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From Gimmick Gamer To Gamer Girl (MsBloom x DarkDreamer9110)

Chloe nodded at Alice's comment about Theresa being a straight ally, and again at the comment about it being a shame. Then Alice remarked about Chloe likely not being the first "guy dressed as a girl" that Theresa had seen or served, and Chloe flinched. It didn't feel right to have Alice calling her a guy, even if Chloe had set herself up for that by describing herself as crossdressing.

After Theresa had departed again, Chloe spoke. "Yeah. She's hot. Too bad she's not into girls. Guess we're both shit outta luck with her." She said.

As she realized what she'd said, she paused, then shrugged. "You know what? I'm gonna stand by it. I'm not a guy." She said. "And I mean ... Like, at all. I don't feel right as Sid anymore. Ever. I ... I know it's only been like a week, but I already know I prefer being Chloe. I ... I'm not ready to come out fully just yet, because I want to get more comfortable doing things like publicly and stuff, and I don't know if I want to, uh, pursue anything more than social transitioning yet, but ... I really do think I'm transgender."
Alice nodded at Chloe's realisation. It did not come as a surprise to her, not after the talk they had had that afternoon when she first helped Sid transform. It might perhaps have begun as a fun challenge for Halloween but on some level Alice now suspected that it might have been more than that, perhaps an alibi for Sid to dress up for the first time, one he could dismiss as exactly that; a challenge for Halloween. At the same time she couldn't help but wonder if that had really been the first time Sid had worn feminine clothes. She could easily imagine him trying on his sister's clothes in secret, drawn to them by a force he might not actually have understood until now ... that he was not the boy he had been assigned to be at birth. It had been so obvious even back at the apartment when he arrived that he was Chloe, even when not presenting femme.

"I can help you with that," she said quite seriously.
"You are like, welcome to visit whenever you feel like it and allow yourself to be Chloe publicly in a place where no one really knows Sid," she added and smiled.
"I don't have that many friends outside of the internet but the ones I do are like cool with the whole LBTQ thing even if perhaps none of them are transpersons per se, but I do have a friend who is non-binary."
She paused and thought back to her previous train of thought from when Sid had transformed into Chloe less than an hour ago; that Chloe looked more girl than she did, and also ... somehow ... seemed to act more girl than Alice usually did.
"As for myself I have to admit I have never really thought about it but earlier when you had done your transformation I ... I dunno ... It sort of made me feel quite masculine even if I can't really say I feel male or anything like that. I don't have any issues with the bits I've got and I don't feel weird about having been assigned female but ... still ... y'know ..."
She paused again and smiled at Theresa when she showed up with their order. And then let her eyes linger at that sway when she walked away to start clearing a table at the other end of the small restaurant.

"How about I call up Aiko and ask if she wants to go out tonight, like to a club or something ... she's been curious about you ever since I agreed to help you with your challenge anyway. Just the three of us and you can ... I dunno ... test Chloe? in a social situation."
Anyone who had been watching the SidProQuo channel for any notable length of time would know that Sid had had a tendency to play as female characters, which he had often justified with a few different excuses. "I'd prefer to watch a character I'm attracted to as I play," "the female options just look better," and "hey, the girls are just absolute badasses" were some of his favourite justifications. And maybe Sid himself had believed those excuses. But in the past week, the truthfulness of those had been called into question. Had there been more to it? Some part of the girl inside expressing herself?

Chloe nodded as Alice extended the offer to let her come and be Chloe anytime. "Thank you. I could really use the help with that. Having a place to explore this ... It means a lot to me. I just ... I haven't dared leave my room as Chloe, let alone go out as her. I guess it's still a mix of shame and fear. But I'm working on unpacking that. My therapist knows about me, and she's gonna do some research and stuff to figure out how to help me best."

She nodded as Alice confessed to not feeling as feminine compared to Chloe. "That's interesting." She said.

At the suggestion of going to the club with Alice's friend, Chloe nodded. "I think that would be cool." She agreed.
Once lunch was over and the two young women had returned to the apartment Alice called up her friend Aiko and arranged for the three of them to go out that evening to Man Ray.
"Aiko is cool and you can basically tell her everything and anything and she will barely lift an eyebrow. I mean ... y'know ... but I'll leave it up to you how much to tell her. If you want to introduce yourself as just Chloe and say nothing about Sid she won't even look at you twice to hint at knowing you are not AFAB, and the same holds true if you decide to tell her the whole story."
Alice then went again to the closet and said that Chloe could basically choose whatever she wanted to wear to the club.

Aiko showed up at Alice's apartment about fifteen minutes later with a bag slung over her shoulder, a bottle of rather cheap wine and, as she didn't reveal until they were all sitting around in their underwear freshly showered and talking before getting dressed for clubbing, a joint which she lit, took a deep drag on and then passed to Chloe.

"I saw that Pixie Dust are playing at around ten so I'd like to get there no later than nine," Aiko informed the other two and glanced at Chloe to see if she had any idea what band she was talking about.
Chloe had nodded at Alice's comments about Aiko being okay with whatever Chloe decided to tell her. The freedom to decide how much she disclosed while knowing it wouldn't affect Aiko's view of her was a relief. And when the Asian woman arrived, Chloe had smiled and introduced herself with a simple "Hi, I'm Chloe."

The wine had been somewhat of a surprise, and the joint moreso. Chloe was a bit young to have much, if any, experience drinking alcohol, and too much of a goody two-shoes to have any with marijuana, but she was happy to partake if only for knowing that it might help her being more relaxed and less nervous with the coming evening out.

After nearly coughing up a lung from her first hit of the joint, she frowned at the mention of the band, or what she assumed to be a band. "Never heard of them. I, uh, don't have a lot of experience with music." She said. "But that sounds good. I'm happy to go ahead with whatever y'all decide." She said.

The effects of the drug were quite apparent fairly quickly, Chloe's head filling with a general happiness. "That's some good stuff. I think. I've never done it before."
"Nice to meet you Chloe," Aiko had said with a friendly smile but seemed not to give Chloe any more of a second glance than she might any other friend of Alice's but instead had walked into the room and dropped a large back pack on the floor next to the couch.

"The best," Aiko said as Chloe commented the weed and took a deep drag on the joint while Alice scrolled through Spotify and soon a thumping beat of a kick drum with overlapping complex toms filled the room for a few seconds before a raw and fast guitar riff came in joined by a funky bass line that seemed to live its entirely own life behind both guitar and drum: "We are the daughters of the witches your ancestors didn't dare to burn," a low but clearly female voice sang in what was somewhere between a growl and a demented laughter.
"The witches. The bitches." a higher and softer back up voice added befor the music was thrown into a fierce guitar solo.
"Witches from their first EP," Alice explained as the song ended and then let the playlist continue with songs by femme artists: DeathByRomy, Siiickbrain, Bambie Thug, Ashnikko, Baby Metal, Unloved, Zheani, Banshee, Zand, Jax and so on, while the three started to get dressed up for a night out.
The music was good, and Chloe felt herself relaxing to the beats as the trio continued to smoke the joint as they got ready. She was just one of the girls to these people. Aiko hadn't asked any questions, and neither girl seemed to mind having been relatively unclothed around Chloe. As she put on the dress Alice had picked out for her, she smiled. "So, this club, it's, like, queer AF, right?" She asked.

They made their way to the club via Uber, and as they walked towards the entrance, a male voice rang out. "Holy shit, is that a ghost?"

Chloe froze. She recognized that voice. She turned towards the source, already knowing who she'd find. "Hey, Chuck." She said with a reluctant sigh.

The person who spoke, a slightly older young man, paused and stared. "Wait, you're not Madison. But who — holy shit, you're the kid brother Brad tried to run over, aren't you? Sid, right? Sid The Kid? What the fuck are you doing dressed up like your sister? Is this like that old movie Psycho? You know, the one where the guy couldn't cope with his dead mother being dead so he dressed up like her and pretended to be her? Is that it? You miss your whore of a sister so bad you've turned into some kind of crossdressing faggot nutcase? That's it, isn't it? Do you fuck yourself like that? Or do you have some dude rail your sissy ass while you moan like a bitch?"

Chloe was stunned into silence, unable to respond as she stood there listening to the tirade of ableism, homophobia, and transphobia. Her jaw clenched, and she was fighting back tears as Chuck seemed to be gearing up for another series of insults.
"It is, sort of," Aiko said when Chloe asked about the club being queer.
"Not like it is an officially Queer club filled with people outside the gender binary or that there are no cishet people there," Alice added.
"But it is still a place where people like us can feel comfortable being open. You as a woman and me as totally lesbian."
Aiko glanced at Alice with a smile.
"And even Ms ThunderThigs here can be her awkwardly weird self, whatever that is." she then added and the two friends began to laugh as if at some private joke.

It was the first and only time (at least that night) Aiko even hinted at Chloe not being cis.

Alice payed the uber and then walked up behind Aiko and Chloe only to arrive in time to see some asshole verbally molest Chloe. Aiko had just opened her mouth to say something, probably give the guy a loud piece of her mind when this other man, tall with toned muscular arms, long hair in well groomed dreads and skin like melted milk chocolate, who on top of everything else seemed to be wearing a skirt, placed himself between Chloe and her abuser.
"Why don't you fuck off before I fuck you up real good," he said in a deep voice and with nothing but a threat of violence as a last resort should the guy be dumb enough not to leave, he placed his right index finger on the guy's chest and gave a mostly symbolic push. And there was a brief moment when the guy seemed to consider taking it as a challenge but then he spat on the ground, gave Chloe one last look, shook his head and left.
"You ok ms?" asked Chloe's saviour with a concerned look on his face.
"I'm Edward.
At this point both Aiko and Alice stood with their arms defensively around Chloe's shoulders and gave her all the support she could need.
Chloe was surprised by the sudden intervention of the tall Black man who interposed himself between Chloe and Chuck. As Chuck decided it was the smart move to fuck off, Chloe found herself blushing as the man introduced himself.

"Hi, Edward. I'm Si— Chloe. I'm Chloe." She said bashfully, holding out a hand as she brushed a strand of the wig's hair out of her face with the other. "Thank you for, uh, rescuing me from that jackass. And, uh, I think I'm okay. I just didn't expect to see him here. Or to be recognised. Or to have that happen. It just ... Wasn't what I expected to encounter." She said, finding herself glancing over Edward's body, the toned muscles, the dark skin, the skirt that seemed to have some great legs in it. He was definitely an attractive man.

She glanced at Aiko and Alice. "Thank for being there for me. If I'd been alone ..." She trailed off, shuddered, and shook her head. "No point dwelling on what could have been," she said, then nodded towards the door. "Let's go inside, then, shall we?"
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