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I Awoke From a Dream of a Fox (SomethingSecret & EtherealElvenPrincess)


Sep 22, 2022
A burnt-orange and white fox darted before the knight Christoff through the familiar Aachen woods near the castle he called home. Small clouds of white plumed with each rapid kick of its feet, yet the creature did not seem to be fleeing, only moving with haste and purpose. Christoff's body felt strange; he looked at his hand for a moment, noting that it felt lighter than normal, as did his mail armor. He was close to feeling weightless entirely, until he stepped forward and the snow before him gave a familiar crunch beneath his boot. His sword was strapped in a familiar position on his belt, and a chilled wind reminded him of the feeling of his face. He watched the fox run forward, but eventually it stopped, turned, and looked back at the knight, its eyes expectant and calm. A brief moment of hesitation ended as Christoff began walking forward, which quickly became a jog through the powdery snow beneath. When he was close enough, the fox would run again, and Christoff would pursue. This continued for some time, until all memory of his home began to fade from him, and the air around him began to grow increasingly white, until he could no longer see trees, the sky, or even the snow itself.

Then, he felt a falling sensation. It lasted for some time; longer than he could measure, longer than any fall should take. Eventually, however, he would land in yet more snow, but with a thud and a painful reminder of his humanly senses, as the impact of his fall could be felt through the padding and mail. Most certainly hard enough to leave a bruise, he thought, but he hardly had time to think as the sounds of footsteps sprinting through snow and the piercing scream of a woman broke the final barrier of his stupor back to reality. He stood, not taking the time to brush the snow off his body as he saw what looked like soldiers chasing after a lone woman, swords and spears in hand, a few archers giving chase as well. Without thinking, Christoff broke into a sprint, details becoming clearer as he did so: unfamiliar trees, men in unfamiliar armor with unfamiliar swords and bows, and unfamiliar faces.

He didn't know what this was, but such a sight was a universal thing. The woman needed help, and he was the only one there with a sword willing to take up the endeavor. He drew his weapon and a kite shield as he ran, desperately hoping that he would be able to reach her in time. Yet it would be a moment before the armed men noticed him, as the chase continued for some time, the woman's fate uncertain for now... as well as his own.
This was her home. At least it used to be, what was once a lash paradise was turned into a proverbial Warzone. There was no peace. The quiet had faded away into the sounds of death and despair.

For Aria Aokigahara has been her home since before humans have named her secret lands something else. Being in the run like this used to be a fun game she played in her youth but today it was life and death. Closer to death today than ever before with a knight nipping at her tails. The cold never bothered her, but the snowfall and wind chill felt colder today than it had in centuries.

It was even worse considering she just couldn’t shake her pursuers. Even barefoot and light in het feet no mater which way she turned her burnt Orange white tipped fluffy ears kept picking up each boot crunch in the fallen snow.

This wasn’t good. Aria couldn’t outrun them forever! Tired as she was the lone fox woman continued to run from checkpoint to check point. Breathing heavily as the cold air penetrated her lungs. No matter how fast she was there was no way to evade her attackers. One slippery turn was all it took causing her to trip and fall flat on her face giving them a split second to surround her. Being as weak as she was there was no way this lone creature could defend herself. Holding both hands up In defense hoping they would leave her alone.

There were too many of them for her to use her magic and she was weak. The last of her kind surrounded…. thinking this was the end…. Little did she know someone is on their way though at the moment she thought he was with the others and her time in this realm was surely limited….
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The more he ran, the more his feet grew familiar with the ground again after breaking out of the trance of his dream. He realized he was someplace else now, although where, he didn't know, and he hardly had time to think about it as one of the archers shouted at him in a foreign language, yet its meaning was clear: he'd been spotted. The rest of the men except for one turned, eager to face their new adversary. Christoff readied himself, holding his shield at the ready as he moved to engage the warriors, who now were running at him, snow kicking up with each step and announcing their arrival.

The first man to arrive took a vicious swing at Christoff, who easily deflected the strike with his shield shortly before swiping at the man's neck over the top of the shield itself, who crumpled to the ground while clutching at his now-gushing neck, which immediately tainted the white snow with a pool crimson. The second man attempted to capitalize on his friend's weakness, catching Christoff out of position, but the knight caught his katana with his own arming sword, as the sound of clashing steel pierced the quiet of the forest around them. With his foe's blade occupied, Christoff thrusted the shield into the man's face, catching him off-guard long enough to slice off his hand, shortly stabbing him through his gut next, which sent the man to the ground, crying out in agony. Only two men remained now: an archer and the one still pursuing the woman. He began to give chase, but as he ran an arrow pierced his mail into his shield arm. Christoff cursed at the sudden pain, but continued running after the other two despite this.

He only hoped he could get to her in time; otherwise the blood which stained his hands would have all been for nothing...
For Aria this human was a blessing. This man riding towards her, and her captors, had distracted a good amount of them. It was what she needed. She was far too weak to take on that many, and that many swords pointing at her. Already weak and not at full capacity she couldn’t handle the strike.

Clashing still filled her fluffy ears, causing them to fold down against her red hair and try to hide from the loud sound. The stranger had driven at least four of them away from her, leaving one pointing his sharp sword at her throat. Leaving her the one it meant she could attack as she reached up and grabbed the sword with her bare hands, causing her own crimson to drip on the pure white snow and down her pale arms.

With one she could defend herself in with the last ounce of her strength, a massive flame, when shooting up that sword at your Foxfire sent this attacker a blaze in a sea of blue flame. It was not her strongest, but it was the best she could do, and the best was good enough to stop this man sending him running, dropping his sword and allowing her to drop the painful sword in. It was not her strongest, but it was the best she could do, and the best was good enough to stop this man sitting him running, dropping his sword and allowing her to drop the painful sword in her palms.

A part of her wanted to run away, but this strange looking human had helped her. Aria couldn’t just leave him. She could, but he had helped her go against her better judgment she decided to help him instead. Mustering up what strength she had left she dash over to where this unlikely hero was. He looks nothing like the men pursuing her. Where did he come from?

She had so many questions, but for now they got answered, and she jumped up and ran in his direction. Chasing after the different Human she decided to send blue mini fireballs to block him from any attacks that Who are not as strong as what she did to the last man. Hopefully she would not regret the decision to try and help this lone man who looked nothing like the people from her land.
Christoff was just about to arrive at the man scuffling with the woman, when he stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of the man bursting into flames from the woman touching his sword. It could have meant so many things, and though these men were hardly the type he would feel sorrow for upon their death, he couldn't help but feel an ounce of pity for the burning man in particular, who didn't make it too far before he too collapsed into the snow. With the rest of the men dead, the archer fled for his life, and Christoff was loathe to give chase on foot to such a man, especially when the woman had seemingly been badly injured by the scuffle. After all, she'd caught the bastard's sword with her bare hands!

"My good lady, are you—" he started to say, but stopped as he at last realized her true form. Fox ears, a tail, eyes that looked more animal than human: she was no woman. She was something else. Christoff took a step back, his heart pounding in his chest at the discovery, as well as the threat to his own life.

"God, what are you?" he asked. "Those men... why were they chasing you? Are you some sort of monster? You can't be human..."

In a moment, he caught himself as his eyes realized how badly cut her hands were from the sword. His shoulders dropped, his face growing more concerned than frightened.

"...Even so, if those men were after you, maybe you're not so dangerous..." he said, finishing his thought. "Those cuts look deep. I might be able to bandage them, if some of those men had any on them. If nothing else, I can at least take their tunic and tie them around the cuts to stop the bleeding. Just give me a second, okay?"

As he began to back away, he added: "And don't go anywhere; I just want to help you. I think you are the answer to my dreams..."
The human. It talked. It even looked at her and adresse her but his first words were not kind and it even made het take steps back as she dripped blood. Droplets of deep crimson left their mark on pure white snow. The last remaining archer fled and Aria really wished to set him ablaze but she was weak. When Christoff stepped closer she moved back and even growled at him. A pair of pearly fangs glistened as a warning for him to not get any closer.

Hey burnt Orange red hair a mess as her matching fluffy ears wing tipped with white stood straight up.

“Come any closer and I’ll show you a true monster you barbarism!” Growling as him as her tail puffed out as she would attempt to make her petite form look even bigger as a tactic to keep him away. Her arms lowered to her side as she balled her hands into fists. Her adrenaline still pumping as she dripped more blood onto the snow.

At this moment he wasn’t trying to behead her though trust was not easy to spare even if he offered her help this human called her a monster. If she could’ve bolted she would’ve but with her blood lose and energy dwindling she collapsed to her knees. Aria fought valiantly but she was exhausted and even hearing this human speak of dreams she was too tired to respond.

Even if she could go she didn’t have the strength in her cold legs to run. “Try anything and I’ll die and take you with me to the afterlife.” Her threat was said though in her state it might not be something she could promise.
Christoff nodded at her threat; while he had no desire to die, and probably should have left well enough alone, it was clear he had landed in some foreign place through his dream, and the connection between the fox in the woods, and the fox-like woman in front of him now couldn't be a clearer sign to the knight that this was his destiny. So, he rushed back to the body of one of the men he'd slain, taking his sword and slicing off most of his garb, taking care to only lightly use the arm of his own which had been pierced by the arrow. In a moment, he returned to the fox-woman, noting the sanguine snow around her that was taking shape.

"Okay, hold your hands out. It's going to hurt, but I need to do this so you don't bleed to death," he said. Once she agreed, he took the cloth and wrapped it tightly around her hands, instantly staining the fabric with her blood. Even so, it would do wonders to staunch the bleeding, although they needed somewhere safe and warm for shelter.

"Now," Christoff said. "Is there a cave or something somewhere nearby? I need to remove this arrow and bandage the wound. And while we walk... why were those men chasing you? Is it just because of your appearance...?"
Her eyes that didn’t seem to settle on a color felt a gray as she watched him go cut fabric from fallen warrior bring it back and tell her to stay still. It didn’t cross her mind that she could bleed out she was still running on full adrenaline at this point.

Giving him a curious look she held her hands out and let him bandage her up she didn’t eat it but she still didn’t fully trust him. Listening to his words he could tell by the way her ears turned to him and twitched every time he said something that made her more curious.

When this mysterious human decide to help her and then ask for a cave she looked at one of her padded hands and pointed towards the west. “ there’s a cave within a few minutes walk from here. We can stay there but if you try anything I will not hesitate to take your life.”’ her voice was cold even though he helped her. He probably figured she would be the most friendly after being nearly killed.

It was then he got to ask more questions about her and why the men were after her. “ I do not understand the actions of men and why they are so afraid of things that are different. Why haven’t you tried to take my life yet? Are you waiting for the right time? I will not sleep with you near me and you not get the chance.” Aria told him with a flat monotone voice. when she was banded she stood up and started walking towards the west if he looked he could see a cave not too far from their vision. “ follow me or die in the snow like your friends.” She assumed they were his friends but maybe they had a falling out but even so she still didn’t trust him but they both did need to get out of this cold weather. She still kept her air of mystery and didn’t say much about herself for fear he would use it against her once they got to the cave.
Her threats were hardly surprising; it wasn't much of a logical jump to think that if men were hunting her like this now, that they must have done it before as well. Perhaps many times, even.

"I wouldn't threaten you even if I did have such intentions," Christoff said. "I saw you torch that man alive... and I've no intention of being cooked like a chicken."

Her questions echoed many of his own, although she was more incredulous than he was at this point. He had a sour expression on his face for just a moment before resigning, beginning to walk towards the cave.

"Now hardly seems like the time to spare someone like you from such thoughts... but I had a dream I was chasing a fox through the woods of my homeland, Aachen. Last night, the dream came to me again, the third time in total, but this time I followed the fox. I ran for what seemed like hours... and then awoke here, in a land foreign to me, and you, a woman unknown to me. At least, you seem like a woman: you've certainly got more than a passing resemblance. But your ears, and tail... they look like those of a fox. I think you must be the answer to my dream, although I would have bared my sword for you regardless, for no woman should be hunted down as such by armed men." He said the last bit with a warm smile. "Even if she can incinerate them."

By the time he was finished talking, they had reached the cave mouth in question, which rested across a short clearing in the woods where a large stream ran through, its waters still flowing. Thankfully, a cave was a cave, and here would be a good place to rest, lick their wounds, and then move on, although their next destination was a mystery to him at this point. He turned and looked to the fox-woman again.

"I am called Christoff," he said. "I am a knight of His Lordship, Duke Frederick of Aachen, and for now, I am at your service."
It was hard to be nice when she had been chased down into a comer. Even when she heard Christoff’s words it was easy to not believe him. She had been perdure for days by these men and nearly lost. Aria felt like this may be a trap. It never hurt to be too careful. This human did help her but the threat was still lingering in the back of her mind.

When he did mention that he didn’t want to be cooked like a chicken might have been the first snicker he got from her and it did calm down her nerves a little. He was quite the chatty human as he started speaking of dreams. Visions as she would call them. He spoke of dreams, foxes, and how she may be the answer he was seeking.” Scoffing at the thought for now as her feet moved towards the much needed cover of the cave.

Even scoffing the fox woman was indeed listening despite her nonchalant appearance. If he had the same dream it must mean something. “Your eyes do not lie. My ears and tail are my own and have been mine for centuries.” Continuing her speech as they walked. “Three times…” that was the last thing she said as they finally reached the mouth of the cave before entering.

Three did bare a strong significance as she did summon for help three times but she said nothing in the matter. That information she couldn’t trust this stranger with. He was showing her a kindness she was rarely shown by her own counties men. Stepping foot into the dry cave it was cold. Aria began liking for anything dry as she started arranging medium rocks into a circle.

Just when she thought this human would choose silence he surprised her by offering a name; Christoff. Perhaps he was lonely, but if she had to guess it could be because they both looked different.

An offered name meant she was obligated to share hers too. “Aria. Descendent of Amaterasu. One of the last Inari goddesss to walk the mortal realm. You said three….when did you start these dreams and what is this Aachen you speak off?” This time she was giving him a big note information about her but just enough to exchange for more of his as she began adding twigs and other dry flora to the circle since she didn’t want yo stay cold and she also knew the human needed warmth just as much as her. “Help me find more twigs. I’ll make sure we are warm for the night.” It was her way of saying thank you without actually using her words.
As strange as it was to hear, Christoff wasn't surprised to hear that she was at least a few centuries old, as she was a being beyond his understanding at this point of time, and there were more than enough myths and legends in his own home of creatures which lived unnaturally long lives. It would also to some degree explain the magic that had transported him here in the first place. If the woman was a goddess, that would perhaps give her the power to do such, and yet if she possessed such power, a few soldiers wouldn't be enough to defeat her. He assumed then that something else was at work, although what, he had no idea as of yet. But he would follow his dream to whatever end, as that was what the heroes in the legends he'd heard his whole life did.

Aria was an easy enough name for him to remember. It was similar enough to those from his own country. Amaterasu, however, was quite the foreign word, and his mind would take some time to process it, notwithstanding that some other strange magic was allowing the two of them the ability to communicate in the first place.

"Those are fair questions," he answered. "Aachen is a city in my homeland, which I suspect must be far from here. As for the dreams..." he trailed off, taking a moment to help pile on wood for the fire pit Aria had hastily constructed. "The first one happened five years ago, while I was on campaign for His Majesty, the King. I could not answer the call, for I knew my sword was needed by my people. Then, a month ago, the dream returned; I chased the fox, but I could not catch it. Then, last night, the dream came again, and now I am here."

Her small acceptance was enough for him, and he hoped she might realize that he had no one he could trust at the moment either. "Thank you; I wondered if that fire you used earlier could be used to keep us warm. It seems like a very useful skill to have. A warrior is always keeping track of his skills, and how he can use them... and speaking of warriors... why do those men hunt you? Is it only for your appearance? In my home, sometimes innocent women are tied to a stake and burned for fear of witchcraft, yet I have always wondered how true that was that there could be so many witches near Aachen. I have never watched a witch-burning; I do not have the stomach to see an innocent woman put to the flame as such. Likewise, I could not bear to see you hunted by those men, even if you have the ears and tail of a fox..."
“ how and why are you here?” Or the first words out of her mouth after listening to him talk about his homeland. How was he here? She did pray to the other gods to send help but this wasn’t help this was a human! This couldn’t be what they expected to help save her from her attackers. How can a human help her or keep her safe? She asked for another God. She asked for Goddess. She even asked for a demigod anything, but a human was beyond the pale.

“ With these dreams what did you hear and what were they telling you?” Her questions became more invasive the more he talked and the more she desire to find out. Christoff had mentioned her fire which granted him or nod. Her ears went straight and pointed to the heavens when he mentioned women burning at the stake.

“Your homeland sounds cruel and cold I guess many countries share the same sentiment. They hunt what they do not understand. I will build us a fire.” Her tail move closer to her body trying to keep your body heat in Ashley Musta at theHer tail moved closer to her body trying to keep her body heating as she Mustered up the strength To bring forth a blue flame to her bloody hand, placing it in front of the twigs and leaves and she started the fire which went from blue to red once they hit the Twigs.

“ I cannot help what I am and I cannot help that they want to use me for their own gain. This is why the old gods did not stay on this land. You see what they’re doing to us. Hunting us. Using us. Trading us of our power. It was my fault I stayed and I prayed for help. Pray to my siblings. My family and nothing is come from it. You came but you’re not one of my family. I don’t understand why a human would show up when I asked for divine intervention.” Aria I could not help but sound cold especially after she’s been chased and hunted like a common fox waiting to be skinned for fur.
The fox-woman had many questions, and rightfully so: Christoff had dropped almost quite literally out of the sky, a man not only out of place but with a different face and name, befriending a woman who looked like she belonged in a storybook. But she was, however, very real, as was the blood which now stained his hands and his blade, and so too would he need to make real the details of his arrival. And yet, he heaved a sigh as she asked the nature of his dreams, for it was not something he felt he could share, even when it seemed like Aria might at last be the result of his dreams.

"I know not why I have appeared either," he said. "In my dreams, I only saw the fox: not a fox-woman as you are, but an orange fox running through the snow, weaving through tree and leafless brush. Last night, I decided to follow it, as I said. Alas, that is all I know. If I am the result of your prayers... then I must apologize, for I can understand why you might wish someone other than a knight would come to your aid. That said, it would seem today at least I was able to grant you a brief reprieve to your struggle."

There was more to it, of course, but nothing Christoff wished to share: the memory of ash, flame, and blood was still far too fresh on his mind, and though they were alone, it didn't seem right to him to tell Aria the prayers he himself had made in order to redeem himself of the failures which lingered on his burdened conscience like a weight far too heavy to bear upon one's shoulders. He gave Aria a half-smile, attempting to lift her spirits despite the nature of their circumstances.

"Aria," he said at last. "Were you not being pursued, where would you go? Or are you just on the run? Perhaps I might lend my sword-arm to your cause for a while. Actually, I must profess that I wish to do just that, quite greatly: I have been looking for a quest... and perhaps this is where fate has led me."
A man with a face like no other and her land stood out like a duck in a pond full of alligators. She didn’t know why he showed up and why he helped her but she did pray for help and got him. Was this the plan? This wasn’t divine intervention this was a strange human that made her stand out even more. How could he possibly help her? Aria couldn’t help but stare at him trying to figure out why it was him who came to her aid. Was he really there to help her or to harm her? He had yet to draw his sword and he did bandage her up so for now he was not a threat. Still she’d be wary of his presence and a bit scared to fall asleep.

She was quiet as her ears focused on what he said about his dreams and what he was chasing. She said nothing about how it was possibly her own fox form. It sounded very much like her but that was something she could not give away right away. There is a fear he would try to use it against her if she said anything or said too much.

It threw her off when he mentioned her name and it was the first time she heard her name upon his tongue. “ I’d flee to the west. Where the forest is thick at the mountains are tall. Most humans will not go there without a group I know those lands. I get myself lost in the brush so they never find me. Why would you help me? You saw how they were even if your face is different you are still human. What would you get out of it if you help me or better yet what would you demand from me if I said yes.” Christoff could tell that she had been through quite a bit maybe not presently but in the past dealing with humanity. She expected the worst and had a little trust especially after how he found her and how they try to harm her.

Perhaps he was different since he was offering help but she still had to figure out what kind of help he was going to offer and what he wanted from her in return if he wanted anything at all.
Though his demeanor shifted downcast at her new line of questioning, Christoff seated himself beside the fire, one hand propping him up while another rested atop an outstretched knee. His eyes watched the fire, unwavering as they recalled memories of the burning hamlet while he simultaneously resisted speaking too openly of that which occupied his mind.

"If you think me a mercenary, you need not fear such. I am not driven by pursuit of wealth, or power. In truth, failure is my master, and whips me every waking moment into doing something to be free of my conscience. If there is aught you should fear, it is that I will fail to protect you, as I have already failed others." He fought back tears, wiping his nose with his sleeve. "Ever since... that day... I have prayed for some way to redeem myself. I can only assume that you are the answer to my many nights spent in sorrow, the object of my quest. If there is anything I can do to assuage your fears... I will gladly do so. I would strip naked and freeze myself in that little stream outside this cave if that's what it took. I do hope you might have a less hazardous proof of sincerity for me to accomplish, however, as I can do little to protect you if I am dead of the cold. Yet I understand that you cannot trust me immediately, and so I ask that you give me time instead to prove my worth with my steel."

He nodded, giving her a hesitant smile.

"Perhaps that will not give you enough comfort to trust, but perhaps it will be enough that we may travel together for some time, as I too am a stranger in these lands, and also have a need for companionship at this time. I give you my word: I will not lay a finger upon any hair of your head, and I will protect you from any who find us..."

With that, he decided to stand again, remembering the arrow in his shoulder when he shifted.

"I need to dress this wound," he said, flicking his head towards the arrow in his shoulder. "I've heard that fire can heal such wounds. If you could aid me in this, I would be in your debt."

He started to remove his armor, gingerly laying it on the floor and looking to the fox-woman, wondering if she would help, or if he needed to dress it himself.
Those grey eyes of hers that seemed to not settle on a color but absorb the red of the flickering flame matching her auburn hair and coloring on her ears and tail. Her focus was sorely on this strange man who didn’t belong. Ears turned inwards as he spoke. He had much to say and it would be a lie if claimed to be disinterested.

Hanging off of every last word he said Christiff could see how he held her full attention. The fox woman said nothing but he knew by how her tail swayed she was paying attention. Had he been a woman or child she would’ve comforted his tears but yo het he was still new. Different from her but the pain he felt was similar to humans she had met in the past.

Silence held her tongue. When he mentioned proving his loyalty by diving into that cold spring in this snow Aria finally broke and snickered. “I’m not a demon and I won’t ask you to freeze like an icicle. You will prove your worth to me in another way. Just not that. You did ward a modicum of trust saving me so I assume you shan’t slay me as I slumber.” Her eyes looked over his wound as he stood and she motioned for him to sit back down.

“Sit human.” She didn’t mean to sound so cold but she had been through so much not only on this day but in the past month. “You saved my life and it’s my turn to fix what I’ve caused. That.” Pointing to where the arrow was lodged.

As he removed the armor she’d watch like a hawk. Knowing she had limited energy but this human, Christoff didn’t need to suffer in pain. Aria had two choices before him. Heal her wounds or heal his. In her mind she chose his since he kept her from literally losing her head.

This time she stood and walked over to sit in the side where she arrow was lodged in his shoulder. “This is going to hurt. I will not lie to you. Shall I get you a stick to bite on? I can fix this but you’ll have to bear some of the pain at first. I will not do it unless you allow me to….” Aria’s voice was soft and soothing even when she herself was in great pain. Her hands hurt from catching that blade, but she had endured worse and she knew humans could be fragile. She’d help this mysterious stranger and accept his terms hoping she would not come to regret it.
Christoff contemplated her words for a moment before speaking to her again, stroking his chin idly.

"Well..." he started. "I'm thankful you aren't making me take a dip in the stream! Thank heavens for that!" he said, chuckling. He looked into her eyes, sensing her suspicion beginning to decrease, replaced instead by what he thought was compassion, perhaps. "It may be painful, but I've no choice. Can't just leave an arrow in; I've seen a lot of men die that way. But you've taken wounds today as well, and a bandage was enough. I only accept if you truly mean to do so in order to heal me—otherwise, I've no interest, and can bandage myself. Men like me have taken enough already from someone like you, and in truth, I feel ashamed for having asked."

He sighed, shutting his eyes for a second before opening them again, looking at Aria briefly.

"I'm going to pull the arrow out. If you wish to help, then do so; otherwise, I will fasten a bandage."

He nodded, then turned to the wound for a second before taking off his tunic, revealing the chiseled physique beneath. He had a warrior's body, complete with cuts and scars and bruises among the rippling muscles, and removing the tunic revealed that much blood had dribbled down his arm from where the arrow had struck, the wound still oozing ever so slightly. He closed his eyes as he wrapped his other hand around the arrow, then exhaled deeply. With the start of an inhale, he at last tugged on the arrow, which came out with a sickening squelch, followed by a sharp cry from the knight.


Breathing heavily, he looked back to the kitsune as blood began to run down his arm. Through the pain, he said, "What's it going to be?"
“If you leave it in you’ll get worse. My wounds are not as bad as yours….” Aria was going to continue but Christoff had offered to pull the arrow out on its own. It was a helpful move especially with her hands being hurt as badly as they were. His relief about the stream was contagious as she smiled lightly but quickly hid it hoping he didn’t notice.

The stern but shy fox woman with him was slowly letting her guard down bit not completely. “I keep my word human. Leave that in any you’ll meet your maker. Take it out and I’ll make us even for you not letting them behead me. “ aria watched closely as he pulled that arrow putt without even biting on a stick. He had guts and took his pain well.

Aria said nothing as she raised both of her hands and pointed the palms at the injured soldiers wound that was now bloody. Closing her eyes he’d hear mumble and chant a language he did not know. An Incantation new to him as a light began to form in the shape of an orb that began to glow blue as her eyes took that same shade from her neutral grey. “It will hurt but please bare it…” Aria said as she didn’t give him time to talk as she leaned forward and placed her glowing magic on his injury as it did burn but didn’t hurt him more as that healing magic worked from the inside out.

The only thing Aria failed to tell him was that it took a toll on her. Once she pulled back Aria sat for a moment before collapsing to the ground. “Good as new…” she’d whisper as she laid still as her tail flicked slowly. Her hands that were bandaged bled a bit more but nothing fatal. She had just spent reserves that could have healed her in her traveling companion in hopes he wouldn’t turn against her now.
Christoff's eyes flicked and focused on the kitsune as she began to approach. The intent in her eyes was unmistakable, and for better or worse, he knew she was about to do something. Yet he trusted in her, giving a simple nod as she at last knelt beside him, his eyes watching hers at first, then her hands as her outstretched palms formed the gesture that would cauterize the wound. Though the wound itself was relatively small, that didn't little to prepare Christoff for the impending agony of his searing flesh; as the magic worked to warp his flesh and close the wound, he clutched his knee so hard his knuckles turned white, eventually letting out a feral cry of pain until at last the magic had passed just as soon as it had come.

Breathing jaggedly, he turned to the kitsune and said: "Thank you..."

And yet, he sensed something was wrong: the woman could barely keep her eyes open it seemed, and though Christoff's understanding of magic was limited, he could still connect the dots enough to understand that she must have been exhausted from the effort. He imagined it must have been like swinging a sword—do it enough, and the sword-arm loses its strength, and purpose. Even so, to see her in such a state had him turn suddenly, his eyes scanning hers for some kind of answer as to her well-being.

"Aria, are you alright?" he asked. He then moved closer, pulling her up so that her upper torso could rest in his arms while she looked up at him. His strong arms cradled someone of her lithe stature easily, his gaze intense and penetrating. "Do you need a healer? I've enough strength yet to run through the snow if you need it..."
Magic could be infinite if used correctly but Aria was extremely tired. Shit you so much energy escaping the men who are chasing her and using the last reserves to heal the man who swore an oath to help her. It was the least she can do so she didn’t tell him that I would take so much out of her since she hadn’t rested. She could hear him and since the pain he felt and she felt bad causing him so much but if he wanted to heal he had to bear it.

Once the glowing subsided he could see that she healed him easily but from the ground she looked limp and almost lifeless but not dead. “I’ll be fine. I just need to rest. I haven’t been able to rest in so long. They’ve been chasing me for weeks I could barely sleep. Rest. Undisturbed rest is what I need. You don’t need to get me a healer.” Aria was able to talk but sitting up and doing the most physical things will take so much out of her especially since you pushed all of her magic into healing his very deep wounds.

Her breathing was soft and slow but it would take a lot more to kill this mystical creature. Christoff easily maneuvered her light lithe body. Easily cradling her and holding her clothes she didn’t fight nor did she have the energy to pull away. He could feel how soft her long auburn hair was and how fluffy her fox ears were. The blue of her eyes now back to her neutral gray looked up at his and keeping them locked with his own as she shook her head lightly no. “Please stay with me. Stay here and don’t let them get me…please….” This time she was begging softly hoping he would not go back on his promise to stand by her and look out for her because right now she was so vulnerable she didn’t know what would happen if they took her in this state.
Cradling someone so much lighter than what his muscles could carry was a simple task, and as she gave no sign of resistance, Christoff pulled Aria closer into a more comfortable, half-sitting position where she could lean against his strong shoulder, it and his chest still bare from having removed his clothes to allow the cauterization.

He should have been more frightened of the fox ears that pressed against his skin, or the bushy tail draped over his leg, but in her current state Christoff could only feel a tenderness in his heart, and thanks for the wound she had so selflessly healed despite her own weakness.

"I won't let them take you," he said. "On my honor, as a knight. No harm will come to you so long as I still draw breath. I swear it. There is no magic like yours in a promise, but I give you this oath on fear of eternal punishment if I were to abandon you. That is the way of the knight..."

He nestled Aria closer, settling on a position that was easiest for him to keep her upright. Of course, he thought, an eternal punishment already awaited him... but perhaps he could make things right for this lonely creature, at least, who didn't seem so dissimilar from him at all now that he pondered their shared isolation by the fireside...
Her ears were soft as freaky fallen snow but lacked the freezing temperature. In his arms he could feel Aria wiggle lightly even in her exhausted state to keep close and warm against Christoff. That bushy red tail of hers fell limp as it rested against his leg. Upon hearing his words Aria gave a little nod and let her eyes close but she wasn’t sleeping.

Rest. She needed rest desperately. “I do not trust humans easily but you….for some reason I believe your words….” It was then he could feel the very subtle bit distinct movement of her very warm hand move to place hers ver his own. Secretly praying that this would not bite her in her tail later. Humans and fox deities used to live in harmony but those days were long gone.

Christoff was not like the humans of her land. He even looked different. Maybe this was the sign she needed. To put her trust in him. After all he trusted her. This human saved her. Pledged himself to protect her. In her land oaths were powerful and once spoken binding. If he betrayed her there would be no way this fox goddess would ever be able to fully trust anyone else. For now she felt safe and protected as her hand began to search for his fingertips and link them with her own as if showing him that she indeed fully trusted him.
In the stillness of the cave by the flickering fire, Christoff noticed the subtle movements of the kitsune as she slowly reached for his hand, at first placing her palm over his. Impropriety was an intriguing subject to the knight as he held the lithe form of the fox-woman; in his culture, the act of cradling her as such alone would be cause for concern among the stuffy nobility he was beholden to, let alone doing so while he had removed his shirt. The tenderness of the moment suggested otherwise: a real connection between two wayward souls, clinging to one another for life in such an unforgiving land, yet the knight found himself nevertheless red in the face at her touch. His shame was complete when she clasped his hand with hers, their fingers interlaced.

"M-milady..." he stammered, looking away. "Is that proper...?"

And yet he felt foolish for expressing his embarrassment as such. This went beyond such trivial concerns. In a moment, he cleared his head, releasing a small sigh before turning back to her, his cheeks slowly returning to their original color.

"Trust in me," he said. "I will likewise trust in you... for it seems that all I have now in this strange new world is your company, and though it likely brings great risk to my person, I have cast my lot in with you, and not those who would hunt someone so delicate of form and innocent of spirit..."
The fires of the cave illuminated Aria’s pale face and her beautiful auburn hair. Those ethereal ears and tail stood out even more against her human companion.

She could hear him talking as her hand squeezed his tightly, or as tightly as she could. The rules of human society did not matter to her. She could not see the tinge of red to his cheeks. Clinging to him, as if he were her only hope, and in all honesty, he was her only hope for survival. Her kind was almost wiped out. Greedy humans of her land, taking what was not theirs. Aria was one of the last remaining goddesses. The humans quest for power and glory left her kind in shambles.

Hearing Christoff whisper assault, Milady, she opened one of her eyes and looked up. “You do you not need to call me such you may use my name kind knight. I am not a lady of human court. You need to treat me a such. Please rest with me. We shall figure out what to do in the morning.” Offering her advice, and she kept her hand in his, and let her eyes clothes allowed to go to finally get some needed sleep.

“I trust you. I trust you with my life and my being. Please do not between me and my heart and soul could not take it.” Aria, pleaded softly before he could see her fall into a deep sleep, as her chest rose and fell with her deep breaths. This beautiful creature trusted him enough to fall asleep showing him that she very much indeed put her life in his hands.
At her requests, Christoff's answer was simple enough.

"As you wish," he said, looking into her grey eyes, seeing that she was at last giving in to the exhaustion she must have felt. He too began to grow tired, in part because of the events which had just transpired, the wound, as well as the sleepy look in Aria's eyes which entranced him. "I shall not leave your side, nor betray the trust you have given... Aria," he said, reminding himself not to call her by an honorific, as would have been expected of him in his homeland.

He could have lied down. It would have been easy enough to do so, and lay the fox-woman to rest atop some brush, yet he remained as still as a statue, continuing to cradle her, hanging his head where he sat as the fire continued to flicker before them, protecting them from the cold of the winter weather outside the cave. Though he slept soundly, throughout the night his head began to drift ever so slightly, making little difference at first, but eventually, his head would come to rest against Aria's, his nose pressed against one of her soft fox ears. His arms wrapped around her a little more tightly as he slept, too, for his dreams were not dreams, but nightmares of the ones whose trust he had betrayed previously, and a singular troubling vision of the failure which loomed now that he had pledged himself to the kitsune...
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