassins left.

The thugs were in pain as their muscles grow as well but they were less big. After an hour of rolling in pain, the thugs felt good after. 4 cops entered the alley and 2 female thugs approached the cops. "Hi boys.... lost?" A lady asked and hugged the first cop with thick glasses. The sergeant beside him was overpowered and kissed. The other cops drew their guns and fired at the approaching thugs and the bullets hit the hugs but they were simply annoyed as it left big bruises.

"Fuck you pigs, you are so fucked!" A man said and pounced on the cops.

The cops were overpowered and fucked. The thugs were high and horny. They were more in control and felt like they were invincible. "Fuck, we are bulletproof!"

"This really works..." The lady said after making the cops cum multiple times and easily choked them out as more police cars and motorcycles arrived.

The motorcycle cops were grabbed as they got off their bikes and the ladies forcefully made out with them and pulled down their breeches. The other cops heard muffled moans and saw 2 ladies fucking the motorcycle cops and drew their batons and approached. As they entered the alley, the thugs ambushed them. The thugs pinned them down easily and with a few fists, they broke ribs and started fucking the cops.

The assassins watched and were satisfied with their work.
The young girl was arrested and sent to the police station. She was quiet and silent and refused to answer any questions. Dave went to the toilet to clean his wounds and heard commotion and rushed to the cell area and saw a few cops subduing the young girl and tossing her into the cell. "She attacked Jim..." The sergeant said. "You have to be careful with this one..."

Dave looked at the young girl and smiled sheepishly. She looked like she was no older than 12 years old. "What the hell are you doing with those killers?" Dave asked and walked to the office area to write his report.


"So, they arrested Annie?" The class A assassin said as she reached the police station. She kissed the trembling old cop and took his pass and gripped his throat and choked him out.

She saw another police car arriving and 2 muscular policemen exited and she nodded at them and they entered the police station.

"So far, only fat old cops..." The lady muttered and the policemen grabbed 2 round cops and choked them. The lady rammed a fist into an old cop and dragged him into the toilet. She heard the sound of flushing and a short cop exited a cubicle and as the cop approached the sink, she covered his mouth and punched the back of his head and dragged him into the cubicle and piled a few limp cops on him.

The policemen entered the security room and saw 2 old cops watching the monitors and choked them. The gasping cops pawed helplessly as they could not breathe and the policemen decided to pull down their pants and fuck them.


"You look familiar..." Dave heard a voice behind him as he was typing on the computer and he was choked. The lady placed him in a deep chokehold and pulled him off his seat and made sure the seat landed silently to the ground. Dave flailed and kicked, trying to alert the sergeant in front and the lady kneed his lower back and all his strength was gone and everything went black.

"Trying our best not to kill cops...." The lady said and placed her arms around the sergeant and the sergeant saw 2 muscular policemen choking 2 fat cops in the office and a few other cops limp on the ground. "Maybe you can help me make them more cooperative..."

The lady escorted the sergeant to the cell area and the 2 old cops there were confused and the policemen approached them and grabbed their throats. "Open the cell and let them all out!"

The young lady exited her cell and walked calmly out of the cell area and saw the other cops limp. "Didn't you leave some for me?"

She walked out to the carpark and saw 2 motorcycle cops arriving and she walked over. A plump motorcycle cop was confused and looked at her as she approached. She punched him in the balls and he leaned forward in pain and she did a turning kick, slamming her heel to the side of his helmet and he collapsed lifelessly on the ground.

"What the..." The other cop with a thick mustache shouted but the young lady leaped on him and forced him to the ground. She pounded his face with a few punches and with a quick jerk, she snapped his neck.

"You know, you don't need to kill them," The class A assassin said.

"I'm not as good as you, so I need more training..." The young girl said and they walked to a car and drove off.
"The riots are getting worse," The police sergeant said. "We are setting a road block here to stop them from spreading."

The group of cops put on their riot gear as 5 men and 3 ladies approached. "A curfew is in effect, this is the last warning, go home or get arrested..."

"I need help! The roads are blocked and there is fighting downtown!" A lady said. "We can't get home."

The cops heard muffled moans and saw the rear cops getting choked by large men as the group dispersed and ran away. The cops tried to help their friends by attacking the large men but the men seemed unharmed by their attacks and tossed the cops around and crushed them.

"We are under attack!" A sergeant shouted on the radio. "Officers down!"

The large man ripped open the car door and pulled the police sergeant out and removed his belt. The sergeant struggled helplessly and the man decided to insert his large dick into the sergeant's mouth and choked him. Another large man decided to fuck the sergeant from the back as well.

2 motorcycle cops arrived and saw 2 large men fucking the police sergeant and got off their bikes and draw their guns. "Step away from the sergeant!" A plump cop with a thick mustache shouted.

The heard footsteps and saw a large man sneaking up on them and they fired their large pistols at the man and with a few rounds to the head, the large man collapsed. The other 2 men rushed at them and the cops frantically reloaded their gun and the man reached them and pummeled them to the ground. The men were inhumanly fast and strong and with a few punches, the men broke their skill and ribs and the cops convulsed in pain on the ground.
"It's the killer again!" Dave muttered as he woke up and quickly sounded the alarm and informed the other police stations. They still have the information of the young girl on file even when the database was cleaned and Dave quickly shared it before he checked on the other officers.

The lady and young girl drove and slowed down as they spotted a roadblock ahead. "Let me show you how to do it cleanly..." The lady said and circled the cops. Chopping the rear cop in the back of his neck, the lady moved towards 2 fat cops and kicked the back of their heads and grabbed a short motorcycle cop and choked him. The remaining bald cop spotted her as she swung her body and rammed her heel on his temple, knocking him out cold.

"Easy and quick," The lady said and removed all the body cams and threw them into the data safe bag. "No need to kill anyone."

The lady looked at the map and went to another roadblock and parked some distance away and pointed at the cops. "Have patience, take them out one at a time."


A motorcycle cop walked to the back of the police car to search for something and the young girl punched his gut and as he leaned forward, she uppercut his jaw and he collapsed to the ground.

"Hello?" Another plump cop heard the sound and approached.

He turned the corner of the police car and saw the motorcycle cop limp on the ground and the young girl was behind him and she rammed a baton to the back of his knee and he kneeled down and she smashed the baton to the back of his head.

"Something is going on..." The sergeant said and sent 2 old cops over to the police car. Then he heard someone running towards him and as he turned around, the young girl smashed the baton on his head and he staggered and the second strike to his temple knocked him out.

"What the fuck?" A pudgy cop shouted and drew his baton and approached the young girl. "I don't care if you..."

The young girl kicked him between the legs and placed his baton on his throat and choked him. Another fat cop approached and grabbed the young girl from behind and she rammed her heel on his balls and as he leaned forward, she kicked his jaw, breaking some teeth as he slumped to the ground.

The old cops spotted the young girl attacking the cops and drew their gun and the rear cop was chopped in the neck and he collapsed and the lady disarmed the other one. "No guns..." She muttered and removed his gun belt and started jerking him off. Once she was done, she got the old cop to put on police armor and gave him a baton.

"You need to know how to take him out in gear..." The lady said and the young girl approached.

The old cop swung his baton at her and she blocked with her baton and smashed the baton on his helmet and he staggered a little and as she rushed in again, she kicked her in the gut and smashed his baton on her head. She was dazed and the old cop grabbed her and tacked her to the ground and she reached for his balls and squeezed and he screamed in pain and she turned and shoved the baton in his mouth and kicked it hard, sending it into his throat and the old cop choked on the ground with broken teeth.

"That's too much..." The lady said and checked on the cop. "He probably needs hospital now..."

The lady left with the girl rubbing her bruise on the face. "Always fight defensively."
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"Contracts to rescue some rich kids from the police station?" A lady muttered and assembled her team. "Apparently they got high on drugs and started killing people in a mall, and the police came and killed a few kids and arrested the others."

"Fucking entitled bitches..." A male assassin muttered. "We do it clean? Get uniforms, get in and get them out?"

"This is a big amount, they murdered 34 people," The lady said. "We will have to send in a team, and fast."


2 policemen were patrolling and they chased 3 kids who were tagging and ran into an alley. The policemen used their flashlight and cornered the kids and the assassins moved behind the policemen and grabbed them. "Don't get blood on the uniform..." The man said and choked the fat cop in his arms. The other lady smashed the face of the older cop on the wall and he slumped to the ground. "A little blood is not too bad..."

The man paid the kids and they went out again and within minutes, 2 more policemen chased them into the alley again and they policemen were ambushed and choked. The man managed to get 2 sets of uniforms and met up with 4 more assassins and in the end, 4 of the assassins were in uniform and they escorted the 2 ladies and walked into the police station.

The men moved behind the desk sergeant covered his mouth and punched him behind the head and laid him at the desk. 2 bald cops were grabbed and choked silently. The ladies searched and entered a security room and saw 2 old cops and pointed silenced pistols at them and got them to turn off recording before knocking them out.

The group then entered the roll call room and the men in police uniform put on their night googles and turned off the light.

"What the..." A fat cop muttered and heard muffled moans and the men clubbed the cops with their worn out saps and grabbed the fat cop.

"We don't want to kill any cops today, just need to go to the cell area and get this over with, understand?" The man said to the fat cop and cuffed him. The lights were on and all 19 cops were limp on the ground and the fat cop escorted them to the cell where the ladies rushed in and grabbed the 2 surprised cops and made out with them. The men unlocked the cells and placed the cops inside and the bruised up teenagers were rescued.

"Don't seem that bad..." The lady said and the teenagers looked at them and said. "We need out stuff..."

They went to the evidence locker and the ladies grabbed a cop with thick mustache and placed a blade at his throat. "I need stuff that you took from the kids."

The teenagers took their things and started to vape. "What the fuck... really?" The lady assassin muttered and escorted the kids out as the men cleared out more cops in the way.

"This looks fun..." One of the teenagers said as he saw the policemen choking the remaining cops. "Fucking hell, this makes me want to fuck up more shit..."

"We are just paid to get you out, if you get killed in the process, we don't get paid..." The lady said. "But there is nothing about knocking you out and collecting our money."

"Why so stuck up" One of the teenagers asked the lady and tried to touch her face and she punched his throat and he collapsed to the ground choking.

The others suddenly became more serious and shocked and carried their friend along.

At the carpark, 2 motorcycle police arrived and saw the policemen escorting out the teenagers. The ladies moved behind them and as they approached, they ladies placed them in chokeholds and the cops flailed helplessly and were choked out.

"That was dope..." One of the teenagers said and they got into a car and drove off.
The young girl looped a wire around a fat cop's throat and choked him. The cop flailed helplessly and she snapped his neck. Screwing on a silencer to the police pistol, she entered a room and shot at 2 detectives and as a third one is searching for her, she rolled under him and put 2 bullets in his head.

The girl was deadly and she slit the throats of several cops before reaching the sergeant who looked surprised.

"Hello there, how many I help you?" The sergeant bend down to talk to her and suddenly realised the other cops limp on the ground. "What the..." He muttered and before he could raise the alarm, she grabbed his head and kneed into his throat and swings her body behind him and with a jerk, snapped his neck.

The girl entered a recreational room and clubbed all the cops inside and went to the cell area to shoot at all the prisoners and set the sheriff station on fire.

As she exited the station she saw an old motorcycle cop arriving and she took out her pistol and placed on his head. The old cop put his hands up and she leaped on him and kneed his face and placed 2 bullets on his head.

A lady walked over and said, "trying a little hard to be an upper class?"

"Killed everyone with no alarms," the young girl said.

"A little messy, I guess." The lady smiled and the group got into a car and drove off.
"The killers may still be here..." Dave muttered as the cops arrived at a location where they found the police truck. The engine was still hot.

The cops spread out and searched and Dave and the other uniformed cops formed a perimeter. Dave walked to the rear of the building and saw 2 limp cops and as he picked up his radio, his mouth was covered by a rag and he struggled briefly and went limp.

"Too easy." A man said and waited for another motorcycle cop to walk by and chloroformed the cop.

The man entered a police truck and chloroformed 2 old cops and another lady rushed in and grabbed the lieutenant and subdued him.

Dave woke up and saw the man choking a sergeant at the police car and drew his gun.

"Freeze!" Dave shouted and the man looked at him and shook his head.

"Useless..." A lady said and disarmed Dave and hugged him.

The lady pulled down his pants and started fucking Dave. She was very good at pleasuring Dave and Dave ejaculated and soon, 2 more police cars arrived. Dave was gagged and cuffed and he saw the cops exit the police cars.

The lady clubbed a bald cop and choked the other old cop beside him. The other 2 cops drew their guns and the man moved behind them, slapped their guns away and chloroformed them.

The cops were placed in a truck and kidnapped. Dave woke up and saw a few teenagers fight cops.

The teenagers were good strikers, but were outnumbered by the cops and soon, grappled and subdued. The man walked over and pulled the teens away and said, "too careless, try harder and take out one or two and don't let them surround you..."

Dave was part of a training for youths and real cops were used to train the kids on getting arrested and Dave was given a baton to defend against a teenager girl. She was fast, and Dave was not sure what was going on and she rushed at him and he didn't want to hurt her and she smashed his face and he knocked out.


Dave woke up in the hospital again and was informed that the killers escaped.
The killings were not random, it was an organized attempt to get the police in the area converge and take out everyone.

A few state troopers arrived and entered the police station. The young girl approached the fat sergeant and stabbed his gut. As he leaned forward, she pulled out the dagger and stabbed his throat. The other troopers were shocked and grabbed by the lady and choked.

"These guys are easy..." The lady said and dragged the limp troopers away and cleaned the blood stains as more troopers entered.

The police commander was grabbed and the lady moved behind the other troopers and coshed them at the back of their heads with a leather cudgel and the troopers went limp.

All the troopers were cuffed and tossed into a room.

Over at other police stations, assassin took out everyone and the coordinated attacks took out the defense troops and the prisoners were all broken out and the treasury was robbed.

The armored guards were outnumbered and outgunned.
The teenagers were trained to be top assassins and they took out security guards and various gang members. The police were also part of the training.

An old cop saw a teenaged girl move into an alley and took out his flashlight and searched with his partner. "There is a curfew now. This is the police, don't worry, we just want to keep you safe..."

The fat cop behind was kicked behind his knee and the 2 teenagers covered the chloroformed rag over his mouth and held him down. The old cop turned around and a girl kicked his flashlight away and jabbed him in the gut. As he leaned forward, she kicked him in the jaw and he collapsed.

"That's pretty good, but that old guy seemed kinda slow and you don't need that much force..." A lady said and nodded to the girl as more policemen entered the alley.

The rear cop was grabbed by the lady and she dug her thumb into his artery to be prevent blood flow to the brain and he went limp.

The 2 other motorcycle cops were grabbed and disarmed. "Try to arrest those girls..." A lady whispered to the short motorcycle cop and took his gun away. The cop took out his baton and approached the teenager and swung the baton at her. She dodged and jabbed his liver and he collapsed to the ground in pain.

The other cops with a thick mustache tackled the girl and forced her to the ground. She kicked his balls and as he leaned forward, she grabbed his hard and slammed it to the ground. The cop went limp.

"Not bad..." The lady said.


A dozen cops went to the hospital that night. Dave met them at the hospital and they reported the teenagers who attacked them.

It was quite concerning as the teenagers seemed to be getting better by the day.
"So, all the private guards, police, national guards and sheriff stations are taken out?" The FBI agent asked. "23 officers killed, 108 in the hospital."

"We have 225 assassins on id now," a police commander said. "The problem is arresting them."

"We also killed 44 men and 27 women, arrested 3." The police commander said. "So many of them."


At the hospital, a lady dislocated her thumb and looked around to see a plump cop in her room. She escaped her cuffs and started coughing the cop walked over and brought her some water.

She punched his gut and pulled him close. The cops flailed as she choked him briefly. "Fucking cops..." She said and uncuffed herself.

She grabbed the short cop outside her ward and pulled him into the room and snapped his neck. Changing into police uniform, she walked towards the exit and stabbed 2 guards in the throats and escaped.


"107 million stolen," the FBI agent said. "All mixed bills and undocumented money from the mint to be destroyed."
It was a dark day as the assassins murdered many in the security forces and did a big heist and prison break.

All the police were on alert and within a week, a dozen assassins and killers were killed and 4 arrested.

One of them managed to escape and the other 3 were immediately thrown into maximum security prison even when they were severely injured.


Dave went back to work and the police had a tip off for one of the cop killers. A teenager with a similar description was found going to a hardware store and the police cameras tracked the teenager to an old shack.

4 police cars arrived and Dave put on this bulletproof vest and approached the shack. They surrounded the shack and waited for then special unit to arrive.

"Cops..." A lady muttered and moved behind a fat cop. She inserted a sharp spike into the ear of the cop and dragged him into the tall grass.

"What's going on there..." An older cop muttered and as he approached, he was grabbed and choked.

The special unit arrived and Dave went to the door and knocked on it. "This is the police, we are here to check on a teen aged girl. We have a search warrant, we just need to talk to her for an ongoing investigation..." The door was ajar and Dave peeped inside.

Dave took out his tazer and searched and suddenly, he heard gunshots outside and the police returning fire. He turned around and a young girl moved behind him and disarmed him. She punched his kidney and Dave collapsed to the ground in pain and she kicked Dave in the back of his hard and Dave collapsed.

The armored cops chased the shooter down and continued to fire at her. The shooter got shot and turned to shoot at the cops but the cops in heavy armour took the bullets in their armour and gunned her down.

2 armored cops were ambushed and had their throats slit but the other noticed the killer and sprayed mp5 rounds into him and killed him.

As they returned, they found the other uniformed cops down and the sergeant was limp on the ground with his car stolen and the got in the car and gave chase.

This time, the police was well prepared and the roadblock shot at the speeding police car and punctured the tires. The cops surrounded the killers inside and arrested the 3 of them as more than 30 officer surrounded them and they were tazed and it taken away.

Dave woke up in the hospital and they informed him that 2 killers were killed with 3 arrested. The mission was a success.
"20 officers to arrest one girl?" A fat cop laughed. "What a waste of resources."

As the cop entered the apartment, he looked around and spotted a police helmet. As he approached with his gun drawn, he saw all the armored cops on the ground.

A lady chopped off his hand with his gun and he screamed in pain.

A few cops rushed over and as the last cop turned the corner, a hand covered his mouth and he was choked silently.

She slit the throats and 2 cops and grabbed the remaining old cop and placed a dagger to his throat. The old cop trembled in fear as she stomped the face of the fat cop
She quickly choked him out.

"Not much cops left..." She muttered as she dropped 2 limp motorcycle cops and approached a balding cop at the police car and covered his mouth. She clubbed his head with a leather sap and moved to the sergeant. The sergeant heard gurgling sounds and saw 2 cops on the ground with their throats cut and she hugged him and rammed deadly fists into his soft body.

"You guys wasted my safehouses..." She said and kneed his face.


"Class A assassin," she muttered and dragged the old cop to the police car and went to his police station, she used the pass and walked into the rest entrance and grabbed a plump cop with a thick mustache, ,"Hey buddy, need to go to the evidence locker..."

The cop escorted her to the locker as she snapped his neck. She grabbed the short cop with white hair inside and placed a dagger to his throat. "Let me check out some evidence."

The lady took a few wads of cash and choked the short cop out and left.


The police had a hard time even they had the addresses of some of the killers. At another safehouse, the assassin murdered all the snipers and walked towards the other cops.

The assassin shot the heads of the cops with his silenced pistol and grabbed the few senior cops and took them hostage.

The cops were fucked then murdered.


With the other assassins, the initial cops that arrived were ambushed and murdered, but as more came, they cornered the assassins and killed them.

One of the class A assassin arrived at a safehouse and strangled a few armored cops and used a leather sap with ball bearings and started clubbing the remaining cops.

A round cop with thick glasses saw the man clubbed the heads of 3 cops and the man reached him. And disarmed him.

"Piggy smells good," the man muttered and pulled down the cop's pants and fucked him.

The man walked to a police captain and clubbed the head of the sergeant beside him and overpowered the captain. "Fucking commander..." The man said and started pulling down his pants to fuck him. The captain cried and struggled but it just excites him more.
"So she made it?" Jaime asked as she met a group of killers. "100 kills and she is only 15?"

"Yup, high profile kills, escaped jail and killed 10 cops, easily sending 100 to the hospital." Another assassin said.

"Getting a class B ranking?" Jaime asked. "The youngest I've seen."

"She is given a solo mission to kill a senator, and she took out 3 armored police and 23 others," the assassin said. "So she will join you in taking out the police station to kill an assassin that is arrested."


Jaime drove to the police station with the teen and smiled at her. "Go do your thing..."

The teenager approached 2 cops at the carpark and she clubbed them in the head and used their pass to enter the police station. Jaime followed in and approached the security room and choked an old cop inside. She turned off recording and watched the teenager stalk and take out the cops one by one. She entered the detective office and used her silenced pistol to take out everyone and went to the cell area, forced a surprised cop to open the gate and shot him in the head. She then tossed a dozen grenades into the cell of the injured captured assassin and blew him up.

"That will do..." Jaime said as the alarm sounded.

"Help!" The teenager cried as she ran towards 2 plump cops and as they escorted her, she rammed fists into their soft bodies and kneed their heads and they went limp.

The old sergeant spotted her and as he reached for his gun, Jaime was behind him and disarmed him. "Sarge, wel will go for a ride.."

The teenager continued her bloodlust and took out her dagger and dispatched everyone in her way. A motorcycle cop was stabbed in the throat and she leaped at the remaining cop and stunned him with a kick to the face and quickly grabbed his head and snapped his neck.

"Hey, you get paid to kill as a pro," Jaime said. "Don't give freebies."
"NYPD, mounted unit...Love the horse...." A lady said as she overpowered a plump cop and fucked him in front of his horse. The cop was choked and as he ejaculated, she choked him till he went limp as she humped the erected dick.

She walked to a police post and moved behind a fat cop and strangled him. She hid the body and enters the building and grabbed another cop into the closet and stabbed his spine, paralyzing him. "Saving his loser is good money... She muttered and clubbed 2 cops and grabbed the desk sergeant and placed a blade to his throat. "Need to rescue a kid..."

A large man exited a room with a armored cop in his arms and he snapped the cop's neck and tossed him aside.

"Hey, we just want him out, and don't want to kill more than we have to..."

A motorcycle cop entered the office and the large man grabbed him and choked him silently.

The sergeant brought the lady to the cell area and the unlocked the s and let everyone out. The old guards were shoved to the Cells and spared.

"Holy shit... Officers down!" A plump cop shouted and pulled out his radio and gun and the man grabbed him and punched his gut. He was disarmed and the man pulled down his pants and started fucking him.

As the lady was escorting his client out, 2 short cops were confused as they saw the large man fucking a plump cop and unfortunately for them, the lady moved behind them and strangled them.



The radio cracked and the lady spotted a cop with a white mustache with a radio and a gun. The man dropped the plump cop and approached him and the cop shot the man twice.

The man continued moving forward and as the cop turned around, the lady slapped away his gun and hugged him. "There goes the silence..."

The police captain rushed towards the main door and saw the large man choking 2 cops and as he reached for his gun, the lady took his gun away and placed it to his neck and slowly remove his pants. " Piggy smells good..."

More police cars arrived and the man flipped a car. And stomped on the cops as they exited when the lady fucked the captain.

"I'm keeping some of them..." The man said as he dragged a few limp old cops and tossed them into a van. The prisoners watched the 2 assassins destroy the police force and quickly ran away.


4 police cars arrived at a motel and saw the police truck, the cops moved in pairs to search.

2 cops heard a voice behind them. "More piggies?" Their heads are grabbed and necks snapped.

The man walked to a bald cop with a white mustache and covered his mouth. He entered the room with another fat cop who was shocked to see 5 old cops with their pants down and limp on the ground. The man sent the fat cop to the wall with a punch and pulled down the other cops pants and impaled him with his dick.

The cops ran to the room and saw the man taping the cop and shit the man, but he did not go down. "Holy shit, this man is bulletproof!"

The cops were grabbed and tossed around and the man dragged everyone into the room and fucked them.

"How do we stop a bulletproof man?" A motorcycle cop asked as he arrived and waited for backup. The cop surrounded the motel and suddenly gunshots were heard and all the cops at the rear exit were murdered.

The man grabbed an old cop running away, disarmed him and pulled down his pants and shoved his dick and impaled the cop. The cop screamed in pain as the man tried to escape and it was too bad, the police had too much time to set up and they had a large sniper rifle and they shot off his head.
Jaime entered the police station and saw the teenager with a limp sergeant in her arms. "8 mins, no alarm..."

"Looks like Class A timing..." Jaime said and saw a police car returning to the police station and nodded at the teenager.

2 cops walked to the station and they wer clubbed before opening the door and were dragged inside. "That's good..."

The agency was mixed in the situation, there were out of control assassins massacring everyone and more contracts than ever with more murders and revenge.

They were trying to clean up some infected assassins and Jaime seemed to have a prime candidate for class A missions.

The police were on full alert as a police station was taken down with all 17 officers knocked unconscious and the agency sent a team of 8 assassins to destroy a local gang to complete the contract.

It was a bloody fight, the druglord has 4 world class enforcers and they killed 6 of the assassins and the drug lord escaped. Before the agency sent more assassins, they drug lord surrendered and went into police custody and the contract was still on but the station had 80 officers.

Jaime and the young girl was sent to finish the job.
Dave was hunting some cop killers and ended up getting kidnapped and left in a police truck. He was cuffed and hungry and the killers fucked him and left him in the trunk with cops from other states.

Eventually, the cops broke free and found themselves in New York city and heard police cars coming.

Dave and the cops exited the truck and were grateful to be saved the kidnapped cops went to the motel and had to go to the toilet while the other police searched the motel.


"Wait .. more cops?" A lady said as she grabbed a fat cop and choked him silently as he put on his helmet.

She walked behind a few cops and started clubbing them at the back of the head and the cops were dragged behind a police car.

A fat motorcycle cop saw the lady hugging and kissing an old motorcycle cop and as he reached for his gun, a hand covered his mouth and with a quick jerk, his neck was snapped.

Dave took a huge dump in a motel room toilet and heard sounds outside. He took out his baton and saw all the escaped cops on the ground with the man choking a short cop. Dave went over and swung the baton on the man but the man punched his gut and pulled him close. Dave was choked and he tapped helplessly until he went limp.

Dave woke up in a hotel room and the man grabbed by him and he was fucked again and saw the lady fucking an NYPD captain. He felt helpless as the man rammed his dick into Dave's ass and it went deeper than ever before, hurting with every thrust.

The lady came over and started giving Dave a handjob and Dave felt the man ejaculating into him and the man walked over and smashed his dick over Dave's face and Dave went limp.

The lady collected the badges of the cops and left the room. "100 piggies..." The lady said and left with the man. Both of them were class A assassins.


Dave woke up in the hospital. There were many cops kidnapped and fucked as well, he was badly dehydrated and did not have food for days. He cooperated with the local police and found the killers are part of a network of killers and somehow they now target cops and were one of the most wanted in the nation.

The killers were spotted again as the took down a road block. This time, the ESU were involved and more than 50 officers surrounded a building and there was a curfew in the area to prevent civilian casualty. Media was told to be in the distance and the police wanted control.
The young girl walked up to the old cop at the rear of the police station.

"How may I help you?" the old cop asked as the girl smiled.

"I don't want you guys to be hurt much, so just sit down..." The young girl said and the cop looked confused and heard muffled moans behind him.

Jaime was choking 2 cops and as the old cop was shocked and he reached for his gun, the young girl leaped and kneed him on the side of his head and the old cop slumped to the ground.


"So far, so good..." Jaime said and sneaked up on 2 fat cop and clubbed their heads and dragged them into a closet. The young girl choked another short round cop and dragged him to the closet as well.

The young girl smashed the heads of the old cops in the security room and Jaime entered and grabbed the remaining one. She looked at the camera and saw 4 men entering the police station. The desk sergeant was grabbed and the men moved among the cops and snapped their necks like professionals. About 6 cops were murdered silently.

"Too bad, you are on camera..." Jaime said and told the remaining cop to sound the silent alarm to sent the cops to the killers.

The men entered a room and murdered the cops in the roll call room and the alarm sounded. Armored cops rushed into the room to be ambushed and the men seemed inhumanly strong and on drugs as they murdered the armored cops and crushed their throats with each punch. 2 of the men grabbed the limp armored cops and opened the door, using the cops as shields and charged at a group of cops.


"So, this is the big fight?" The young girl said and rushed towards the men as they choked a short cop with white hair. The girl rushed over with a jumping turning kick to the head, The kick landed perfectly, snapping his neck and the man collapsed, still thinking he could have taken a hit from a young girl. Jaime moved behind and stabbed one of the man in the artery making him gush blood out from his neck, but the man grabbed her hand and dislocated her shoulders with the grip. The man seemed inhumanly strong and Jaime could not get lose and she blocked him from landing blows into her.

Jaime was worried about the young girl as these men were strong and deadly but she seemed to be hitting really hard as well. She was doing well against her opponent, but Jaime received a few blows to her body, breaking some ribs and before he could finish her, more cops arrived and shot at the man.

Jaime could really taste blood and she had problems breathing. She tripped the man charging at the cos and the cops shoot him.
The SWAT entered the building and searched. The armored cops searched room by room and secured the corridors with uniformed cops. A fat cop stood outside a stairwell and heard some sound around the corner. "Hello?" The cop shouted and approached the room and looked inside. The room was dark and as he reached around to look for the light switch, and as he switched on the lights, he saw 8 SWAT officers on the ground. "Holy shit! Officers down!"

The sergeant quickly went to the command truck and found all the officers inside shot in the head. "What the hell?" As he looked around, he saw a few limp cops in police cars near the command truck. "Maybe, they already got away!"


The 2 assassins drove into the alley and parked the police car. They quickly removed their disguises and exited the alley and walked down the street away from the roadblock. They got out safely. It is not easy to take down Class A assassins.

At a judge's house, the assassins moved toward 2 old cops in the police car, grabbed the cops, and choked them silently. They walked to the rear of the house and grabbed 2 cops outside. "Hey sergeant, you know who we are ... We don't want to kill all of you here." The lady said and grabbed the sergeant in a chokehold and the other round cop was choked.

A fat cop heard knocking on the door and saw the sergeant and opened the door. A lady leaped on him and wrapped her thighs around his waist and kissed him. The fat cop flailed briefly and went limp. The assassins escorted the sergeant to the judge and pointed their silenced pistols to the sergeant and commanded him to fuck the judge. There was nowhere to run and the sergeant held the small old man down and inserted his dick into the old man's ass and thrust several times. The assassins shoved a baton into the sergeant's ass and helped him thrust more.

"We will come back and take out any judge who comes after us," a lady said. "This is just business and not personal."

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