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The Contract ( OPEN X Ethereal) NSFW IMAGES

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"You deserve every bit of it, Miyu." The man solemnly stated as fact, taking a drag from his cigarette as he listened with half-lidded eyes.

Those observant blues noticed her girlish drink and the man couldn't help but crack into a warm smile. The otherwise serious lines of his rigid jaw and face lightened up at studying Miyu's ever delicate prose. There was something about her that was so innocent and pure, but the domineering hitman before her understood that Miyu probably did things beyond his wildest dreams. While Miyu was innocent, her girlish cover was the lid over all the demonic, sexual favors she had probably played during the years up to his ownership. Aiden judged her not. No, instead, he'd enjoy his cigarette while listening. The man reached over for his glass with cigarette burning between his fingers. The amber liquid within audibly sloshed about the ice as he lifted it.

Aiden could tell the honesty and tragedy in her voice. He sipped his drink ever calmly, his gaze a consoling type, while digesting her words in full. While Aiden loved to issue commands and test limits, he was also a surprisingly good listener. The calm music flowing through the bar speakers mounted on the roof seemed to put his own soul at ease despite hearing things no man wished their 'wife' to go through. Or should he say 'wives' in this case? A deep sigh pushed through his nose. Aiden savored his dwindling cigarette. It's orange glow radiated between them and highlighted how attentive he was at listening to her story without interruption.

The bar tender ensured their drinks were always topped, but never did interrupt. No, this story was only for Aiden's ears only, and he made sure of it.

Miyu's owner and minted 'husband' would purse his lips, eyes going deep in thought as he followed along with her story. A hard swallow shifted his stubbled throat as he shook his head, muttering after she had described what happened with Takanori Ueno, "Miyu..." It was all he could say. It was his words of apology that someone like her—a delicate flower—endured. Mizuki on the other handthat wild mare. Aiden shook his head again, brushing the thoughts aside. Her tears had him reaching out under the dim interior of the bar, brushing a thumb across her cheek to ensure no tear fucked up her makeup. Aiden hummed lowly, "your father is definitely a man bond to his business, and the success of the family as a whole. I won't make excuses for how badly he's treated you. I don't know him well enough to defend."

Aiden dropped his hand from Miyu's cheek, and took a final drag of his cigarette before stubbing it out in an astray. As he did that, Miyu's hand came for him. He'd look toward her, and then ease into holding her as if giving in. His fingers laced with Miyu for a moment, allowing her to receive that bit of comfort. Her words had him arching a brow ever slyly, eyes scanning her face as he took in her honesty. Her words, her actions, had him guilty: 'why did I bring her here? Why would I ever decide to use her as a pawn? I should keep her exclusively to myself. I am her shield, after all.'

Internal thoughts raged in Aiden's mind, and she could see it in his eyes.

"I'll remember everything you said, Miyu. I can promise you that. I'll do you better than your owners before. I'll keep your father away from now on." He'd reassure, leveling eyes sternly before lifting his drink for a sip. A smirk cracked at his lips again, that amusement spilling in a huff through his nose, "I don't say this often, but, you look cute with your drink, you know that? Delicate is what delicate does. A little doe. My doe."

A hand reached out, cupping her jaw affectionately and giving it a stroke of his thumb. "You know, I was an orphan myself? Raised by an Italian family in the wrong business, passed around for hire by Russians, climbed to the top on the back of sponsors. We're not so differentwe're broken but not forever ruined. I'll take care of you and Mizuki to my best ability. But speaking of, I need you to help me tame that little mare. Would you twist her emotions to please me? We can play a little game with her until she's understanding of her place."
Miyu was nursing her tequila sunrise and playing with a cute umbrella stuck in it but every time her drink got too low the bartender made sure it was always full. It was pretty shocking to hear that Aiden was being so nice to her. A part of her was always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Right now he was taking her out to a nice bar and a date no man took her on dates. His kind words got her to look up into his hypnotizing blue eyes after dark ones looked like they were full of storm clouds. Even with her being submissive he could see that as she spoke about her history and what happened to her it made her look even more fragile. Give me some insight as to why Mizuki was so determined to protect her and shelter her from the world. A world that was very harsh to the twins and that was shattered far too soon.

Hearing Aiden whisper her voice on his lips it felt so nice. “Y…you call me by name… I’m honored…” whispering that says so much about her especially when none of her husband ever used her name. Her entire life went from precious daughter to item being passed around once she was married off.

That’s simple kind act of him reaching out and brushing away tears from her eyes only made her cry a bit more just to feel such a tender gesture from someone she just met. He could see her bite her bottom lip to try and keep herself from crying even more. “Forgive minister give me a moment I’ll be fine. I’m always fine.” Whether it be truth or lie she was very good at bottling her motions app and being the perfect doll for anyone who owned her. Without thinking she lifted her hand and placed it on the side of his cheek and away to be tender and showed that she appreciated everything he did for her. There was no way to know that he felt guilty but no matter what she had pledged herself to him and she helped her keep her around for long enough so she could fulfill her promise. That hand move back to his leg since he felt like it belong there and it didn’t take long for his to find her own. Fingers linking with each other.

Did he just call her cute? Those words alone made her blush furiously. His little doe was all ears and she looked flabbergasted when he mentioned that he was an orphan and he shared something so personal with her. Left speechless he could feel her fingers tightening around his hand as a way to show that he wasn’t alone without saying a word. “ my dearest blue-eyed God you deserved nothing like that. You’re so kind. I wish I could take away the pain you felt. No one deserves that life. Especially not you.” Miyu spoke the truth and she felt that his kind heart and the fact that he rescued her showed he was such a good person. Good people do not need to be in this business but lucky for her this good man decided to rescue her from eternal torment by the Russians.

When he mentioned needing her help Miyu automatically nodded and agreed and when it came to her sister she understood why. “Mizuki isn’t as bad as she seems trust me. The things she seen. The things we’ve seen… I’ll do what I can trust me she’ll get over it for me she has to.” I’ll do what I can trust me she’ll get over it for me she has to.” With that she leaned in close and offered a soft peck on his cheek not sure if she was worthy enough to give him a kiss on the lips but she was testing the waters to try and show her affection.
Aiden understood the wants and needs of his gentle little doe before him. He understood her strife and hardship up until this point: Miyu had been trained and raised as nothing more than a toy to be passed around by rival syndicate members in order to avoid war, or establish treaties. Whenever that husband perished, her father would simply pass her unto the next rival that was treated too close on family turf or business. Given their situation, maybe Aiden's care is what Miyu needed: no longer would she be passed around between gangsters, but stationed on the watch of a murderous ghost that moved between parallel realities.

The hand upon her cheek slowly dropped back into his lap, and the lean of her body forwards had him stationary so she could plant that soft peck upon his stubble cheek. Aiden reached up, grabbed her chin, and planted his warm lips atop of her own properly. A deep seated, vibrating groan ruminated in his throat and translated upon their embrace under the dim lighting of a rather seedy dive, full of the same bloodthirsty gangsters she was raised around. Their kiss was soon withdrawn by her Master, their lips separated with a moist pop that was muted by the hum of conversation around them. Aiden let go of her now, reaching for his glass and taking another sip. As the bourbon washed their kiss away from his lips, the man commented gruffly, "it's okay, Miyu. I don't regret who I am, or what I became. I don't have that time to look back and wish for different. Neither do you. We are who we are. We can only move ever forward."

Her words about Mizuki had him grinning handsomely under the dim light, the bartender returned to top off his drink by the bottle. Aiden tossed him an acknowledging nod before sipping. "Good girl, lets make a little game, hm? We'll break her together. I don't want to abuse her, and I don't want to slap her around like her father. So we'll go about breaking her mind and soul instead until she's compliant. We'll be smart." He'd tip his glass toward her before having a sip again, mulling over the taste in the recesses of his ever sensitive taste buds.

That's when a new male stepped up besides them, standing at six feet tall. He was put together, with short-kept hair swept back toward the nape of his neck. It was dirty blonde, matching the brows and stubble upon his own iron jaw. Emerald green eyes peered down at Miyu first, his arms crossing before his brutish chest, before they moved upon Aiden in familiar fashion. A deep hum echoed in his own mouth, as if approving of Miyu, before he spoke in a hushed pitch under the relaxing vibes of the bar about them, "Aiden, your moves are making waves. The whole thing with the Miura family is getting whispers and gossip going between many channels."

"Caden, it's been a minute, this is Miyumy little doe and plaything."

Caden was dressed in a black and white suit, the blazer struggling to hug at his broad and toned upper torso with its tailored fit. There was no doubt that Caden came close to the build, size, and tattooed nature of her owner. He was a touch more fair skinned, his eyes a different shade, and hair a lighter color. However, the two shared a similar suave charm that matched the swanky, smooth tones that the bar seemed to command everyone follow. There was no doubt this place was more nefariousa watering hole for the darker elements of the city—than anything else.

"Miyuwait, Miyu Miura?" Caden wagged a finger toward her, brows narrowing, "you're Ichiro's daughter, too. Wait, Aiden, did you find your way into both his daughters?"

Aiden sipped his drink, tipping his head and shrugging his shoulders as if this was something so simple. Easy. He'd set the drink down and strike his tongue against the roof of his mouth, "tch, seems so. Either way, did you bring my information? I don't plan on being lectured tonight for free."

Caden nodded, placing a hand on his suit blazer, "I have the documents you asked, but I also don't work for free."

Aiden looked toward Miyu, and motioned her to follow with the jerk of his head, "come, we'll talk about this in private." Taking her by the hand, Miyu's tall and brutish Master would lead the way into the back rooms, where a door opened up into a small, square room surrounded by a open booth, a table at the center. As they walked toward the room, Miyu would find Caden's hand trailing the round, tone nature of her ass from above her dress, as if he was trying to silently size her up without anyone noticing. His fingers tightened some, watching for the submissive's reaction before she was allowed to sit in the private room's booth, with Aiden dividing her from Caden.
It wasn’t hard to see that is sweet little doe carried herself with grace even though she was just treated as a toy. She was being ever so gentle with Aiden and it was kind of shocking her since she was never like that with her other husbands. Then again none of her other husbands were this gentle and kind with her. The fact that Aiden was opening up to her and gave her an interesting insight on her new master. She really liked her new husband and it was rare for her to really like anyone it was a matter of survival for her. From the outside looking in they look like just a regular couple out on a date but if any would listen in they would hear how they spoke and realize this was anything but.

Her head lowered from his cheek. Miyu gave him a gentle kiss but when his hand went under her chin and told her just so to places let’s plan hers he could feel the heat radiating from her face. “I’m very good at games master.” She whispered to him. She would’ve said more but another man had began to approach them and her master knew him she would lean back and sip on her drink again and she would only watch it be a pretty little piece of eye candy. The men were talking which meant she would listen and be a good trophy wife.

The men came over was quite the looker unhandsome but she would not say as handsome as her master. Giving him a nod and a gentle bow she would focus only on looking towards Aiden making sure he knew that she knew her place. This new very well-built man knew her name and that caused her to turn her face and give him a look over but not for very long. Miyu would not answer him but look towards her Adonis keeper and wait until he told her what to do. Caden waggled his finger at her but she did nothing but not a small yes since he was right about her name.

They both had business I need to get done and she knew not to listen to carefully. Follow Aiden’s lead she would put her she would put her drink on the table drink down and stand when he did. Without hesitation she took her masters hand and followed. Large brown eyes would look around the room taking in her surroundings but what Aiden would notice even if she spoke nothing her body language spoke volumes especially when this new buff man would secretly cop I feel of her nice ass. Aiden would hear her make a tiny squeak that’s her entire body fully 10 step forward seemed like a second or less. Miyu would not react or flinch or even tell him to stop she straightened up quickly and stayed next to Aiden. She would never speak against anyone that her master was working with even if he wasn’t supposed to be touching property that wasn’t his.

Even though she said nothing when Aiden sat between the two she silently made it noted that her preference was Aiden. Caden wasn’t able to touch or try to do anything with her master keeping her from him for the moment.
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Caden was fast to understand the dynamic between Aiden and Miyu. Miyu was absolutely dedicated, loyal, obedient. As they walked toward the back rooms, Aiden turned to look at Miyu with an arched brow at hearing her squeak. Following, his eyes moved to Caden who gave a light shrug, much to Aiden's chagrin. They'd all casually sit within the groaning, crackling leather of the welcoming booth, and a hostess in a corset was fast to approach for drinks. Aiden would motion for Miyu's tequila sunrise order, and also put in another of Blanton's on the rocks for himself. Caden would lean back in his seat and order a choice Vodka before reaching for his own smokes, slipping an unlit cigarette between his lips. Too bad he didn't have a submissive to light it up for him.

Aiden would stretch an arm out, and let it run along the top of the booth behind Miyu's slender little shoulders. Possessively, the man pressed her up against his hard, rocky side as his arm curled around her. It was here, after their conversation, that Aiden knew he would not involve her in today's meeting as he originally planned. No, he found himself being swayed some sort of way. No longer was Miyu some object to be pawned off like her father envisioned. While she was property, Miyu was his property. And so, Miyu would come to find out the topic of tonight's conversation to also be relevant to herself.

Caden hummed, reaching into his suit jacket for a thumb drive. Said thumb drive was sat upon the table before them, and his index and middle finger pushed it toward Aiden smoothly. The sound of it dragging across the wood drew Aiden's eyes from Miyu. A deep rumble of Aiden's voice confirmed his thoughts, "glad you were able to dig this up. So, tell me, did you already review the data or are you just a mere deliverer of it?" Aiden reached out, grasped the thumb drive, and handed it toward Miyu with an arched brow and a whisper, "I trust you to not lose this, my little doe. It's vitally important."

When she confirmed she would not, he'd look back toward Caden. Caden would lick his lips and tip his head, "just a deliverer, this time, Aiden. But I did hear whispers that your precious Mizuki was indeed set up. I mean, are you surprised? This woman was the top of the field before her fall from grace. Rather sudden, don't you think?"

Aiden clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth and shrugged his mountainous shoulders, "tch, well, who am I to judge and why would I reject owning her?"

Caden smirked, lit his cigarette and took a drag, "just like her sister, over there? Everything comes with a price, Aiden. You know this. Your whole life has been sacrifice."

Aiden turned eyes upon Miyu, placed a warm kiss on the top of her head, and noticed their drinks had arrived. After picking up his glass of bourbon and having a sip, the brute placed it down and sighed through his nose contently. Looming pectorals rose and fell against the tailored nature of his ensemble, pushing his tie up before it fell down. "I'll send payment via usual channels, yeah?" The words had Caden clearing his throat.

"Ah-ah, wait a minute," Caden looked toward Miyu, narrowing his gaze, "if she's just a mere possession, you wouldn't mind if I have her for a while?"

Aiden's jaw clenched, "she's not for sale. And speak about her like that again, and I'll go for your family first."

Caden smirked, dragging from his cigarette, "always quick to anger, Aiden. Rellaxx, it was just a mere question." Caden would wink toward Miyu smoothly, but Aiden would soon push from their booth, extending a hand for her to take.

"Our business is done here, payment has gone through. Till next time, Caden."

Aiden would wait for Miyu to take his hand before guiding her out from the back rooms, his footsteps strong and powerful. He looked annoyed, frustrated, but did not show regret. Aiden caught himself developing stronger feelings for his newest wife, possession, and pet. As they reached the parking lot outside, he'd unlock and hold the door open for her in silence. She might be able to see it written across his face: he cared for her, and hated himself for it.
Miyu could not help that squeak but she kept completely silent after that falling behind Aiden like a new puppy who just got saved from a puppy mill. She’s never go against him and even if Caden made her uncomfortable it was not her place to say anything it was only her place to do as her master instructed her to. Her eyes shifted towards the waitress but never towards his business partner and she didn’t even linger that long as she focused back on Aiden.

He was kind enough to get her drinks and sheets up on them when she got a new tequila sunrise. Something like this would not get her drunk but it always is the pain when she got a drink and it was rare that either has been let her have them in before. As Aiden’s strong arm wrapped around her possessively He’d feel her leaned in close. Keeping very close as it silently saying to the other man he owns me and you do nothing without him saying anything. It took years for her to get used to talking while being silent with her gestures and body language. That was how she stayed alive for so long and why she was sad after by many mob bosses.

The two strong men had business and she made it a point to not truly listen. Turning slightly to place a hand across Aiden’s chest fawning over him. In the way she was showing that she was excepting his claim over her and also signaling to the other man that she’d never waiver. The only reason she perked up a little bit was when she heard her name but it was in regards to how Caden wanted her for a bit. The fact that she didn’t react or refuse or even argue set a lot. Miyu Focused on her drink and stay as close to Aiden as she could.

What came next actually surprised her but lucky for her she didn’t look too surprised. Internally she was but she was trying to have such a poker face especially when she was passed around it was easy to get through whatever was going to come. Her master told him no! That was something she wasn’t expecting. She was only brought along to places like these to service others but he wasn’t letting her go so in her mind she was a bit confused.

Her eyes betrayed her slightly as they want to vir wide looking at Aiden. A deer in the headlights for mere second. There was no way to know if either men caught it. Turning she looked at Caden catching his wink but she didn’t respond at all.

Nothing. Her face was neutral as she looked at her drink to sit out of her long straw. With a small slip she finished her drink and when Aiden left the booth and extended his hand to her deeply she placed her hand over his in a downer position as if the lady should and stood with him. Whatever their business was it was none of her business and it was her child just to be the eye candy so whatever they said she had blocked out. That defense mechanism was good in case anyone decided to take her she would have no knowledge of what happened because she wasn’t listening.

Taking a look she make sure his business associate was out of earshot before she would say something to Aiden. Softly she whispered: “Master….” She was going to ask why he did it. He could’ve sent her off with him and she would not have said no. If you needed her for that she would do anything. A part of her wanted to know why but it wasn’t her place again and when he open the door to his car she slide in and not even question his motives. In her mind she thought maybe there’s a bigger fish for her to sway later on. It didn’t cross your mind that he wanted to keep her for himself. Then again they both have never slept together maybe he would only use her after he got her first. For now Aiden was a mystery to her but a mystery she wouldn’t even try to unlock. The silence was unbearable. Sitting next to him in the car she finally spoke up but it wasn’t a question only a statement. “I’ll do anything for you master. No questions asked. You know that right?” Maybe he was upset at her and this was her way of trying to reassure him and hoping that it would work. he was clearly stuck in his mind and she didn’t know why and she thought maybe somewhere she upset him. Was it the fact that she didn’t let Caden touch her? Maybe she failed his test. That was her current worry. Falling silent again she wondered what she could do to prove that she was completely loyal to him and him alone.
When Miyu was in the vehicle, the man rounded to the driver's seat and fired up the vehicle. Aiden seemed his usual self: solemn, serious, business. However, there was something more pensive in his gaze as they moved in traffic. He was silent, thoughtful, as they rode back home. The city lights reflected across the front windshield and across the broad nature of her Master's brutish chest. One hand idly fixed his tie's knot about his neck before returning to the steering wheel. Miyu's words almost surprised the man as he came out of his thoughts in a flash. Bright blue eyes blinked a few times before turning toward her in the passenger seat ever patiently.

"I know Miyu," he hummed a sigh, "I know." It was all he said as they continued to weave in between the other vehicles on the road. Aiden cleared his throat and licked his bottom lip as he diverted his eyes out the front windshield again, but spoke to her as he did so. "You did nothing wrong, Miyu. It's funnytypically Caden haggles me to no end. He gave in pretty easily with you around tonight." Aiden swallowed hard, his throat shifting, as he turned them toward the driveway of their grand home, the gate slowly opening before them. As it did, he'd look over toward her ever slyly, handsome, and comment, "I don't share things I care about." Aiden gave her a clue, hinting that he'd never share her or Mizuki and only realize it tonight on their date when they became closer.

"Besides, we got what we needed." Aiden reached into the pocket of his slacks and pulled out the thumb drive he had gotten from Caden, waving it between them as they parked in the garage of his home. "This. This should have some information on the hit that Mizuki failed. I have a feeling she was set up, and I think finding out the facts might be a way to win over our little mare. Maybe she won't scratch me up as badly." The man snickered subtly under his breath before encasing the thumb drive in his closed fist and stepped out of the vehicle. The door to his car was thrown open, then closed, as he stepped out and rounded it to help Miyu.

The thumb drive was tucked into his pocket as he then helped her step out. Aiden closed the door behind her and carefully planted his hands upon the vehicle at either side of her head. Pinning her between him and the car, one hand slipped along her neck and jaw once more, sweeping some of her beautiful hair behind an ear. The other hand remained upon the vehicle beside her head, his bicep blaring and mountainous shoulders shifting. Aiden's eyes remained upon her as he drew close, breath held, head soon tipping to one side as their lips came in contact. When they did, the man closed his eyes and brushed those eager tiers across her own in a series of strokes. They were slow, steady, building.

Soon, his own tongue would join the fray as he pinned her there, enjoying their moment just the two of them. The hand upon her neck and jawline slowly began to grab one strap of her dress, slipping it downward from her shoulder as he tangled tongues with her.
Miyu could not help but be worried. The part of her thought she did something wrong. Her other husbands were not hesitate to use her in a deal but this one didn’t. She sat silently occasionally looking at Aiden. Try not to make eye contact but also trying to read his face. When he hunt a soft “I know” there was no way she would question him. His word was the end all be all. Turning back she look out the window watching the cars go by and thinking to herself but never letting her thoughts out of her mind.

Her master will continue and he said something that caused her to try to look at him and hearing that she did nothing wrong made her feel a lot better. Aiden would hear her sigh a soft sigh of relief. Caden was a mystery to her but Aiden knew him better and she wondered why he gave in so easily.

The grand mansion was in the distance as they approached the gate open and they drove inside. What is a little Doe wasn’t expecting was what he said next.

"I don't share things I care about."​

Such words lingered with Miyu. It took her a good few moments to even register what he meant. Though when they did, his busty pet blushed once again. She could have talked or said something but she gave him a little bow to show that she understood. Always seen and not heard that was her life and if he valued her she would never complain about it. It made her feel good inside. What he said next snapped her out of her little fantasy world. They had got what he needed but what was that?

Large brown eyes return to look at the small dry between his thumb and forefinger. Aidan said that information about her sister and then hit that ruined her life. To be honest Miyu was very much out of the loop of what happened with her sister considering how she was sheltered and passed around. “So…. The rumors are true? I only heard a few whispers. No one tells me anything.” Miyu confessed before Aiden exited the car and turned to help her out of the passenger side door.

The lady in black Let out a soft gasp when he pinned her between the car and himself. It was not the sound of fear just surprised that she looked up at him meeting his beautiful blue eyes but it didn’t take long for her to close her own and tilted her head so he could easily kiss her. Those rippling muscles hidden behind his suit pressed against her full chest. This was a far cry from how her sister had treated him. Miyu was just as soft as her twin but a bit more pleasant. For once Miyu was enjoying this kiss. Without thinking she let her tongue eat with his dance sensual tango. The sculpted Adonis could hear his pet let out soft moans. It was almost like she forgot to breathe when he kissed her. Pinned against his car as she felt his hand find the strap of her black dress and slowly start to move it to help slip it down. A part of her wanted to help but she didn’t want to overstep your boundaries especially when he was treating her so nicely.

What has she done to deserve such a good master? Heaven knows her last two husbands were hell. She couldn’t help but think how lucky she was the Aidan Took her in when no one else would. He could feel her arms wrap around him without thinking hoping that he wouldn’t punish her for wanting to touch him and feel his rock-hard body.
There was no doubt that Aiden understood and knew that Miyu would be more than willing and able to please in a moment's notice. He cared about her, and so much so that he could not bring himself to use her like her father typically would. There was also more to it: he wanted to enjoy her first while in his possession than letting Caden do so. The hand upon his car remained, the other continued to lead her dress's strap down over her slender shoulder. When that was done, the other upon her opposite shoulder followed, and his hands moved to help ensure the dress slipped down to her ankles across his garage floor.

As Aiden undressed her, the man leaned in and stroked his lips masterfully over hers. A sign of passion and wanton need, his own tongue danced with hers but set their aggressive rhythm. It was always Aiden taking the lead, but he had no qualms with that sense of control. If Miyu had wore panties, the brute's index finger would hook within it, pushing, tugging, ensure she knew he wanted everything off. Their lips soon separated, and tongues untangled, with a moist smack of division. A tiny dribble of saliva was wiped from his bottom lip with his tongue as her towering Adonis stepped back, both hands working the vest of his ensemble.

Buttons were undone, and the vest was pulled behind him before being tossed across the car's hood behind her. Ever observant and worshipping blue eyes scanned upon her figure, tracing the lines and flare of her hips, before meeting her ever vulnerable gaze. "We can save the talk about your sister for later. I promise I'll do what I can to figure out what happened to her. But for now, I want you. I just realized I never claimed you properly. I think we should change that, without Mizuki's interruption." Aiden couldn't help but let a confident smirk grace his lips as he began unbuttoning his shirt after stripping his tie.

One by one, his large pectorals and the striated lines of his abdominals made themselves known within the opening. Both chiseled arms extended back as he tugged, stretching out his mountainous and tattooed shoulders to catch the fabric at his lower back. The sight of his v-cut hips running until they vanished within his waistband was seen, moving as he tossed the shirt now and undid his slacks. The purr of his zipper soon brought the hefty, once constrained bounce of his eager cock. It swayed, shifted, before the backdrop of his washboard core as he now stepped out of his pants and shoes, closing some distance between them as he licked his bottom lip, admiring her face with his ever studious gaze.

"On your knees, Miyu." He'd cup a hand across her face, and give her one last kiss upon the lips, before he'd let her show her admiration before being properly claimed. Besides, he needed to be wet and slick to even attempt to fit into her tight little slit. The sheer size of his girth and heft looked as if it was an impossible task, one in which Mizuki had to fight to make happen earlier, but now it was the more timid Miyu's turn.
Aidens calculations were spot on as he easily moved one strap of that black dress than another. She wore black lingerie with a garter and thigh highs underneath. Miyu knew how to dress the part both inner and outer. That shared kiss made her heart flutter. Was it because of his kind words earlier? Perhaps but this was the first time in a long time that she didn’t feel like an absolute burden to anyone.

With a light thud on the ground that black dress fell resting around her ankles. Aidan saw what she was wearing and it was sexy and look like something that a model would wear. The black stood out against her moon beam pale skin. No words were spoken at their lips met and danced sensual tango. Aiden took the lead since Miyu wasn’t used to leading at all. This bombshell was used to being told what to do and following which was a refreshing break for Aiden since his feral stray kitten would never listen to him like this. Each clip and strap was easily undone stripping his new doe down to barely nothing leaving her in her thigh highs with her panties pulled aside. Her new master did not even have to say a word Ashley took his talking as a sign to get herself fully nude and that’s what she did for him reading behind her and unbuttoning her bra slipping it off and tossing it to the ground.

The garter was next to fall. There she was once he backed away and broke the case she was left in only her thigh high standing before him nude. Large breasts in clear view. It was hard to guess which sister was lager and both of them are blessed in that department. Full and soft and both only his.

Miyu Could not help but stare wide eyed as he unbutton his top revealing his her Herculean like muscles. I God among men. She’s sore he was made of marble. He looked too good to be true and without thinking she reached out to touch his chest grading her fingers from the neighbor his neck down. When she caught herself she quickly stopped only to look away and bow in shame. Awaiting her punishment she figured it would hit her. Even looking away it did not last long as he undid his pants dropping them showing what he was hiding and that’s when her mouth went to wide. Miyu’s jaw might as well have hit the floor! How huge was this man!?!?

Aidan hurt her squeak and it was a mix of shock and fear not of him but of his size and by the looks of it he could tell that he was the biggest she ever saw. Mizuki would have complained and told him but it didn’t matter or she didn’t care but her twin was easy to read with her facial expressions.

"On your knees, Miyu."​

Miyu heard His instructions but for at least 10 seconds she throws his hand grazed her soft cheek. She was not ignoring him she was just in shock at what she was seeing. It would probably have to lift her kid up and she kissed him again before slowly feel like herself to her knees. Her eyes only on him. A part of her was scared to face his huge Excalibur before her.

Miyu Was not want to disappoint us she left with her hands gently caress from his lower calves working their way up and he could feel soft butterfly kisses on his upper thighs.

No she was not refusing to do anything but she was worshiping him. Adoring him. Showing him that he was the only man that she would ever lay her eyes on. Big brown eyes watched his reaction as she kissed higher and higher and her lips began kissing his huge ball sack. That hot tub of her licking and lapping him taking her sweet time. Why would she rush it when he was a god? No words were needed as he could see the way she don’t look like she was at an alter. Taking her sweet time not even touching his shaft just yet. Every part of him needed tender loving care and if he looked down Aiden with clips or opening her tiny mouth wide to try and fit his balls in her mouth and suck on them before reaching up with one hand gently rubbing his shot which looked oversize in her tiny dainty palm. Moans and vibrations could be felt hoped to get a reaction to see if she was doing it right or any orders for her to continue or do something else but for now his manhood and everything around it to be shown how she adored it.
Aiden's heart pounded in his chest as those crystal blue eyes admired Miyu's stacked figure as if she was some goddess above an altar; he couldn't tell of her chest was bigger than her Sister's but it was luckily for him he owned both siblings, right? However, the favor was returned, but Aiden's own facial portrait was less revealing than hers. A glance up had Aiden understanding her shock and pleasure in what he had revealed to her, despite having been around the house shirtless and naked before. There was something in her cockshocked mannerisms that had him grinning wickedly, handsomely, and almost arrogantly so. He wielded her obedience like a weapon, and yet, she appreciated that firm hand by roaming her own fingers across his hardened figure before doing as he willed.

Those few seconds of her pause did not earn her his ire. No, they did the opposite. She could see his pleased smile beginning to creep upon his lips. Aiden's smile was washed away as he leaned his head forwards and met Miyu's warm kiss with one of his own. They'd brush lips passionately again, his head tipping to the side to deepen it some, before her intimidated eyes were skyward upon him as she lowered to her knees. It was upon her knees that his hard, towering cock acted as a divider between their glances. Aiden's length was near the size of her chin to forehead at this rate. It was enough to wash her eyes in his silhouette, the shield of Aiden's rippling back also plodded out the fluorescent lights of the ceiling above. He was now her god, and she did not let him forget that.

The feeling of her hands caressing his calves had them flexing up against her touch as if electricity was jolted through his veins. That led up to his tree-trunk sized thighs that flared outwards, unleashing an unseen and previously relaxed amount of definition that left little space between one another. Her kisses had him groaning, both hands mashing to the side of his vehicle above her. A deep seated groan rolled off of his lips, noting his pleasure, while Aiden's chin tipped toward the median of his collarbones. Bright blue eyes watched her intently from above with that demanding and domineering energy flowing in his irises. However, Miyu was allowed to explore, to worship, and to admire unhindered by him.

Aiden wanted her to. He wanted her to know every imperfection upon his unwavering thighs, and the heft of his towering cock that awaited above on its own accord. A slave should know every inch of her master, and this was moving toward that notion. Their eyes remained locked as she lifted, kissing higher along his legs until she met his heavy balls. Aiden couldn't help but allow a groan to rumble louder within his closed mouth like some dormant lion above her.

One hand dropped, brushing some hair from her face as he watched silently, groaning, allowing her to take her time. For now, it was a nice retreat from being scarred and fighting with the little lioness on the other side of the door. The suck of his balls and stroke of that hard, throbbing cock before the backdrop of his abs had him groaning, the divisions of his core tightening before her eyes.

"Good girl," he moaned, "I don't need to tell you want to do. Worship your god." He'd smirk, allowing her to move at her own pace while his body rippled, tensed in reaction to her moves.
Miyu Was fortunate that Aiden could not hear the way her heart was nearly being out of her chest. Why was she getting so nervous? This is nothing out of the usual for her but with Aiden he was treating her like a human and that gave her butterflies in her stomach. Not only butterflies but goosebumps. he could tell easily by the way her breath would catch and she would try to take a full breath but she couldn’t hide how rapidly she was breathing. The rising and falling of her huge chest was enough to notice. She took in such deep breath that he could feel on occasion that her nipples rubbed against his bare chest. This was not the first time she was nude in front of him either. Betsy and her sister were instructed to keep as little clothing on them as possible and her body was no surprise to Aiden. What was a great surprise was she was not even marked or scarred from any of her previous husbands at least physically. Not even a small scrape or scar from falling over. Miyu Was like a purebred feline taken care of and provide it with the best. Her pedigree was easy to see. She was a Miura. Unlike her twin she was easy to control and handle. With her personality like this she was an easy pawn to give away to anyone willing. Houses would fall because of her and when Aiden got the chance he could see that family’s fought over getting ownership of this twin.

Obedience what’s her strong point. Taking her time as our hands ran across his body exploring every scar, every birthmark if he had any, every hair follicle…. she could see how she studied him and how her eyes memorized every centimeter of his flesh. His busty pet took her time and now that she was finally on her knees he could see and feel how her hands gently ran up and down his toned muscular legs. He was treated to a gasp especially when he flexed. “Gods do exist…” Miyu whispered to herself without thinking. Plush lips kissed up and down his thighs before her hot mouth took in his balls sucking them as if they held the elixir of life within that she couldn’t get. Extremely careful he felt no teeth only tongue and radiating heat. That dinky hand of hers slowly rubbed up and down his length before her thumb found the tip of his massive cock and begin to rub right around the opening as if trying to coax out any pre-cum.

Those Is it looking brown eyes of hers looked up catching his Cerulean blue Giving him her undivided attention. Any scars she found she log into her memory. She’d remember each and every one. The king lion above her let out a satisfying groan making her feel amazing that she could coax something like that out of him. A strong hand reached down to push soft Raven hair from Hr face so he could look at her better. With a mouth too full to talk it was her turn to let out a moan that vibrated around his balls.

All it took was a soft ‘good girl’ to make his new pet step up her efforts. Miyu didn’t want to leave his balls, but she could sense his tension. Opening her mouth and pulling back he’d see her lick her lips Before she slid back on her knees placing her face right in front of his cock and her mouth Right in front of her thumb. Not skipping a beat she lowered her thumb leaning in to let her tongue stick out and flick against his cock head.

Eyes on him. Knees firmly planted. Her hand still stroking but this time her mouth was open and engulf his entire cock head and begin sucking. Her hot tongue flicking furiously on his tip but not taking anymore of him in. All his little pet wanted was a reaction to let her know if she was doing it right she figured if she did something wrong he pull her hair or even slap her. So far he has been nothing but gentle and she was going to do everything she could to keep him that way.

Miyu for once did not fear her husband. This time it felt good and she was enjoying everything she was doing and if you look down he could see her rubbing her thighs together but not letting her freehand go down below. Feeling herself getting wet and as badly as she wished to figure herself there was no way she would do it and get pleasure from this before her master would. Only if he told her she would touch yourself so in order to keep her hand away from her nether regions she reached up with a free hand and placed it on the opposite thigh and began rubbing his marble statuesque leg. No nails are paying for Aiden this time it was all pleasure.
Aiden couldn't help but groan, his core tightening, as Miyu's hands roamed over the rocky nature of his thighs. His hard figure was dusted over in a light amount of maintained hair, but that did not deter her fingers and palms from finding every ridge of definition stacked upon him. The florescent lighting overhead almost made her towering Adonis look as if he had an unearned halo from her perspective upon her knees, and also added a glow to his fair complexion. Her words had Aiden grinning, an amused but pleased smirk pushing through his nose, while he stood his ground and gathered up a ponytail of hair within his large grip.

Her kisses had his legs expanding to her touch as if she jolted him with a taser, but the expansion and contraction was slow, timed, patient. It flowed with her caresses and touches well. Her tongue lathering his heavy balls had the brute tipping his head back for a moment. Both eyes closed as he bit down on his bottom lip, muting some of the moans that wanted to pour from the depths of his throat. The hand gripping the base of her ponytail tightened, his fist clamping, and forearm went the same way of his thighs as muscle rose to the surface of his powerful appendage.

Aiden couldn't go long without leaning his head down and opening his eyes to meet hers. Despite the fact that he had broke eye contact and tipped his head back, Miyu was still looking up at him like the perfectly trained pet when his gaze returned. It was as if they had never left. Aiden's heart was pounding, his cock absolutely throbbing above her face. Pre-cum was already trailing down his vein laden circumference from the very pin-hole slit at the crown. Aiden couldn't help but take his time admiring the way her large breasts shifted and blanketed the gap between his body and hers from his height advantage.

"Oh fuck," he gasped, barely audible, when she engulfed his cock head and hollowed her cheeks. The sound of him shifting in her wet mouth, Miyu's tongue encircling him like her favorite candy, had Aiden tense and flexing again. She'd receive that reaction, that approval, in the sight above her and the noises from his throat. Aiden did not let her touch herself. No, instead, he made Miyu move to her next best action: brushing her hands along his massive thighs. His glutes tightened now as Aiden began to thrust his hips, forcing his wide and overpowering girth into the back of her mouth and testing her throat.

With the hand behind the back of her head, Aiden began to bob her head for her while pushing his hips back and forth, allowing them to tighten before her eyes as he hit the back of her tonsils. Again and again, the man would use her mouth as he saw fit, taking advantage of this little doe without an attitude. "fuck that feels good. Good girl, look up, both hands on your breasts. I got it from here." And with that, his thrusts grew faster, harder, testing how much he could fit until she gagged and squirmed. The hand behind her head, gripping her hair, was used like the hand of a well, pushing and thrusting her until he missed his next thrust.

Aiden's hard, throbbing length slid across her face, drawing a wet trail in it's wake. The hand behind her head would direct her back on his cock, shoving himself balls deep and holding her down even if she struggled. Aiden had to train her throat, and this was her test. Just when Miyu was about to run out of air, the man would pull out and let his dick slap across her face once more. He'd lick his lips and speak down to her, still holding her hair, "good girl. You can touch yourself now." There was something about knowing she was getting turned on by being face-fucked that appeased him so.

So, he'd use his hand to direct her back on him again, this time pumping her head hard and fast with his hips.
Miyu loved feeling every twitch Aiden made. All his little pet wanted to do was make him happy. Please him. His body was a wonderland and all she wanted to do was to find out all of it secrets. Kneeling he could see how she rubbed her thighs together in a way to try and please herself without touching or using her own hands. Her eyes looked up as the light made this muscular Adonis looked like he was an actual angel. The way the fluorescent lights hit his face it was almost like he had a halo. For her this was a Divine sign. It had to be! He hurt her gasp as she looked up at him but it wasn’t a word gasp just a shocked one.

The feeling of his fingers running through her hair as he pulled it up into a makeshift ponytail did not cause her face to shift as she continue to tease and use her mouth. The lipstick she wore left kiss marks all over his legs which he might find him using later once they finished their place session. The light frequency of her perfume would waft up to his nostrils with a sweet floral scent. The tightness of his grasp could be felt pulling against her scalp and yet she still did not wave her in her attempts to lick and suck her on the tip of his pulsing cock. For now she was the one leading it but only because she could feel how his body flexed with each tiny speck of pleasure she gave. Every so often he could hear her draw in a deep breath as she went back to using her tongue expertly.

Miyu was trained and made for this lifestyle and she actually embraced it fully. Even when Aiden turned away to look up her eyes remain focused and above so whenever he looked down he could catch your eyes as he’d see her forever looking up looking for his approval. She didn’t care if he praised her or not though if he did she would take it to heart.

Aiden so graciously gave her the pre-cum she wanted. With that gift she could stroke his girthy length giving it squeezes every so often but now with his sweet nectar on her tongue she would lick it like a rare candy. slurping could be hurt and she didn’t care that they were against his car doing something extremely naughty. Miyu seem to lack shame or embarrassment. Hearing him moan an ‘Oh fuck’ only spurred on this busty Asian beauty. Her large tracks of land pressed against his toned legs as he could feel her hard nipples rub against his skin. Trying to stifle a moan was hard when he could feel the vibrations against his pulsating cock head. Noticing the way his glutes rippled as she sucked him like he was a straw and the milk was stuck and needed coaxing out. What she wasn’t expecting was how he would grab her hair and tighten and push her down on his length gagging her.

He pushed so far he could feel the back of her esophagus as she leaned her head up to try not to gag as much but it was impossible to hide that. A novice will try to get away but not Miyu. She took it and did not even fight he could feel the slight pinch of her nails in his legs but it was nothing like her twin sister. She wasn’t fighting only bracing herself to take whatever he gave for the sharp nails and his legs did not last long as she let go and only squeeze gently realizing the error of her ways. There was no way she was going to dig her nails into him let alone mark her God. He did not give her permission to even scratch him so there was no way she would leave any marks behind.

As he held her hair in a ponytail he could see tears slowly streaming down her face as he fucked her tiny mouth make it hard for her to breathe as she struggle to get air through her nostrils. Whimpering started filling the air as well as gags and he could feel how the back for throat and closed against his cock tip and swallowed any pre-cum that dripped down.

Still his sweet little pet did not break even though the tears started staining her blushing cheeks. Her body rocks back-and-forth with a force of him pounding her mouth at her breast kept smacking against his tightening muscles in his thighs. Aiden was balls deep in her throat and he could tell she wanted to pull away but under no circumstances would she ever do such a thing. Taking the pain and lack of oxygen like a champion. Aiden knew what he was doing if he could see that she was lacking oxygen and her face was turning slightly blue when he decided to pull out and let her take that first breath of sweet oxygen letting his cock smack her innocent looking face.

For the time being she got a tiny little break and respite from the face fucking but then she heard the most magical words.

"good girl. You can touch yourself now."

Just like that one hand moved from his thigh as he could see how her legs slowly spread as she began rubbing her Clit not with her four finger or middle finger but with her pinky. In a way she was showing him that she would not put anything too big near her untouched and fucked pussy. He was the one who was supposed to claim it and even if she rubbed yourself with the smallest finger he’d hear her let out a soft but much needed moan of satisfaction as he could see how wet she was as she left a puddle on the ground where she was kneeling.

That moment did not last long as his hand found the back of her head and pulled her back to take his cock as she opens her mouth wide preparing yourself for something bigger than she had ever had. “MMMMMM!!” Miyu groaned loudly. And this time she figured instead of having him push her head too much she would take the initiative and start pushing forward as he thrust his hips and she made herself gag on him. This pet lacked a gag reflex and even as it hit the back of her throat making her gag she was learning and treating herself to see how much of him she could take. Though a part of her was terrified since he was way too big for her mouth she couldn’t help but wonder what he even fit down below. She did see him fuck her twin so somehow he fit with her but soon enough he would learn how different his two twin pets really were.
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Miyu's struggle, the gags and groans when he went too far into the back of her throat, had Aiden tense and groaning. His head tipped back again, eyes breaking contact, as he began to blur the sight of her face before his straining thighs with a feverish pace. Again and again the man pushed down on her so he could fit as much as he could down her eager and inviting throat. The red carpet of her swirling tongue had him biting down on his bottom lip again while the hand holding at the base of her ponytail continued to use her as his property. Aiden's grip tightened out of sheer pleasure. The vibrations of her moaning and plight had him rock hard and keeping that way the entire time.

The feeling of Miyu's large and heavy breasts brushing and slapping up against his muscular legs had Aiden encouraged and energetic. There was promise in using those breasts of hers as they knocked upon him as if begging for the attention they deserved, despite his focus upon the depths of her warm and wet cavern. When she began touching herself with a mere pinky, the brute could only grow more eager. Miyu was properly trained and obedient. She knew the purpose as to why he didn't want to use her for his business: she was all his and his alone, now. Not even her fingers would find the bliss that was her tight and awaiting pussy.

When Miyu loudly groaned, sending ripples of electricity right into his core, Aiden moaned out with lips agape. His head hung between his shoulders again, chin between collarbones, so he could watch the feverish sight of her head being forced to bob across his gigantic length that never seemed to end. Aiden's own tapered hips swung hard, meeting her nose with his washboard plane of those striated abdominals. With one final, hard thrust that sent her down to the very last inch of his dick, the brute then pulled her back with the flex of his chiseled arm. When Miyu was pulled, allowed to have oxygen flow through her once more, he'd slap his dick a few times across the bridge of her nose and cheeks. Aiden grinned while the same hand upon her hair began to lead her up to her feet demandingly.

Long having removed the lace and garners she wore, even as good as they looked upon her, the man would walk with Miyu toward the front of his expensive sport's car nearby. When they were standing before it, he'd lead her to lay on her back across the smooth, pearlescent painted hood. He'd step up between Miyu's legs, spreading them wide now with both hands as he released her ponytail. One hand reached down, gave himself a few hard and solid pumps with his thick fingers and large palm, before brushing his bulbous head up against her pussy lips. A few more strokes, up and down motions, had him generating some friction upon her clit before her shifted his hips and sunk himself into Miyu's tight little channel for the first time.

Aiden groaned out, his breath pushing out of his lips, as he leveled eyes with her. Both of his hands reached out, grasped her own, and began to pull them toward him. This made her encase those large and generous tits between her forearms, bubbling them together, while he also used them as a pair of reigns to push her down while he pushed his hips forwards. Holding her wrists at the front of his abs, he'd allow her to touch and grip at his rocky stomach while he kept possession of her wrists. The slow rock of his hips turned into hard, body jolting thrusts that sent her away from him before she was returned, and slammed into again.

The man began to set the pace, feeling her clamping down and massaging at him. Aiden wasn't sure who was tighter, but both twins were absolutely a fit.
Even being gagged as she was Miyu did her best not to break eye contact even though Aiden had to. The way his head fell back and his eyes rolled up due to how she was sucking and gagging on him gave her an idea of how she was doing something very right. With her hot tongue flat as he thrusted his hips pushing that thick cock as far as he possibly could into her throat knocking at the very back making her gag even more. Her large breasts would keep bumping his legs faster and faster as she bobbed against him. Every so often her niece would lift up to try and meet how deep he was hitting her esophagus making her gag even louder.

Her muscular Adonis had a front row seat to how she was pleasuring herself and even though it felt good she knew better than to overshadow him. That was the reason she was using her pinky and not anything larger and she would not even penetrate her dripping lips. Miyu was extremely turned on and all she wants to do a slip her index finger as deep inside as she could and even though Aiden said she was free to pleasure herself only her master could give her that pleasure. In a way she was saving herself for when he was ready to feel her velveteen embrace.

The way she tilted her head up let him go even further in the back for throat as she could feel like she was trying to swallow him whole. The pressure of her throat clenching him as he could feel how she was swallowing it as best she could. His pre-cum dripping down her throat making her hungry for more of him. The only way she could get oxygen was through her nose and that wasn’t even enough to sustain her. The tip of her nose would hit the top of his pelvis and she thought she might pass out from not having enough air but it was only that he pulled back after slabbing so hard in the back of her throat she sucked in the air with a deep gasp as if she had been health underwater deprived of it.

That monstrous dick would slap her in the face again. I look of gratitude and thanks was in her eyes with his hands still tangled and sea of pure black Raven hair has pull her up in urge her to her feet. Miyu followed without question. No hesitation and Aiden could have let her into a den of lions and she would’ve followed blindly. Her pinky still tears and rubbed her engorged Clit begging for more attention. And Aiden let her to his very expensive car by her hair and she followed watching him and staring deeply into his eyes. There is no need to look around to see where they were going he had all the answers and she would not question authority.

Once at his car he managed to lay her back on his cool hood of the car and releasing her makeshift ponytail. There was no surprise and Miyu knew exactly what was coming though to be honest she was not prepared for how it would feel. She moved her hand out of the way as he spread her pale moonlight Colored legs. Aidan could see her tiny slit glistening from her arousal. That shapely ass of hers was slid across his car bringing her closer to him an ass he began to rub that bulbous head after he pumped himself up he could see the look at her eyes. A mix of fear and excitement but she said nothing.

A more dominant woman would have told him he was too big to even try to fit. Miyu had no idea if he would even though she seen him easily fuck her twin. But what she witnessed must’ve been something they done a few times before and Mizuki Took him much easier but here she was with no experience with someone as large as Aiden. The moment when he sunk that bulbous head into her he could see her soaked lips spread like a Grand Canyon as they squeezed and tried to resist his large Excalibur. “MMMMMMMM!!!!” Miyu Groaned and she turned her head away to hide underneath her long hair because she didn’t want to him to see her whimper. Miyu was more than embarrassed she’s a bit ashamed that she couldn’t even take just the tip. He could feel her entire body start quaking. When Aiden took hold her hand and place them on his abdomen it would cause her to shift and look locking her eyes with his beautiful blue ones. With her hands where they were on his body the upper parts of her arms push her large chest together giving him a full frontal view of large cleavage slowly starting to bounce as he shoved something bigger than a woman of her size could possibly take.

Between both sisters it was hard for him to tell who is tighter but he could feel that Miyu’s tiny little snatch was trying to strangle his cock with her very tense and pressured walls. Aiden would have to struggle to shut him self into her let alone get balls deep into someone so tiny. It was then he could feel her nails dig into his abdomen and yet again she did not dig too deeply it was almost trying to keep her from screaming. Her teeth bit down on her bottom lip so hard it actually drew blood and he could see that she was trying not to bring too much attention to herself or let him know that she was feeling every inch of him pushing inside of her. Her last husband would have slapped her for crying or whimpering in pain and she wanted to stay strong for Aiden and not disappoint him. The more he pulled back and thrust it into her he was able to go deeper and deeper with each pump before he would feel himself not only balls deep but his tip threatening to push past the opening of her cervix! Now he could probably see why tight little Miyu was used for sexual favors this twin was unbearably tight and with how her body reacted to just his pulsing shaft he might not last very long with her. And Miyu he could see was trying not to let herself explode too soon because cumming before her master Allowed her to was unforgivable.
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