Dance Macabre (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She was caught off guard again, face still red, "That still takes some getting used husband stopped wanting me after a while, so this is very new and odd.."
"Um...thank you, sweetie.." She didn't really know how to respond to such things, it was still very different for her, "Uh...if you like, I could do something I used to do for my husband? See how interested he was in making love to me?"
She gulped and nodded before she stood. She was glad this was a dream, otherwise it wouldn't work so well. "I promise, I'm not a whore...but this was one of the only ways I would get him to touch me before know..." She told him, "Wh-When you're ready.."
She took a breath and grabbed the hem of her dress before pulling it up, manipulating the dream so she was wearing a lace pair of panties over matching stockings with a built in garter belt. The belt of the garter hugged the bend of her waist, bulging the skin gently just above her hips, the stockings doing the same for her thighs.
He made a low noise and moved to gently grab at her thighs, running his hands up and down slowly. "Oh, god, Layla..~"
She nodded, "H-He would just...tell me to go to the bedroom..." She said, her skin twitching gently under his affections.
She made a noise before shaking her head, "At the time, sure...because it showed interest...but I really like this.."
She made soft noises of delight, "I-I help you understand...imagine I do this for you...and instead of you responding like just stare at me and look really bored...before you tell me to get going.."
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