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Bad etiquette to copy someone's request thread?

Sand Snake

Nov 17, 2022
To whom it may concern,

Is it poor etiquette on this site to copy other's request thread? I come from a site and discord where this is accepted but I don't want to cross any boundaries or violate any rules.


Sand Snake
Yes, it is. It would fall under plagiarism and be against site rules.
If you do need assistance with some great-looking request threads. the design team (link) is available for developing one for you if they are open for business and there are also Request Thread BBCode Templates (link) that will help you out if you want to do it yourself. Best of luck!~
To whom it may concern,

Is it poor etiquette on this site to copy other's request thread? I come from a site and discord where this is accepted but I don't want to cross any boundaries or violate any rules.


Sand Snake
Yeah, if you're inspired by it just use your own words, or if they have posted art ask for permission to see if theirs and if you can use it
Mine is so generic that, frankly, I wouldn't even notice if you did. You could always PM them and ask permission to take (parts of) their request thread and re-word it to reflect your own interests. Because I assume you are asking for the code, and not word-for-word their entire request thread, right?
It seems to me the way to go is to cut and paste parts of it, excluding pics and or gifs. Your not really plagiarizing that way. You can always ask them first also.
Always ask first, unless you rewrite your own version of it of course. But if you are taking the exact idea, word for word, then you should ask first.
Thank you all for the feedback. I imagined myself rewriting the idea in my own words but often come from inspiration of people’s ideas I see online. I rarely have original ideas of my own.
Thank you all for the feedback. I imagined myself rewriting the idea in my own words but often come from inspiration of people’s ideas I see online. I rarely have original ideas of my own.
Do you mean coming up with plots? I can try to help you if you need it because it definitely isn’t easy.
Thank you all for the feedback. I imagined myself rewriting the idea in my own words but often come from inspiration of people’s ideas I see online. I rarely have original ideas of my own.

I think it's okay to take inspiration from others and add your own twist to it. Often times, my plots are inspired by books, podcasts, movies, and shows. Aside from being against the site rules and in poor taste to copy someone else's request threads/ideas, it's always great to add your own twist and touch to a story. You wouldn't want to rob yourself of that.

If there is a plot idea you feel is very unique, just ask the member if you can take inspiration from their idea. If they do agree, I recommend giving them credit beside the plot idea.

Another option would be to seek advice from members in the ConCrit & Idea Development forum. Members can offer suggestions and advice on how to improve your request thread and plot ideas.

If you need help with designing your request thread, please reach out to one of our Design Team staff. They are amazingly helpful and talented.
Thank you all for the feedback. I imagined myself rewriting the idea in my own words but often come from inspiration of people’s ideas I see online. I rarely have original ideas of my own.

It really depends on how generic it is, too.

A slave x master plot that doesn't have any sort of plot behind it beyond just the pairing being listed can be taken word for word. Nobody owns the rights to putting ''slave x master pairing'' in their request thread. On the other hand if it includes very specific things, obviously that's an original concept (insofar it can be, everything's been written at least once ;)) and can't be taken word-for-word. I'd PM them, ask if you can take it and change it to fit your own needs, and if they say no, then I suppose you'll have to take a no for an answer and find a way to take the same key concepts you're interested in and write about them.

In the end, if you can deduce from an idea what you like about that idea, I feel like it'll be hard for someone to stop you from writing about an interest you both seem to share. If I have an idea on my request thread about a barbarian and a healer who go through a trial together and emerge victorious, winning the Adventurers World Cup in Adventuring (AWCA for short), and then they go on to get married and suddenly there's a murder they need to solve, you can easily deduce that the elements you like are the fact that there's a tank and a healer, there's some sort of struggle they go through with a prize at the end, a marriage and then a murder mystery.

Nothing stops you from then creating an idea of your own that incorporates those elements while being distinct and different enough that it's not really my idea anymore. If you change the setting to be in space and change the order of events, or combine things, etc. it's not even close to my idea anymore and I'd have no right of really complaining about it, I guess?

That's just how I'd approach it though.
Hello all,

@Wotanaz - That's essentially how I wanted to go about it, but I needed to ask the how to best get along with others since I'm new to roleplaying on forums and threads.

@Black Magic - Sorry to hear that. I can certainly see why that would be upsetting. I began my journey on Tumblr and many would copy ideas and repost without any thought. Many of us were simply kids back then.

@Doctor Manhattan and @Rheya - thanks for the suggestion on using the design team. I'm definitely going to ask them for help this weekend.

@Sunshine and Whiskey - If you're active, I'd love some help :)
Sunshine and Whiskey is no longer active, however a good place to check for help with plots is ConCrit & Idea Development (link). If you post a thread there you will get lots of feedback and discussions on different plot ideas for sure.
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