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Graid, for your pleasure

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Jan 10, 2009
Bon jovi.
I am Graid, but you, since we're now friends and everything, can call me Graid. I am a student; don't ask what of and I won't have to bore you with the details. I'm bored of the details and this is the thing I'm supposedly going to do with the rest of my life.
It doesn't matter, because after I'm dead, I'm going to come back and haunt the place. That'll teach them to make higher education stale and uninteresting. But the social side of university is quite good. I like meeting new people.
Which brings me, in a roundabout manner, to the purpose of this thread: meeting new people (male and/or female, but mostly female), roleplaying, for the use of.

That's right, you, possibly, lucky human. You could be roleplaying with me in a matter of minutes. All you have to do is fill out a PM, y'know thing, and say that you'd like to RP with me. That's all. No hidden messages or secret codes.
I will be sure to let you know if I think you're fucked in the head. And then you won't be fucked in the RP! What? That was almost an hilarious pun. Fuck off.
No, don't. Stay. Please. I didn't mean it.

I've been described as probably not the most stable person on the introtron, but at least I'm not the most mental either, from the looks of things. I'd like you to be slightly unhinged too, it's more fun that way, and, if the RPing doesn't work out, we can have some surreal conversations.
Plots-wise, I'm pretty open. I can come up with pretty messed up things sometimes, and some real gems. So, if you don't get an RP you like right away, stick around.

If I had to, life or death, gun against my head, answer the question or I die, I'd probably lie and describe myself as extremely literate.
If it's an RP I like, and I'm properly motivated and inspired and in a good mood, you might get yourself a couple of paragraphs.
On the other hand, if it's an RP I don't like or I'm not inspired, or I'm on the downside of whatever emotional curve I'm currently on the upside of, you might get three lines. If you're lucky.
I run both hot and cold.

And that's all. I'm sure one of you helpful people out there will remind me if I've forgotten anything.

I RP over PMs. If I like you, you might also get my MSN.

I do not like:
Anthro/furry. This includes nekos, kitsunes, werewolves and any and every wonderful combination of man and animal you are able to come up with (including dragons that can take human form). I'm not interested, even if it's just ears and tails. I do not want to hear it.
Harry Potter. Just no.

Anything that does not appear on that above list is an anything I (currently) have nothing but good feelings towards and about.

Thank you.
Re: Graid sucks

I see my cunning bit of reverse psychology has, in fact, failed.
Re: Graid sucks

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone, only darkness when she's away.
Re: Graid sucks

...and she's always gone too long, anytime she goes away...

Re: Graid sucks


Now that you have PM'd me any further conversation in here would only confuse matters, and anybody lurking around or stalking us.
I'm not cool enough to be stalked, so they'd probably be stalking you.
Re: Graid sucks

Agreed. Whoops- continued the convo didn't I? Damn.

I hope I'm not cool enough to be stalked. I would have to de-cool then.

Okay, seriously, I'll shut up now.
Opening few bits of The Ascent of Man, which you might know from 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Mostly the drums.

Or maybe the opening couple of bars from Night on Bald Mountain.
Jumpsuit-wearing, blue-skinned alien babe heading your way.

I just love saying that. x3
It was meant to be space babe, but I got confused.

Sexy, blue-skinned, figure-hugging jumpsuit-wearing, big-breasted space babe.

There's also a fantasy version.

Sexy, pointy-eared, chainmail bikini wearing, big-breasted elf babe.

I am a dude of relatively simple tastes. XD
Darn, how clould I get THAT wrong?

It's nice to know that some men don't expect much from us ladies these days. xD

I never EVER got that on games. Okay, I did. I get that. Nudey women = more sells, fair enough.
But speaking realistically, that metal thong ain't going to be doing much good.
I also believe in equality. Make the big burly men in those games run around in metal bikini's and make high-pitched orgasm sounds everytime they thrust their sword. That'd be entertaing. >.<
There is still no escaping the fact that most gamers are male. Sad lonely males who live in their parents' basements and have no concept of what a real women should look like. Also, sex sells.
Like Ivy from Soul Calibur. In SCIV, her breasts are about the size of her head! And don't get me started on Dead or Alive.

I don't think there'd be much of an audience for big burly men who orgasm every time they thrust...
... or perhaps there would.

It's probably best not to think about it too much, lest your head asplode.
Dead or Alive is ridiculous- as is Soul Calibur. Fun to play, but fucking ridiculous.

And this is true, I remember reading about FFX-2 on the Net and some guy was complaining because Yuna's tits appeared smaller. Speaking of which, Lara Croft's keep expanding at an alarming rate.

No, there wouldn't be a great audience for men who orgasmed everytime they thrust their porksword, no.

--sods off to reply--
I play as Xianghua, for preference. And sometime Kilik or Mitsurugi.
Of course, the dudes in SC don't tend to wear much either.

Lara Croft's did, but then they stopped. And then shrank back to a managable size again when the graphics got good enough for people to start wondering how she was able to walk, never mind fling herself about like they were filled with helium.
When I'm playing those games I'm usually around my mate's so I don't know the characters so well but I remember Icy distinctly and I know I always play as the person who has a kind of cattleprod-type-thing for a weapon because the buzzing sounds entertain me.

Ha! I just had the image of good ol' Miss Croft floating to the ceiling by her breasticles. Excellent. I haven't even manage to play Anniversary yet actually...but I'm thinking of skipping it and going straight on to the new one because the graphics look fucking brilliant.

But I'm being all DS-y on my new DS at the moment, playing mario and sonic. >.<
I wrote my reply ages ago but it's just sitting in my Outbox being useless. ¬.¬
No that's fine, but you were online and it wouldn't send. Bah.

Speaking of going, I have an interview- wish me luck!
Good luck.

Tell me what it was for when you get back, because I am nosey.
College and thank you, your good luck wish obviously paid off because I got in.

For a dude who is apparently straight, I seem to spend an awful lot of time looking at the other threads in this forum, rather than in Requests by Females.
If asked about this, I will say that I am keeping an eye on the competition.
Farelaine: You don't think it comes across as over-familiar and therefore a bit creepy?
Like people you've just met calling you 'love', that's the one that freaks me right out.
So, if anyone is willing to play a giant transexual ball of slime, they should get in touch with me.
I guess it could. Just figured it's internet people and their way of welcoming people. Plus, I know youuu. -Noms on-
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