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Jedi X Family (The Corsair and Xana)


Don't boa constrictors have gravity?
Sep 28, 2013
Scarlet prowled the hotel bar, scanning the patrons for her target. Not the man she was going to kill. At least, not the man she was being paid to kill, but who knew where the evening might end up. Either way, she'd found him. Dark hair, firm physique, piercing blue eyes. Her intentions for this man were more lascivious than homicidal. With a strut, she was Shadi, the easy-going blonde seductress.

All the important work for tonight's job was done already. Shadi was her goto when she needed to seduce a target –she stood out too much otherwise– but tonight she would work for an alibi. After all, she didn't need to be in the same room as her target, and being seen chatting up a handsome man at the bar at the time of death would distance her from suspicion.

Her dress wasn't too scandalous tonight. After all, this was a classy place, not some sleazy club full of half-naked dancers and free flowing drugs. Her black leather dress clung to her figure, but didn't show much skin, especially paired with her thigh high boots. Though, the peaking window of creamy cleavage couldn't be called modest.

"This seat taken?" she asked, her voice tinged with a note of hope as she held his gaze. Her free hand grazed the back of his chair, not touching him, but close enough to feel her body heat. Still, she had to be careful not to come on too strong. He might worry that he were her target. The errant thought brought a small giggle to her lips, an act she hoped he would take for flirtation as she slid into her seat.

"Shadi," she introduced, embracing the mask as she offered her hand. "I hope I am not bothering you. It's just the thought of spending the evening alone seems like such a waste."
His target was getting… suspicious.

That wasn’t a surprise. Cienor Jissard was a dangerous combination of highly skilled and highly paranoid, which is why the man was still loose. He’d stated a jump ahead for three years and four sectors, and now he’d wormed his way into the inner circle of the Sector Governor. It would be necessary to throw Cienor’s suspicions off, before he woke up in an isocube.

If he woke up at all. Because if Cienor persuaded Governor Berick that he was, say, a Separatist agent… well, the Governor might just arrange to have him killed.

He fidgeted with the titanium cufflinks in his cream-colored shirt, flicked imaginary lint from his grey sleeve, and sighed. Undercover improvisation was dangerous. But not improvising could be fatal. So. What could he do to stay within his established identity and still throw suspicion off.

“This seat taken?”

The voice, a smooth contralto, came from behind, accompanied by a gentle wash of displaced air that carried a subtle scent. He couldn’t place it, but it seemed floral.

“Not at all,” he replied, rising and pulling it out. The woman, a well-built blonde in a damn sexy black dress, slid into the chair with a casual grace and extended a hand.

“Shadi,” she smiled. “I hope I am not bothering you. It's just the thought of spending the evening alone seems like such a waste."

Smiling in return, he caught her hand by the fingers and raised it to his lips. “No bother at all. A gentleman,” he replied with a twinkle in his eyes, “must always stand ready to rescue a lady in distress.”

He chuckled as he released her hand, amused by the realization that the perfect way to throw off suspicion had just arrived. “Harlan Kwan-Don,” he said, offering his name in return. “And, quite seriously, it’s no bother at all. I‘m glad for the company. Would you care for a drink? The house wine is nothing special, but the pulkay is excellent.”
"A gentleman, hmm? Lucky me." Shadi smirked, enjoying the attention as he kissed her hand. Before he released her, she leaned in close, "But I hope you aren't intending to be a gentleman all night."

He chuckled at her innuendo, but didn't skip a beat, introducing himself with an easy charm. Almost too easy. The confidence of a man whose safety depended on pretense. A confidence she herself wore like armor. A practiced alias, perhaps? Well, no matter. It's not like she were being any more honest.

"Would you care for a drink? The house wine is nothing special, but the pulkay is excellent."

"Pulkay it is, then," she decided, motioning for the bartender. While he lumbered over, she tapped into the force, feeling the wild beat of her target's heart. Still busy with his companion, the twilek twink, it seemed.

"Now, here is where we would exchange small talk. 'What do you do', 'what brings you to Onolorrum' 'what do you do for fun?'" Shadi shook her head and took a drink. "No, no. All of that is terribly cliché. I would much prefer to go deeper." She let the implication linger between them, her flirty grin promising so much more. "What's the craziest thing you've ever done to impress a woman? " She took another drink, before adding, "Oh, and did it work?"

"Now, in fairness, I will go first. The guy I was interested in was a huge fan of swoop bike racing, so I pretended like I was too. I started watching races and memorizing stats, the whole shebang. So one night, after we'd been seeing each other for a month or two, he takes me out to the track for the evening. He actually rented out the whole track so we could race." Shadi trailed off with a laugh and a drink, finishing off her glass, before leaning in close. "I kicked his ass. Turns out all that faking it paid off."

Leaning back, she motioned for the bartender to bring her another drink. "Your turn."
“Swoop racing?” Harlan laughed, enjoying the mental image of a petulant wanna-be racer storming off a track in a huff. And the actual image of Shadi leaning back and signaling for a drink.

“Your turn,” she declared.

“Are you sure?” He sipped his own drink. “I mean, you didn’t actually say if you impressed him?” He held silent for a moment, then grinned. “But I’ll go anyway.”

Making a display of thinking hard, he finally nodded. “I learned to fight with a lightsaber.” Another grin. “Well, not really. See, there was this woman I dated right after university, and she was obsessed with Republic Knights. You know, that period holodrama set around the Jedi Civil War? And that got her into fencing.”

Smiling, he finished his drink and signaled for a refill. “So I took it up as well. Spent six months learning the Echani smallsword without telling her. Then, I rented costumes and set up a special date where we were going to reenact the big finale duel between Nomi Sunrider and Ulic Qel-Droma from season four.”

Closing his eyes, he massaged the bridge of his nose and shook his head. “It was perfect. The weather was beautiful, the moons were rising, and she was so excited about the whole thing that she couldn’t stop gushing. And then, we picked up the prop lightsabers I’d found.”

A pause. “I broke her arm, and she gave me a concussion. Both of us, it turned out, we’re used to full-contact sparring against opponents in armor.”

He covered his eyes with his hand, shaking his head at the memory. “I mean, she was impressed. And memorable. But we broke up shortly thereafter.”
The mention of lightsaber dueling caught Scarlet off guard, enough that she almost dropped the Shadi mask. Harlon was far more interesting than anticipated. She wondered how he might match up to her in saber dueling. Not that she'd wielded a saber in years, but the lessons she learned in her youth had been drilled into her muscle memory. The best non-sensitive saber duelists could hold their own against middling Jedi. Sure, she might be certainly rusty, this many years out, so maybe he'd be a good match for her.

Still, she had to account for the shock on her face, and worked quickly, "Wow, you broke her arm? So, what, you're a gentleman who likes to play rough?" She leaned in closer and squeezed his shoulder with a satisfied sigh. Hmm, nice and strong. "Looks like I am in for one hell of a night."

The bartender brought over another round of drinks, and she took a moment to reach into the force, and feel for her target. There was a still a job to do, after all, and Harlon was nearly handsome and charming enough to distract her from it. His heart pounded, beating like supercharged piston, and her own heart echoed his. Heat flushed her skin, and it was all she could do to cover her building tension to drink deeply of her pulkay.

"Alright, it sounds like you played out her biggest fantasy, but what about yours? What scenario lies hidden in your mind, locked behind your inhibitions and better sense?" Shifting, she turned towards him, letting her calf brush against his leg No intention of moving it, unless he showed discomfort. "What's the one thing you've always wanted, but could never admit?"

Leaning in, she was nearly close enough to kiss him. Certainly close enough to taste the alcohol on his breath. "I'll go first, again." Licking her lips, she took another drink, and pitched her voice low, to draw him yet closer.

"I'm alone, or at least I think I'm alone. I don't know it, but the object of my desire is watching me, somehow. They watch, as I touch myself, and I imagine us together, imagine all the dirty thing I want them to do to me. They know my every secret desire, every last lustful wish. They watch my building arousal, until I am trembling on the precipice of ecstasy, and the only thing that can make this moment perfect is them. Them joining me, acting out all these secret desire's I've laid bare."
Harlan leaned close, drinking in the husky whisper as she described her fantasy. Her voice, the description, the gentle pressure of her leg against his… all of them sent an erotic thrill burning along his nerves to pool in his stomach and harden his cock. As she finished, he let out a long breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. Then he sipped from his glass to cover how flustered he felt as he collected his thoughts.

“That seems hard to follow up on,” he said with a faint smile. “And I’m rather afraid that most of the fantasies that I keep locked away behind my inhibitions and common sense are tedious masculine power fantasies. Still, since you asked…”

He sipped his drink and leaned in, resting a hand lightly on her knee as he invaded her personal space. “I see a woman across the room,” he murmured, “and decide I want her. So I approach her, catch her by the wrist, and state my intention.”

His sapphire gaze captured her emerald eyes. “You are mine. I will have you.”

Silence lingered for a moment, and he continued. “She tears her arm from my grasp and storms away. She believes it to be the end of the matter. But I follow. Walking, at first, until she noticed. Then, when she runs, I give chase.”

His thumb traced a slow pattern in her knee. “She struggles when I catch her, of course. I overpower her, pin her beneath me, and she trembles and begs me to stop. And then begs me not to as she opens to me.”

A soft chuckle followed, and a wry smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “As I said: a typical masculine power fantasy. But now, I have a question for you.”

He leaned closer, his lips almost touching her ear. “What are the dirty things you want them to do to you?”
"Should I apologize for coming on too interested and eager, then?" Shadi asked, tracing her finger down the line of buttons along his chest. "Should I walk away, acting disinterested? Or should we find out how fast I can run in heals?"

The warmth of his hand on her knee was maddening; she want more. She adjusted her position slightly, subtly encouraging him to slide his hand up her thigh. Spreading herself just a little, to see how far he'd go. Smirking, just a touch as his fingers disappeared under her skirt.

He leaned closer, his lips almost touching her ear. "What are the dirty things you want them to do to you?"

When she breathed, her breasts glanced against his chest, and she couldn't help the way her thoughts shifted towards the anticipation of bodies pressed together. "Ah, but therein lies the problem, you see. A key aspect of that fantasy is I don't have to tell them exactly what I want, because they already know. They've read my mind, and see the scene play out in my fantasy. That's why it is, and shall remain, a fantasy I can never play out. It involves a partner who wouldn't dare reciprocate my desire."

She had to brush her body against his to reach her drink, and didn't move it as she finished another glass. "So, back to your fantasy– is this a dark alley situation, or do you drag me off somewhere with a bed?"
Harlan’s fingers pressed between leather and sleek skin, briefly exploring her upper thigh as she leaned ever so slightly into him. “That’s a good question,” he replied, leaning into her ever so slightly. “But maybe I should try to read your mind? You did, after all, ask if I drag you off…”

He put on a show of concentrating as his free hand, the one not busy tracing small circles in her inner thigh, brushed against her blonde hair. “Let me see,” he intoned with a crooked smile, “let the Force flow through me, my mind to yours…” It was a quote from Starlight, another holdrama set during the Nihil incursions in the Outer Rim.

“I think,” he breathed, pitching his voice, “it’s a dark alley situation.” He watched her eyes, watched the subtle dilation of her pupils. “Yes. Pinned against a wall, you feel it rough against your skin. Anyone who looks into it would see you, see me taking you.”

Her throat and cleavage were flushed, and he could hear her breathe catch. “You didn’t say where you were alone, after all.”

His hands slipped away from her as he sat back, shivering at the sudden absence of her heat and at the image he’d conjured. “Are you hungry?”
Damn, he was good. Between the hand on her thigh, and the one brushing back loose blonde tresses, he had her enraptured. Had she finally met her match? It was a good thing he wasn't her target. It would be such a waste to kill him…

"Well, you may have read my mind, but you didn't probe my deepest fantasies. Afterall, you didn't catch how I want you to shove me into a crowded elevator. Pinned between the wall and your firm body. You didn't see how I want you to force me to climax on your fingers, while our elevator audience watches my wanton display…"

He took a sharp indrawn breath as he pulled away from her, hopefully just as aroused by her scenario as she was. She played at embarrassment, covering her mouth with an exaggerated expression, "Oops, did I say that out loud?"

"Are you hungry?"

"Famished," she replied automatically, licking her lips as she let her eyes wander down his body. She returned his gaze with a smirk, and continued, "But yeah, I could eat something. Is the in house restaurant any good?"
“It’s acceptable,” Harlan replied, waving his keycard over a discrete reader and thumbing a generous tip for the bartender. “There’s droids in the kitchen.”

Rising, he offered Shadi his arm and drank in the jealousy of the other patrons. “Nothing against droids, mind. But hotels like this wipe them regularly as part of the maintenance program. The lack of personality keeps them from developing the sort of flair that allows a cook to become a chef, if you take my meaning.”

The hotel beyond the bar was state of the art. All white and chrome and curving surfaces, with vast transteel windows granting a majestic view of the magenta storm clouds that perpetually obscured the skies of Onolorrum. Actinic blue lightning crawled through them, illuminating the wind-lashed ocean. Waves crashed against the sea wall, perpetually drenching the buildings of the lower city with spray.

“Of course, if I’m being honest,” he continued, flashing her a quick, crooked grin as he led her along the concourse. “And I have a sense that you prize honesty, so I’ll have to confess that I’m not actually particularly hungry. It was a ruse, to lure you away from the bar.”

Another sidelong glance and crooked smile. “After that - again, purely for the sake of honesty - having lured you away I fully intend to drag you up to my room. There, I intend to pin you beneath me and take you. Over and over again, without mercy.”

He laughed, a ringing sound filled with good humor. “If it helps, I’m on the 27th floor. We’ll have to take an elevator.”
Scarlet had to remind herself to check in on her target, her real target, as Harlan lead her through the hotel lobby. He was just the kind of man who could keep her so distracted and worn out by seduction and passion that she might actually fail to complete her task.

So, before she allowed herself to imagine how Harlan would fuck her senseless, she tapped into the force, and felt her target. Good, he was nearly spent now. Once he was out, it would be a simple matter to kill the man, and make it look like he merely died in his sleep.

There was a rowdy group of men, waiting by the elevator. Young men, younger than her at least, and clearly coming back from a night on the town. But the group quietened down as they approached, acknowledging them with quick nods, and even stood aside as the elevator opened, allowing them to enter first. She made her way to one corner, with Harlan right behind her.

It was crowded with all of them in the one elevator, leaving her no choice but to be pressed up against Harlan, and pinned to the wall. She wrapped one arm around his broad shoulders, breasted flattened against his chest, and whispered in his ear, "Well, it looks like I am entirely at your mercy. Or, uh, lack of mercy, as you so promised."
Harlan’s pulse accelerated as he stepped into the lift and the men followed them in. He knew one of them. Well, he recognized one of them. Jido Javal. One of Jissard’s associates. A handsome, clean-cut young man who could smile winningly while cutting a man’s throat with a vibroblade.

He was good with a vibroblade. With a number of other weapons, as well.

His thoughts raced. Had Jido recognized him? He’d taken pains to alter his appearance, but would they stand up to close range inspection? The lift would be cramped quarters for a fight, negating several of his advantages. What to…

Shadi wrapped an arm around his shoulders and molded her body to his. “Well, it looks like I am entirely at your mercy,” she purred. “Or, uh, lack of mercy, as you so promised."

Despite - or possibly because - of the potential danger, he felt his cock hardening. None of the men in the elevator were likely to have paid much attention to him, not with her in there. And he had been looking for a way to throw them off the scent. A fact he’d nearly forgotten during the flirtation and filthy talk.

Her lips tasted of alcohol and spice as he captured them, teased them open, and explored her with his tongue. His hands skimmed over sleek leather, tracing her curves as he pushed her into the corner of the lift and ground against her. “Mercy?” he murmured, his lips still nearly touching hers. “You’ll have none of that from me.”

“Damn,” Jiro laughed. “You two need a room.”

Harlan ignored the comment, choosing instead to fill his hands with her shapely rear and pull her hips tighter against his. He ravished her mouth, tongue hot and probing befor retreating so she could fuck his mouth with her tongue.

“Think that’s where they’re going,@ another man laughed.

The lift came to a halt at the 12th floor and the group of men stepped out. Without waiting for the door to close he began bunching the leather in his fists, dragging the tight skirt up her thighs. “Do you wish they’d stayed?” he growled, sliding one hand between them. A digit worked between lace and skin, roughl caressing the slippery folds of her shaved lips.

“Do you wish they’d stayed?” he repeated, filling her to the second knuckle and groaning at the way she opened around him. “Did you want them to watch me finger-fuck you?”
The hungry way Harlan had claimed her, with hands and mouth, aroused Shadi beyond sense. It shouldn't have, not some stranger who didn't even know her real name, but it did. She craved his possessive grip, his curious fingers, and his ravenous lips. Had she inspired him, or was it the tense, jealous energy of the elevator?

"Do you wish they'd stayed?" he repeated, filling her to the second knuckle and groaning at the way she opened around him. "Did you want them to watch me finger-fuck you?"

"You're supposed to read my mind," she reminded with a breathy giggle, before gasping out as his finger parted her. Balancing carefully on one leg, she wrapped the other around his hips, spreading herself for him, and his skilled fingers. "You'll have to… go deeper… deeper… if you want to know…"

Now she moaned, loudly, not bothering to restraint herself in the slightest. Encouraging him with her animal sounds of lust and pleasure, losing herself to ecstasy. Her breasts bounced with his momentum inside her, highlighted by the perfect window of cleavage cut out of her dress. Slick, dripping muscles clung to his fingers, and tried to suck him in deeper, every last inch of her body begging him for more.

Her cries grew rapid, and high pitched, building with her growing bliss. He'd know she closed in on her climax, and he'd know just how helpless she was in that moment. Utterly captive to his ministrations. Entirely his, quite literally wrapped around his fingers.
Harlan leaned into her, crushing her firm body between the transparent wall and his chest. His mouth captured hers, greedily drinking down her ecstatic cries, his tongue ravaging her in time with his fingers. “Deeper?” he growled, working in a second finger. “How much deeper?”

The lift chimed again, signaling their arrival at the 27th floor.

It was an effort to drag his fingers from her slippery heat. To pull his body from hers. He considered ignoring their arrival, considered taking her there in the elevator. Rough and hard, pouding into her until…

No. A night in jail would just be frustrating.

“Come on,” he husked, hypnotized by the flushed look of ecstasy on her face. “It’s not far.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, leaning against her like he was drunk. His rock-hard erection strained against his trousers, rubbing awkwardly against the fabric as he walked. His hand, still slick with her juices, slid between leather and skin to tease a pebble-like nipple.

An elderly Duros huffed at them as they passed him. Harlan didn’t care. He was just focused on the key stick for his room, on slotting it and getting the door open. And Shadi was not making that task easy. But the door opend.

Inside was a typical single-occupancy room. A fresher unit just to the left of the door, with a mini closet to the right. A twin bed in the center, a desk in one corner and a dresser in another, and a holoscreen opposite the bed.

He pushed her back against the desk. “I want to taste you,” he growled. Hands skimmed her leather clad form as he sank to his knees and worked her skirt. The leather slid up over her thighs, and he tugged lust-soaked silk aside with his teeth. “You almost came for me in the elevator.” His breath was hot on her. “I want to taste it.”

His fingers slipped easily back inside her, hooking slightly to massage her inner walls. He traced her lips with his tongue, then sucked gently at her clit. “Cum on me,” he demanded. “Cum on me.”
While Harlon worked on opening his door, Shadi worked on distracting him, running her hands over his chest and unbuttoning his shirt. She gotten half off before he finally opened the door, and shoved her through. Her ass found the desk before the rest of her realized what it was, hardly resisting as Harlon positioned her.

Her legs went over his shoulders and she fell back on her elbows, watching him work up her skirt in a lustful daze. Then his fingers were back inside her, drawing a cry from her lips as she arched her back to offer him more. Offer him everything, as she recognized how captivate she was. How dare this convenient cover story turn out to be such a good fuck?

"Taste me…" she whimpered, the ebb of her near orgasm making her throb and ache. She tried to reach for him, squeezing him with powerful thighs as her pleasure built, but gave up as he thrust deep inside her, sending her back to her elbows with the tightening of her core muscles. Instead she worked off her dress, unzipping it and letting it fall off her arms and chest, leaving her solely clad in her lacy black bra. Not that it covered her long either, not when she pulled her breast out of a cup, groping herself in time with his stroking fingers and silver tongue.

"Fuck, I'm close…" she growled out, maddening ache consuming her mind and body. Her heels dug into his back and her nails dug into her own breast, every muscle in her body wound tight in anticipation. In waves, the tension broke, fluttering through her supple walls and wordless moans. Back flat against the desk, she rode out nirvana upon his face, quivering as he drew out the moments into an exquisite torment of eternity.

At some point, after her twitching and trembling began to die down, he stood up, over her. She glanced up at him, still heaving from her climax and half naked, with a lazy smile on her face. "Is this where you begin taking advantage of me?" She wriggled out of her dress, tempting him with her smooth curves and dripping cunt. Her boots remained on, trailing up his legs to find his waist and pull him closer. "Is this where you pin me beneath you and use me, over and over again?"
Harlan gasped, breath ragged as he felt Shadi climax. He’d really just intended to use a casual flirtation to throw watchers off the scent, and hadn’t really expected anything to come of it. There really weren’t as many opportunities in his real line of work for romance or even casual sex as the holodramas made out, after all. But here he was, his shirt open to the waist and his face slick and shiny with a woman’s lust as she clenched her thighs around him.

“Is this where you begin taking advantage of me?" Shadi purred, body rolling delightfully as she peeled her dress off. He slid up along her, following the leather until she tossed it aside. He shivered as her booted heels trailed up his thighs and around his waist. “Is this where you pin me beneath you and use me, over and over again?"

“I believe it is,” he agreed, claiming a long, deep kiss. He kept it slow and deliberate, working hard ti ignore the urgent demands of his heated flesh and aching erection. Not that he didn’t want to just fuck her brains out right now, but because dragging it out would make it even better. “You’ve already screamed for me once. I want to hear it again.”

His mouth claimed hers again, his tongue probing deep into her. His hands skimmed her curves, molding to her hips and thighs before sliding between their bodies. Undoing his belt and zipper was difficult - she was, after all, quite thoroughly and delightfully distracting him - but he managed. The feel of his erection escaping the confined prison of his trousers made him gasp with relief.

“You’re going to scream for me,” he husked, nipping at the curve of her throat. He gripped his shaft in one fist, rubbing his head against her slick lips to lubricate himself. “I’m going to take you, and use you, deep and hard.”

Aligning himself he pushed in, using the tightening of her booted legs to drive himself into her depths. His voice was a hoarse gasp against the skin of her throat as he felt her opening around him, felt her take his whole length in a single stroke. His hands curved around her ass, nails biting into her as he dragged her deeper and tighter into her.

For a moment all he could do was shudder and gasp as her walls gripped his meat. Then he stared deep into her eyes, grinning madly at the naked hunger that matched the lust in his own gaze. “Fuck,” he gasped, beginning to roll his hips in a deliberate rhythm. The sounds of flesh moving against wet flesh and of wood banging against the wall began to compete in the small room. “Oh… fuck.”
Still sensitive from her orgasm, Shadi trembled as Harlon took her, his entire length filling her. Fuck, he felt amazing, his thick cock driving her quivering walls apart, the pressure within her nearly driving her out of her mind.

"Maybe I will make you scream, instead? Maybe I want you to scream for me, scream while I milk the cum out of you hard dick?" She pushed herself up, breasts rubbing his chest as he fucked up into her. Once she was sitting up, she could move with Harlon. Move with him and against him, taking his thick cock deeper.

He felt amazing inside her, but it wasn't enough. She wanted more. More than this moment. More than this night. More than a random hookup with fake names. She wanted more from this life than Inertia and meaningless sex. All she could do was fuck back against Harlan, channeling her yearning into passion, into ecstasy, into mind numbing nirvana that would let her forget, for just a little bit.

"Scream for me, Harlon," she growled, raking her nails down his back, gripping tightly to the pleasure of this moment.
He couldn’t think clearly enough to make a clever reply, not with all of his senses inflamed. Shari’s taste, her scent, the feel of her body against and around him. “Make… me…” he managed, shuddering as her nails raked down his back. He could barely feel them through the coat he still wore, so he shrugged out of it, releasing her hips just long enough to let it sag to the floor.

“Milk… me…” he gasped, leaning hard into her. Her breasts flattened against him, soft and teasing through his half open shirt. The feel of her hands tugging the shirt up so her fingers and nails could trace the skin of his back made him shudder with mounting ecstasy, and he allowed his own hands to roam her body. Palms pressed against her, molding to her hips and back as she moved against him.

He met her in kind, thrust for hungry, desperate thrust. He’d been with a scant handful of women over he years, but it had been a long time since he’d craved someone like this. Since he’d allowed himself to give in to need and lose himself in desire.

“Aaah!” he cried out as her nails raked stinging lines down his spine, punctuating the mounting pleasure of flesh in flesh. His own nails dug into her ass in response, and his hungry, bruising kiss ended with his teeth capturing her lower lip.

Undeniable pleasure surged through him, the powerful demands of orgasm driving her deep into her willing body. His hoarse shout echoed off the walls as his cock pulsed within her, emptying his seed into her in thick jets as his hips jerked and hammered into her.

Finally, skin flushed and body trembling with the force of his release, he looked into her eyes. “That was… uhm.., wow?” he managed, then flashed a crooked grin that dissolved into a sigh as he felt a last spurt of cum spill into her. His arms shook as he braced himself on the table, and he tasted salt sweat on her lips as he kissed her.

“Uhm… maybe I should, uh, finish undressing? For round two?”
"Oh, I get a choice?" Shadi teased, keeping him close with a tight grip on his shirt. "I thought you were going to use me without mercy, over and over again?" With a giggle, she kissed him again, savoring the satisfaction of this moment. This was new ground for her. Oh sure, she'd slept with plenty of men and women on her various missions throughout the years, but many of those targets didn't live through to their climax. And those few that did, didn't get the benefit of afterglow and flirting. There was no doubt she wanted to go again, but there was more to it, more than she could admit.

"But yeah, why don't we get you out of these clothes?" She finished unbuttoning his shirt, a slow, lingering act, filled with an exquisite intimacy. Her hands were all over him, as she shifting his shirt off his shoulders, exploring his firm musculature.

Eventually, she found his hands and guided them behind her back, so he unsnap her bra. Drawing him into a kiss as she shrugged it off, and let it join the growing pile of clothes on the floor. Then she was waking him backward -pushong him backwards, really, so he could step out of his shoes and pants and finally boxers, naked by the time they reached the bed.

"Now, we got you naked, but I'm not sure you're ready for round two yet." With a firm insistance, she pushed him back on the bed, and straddles his thighs. "What are we going to do about that?" A hungering kiss captured his lips, slow and probing deep, enjoying the moment. The build up, the anticipation. The heat of his climax inside her. When they stopped kissing to breathe, she didn't break away, but trailed down his throat, tracing his jugular with his lips before biting down. Hard. Hard enough to mark him, to leave this evening imprinted on his skin. A livid mark remained, a scarlet souvenir of their coupling.

Finally satisfied with herself, she work her way down his body, licking beads of perspiration from his skin. Driven by the scent of their joining, they was but one destination, one inevitable conclusion. On her knees, between his thighs, looking up with hooded green eyes.

"Are you going to fuck me again? Or am I just going to suck you dry?"
She giggled.

It was such an utterly cute thing to do. And entirely unexpected after the white hot passion of a few moments ago. Just an adorable, happy sound that made him laugh as well. “Yeah, well…” he grinned. “Maybe I just talk a good game?”

Her response was to slowly remove his shirt, and guide his hands to remove the bra he hadn’t even realized she still wore. He kicked off his shoes as she pushed him backwards, hands on her shoulders in a sensual dance as she undressed him. Abandoned clothing left a trail across the floor, and she smiled wickedly as her hands pressed against his chest and pushed.

He bounced as he landed in the bed and she was in him like a sensual predator, inflaming him with sensual kisses and heated questions. Her lips were fire on his throat, and the sharp sting of her teeth drew a gasp of pleasure before she worked her way down his body.

Then she slid away from him, crouching between his legs. Her green eyes blazed in the semidarkness, and her breath was a warm caress on his slowly hardening cock. “Are you going to fuck me again?” she purred. “Or am I just going to suck you dry?"

“Yes,” he replied, not bothering to hide the hunger in his voice. He took his semi-hard shaft in his hand, feeling their mingled juices as he lazily pumped it and offered it to her. “I want to watch you enjoy this cock. I want you to milk my dick with your mouth the same way to milked it with your cunt.”

He watched her as he deliberately stroked his shaft again, rolling his hips as he squeezed gently. “I want to taste my cum on your lips when I fuck you.”
Shadi raised an eyebrow at Harlan's audacious declaration. Did he really know who he was up against? His cockiness inspired her, challenged her, and now she was determined to see him melt underneath the ecstasy of her mouth.

For a moment, she hovered over his shaft, following the movement of his hand as her breath caressed still damp skin. His scent –their scent, really– tempted her, and she licked her lips, slowly. Just as he throbbed in his hand, twitching and brushing against her mouth, did she finally lick him. Moaning as she savored their lust. Still she followed his hand, letting him set the pace, for the moment. Licking him until he grew even harder, paying extra attention to the tip of his cock, lapping at the beads of cum still dripping from him.

Once he sped up, she took him in her mouth, wrapping her lips around his firm head. Humming her delight around and over his meat. Sucking harder with his every twitch and gasp. Her head bobbed down, taking more and more, swallowing every swollen inch, until her throat swelled too, with him.

Now she worked him over, swallowing his length and fondling his balls. She set the pace now, tormenting him with her eager rhythm. Fucking her own throat on his hardness, using her saliva as lubricant. Wildly, her breasts bounced with her hungry momentum, glistening with her spit as it drooled down her chin.

She looked up at him, fitting him in her mouth again, massaging and milking him with tight muscles. Claiming his cock, his bliss, his surrender.
Harlan’s fingers dug into the bed, gripping fistfuls of the covers as he hung on for dear life. Blood surged into his cock as she caressed it with her tongue and lips before swallowing the suddenly and achingly hard length. His gasps and groans rose to a wide-eyed staccato cry as he felt his head enter her throat, and his hips rose to meet her lips as she worked up and down his length.

She was, he had to admit, good at this.

Most erotic of all, though, was the eye contact. Her green eyes, hooded by the angle of her head as she fucked him with her throat, never left his. And he struggled to return the gaze, even as his head and body jerked and his arms locked rigid. He really wanted to say something. Make clever, filthy remarks that praised her skill on his cock and encouraged her to do more.

All he could manage, though, was a mindless repetition of the word “fuck”. That, and gasps and sharp inhalations of pleasure as she worked him to the edge with her wickedly delightful mouth and her fingers cupping and massaging his scrotum. He felt his shaft harden and balls tighten, and she must have as well. Because she backed away, just enough to keep him from climaxing.

And then she took him deep again, head bobbing as she swallowed his meat and drove him to the edge again. Would she swallow his cum, he wondered? His voice rose into an agonized sound as he strained to hold back from climax. Or would she let his seed coat her lips and throat and breasts when he came?

She eased off again and then swallowed him before he could catch his breath. His hips and thighs flexed as he did, lifting his ass off the bed to offer more of his cock to her. To fuck her throat deeper and harder. A sharp cry tore itself from his throat, the sound as hard and sudden as the orgasm that overwhelmed his senses.
Perhaps she was a little too good at this?

Shadi swallowed the first jet of cum, and most of the second. By the third, she had to pull away to breathe, and his cum struck her chin and streaked over her breasts.

"Well, now you owe me a shower," she teased, trailing her finger through the cum that clung to her cleavage. Her eyes didn't leave his as she brought that finger to her mouth, sucking it clean, and she giggled again as she straddled him once more. "And, uh, maybe another orgasm, too?"

His cum smeared over their bodies when she wrapped her arms around his neck and daubed his cheek when she took a greedy kiss. It seeped from her cunt onto his thighs as she ground against him, announcing her insatiable hunger for him. She was, quite literally in this moment, his filthy little slut.

Still catching her breath, she pulled away, but remained close, nuzzling his nose with her own. "What do you think? Should we find out if the fresher can fit two?"
“It should be able to,” Harlan replied, tracing his fingers over her back. “I’m certainly game to find out.” To be honest, fucking her like this, with her body slick with his cum, sounded hot. Messy, though. And the cleaning droids wouldn’t be changing the linens until tomorrow.

Claiming a kiss of his own, he cupped her rear with one and pushed himself up to a sitting position with the other. “We’ll need to get these off first, though,” he remarked, working at the fastenings of one boot and then the other. His hands caressed her thighs as he worked them down their legs. “A pity, really. But no need to ruin them.”

With the boots on the floor he gripped her ass with both hands. Bracing his legs he pushed, grunting as he rose to a standing position. Her body slid delightfully against his as she gripped his back and wrapped her bare legs around his hips, and he expression looked to be equal parts surprise and arousal. “I owe you a shower, right?” he laughed.

She wasn’t heavy, but she wasn’t as light as she looked. There was solid muscle under her smooth skin, which she’d used to incredibly erotic effect. The was she was positioned made it a little more difficult to carry her, though - slinging her over his shoulder would let him brace better, and cradling her in his arms would distribute the load better.

On the other hand, there were advantages to carrying her like this. Grabbing her ass was one. Her sleek thighs wrapped around his hips was another. Feeling her firm, cum-slicked breasts sliding against his chest was yet another.l, although any one of them would have made it worth it.

He managed to shove the fresher door open with his hip, and the curtain for the shower he just pushed through. Then he pinned her back against the tile, using he pressure of his body to hold her against him as he groped for the handle. He twisted it and blood-hot water lashed them, raising a cloud of steam in seconds.

Keeping her pinned with his hips, he worked a dispenser to splash some cleaning gel into his palm. “Since I made the mess,” he grinned, working his hands into a lather, “I suppose I should wash you?” And with that he cupped her breasts, massaging them with slick, soapy hands.
Damn, he was strong. To lift her from a sitting position while she was on top of him? Again her mind went back to his anecdote of the fake saber duel he set up for his ex, and Shadi found herself imaging recreating it with him. That would be fun, but it would also require her to have a way to see him again, and since she was getting off planet in a few hours, there was little chance of that. The realization soured her mood, just a bit, and she clung even tighter to him as he carried her through the room.

But they did have this night, and she wasn't going to let the circumstance ruin whatever time they had left. Especially not when he caressed her breasts with soapy hands. Shadi let herself enjoy his attention, and spent her time exploring him as well. Squeezing those strong, firm arms, massaging that tight, hard chest and drowning in his gorgeous, piercing eyes. "Yeah," she murmured dreamily, "Just like that. Right… there…" Fuck, her nipples throbbed, the stiff peaks begging for his touch.

Pinned by his hips, she could feel him growing harder, but not fast enough for her. Not when she needed him right now, filling her and stroking into her and driving deep into her hungry slit. So consumed by need, she could hardly find the words to express herself. Instead she kissed him, ravenous lips giving voice to the desire burning within her.

"Fuck me…" she whimpered, desperation mounting. "I want you inside me, again." She had to stand on her tip toes now, to reach his throat, drinking the streaming water off his smooth skin. "I want to cum on your hard cock. Please… please…please…"
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