I Awoke From a Dream of a Fox (SomethingSecret & EtherealElvenPrincess)

The last thing Christoff saw before passing out was Aria rushing down the steps. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came forth, no matter how badly he wished to tell her to press on to the shrine, without him if necessary. But then, once she reached him, consciousness failed him and the world became nothing but darkness to his eyes. He didn't know how long he was out for, or even if he was alive anymore for quite some time. Perhaps it was only hours, or perhaps it had been days; he didn't know. But when he at last awoke, he was greeted to the crackling of a fire, as he suddenly shot up from where he lay.

"Aria!!" he called out, his chest heaving. His eyes were wild, as though he'd awoken from a terrible nightmare, unsure of his surroundings. Warmth had filled his bones again, his clothes seemingly dry at last. He felt a terrible hunger in his stomach, however, and his head ached greatly. It seemed he was still alive for the moment, however, and momentarily he would realize the kitsune was still by his side, as she had been before, but now for a second time.

"Oh, there you are," he said. "I... I thought I was going to die upon those steps. But... the shrine, Aria. It was just within reach. Why have we stopped? Surely with being so close..." he started to say, grunting as he felt his entire body ache as well. "... you would have wanted to climb the rest of the steps, and visit it. Perhaps you already have, though? I am sorry for not having the strength to make it up those steps. I underestimated the toll the cold had taken on my body..."
As she suggested he potentially abandon their quest, Christoff suddenly stood up, placing his hands on Aria's shoulders and looking into her eyes intensely. "No, Aria... I did not come all this way to not see this through. I won't stop until our feet have crossed the threshold of that tower and we at last have reached the end of our quest. Even if I need rest now..."

He removed his hands from her shoulders, sitting back down on the nearby bed. He ached from head to toe, his muscles still too weak to move much other than his small outburst. As such, the knight leaned back against the wall by the bed, heaving a few labored breaths.

"It would shame me too greatly to abandon you," he said. "These past few days, the battle with the bandits and now our journey through the bitter cold. We have been through much together in a short time, yet I would count you among my closest companions I have ever known. Whether to the top of the shrine, or wherever else, I will follow you to the end, Aria."

He smiled, amused, a strange thing given how pale he had become.

"Have I ever told you that your ears say so much about your mood? I find my eyes wandering to them often to see what they'll do in a given moment. And your tail, it swishes at times and I think it gives away when you're thinking about things, or feel excited. Am I correct?"
"Aha, I knew it!" Christoff said, grinning. "Only since our stay with Hajime. I noticed it when we would eat, and... in the bath," he said, blushing. "Still sorry about that, by the way. Thank you for the tea, and the fire. I don't know how long it's going to take me to recover fully, but I'm sure with just a little bit of time resting like this that I'll at least be able to climb those steps again." He yawned suddenly, patting his chest as he did so. "I'm still exhausted, though. I could go right back to sleep, were I not so hungry. Your ability to conjure flames has once again proven to be my saving grace, so... thank you, from the bottom of my heart."

He took a sip of the tea she'd given him, letting out a refreshed 'ahh' afterwards.

"Shall we tell a story to pass the time, perhaps? Or are you tired of stories, Aria?" His eyes met hers in the dim glow of the fire; night was swift approaching outside. "I... also noticed there was only one bed in this home. Shall we be sleeping apart, then? Or, at least, will I be sleeping on the floor?"
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