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I Awoke From a Dream of a Fox (SomethingSecret & EtherealElvenPrincess)

Poor Aria was practically dragged inside but luckily she wasn’t fighting it. Luckily she would miss the conversation Christoff and Suzume wouldn’t be able to finish about the bath mishap. Aria sat down sitting quietly and kept silent. She didn’t look up at the moment but it was easy to see she was avoiding looking at Christoff at all. Her tail hung low and ears folded back though they perked up to pick up the conversation.

When the mention of breakfast she finally looked up from staring directly at the table though if she caught Chrstoff’s eyes she’d blush herself and look back down at the table keeping her hands folded in her lap. When Suzume brought it out she’d look up again with the familiar smells of a traditional breakfast being set out.

“It smells and looks amazing Suzume.” Aria finally spoke up letting her soft voice ring out making the young lady smile. “We pray too. Once we are all here we can say let’s eat and thank the gods and creatures for their sacrifice for our meal. I think I smell fruit. Apples and honey?” Aria sniffed towards the kitchen making Suzume let out a soft giggle.

“I guess I can’t hide them that nose of yours. It’s for dessert. After this. Leave some room.” That a tally got a laugh out of Aria which was nice and lightened the mood a bit. “Sorry I didn’t mean to spoil the surprise. The honey is a stronger smell and I do love honey.” The fox apologized sheepishly for spoiling the sweet treat.
Christoff found himself laughing along with the rest of the table as Suzume poked fun at Aria for smelling the honey. It made sense that she had such a powerful nose given that she shared so many characteristics with a normal fox, but it was still something he forgot at times. Even so, Christoff was thankful for the food that was in front of him. When at last Suzume herself sat down in front of the table, Hajime would nod, giving a short prayer to the gods and his ancestors in thanks for the food. Christoff bowed his head during the prayer, putting his hands together the way he saw Hajime doing so. At last, the prayer was over, and the breakfast could commence.

Christoff picked up his bowl and chopsticks, looking at them with a puzzled expression. "Forgive me, but..." he said, looking around as the rest of the table began eating. "I'm afraid I don't know how to eat with these. Where I come from, we use these little spear-like things called forks..."

Even so, he wouldn't let that dissuade him from trying. He first tried pinching the two sticks together, scooping out only the tiniest bits of rice at a time, sniffing before finally inserting the sticks partially into his mouth, getting only a small amount. Everyone else seemed to be eating just fine, however, so it was clearly a matter of technique.

"I must admit that I never thought I would have made a foe of cutlery," he said. "But these small eating sticks confound me. What do you call them, anyway? I've never seen their like before. And what are we eating? It is pleasantly soft, and reminds me of bread..."
Aria felt bad she ruined the surprise but she playfully pouted before she’d comment. “I can’t help it. My nose is just sensitive to sweet things.” That probably made Suzume laugh more knowing that Aria had a very noticeable seer tooth. Once the prayers were said and done she picked up het chopsticks but saw that Christoff was struggling.

She really couldn’t help herself but she giggled at him though she pushed her pride to the back for mine and put her chopsticks down after taking a few bites before getting up and moving to kneel next to him. “It’s not as difficult as it looks. You gotta hold them like this…” Voice is soft and sweet but she also made sure not to look him straight in the eyes focusing more on him holding the chopsticks and teach him how to balance in between two fingers; his thumb and pointer finger.

“Chopsticks. They are very easy to use but I guess it could confuse anyone who’s not used to them try it. I guess I never thought about them but I know how to use them. Trust me sometimes is better than using your hands. This? I think it’s a rice dish probably wheat rice. It’s quite common during this time of year and happy like it it’s one of my favorites.” Aria Was at least being kinder even though her gays would not meet his at all but he probably had a feel like he knew why she would not even look in the eyes but she would help and eat and use his chopsticks since he did not want him to fend for himself and kook too silly at the breakfast table.

“Look. You’re doing so much better. It’ll take a little more practice but you’re doing so well. Don’t worry I’m not going to feed him that would be embarrassing.” She tried to lighten the mood as she was at least not afraid to help him though her focus was anywhere but his face and she could at least focus on his fingers.
The knight was surprised as Aria suddenly stood up, making her way over to him. He caught a glimpse of her shapely form again as she rose, unintentionally soaking in the sight of her features as she moved herself closer to him, all the way up until she kneeled, leaving him slightly red in the face as his mind remembered what he'd seen in the bath only a short time ago. It was impossible not to see that about her now, and he lamented that it would surely make their interactions going forward much more awkward. Though, that didn't seem to stop her for the time being.

"Chop-sticks," Christoff repeated, though he still had no idea how to use them. He nodded as she explained the type of food they were eating as well. Yet as Aria took his hand in hers, helping him correctly hold the chopsticks, he turned away bashfully. It was enough for a woman to have done that in general, but doubly so for the fox-woman he'd spent days with now, and seen in such an intimate place. Her hands were soft and gentle, and he found himself wanting more of her touch after the first contact.

"Thank you, Aria" he said once she was done showing him how to use the chopsticks. He then attempted to eat from his bowl again, finding it was much easier to eat now. "Thank you!" he said, half-muffled by the food in his mouth. He chewed his bite the rest of the way, swallowing and giving a satisfied 'ahhh' afterward. "If the main dish tastes this good, I can't wait to try dessert!"
“You’re welcome.” That voice of hers was very delicate and soft as she made sure to give him all the pointers she could so he could easily tell she was not going to look in the eyes it was still too awkward for her to do so but she wasn’t that cruel to not teach him how to use the chopsticks. She looked very refined and if it wasn’t for the type of creature she was if she were human she would look like she would’ve belong to royalty.

“I think you can pretty much do it. It only looks difficult I’m not sure what you use back in your home but this is what we use here.” She was trying her best to make conversation even though she was painfully shy about it. Slowly Aria would stand up and walk over with silent footsteps and take her seat again. Going back to eating quietly when dessert was brought up again that caught her attention. “Honey is always a good dessert. I really do appreciate my balls I promise not to eat all of them.” That comment made the old man chuckle before he would say: “Foxes in general love apples. I guess that means the same for you I’ll make sure to keep you away from the bushel.” He was only joking he knew she could at least have self control but wild foxes on the other hand really didn’t have that.

“Don’t worry. After eating all of this I’m sure I won’t have too much room for dessert everything‘s really good thank you I really appreciate all of this I promise to get out of your hair as soon as possible. We could stay a little longer to make sure the men don’t cause any more trouble what do you both think. What about you…. do you think we should stay a little longer just to make sure they’re alright?” That question was directed towards Christoff wondering if you wanted to stay a little longer just to make sure there is no retaliation. If not they could do one more sweep and be on their way.
As the morning light peeked into the room more fully, Christoff caught a glimpse of Aria's features more fully, especially in the moment where they had been so close together. She was undoubtedly beautiful, reminding him of descriptions of angels, or the regal face of a princess, or queen. He felt even more humbled to be in her presence than he already did, especially since he was presently in a position to be receiving her aid. He hoped to return that kindness to her at least twice over, if he had any say in the matter. The rest of the conversation between those gathered at the table made him smile, although he was too busy catching up on the main dish to be able to speak, as he frantically shoveled food into his mouth with the chopsticks.

He finished eating just around the time Aria turned to him and asked him about whether or not they would stay. The matter was complicated, something which made Christoff furrow his brows and suddenly stroke his chin in deep thought, even closing his eyes at one point.

"If there is to be retaliation, I don't know how much help it would be. I think it makes more sense for us to leave sooner, rather than later, once we have gathered an appropriate amount of supplies. If you recall, that was actually why we initially came here to this village; I had hoped to avoid contact with as many as possible considering the men of this land seem to harbor a special hatred for your kind, Aria, and want you dead. And I have sworn myself to protect you, so keeping you away from such violent men is a top priority for me. So I think the real question I would ask you is this: where should we plan to go from here? You said you wished to visit a shrine of your people, did you not? Or is there somewhere else we should go first? I do not know this land, or any landmarks by which we may travel. All I have to offer is my sword, my loyalty, and my honor... I pray that is enough to see this journey through to its end."
They were up very early but as the sun peeked into the room making everything look more alive with the beautiful sun beams. Aria’s Red hair and ears really stood out among the group in general she always stood out it was just something that could not be helped. Her ears even though with a little bit of white tipped to them she would stand out in any room. She eats slower than the rest is Suzume finished her food and when she was done she was prepared to bring out the apples and honey. It was easy to tell when she got close because aria‘s tale would start to sway happily with the scent of sweets wafting into the room. Add their own small plate of sliced apples with a side of honey which was beautifully presented.

When Christoff spoke it made aria stop and actually wait to eat her dessert in front of her at least she was being polite and not diving right in. “That does make sense. Being here could cause more trouble than good perhaps it is the best thing for us to do to leave sooner rather than later. Once we are gone you can deny our existence and I’ll make sure they can’t follow us or trace us. I can even cast some protection over your home.” Aria was able to do that she just had to make sure she was fully rested and she was slowly getting there. By the end of the day she would be ready to scamper off on whatever adventure she needed to do but with the knight be able to? She wasn’t sure exactly how he felt but she wasn’t going to force him to leave before he was ready.

The mention of her shrine actually made her make eye contact with him for once and she nodded yes. “I know it’s not too far from here. I would really like to go there to see if I can find anything. It might be a day maybe three days hike from here if I’m correct. That’s more than enough help if you get me there I hope you get to where you need to go once I know what’s going on and if I can find any of my family or kind. I can return the favor hopefully my journey is easy yours I don’t know how to get back to your land but we’ll figure out a way.” Aria was trying her best to be very helpful but she had no idea about his land or how his land even worked or where to get to or what door he came through. Either way she would see both of them to the end especially if he was helping her.

“Er should leave under the cover of night what do you think?” She wondered if he felt the same and if he did that’s the action they would take but if not she would value any opinion he might have since he was her sort and protector he needed to agree to the terms as well.
As Christoff supped upon the sweet dessert of apple and honey, also noting the pleasant way the food was displayed, he pondered on their next course of action. However, as Aria spoke it seemed to become clearer and clearer.

"As much as I hate to leave the safety of these walls, I know this shelter was only ever temporary," he said. He then bowed his head towards their host. "All the same, thank you for harboring us even for this short time, Hajime, Suzume. I hope we will not have caused you too much trouble."

He ate the last of his apple and honey, setting down the small tray and licking the sticky-sweet residue from his lips.

"It will be harder to see at night, but I think leaving at that time is best, yes. It will also give us time to rest before we depart. Then, however, we will make for the shrine. I have no idea how to get home at this point, or if it is even possible. I do not even know where in the world I am! Germany could be a few days, or a few years from here and I would not know. My place now is with Aria, if she will accept me. And if it is her wish to go to her shrine, I pledge my life in service of that wish. So let it be."

Christoff stood up, bowing his head again.

"Thank you again," he said. "We leave at nightfall."

The rest of the day passed peacefully enough. Christoff spent much of his time conversing with Hajime or Suzume, still feeling sheepish about speaking with Aria after the event in the bath. Yet as nightfall finally reached them and the time to leave was upon them, Christoff found her wherever she happened to be, approaching her cautiously and taking a seat next to her.

"It seems as though it is time for us to leave," he said. "It's darker, and colder than I would have liked..." He fidgeted with his hands a little. "Aria... I am sorry for earlier. I have hated this silence between us terribly. If we are going to travel together, I think it would be better if we could make amends, and go back to how things were before."

Christoff smiled at her, outstretching his hand for her to take as a gesture of politeness and sincerity.

"It would wound my heart greatly for you to decline, but I would understand it all the same," he said. "Then the cold in the air would become a cold in my heart, I think. So please, won't you forgive me?"
It was the best they all left if they were there the family would stay in danger. Christoff was right. As much as she wanted to stay longer it wasn’t a good idea. For now she would enjoy the food and Company and this time saying goodbye would actually hurt.

Quietly Aria ate enjoying The sticky sweetness of the honey not leaving a bit left behind. Shit use your fingers to wipe up anything left after she finished her apple slices. It was not a problem for her to help clean up even though the hostess didn’t want her to she insisted. It was pretty quiet for most of the day she would help and even teach Suzume some easy green magic to help with growing plants and food. It wasn’t enough to bring too much attention to her so she can make sure they would not fall short with food.

Tonight was the night they would leave. Changing to make sure she had warm enough clothing. Hajime and Suzume even packed them food for the Journey. Aria Was so grateful she bowed deeply Hoping they understood how much of the help they were to them.

The tension between the pair could easily be sliced with the sword until he broke the tension and offered his hand throwing her completely off.
His hand was Outstretched as he spoke, he offered an Apology and amends.

“I appreciate the gesture. I really do and accept it but please give me time.” Having no idea how he would take that her voice was gentle and sweet. “The apology is accepted but please… i’m just not ready to be touched right now. Please understand. I just need a little time. Is that alright?” She knew he meant well, but Christoff Had to know what she needed was time. Even when she tried to outstretched her hand she pulled it back holding it to her chest. She wanted to say so much but she just couldn’t touch him right now was too much for her to handle. She saw him nude and that image was too new in her mind. He also saw her too and she was still embarrassed!

“ I really do hope you take my word for it I mean it. I’ve never gone back on my word have I? Can you at least trust me right now? You’re forgiven I just need a bit longer after…” The fox maiden couldn’t even say it out loud, But maybe he had an idea that seeing him in the nude was something she was still working and that her acceptance was sincere.
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Christoff nodded as Aria made her request. "But of course, I would not touch a even a single hair on your head unless you wished it," he said. "And your word is your bond. I will take you on it, for I trust you as well, and I hope that trust is never tested."

The knight looked ahead of them to the lonely night sky, huffing a breath that turned to frozen vapor in the winter air. Stars reflected in his gentle blue eyes, as he rubbed his hands together idly. He blushed slightly at her mention of the bath again, his hands growing still.

"Take as long as you like," he said. "Though I know not how long we will remain together. In this land, I have no one else but you to turn to. I suppose we are alike in that way, and we must trust each other, or we are both lost. My dreams were no accident; I believe our fates are intertwined now, for ill or good. But I will follow that path with you, to whatever end."

He stood, rolling his shoulders and neck, hopping in place a little. Patting his stomach, he said:

"Let us go to the shrine together now, and see what fate has in store..."

For two days the two of them traveled together through winding, snowy paths through the woods towards the nearby mountain where Aria's shrine lay. The journey was treacherous, as they plowed through thick snowbanks and crossed icy fields, often needing to rest and start a fire to keep warm. Yet Christoff was resolute, helping Aria whenever she needed it, and taking her help in kind, often when one of them would get stuck in the snow. Yet on the second day they would reach the base of the mountain, where they came across a river, perfectly frozen in the frigid temperature. The surface of the ice was covered in patches of snow here and there, scuffs and scratch marks elsewhere. The ice was thin enough that they could see the bottom of the river, yet thick enough that it seemed they could potentially cross it.

As they reached the bank of the river, Christoff stopped, looking across the river to the forest on the other side, then eventually up to the mountain itself.

"Are you certain this is the way?" he asked, looking side to side. The river seemed to wind on forever in both directions. "Is there perhaps a bridge somewhere we might cross? I fear it might be dangerous to cross here... but if we have no choice..."
Christoff was very sweet and giving her her space it was something she needed especially after seeing things that she wasn’t expecting to see earlier that day even though it was an accident she was still needlessly shy. “I’m still very shocked that men and humans keep their words. It’s something I’m not used to but I very much appreciate it.” Her voice was soft as she spoke and it meant a lot to her to hear that he was going to keep his word even though they have no idea how long they be together.

She didn’t notice his blush but chose to not say anything about it especially since he was still very shy and more than embarrassed about it she didn’t wanna bring it up anymore. Averting her green eyes she nodded when he told her to take as much time that she needed. The night itself was cold and luckily they both had very warm clothing that would proved it be useful in this type of weather. Saying goodbye to their helpers it was very sad to leave them but they had to do it they cannot stay any longer in this town and bring any more trouble on Hajime and Suzume.

“I hope I can find my answers there and if I can I’m sure I can help you with yours.” Her ears perked up as she was ready to go as she fixed her clothing making sure she was nice and warm as they sit out into the cold dark night.


For two days and two nights they both traveled it was a tough hike but together it was less lonely and luckily during the travels the image of the bath faded into memory. The journey itself was treacherous but aria could easily lead the way she knew the area but things have changed over the years and she would make sure no harm came to her Knight. Luckily most of it was uneventful with usually just creatures getting in their way or causing mischief but nothing too dangerous.

The snow was hard and they would help each other get through it especially if one of them got stuck if they didn’t have each other they might not have made it and by the time they managed to reach the river it was partly frozen and seemed tranquil and safe even though she knew not to trust the ice.

“I know this River.” She said stopping not too far from it and looking both left and right but the bridges she knew were gone and there is no way she wanted to swim across something that cold. “This is the way. Sadly the bridges I know we’re no longer here let’s go to the right if I’m correct there might be a bridge still this way if not we’ll have to find another way across but I know it’s this way we’re not far now I promise. We just have to get across.” She motioned for him to follow her even grabbing onto his clothing and tugging him lightly. “Are you tired we could take a rest and camp out for a little bit not long at least until we find a way to cross once we get over this river I know exactly where to go.” Could hear the help and her voice she was excited but also nervous and she hoped he couldn’t hear how loud her heart was beating she was looking for answers and hopefully her shrine will give them to her. Leading them on for a good hour or so they would see a rickety old wooden bridge it was still in place but it didn’t look that safe but it looked like they could cross carefully they might actually make it. “Look!” She pointed in the direction to the bridge and it looked so old and the weather was not kind to it it must’ve been there for years but it was well built but beavers and other animals had gotten to it.

“What do you think does it look safe enough?” She turned to him hoping to get a good answer she trusted his judgment but if this was not a safe way to cross she had no idea how to get across this long river especially knowing that her shrine wasn’t far from it.
"Good thinking," Christoff said, as she mentioned going to find another bridge. "That ice looks thin."

She took him by surprise as she tugged on his clothes, but he couldn't help but smile as he saw how eager she was. "Let's rest after we get across the river, not before. Give ourselves some time to collect ourselves before we get to the shrine."

The knight followed the fox carefully down the water's edge, occasionally looking over to peer through the ice and wondering what the river must have looked like when it was flowing. He hadn't been in this land long at all, and wondered if it was always so cold. Yet before long they would reach the small decaying bridge across the water, which didn't fill him with much confidence compared to just walking over the ice itself. Still, it might have been the only bridge around, for all they knew.

"It'll have to be," he said. "We're going to your shrine, and this river won't stop us."

With that, Christoff stepped up to the bridge, feeling the wood bounce a little as he took the first step. It seemed sound enough, at least for the time being.

"I'll go first," he said. "Let's watch our step..."

The knight was careful, walking step by step along the wooden steps of the bridge. He felt each plank give a little under his weight, but the bridge seemed to be holding. That was, until Christoff reached a rotted plank in the middle. He stepped forward, the wood cracking and shattering beneath him, and suddenly he found himself plummeting a short distance to the water below, his weight and the distance of the fall easily shattering the ice beneath. The cold was a shock to his system, immediately feeling the life be drained from his body. He gained his senses a moment later, breaching the water's surface and gasping for air.

"I'll meet you on the other side!" he shouted, as he began swimming through the cracked ice. The water itself felt like it was trying to drag him down into its frigid depths, but as Christoff thought of Aria being alone without him, he summoned the will to finally break onto the surface of the ice again, scrambling to his feet and running as the ice cracked beneath his bootsteps, until finally he jumped across the water's edge to the snowy shore, where by now the cold was taking its toll. He stumbled over to a tree, where he immediately sat down, panting.

"Aria," he called out, weakly. "Oh, Aria, I think I made a mistake..."
Most places should have bridges at least that’s what Aria thought. When they had bodies of water like this there’s always a way to cross it but they had no idea what was waiting for them. When Christoff praised her she smiled at her ears perked up happily. even though she talked him along she was being very gentle with it but he could tell that she was excited to find a way to get to her shrine she knew it was here she didn’t wanna see it but she could smell it.

“Good idea. If we rest now we might not have the energy to go further or get too comfortable it shouldn’t be too far I hope I have a feeling it’s close.” she didn’t wanna tell him that she could send something but she didn’t wanna get her own hopes up she was afraid that maybe she was just so excited. The bridge that she spotted did not look very safe but it was the only way across and when her knight decided to go first she was about to tell him no but it might’ve been the best idea since something happened she could make sure she took care of him.

“Be careful. I won’t be very far from you!” She called out with her eyes focused on him as she let go of him to make sure he could cross safely. She watched with wide eyes as it seems like he was going to make it and she was almost about to cheer until her ears picked up on a creak. She knew that sound and she wanted to yell out to come back but before she knew it… SPLASH! He fell into the water and he heard her yell out his name she started panicking when he went under and couldn’t see him but then he popped back out that must’ve been the work of some other God or God is looking out for him but when she saw him without thinking she dove into that water without any concern about herself.

It was going to be cold but she survive it he would be very surprised at how fast such a cute tiny thing could swim! She was agile and running on adrenaline as she swam towards him not caring how her clothes got wet or how cold the water was she reached out to grab him holding on tight and with everything she had in her she was trying to swim to the other side she couldn’t do it alone if he helped her she could get them to the other side of the river.

“I got you! I got you!! Don’t let go of me!” She called out louder than she expected as her head held about water trying to give him instructions as she would swim and hopefully he would follow her lead and paddle with her to the other side.
Try as he might, Christoff struggled to push himself through the frigid water. The cold sapped his strength from his body, weakening the normally strong knight until he could barely move his limbs, fear setting in as the ice continued to crack and break despite his attempts to climb onto it. He was about to give up entirely when at last he noticed that Aria had come in after him; adrenaline pumped through his veins, burning enough of a fire to keep him alive until at last Aria reached him, at which point he allowed her, apparently not as affected by the cold water, to pull him to safety.

He was panting weak breaths as the two of them finally made it ashore, his heart sinking as he realized they still had a world of snow and ice to contend with, and with the worry that the sun would soon set and the world would become even colder. The knight shivered violently as he struggled to his feet, eventually giving up on the endeavor as he made his way over to a tree. His skin was becoming pale, icicles forming in places where water had dripped off of him.

"F-f-fire," he said, weakly, teeth chattering from how violently he was shivering, tucking his hands into his armpits. "N-not going to m-m-make it..."
Aria was running on adrenaline even though the water was so cold she was focused on getting Christoff out of it. That Adrenaline made her so much stronger. Fate was luckily on their side. Aria Managed to pull him to the other side of the river where they needed to be even though she was cold she wasn’t feeling it as badly as Christoff was. Safe enough and they made it to a tree Aria noticed how pale he was as she began running around even though she was drenched picking up sticks and twigs and anything that she could find piling up near him. He mentioned fire and that was what she was going to do even though she wanted to pass out there was no way she was going to let them die this close to the shrine.

It seemed like she was running around like crazy and she was but she was gathering all she could that was dry and when she thought she had enough she would put her hands palms out against the pile of debris chanting something ancient and old and this was the fastest he ever seen her start a fire as it almost exploded in front of them but it made a nice fire for both of them and once the fire was going she grabbed a few more things to toss on it making sure it was burning Bright as she ran over to her protector pulling him closer to the flames and making him sit down if he would follow her lead.

“Warm up. I’ll find more to burn stay warm don’t worry.” She should probably be worried about herself but her adrenaline was a bit over the top right now and she would be fine for the time being she would still go running around gathering sticks and anything that would burn but once the adrenaline wore off she would probably need to sit by the fire herself.
Christoff's vision blurred and refocused as he curled into himself by the tree, shivering terribly as he watched Aria desperately run into the snow in search of sticks. He could hardly believe his fading eyes as he watched her, the fox-woman who must have been no more than half his size and weight fight against the cold. It should have inspired him, but the frigid temperature had taken away his energy and will to keep fighting alike. They had struggled through the countryside for some time now, and all he wanted to do after so many days of not having a warm fire and a shelter save for their time at Hajime's was finally find a real bed to sleep in again, that he could call his own. And he wished the same for Aria as well.

He was beginning to lose consciousness when Aria suddenly sparked a massive fire before his very eyes; the flame awoke him from that never-ending sleep lurking just beneath the surface, as he recoiled against the tree he was leaning against. Clenching his teeth, he mustered the will to crawl forward, losing his mind for a moment as he desperately crawled closer to the newborn fire, only inches away as he felt the heat radiate from the burning logs. His breaths came in slow at first, but as the warmth spread throughout his face, then to his body, he began to regain control of his muscles again.

I can't die, he thought. No, not yet...

Mustering the strength to get on his knees, he began stripping much of his armor and clothes, setting them by the fire until he was in nothing more than a tunic and his undergarments, kneeling in front of the blaze. He intentionally breathed harshly, sucking in huge gasps of air before exhaling them jaggedly, holding his hands as close to the fire as he could without getting burned and exhaling large clouds of frozen vapor. A minute later, he would regain his senses, feeling warm enough to be alive again. Only now, a new terror gripped him...

"Aria!!" he called out, looking around frantically. "Where are you?!"
This magical fox creature was running around like crazy gathering all the things that were dry enough to put on the fire running on adrenaline. She was shocked she didn’t pass out herself but she was worried about Christoff. She took off what she could and laid it by the fire far enough to dry as she wore as little as she could get away with since she was hot but cold.

When she finally had enough twigs and random dry wood items and brush she wouldn’t be able to sit near him by the fire and that’s when she would finally realize just how crazy she was running around. Even though she was wearing very little her chemise was still sticking to her body. Staying close to him she’d watch him making sure he was breathing properly. She was sitting off to the side but figured when he called her name and looked around for her he was looking at worked at the snow before she would finally pipe up and say softly. “Right here… stay warm I found a decent size log that I dragged over don’t worry too much just get warm.” Her teeth are chattering but she was still running on fumes and as long as he was getting warm and he could warm his clothing they could continue later but for now they just had to make sure they stayed as close to the fire as possible until they warmed up enough to stop shivering.
"Aria," he said, turning to look at her. She was freezing, too, evidenced in the way she shivered like a trembling leaf. His face was a mixture of orange and pale white now, the glow of the fire almost seeming to thaw him out. Color was slowly returning to his features, and his own shivering was beginning to fade. He felt the very warmth of life itself beginning to radiate through his aching body, seeping through to his very bones.

"Next to me," he said, nodding. "I believe it is warmest in this spot."

Suspecting she might be hesitant given her panic, his face grew more stern, although only because he was becoming serious.

"The fire is warm enough. It will do until it needs more wood. For now, let us share this fire together and its warmth. I must ask you something, though," he said, waiting to see if she would comply with his request. "I'm in your debt now, aren't I? Or has your debt to me been repaid? I must admit I'm becoming unclear on the details here, on who owes who what, especially with the incident in the bath yesterday. So while we warm up, perhaps we can discuss this?" He smiled then, almost as warm as the fire itself. "I'd really hate to disappoint you, or be a burden. You are a creature of immense power and in truth, I am in awe of you. If there is aught I could do to repay you for what you've done for me, and your forgiveness... name it, and I will endeavor to make it so..."
Even though she herself was freezing she was trying not to let it show and considering she was a fox she could handle the cold a bit more than a human could. She would be a bit miserable but she would survive. Aria let’s giving him his space until he mentioned it will be warmer next to him and he was right but she was still a bit nervous about getting too close though when she was this cold she gave up on keeping that distance and moved a bit closer to stay warm next to him with the fire.

“In my debt? I don’t think so you’re accompany me to my shrine I think by the time we get there we’ll both be paid off.” She was trying to take the higher Ground and not make things awkward. “ Creating debts and things that we owe each other is not a very healthy thing to do it has started wars and battles. How about we both help each other until we get what we need I think that’s a fair enough thing to work on what do you think?” Keeping score never helped anyone and usually create resentment and they were both working for slightly common goals at least looking for answers. “ how about we both agree to see this through for each other and when we finally reached the end that’s when we can decide what we should do does that sound like a fair enough deal?” He was correct that she was a creature of immense power but that didn’t mean she used it against people all she wanted was answers and figured that maybe, just maybe, Christoff wanted the same thing.
Christoff smiled warmly as Aria grew closer, more so when she began to respond to him about honor and debts. By the end, he was chuckling slightly.

"Forgive me," he said. "I think I was speaking in jest when I was pondering who owes which debt to whom. Even so, that is more than a fair deal, and I will happily take you up on that offer regardless of whether or not I was fully serious. It would seem I have tricked a fox; surely there must be some great punishment for that, no? Aha..."

He turned and looked past her to the foot of the mountain they were now so close to, and yet so far.

"How far away now do you think your shrine is? Especially considering we will need to dry our clothes by the fire now before we can begin the ascent. Is it within the mountain itself, or nestled somewhere upon a cliff perhaps? I know nothing of fox spirits and their shrines, but either way it seems the journey might be perilous, even if it rests at the foot of the mountain seemingly so easy to access. In this weather, hours can become days with alarming speed, so I would hate to tarry. Yet tarry we must, for we cannot simply move on with soaked clothing. But will have the sun set by then? The very thought vexes me..."
The warmth of the fire was very helpful even though they were out in the open and they have to get dry she took a moment to listen to what he was talking about and he spoke a great deal of important things. “You’re forgiven.” Aria said softly as she pointed to the other top of the mountain which would be quite a journey and probably daunting for him to look at before she would finally give some words of hope.

“If I remember correctly there should be many tiny houses going up the mountain so we could find shelter but this weather is not very kind right now I’m sure we can find something at the base.” Trying her best to sound hopeful and Jasper are many places to stop and rest especially in the days of old stone houses were built all over in this place was inhabited by many people and creatures like her but now it was desolate and empty.

When he mentioned being tricked by a fox she snickered lightly as she lowered her finger. “Many Fox gods and spirit do you like to trick you but I am not among that group. And if I do run across one like that I would honestly be happy because I haven’t seen any of that type in years.” She would move her hands to the fire to try and warm up but this weather was not going to be very kind to them. “Let’s warm our clothing and head to the base of the mountain if we can find a place there you can stay warm indoors even though it’s not the same as a village it’s still shelter. The base of the mountain is not far from us how much energy do you have? I’m also stronger than I look I can probably carry you and run probably in small bursts but if I do that you would have to help me get set up in the cabin. If things are as I remember we have a good chance of getting there with a decent amount of time I just wish it was spring instead of winter.” She was trying her best to be very helpful and give him encouragement. If they could get to the base she knew they could find some thing and outside of the cold they could regroup and she could hunt for something so they could eat and get their energy to continue up the mountain because from here on up things might get a bit more dangerous.
Christoff noticed as Aria spoke that there was a renewed concern in her for him, something he did not expect, yet greatly appreciated. He should have been able to stand on his own, and felt ashamed that he'd needed Aria's help in the first place, especially since his fall had been a costly one. His every muscle ached now it seemed, even with the warmth of the fire, and he was almost desperate to get out of the cold. But he wouldn't let fear overtake him. Not if it meant helping Aria...

"A little longer, a little time for our clothes to dry..." he said, nodding. "Then, let us make for the shrine first. Then, and only then, will we seek shelter elsewhere." He smiled, as he lied to her: "I am fine, or will be, I think, especially since you've helped me so much..."

And with that, Christoff waited. In the meantime to pass time until he dried off, he shared a story with her of his people, telling her of toadstool mushroom rings and to never enter one if she were in Germany, because fairies used them as traps for unwitting mortals. He then told her of the Elven Kings, mischievous and often malicious spirits that loved to steal virgin daughters from their fathers, and had a love of stealing children as well. He told her he was so very thankful she herself was not one such elf, and laughed at certain moments within the story when a bit of dark comedy came up.

After finishing the story, he at last stood up. "I believe it has been long enough now," he said. He picked up his clothes; they were still damp, but he had grown tired of waiting. Slipping them on, he said: "Let us go now to the shrine. I am ready..."

And with that, their journet began again. Christoff slipped on the damp clothes, doing his best to avoid shivering as they began to sap his strength again away from the fire. The journey only took about another hour, but his body heat felt almost absent again by the time they reached the hallowed steps of the shrine. Once they arrived to the snow-covered stairs, Christoff turned to Aria.

"So, we have arrived at last. The end of our quest... what shall we do now?" He said, looking up. "Apart from climb the stairs, of course..."
Aria knew that this journey would be treacherous and she felt bad she was dragging Christoff through how to get to her shrine. “Not too much longer. I’m sorry I’m making you go through all of this I forgot it wasn’t an easy climb to get to my shrine I didn’t mean to drag you all over.” Aria told him softly as she felt really horrible especially after him falling in the water and how cold they were at this moment.

Hearing how he wanted them to get to the shrine she nodded and appreciated his enthusiasm so she was worried about the trip. He could Tell by the look on her face she was concerned and worried. At least story faded when he started telling her stories about Germany and toadstools. Different creatures as well as elves and things that she never saw in her homeland that took her mind off of what was about to happen and the journey they were going to embark on. “Your land sounds amazing did you ever meet an elf? I understand them being mischievous foxes are the same way I wonder if we are related somehow I’ve never met any and don’t worry I don’t steal children I will steal food on occasion.” She would joke herself as he told her so many tales and had her listening with her ears focused on him.

The moment he said he was ready she would hop up and join him and this time they would actually continue to keep going up the mountain it seems like forever but all the places that they saw that were built we’re all desolate and empty. There was no sign of human life or any evidence that anyone live there anymore.

The village Itself was quiet and the more they continued they would eventually see the beautiful shrine and a large stair case.
Aria stood at the foot of the staircase as she stirred up the long flight of stairs she had no idea what to say other than completely go silent as she looked up. “We go up… it’s been years since I’ve been here I don’t know what’s in there anymore… it’s so quiet it’s not how I remember anything… are you ready?” She asked him as if she was too scared to make the first step and she was worried about what she would find especially since the entire village was now a ghost town.
For a moment, Christoff pondered what Aria could have meant by years. How many years, exactly? How long had this village and shrine been abandoned? Did anything await them at the top other than the same cold emptiness as the rest of the village? What should have been a place of reverence felt eerie, much like an abandoned church in his homeland. Even so, despite the aches in his muscles and the chill he was fighting desperately against, the knight nodded to Aria.

"Yes, I'm ready," he said. He squeezed her hand once encouragingly. "We do this together. I am honored to be by your side as you return to this holy place of your people. In my homeland, many Christians will go on a pilgrimage to a place called Jerusalem, the place where Christ, the son of God lived and taught in his lifetime. I feel something sacred here as well, a great importance unspoken, and I wonder what we may find either in the shrine itself, or in ourselves as we climb these steps. Let us climb now—towards destiny..."

With that, he began walking up the long steps. At first, his pace was consistent, commanding his legs to carry him up the heights. He grew short of breath after so many steps, and eventually he began to feel a weakness in his muscles, his eyes focused on the shrine at the top of the steps that seemed farther and farther away. Eventually, his legs would carry him no more, and he suddenly tripped up the steps, finding himself rolling back down a few steps, grunting in pain as he weakly panted.

No, not now, he thought to himself. Not so close to our journey's end...

He rolled back onto his side, ignoring the pain from having smacked his joints on the steps a few times while rolling. He crawled onto the next step, barely able to muster the strength to move forward. At last, he gave up, propping himself up on his arms. It seemed he was too weak to continue, and as snowflakes began to fall from above, he contemplated if this would be his final moment before he gave up the ghost and passed on to the afterlife...
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