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An Honorable Union Gone Awry

Canute seems to know full well what is happening with his suddenly-eager young wife, from the first time she squeezes those big, strong wrists. His head bobs upward with renewed energy, quite happy to feel her squirming against him, her body responding to the warmth of his tongue even if her mind refuses him. His tongue thrusts deep this time, thrashing about, its very tip flicking fast enough to set her head spinning, twisting in little ringlets within her.

And indeed, he seems to enjoy his work, his own shaft still rigid before her very eyes, his body stretched out before her while his face eagerly dives into its wet, dirty work.
Elsa's thighs tighten as he flicks his tongue quickly, a passionate and high moan escaping from her lips as she leans forward a little bit in reaction. She can feel a deep stirring inside of her, her breathing becoming quick and ragged. She wriggled anxiously, her body virtually begging him for more. Her hands were clutching his wrists for dear life, as if letting go would mean the end of all things pleasurable.

She opens her eyes and sees his thick straight erection there in front of her. By now she's ridiculously aroused. She doesn't stop to think before she leans forward even more, still clutching his wrists, pressing her lips against the head of his erection.
He gasps at the touch of her lips against him. Indeed, the barbarian perhaps expected an eager reaction to his tongue, but certainly not this eager! He happily accepts her advance, hips rising to press that engorged prick past her eager lips. His hands slide their way to her backside, pulling her down into his face, burying it between those thighs as his tongue stretches to thrust deep inside her, flicking, twisting, and thrashing among those sensitive folds.
She moans again as he pulls her down, her own body pushing down against him, almost grinding against him as he continues to lick her. Her breathing is out of control, she can feel the sensations reaching a peak. She wraps her lips around his cock as he pushes himself inside her mouth, her tongue pressing against him as well. She bobs her head up and down a little, as far as she can with her limited movement because of her position.

She gasps as he twists his tongue especially harshly, all of the sensations inside of her seeming to explode from within. She moans hard, her body tightening and then releasing suddenly...her first orgasm.
Canute, however, doesn't stop right away! Like any dutiful husband, the big savage thrusts that thrashing tongue into his young wife until all that shivering and quaking is finished. Still, he seems ready to continue his own entertainment, hips thrusting upward to slide inches more of that hard cock into Elsa's warm, wet mouth.

"Mm, and I thought you'd never enjoy yourself?" he snickers.
She continued to suck and fondle him throughout her orgasm, increasing getting into it. But then when her orgasm had been ridden out, her mind cleared. She sat up suddenly, wrenching her mouth away from his manhood. She looked down and saw herself over his face and her hands clenching his wrists. She shrieked and let him go, getting off of him and trying to scoot away. Her eyes were wide as she looked at him, her face red with shame. She couldn't believe she had just done that.
As she wrenches herself away from him, he props himself up on his elbows, watching her with a faintly amused grin quirking up one side of his face. He shakes his head after a moment, "You didn't seem to mind so much a moment ago."

He rumbles this, glancing down meaningfully at his still-rigid shaft, head cocking to one side, "Now, come, wife. You're not going to take without giving, mm?" His hands drop to the floor to lift himself up, towering suddenly above her as she cowers in her shame.
She flinched as he stood up and towered over her, her face was shamed and afraid rather than scared. She looked up at his rigid cock right in front of her face and winced away from it, not wanting it to be in her mouth again. She'd been sucking him long before he even started to touch her, it wasn't fair that she still had to do it after all that time. He seemed so hard to actually please, he just kept wanting more and more.

But she remembered him hitting her before, and didn't want him to do that again. She opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around him slowly, going through the movements of pleasuring him again, but it was mechanical now.
His face twists into a sour expression at her sudden lack of animation. Apparently, her reluctance is no longer amusing, this close to his finish. With the first touch of her lips, that hard cock begins to twitch, but after only a moment of that half-hearted sucking, she can feel him softening between her lips.

He growls, tangling his fingers in the princess's hair to urge her backward with a shove and a grunt, "Fine, wench. Lay down. Either way, I'm going to finish."
She cries out softly as he grabs her hair and shoves her backwards. Her eyes widen again and she shakes her head slowly, "N-no! Please don't," she begs him, almost pathetically. "I'll do it better, I'll...I'll do it good for you," after all of this, she doesn't want to go through him having sex with her again. Sucking him was bad, but sex was worse, she knew what could and would eventually come of that. She'd rather go through sucking him.
Even as she protests and pleads, trying to prevent the dreaded actions of her husband... he seems to have different ideas! Indeed, it's not between those smooth thighs that she finds her husband; instead, he has dropped to his knees straddling her body, that once-again hardening cock straight across her abdomen, its tip just nestling its way between those beautiful breasts.

"Mm, you'll do better, whether you want to or not," he growls, sliding that rigid shaft slowly into her cleavage. He seems quite enthused about the idea, as that cock has already fully hardened again by the time his big hands press her breasts together around him.
She whimpers as he slides his erection in between her breasts, feeling the most violated by this. His large hands groped her and pressed her breasts against his cock, forcing them to become lubricated from her own saliva. She glanced up at him, her mouth trembling a little still. "Is everything always about sex with you?" she asked a little bluntly. She needed to know. She had hoped that perhaps they could come to some accord, but it seemed as if he was going to demand something sexual from her every second of the day.
His response is clipped by the deep breaths he takes in between thrusts of that erection between those warm, soft breasts, growling through his teeth, "It is... when I've had this... in your mouth for a while..." His lips spread into a terrible grin, flashing teeth deviously. Already, she can feel that cock throbbing in her cleavage, so teased by her lips that it won't take much at all at this rate for him to finish.
She flinches a little at the sheer grossness of him, his lewdness and his focus on sex all of the time. She sighed and turned her face away from him, looking across the room at her father's bed. She still couldn't believe that he was doing this to her here...that he was going to name himself king of her home, and take over her father's bed. She closed her eyes and waited for him to finish.
She closes her eyes just in time, in fact! His release comes almost at the same time as those eyes shut, his body spasming atop her, adding to the humiliation the poor girl suffers as her face, her chest, and even that pretty, slender throat is covered in his sticky seed. He releases a long groan, sliding off her body to collapse beside her with one arm slung over her bare stomach.
She pushes his arm away from her after he's defiled her with his seed. She shudders, the urge to throw up nearly overwelming her. She forces herself to stand and open her eyes, running over to a stand with a cloth towel on it. She wipes herself clean and then throws the towel onto the floor, again supressing the overwelming urge to retch. "Are you done with me now?" she demands bitterly, tears welling up in her eyes.
He tolerates all this 'abuse' by his new wife in good humor, lips creased in a half-smile, still lying on the floor. It's not until she turns back toward him that he climbs into the bed, a single eyebrow lifting at her query, "Done with you? This is our room now. Where do you intend to go, wife?"
She clenches her fists together angrily as he gives her that look, climbing up into her father's bed. "I want to go wash. By myself. And then put on clothes, MY clothes, and then go somewhere, by myself." she was fairly sure he wouldn't like her speaking like this to him, but she was so shamed by him that she didn't care.
He seems to consider all this for a moment, and for a terrible minute she likely thinks he's going to deny all her requests. Instead, he shrugs, rising from the bed and stalking toward the door, fully naked. "Very well. What's the world come to if a husband can't trust his wife to bathe, mm? Besides, I'm hungry. You go, wash, put on whatever clothes you wish... but tonight, you'll return here, to this bed. Do you understand?" He turns toward the door, swinging it open, apparently intending to go after his meal fully nude. He pauses, though, in the doorway, glancing back over one big shoulder, "...but I would not recommend anything as foolish as running away. I had a wife try to run once before. I found her three days later and gave her to my men."
She blinked at him as he walked over to her and the door, still naked. She grabbed the fur top from the ground and pulled it over herself, opening the door and storming out of the room. She shivered a little and made her way to the bathhouse, locking the door behind her. She took the furs off and got into the warm bath, cleaning herself thoroughly and roughly. When she was finished she dressed in Celtic clothing and went out to the garden. She sighed, walking around by herself until it turned dark. She dreaded returning to that room.
True to his promise, the Norseman does not follow his new wife. Indeed, Canute makes his way to the dining hall below - somewhat cleaned up after the massacre that was his wedding feast - striding through the remaining refuse toward the kitchens. He contents himself with a loaf of bread and a haunch of cold beef, pouring himself a massive stein of sweet mead and sitting at one of the half-broken tables to enjoy his meal.
After awhile Elsa begins to grow hungry as well. She knows the secrets of the palace though, and sneaks into the kitchen and takes food without being detected. She goes back to the gardens and eats solemnly, staring out towards the coast. She's captive in her own home, what fate is worse than that? Eventually she makes her way back inside and up to her father's room. She stares at the door for a few moments before opening it, glad to see it is empty. She changes into a nightgown and crawls into the bed, blowing out all of the candles, hoping to fall asleep before he can come in and disturb her.
And indeed, she almost succeeds. It's just as she's dozing off that she feels his meaty hand against her, tossing the blankets to slide along one of her smooth thighs. He curls up against her body as any loving husband and wife would fall asleep, his figure only a silhouette in the moonlight coming through the window.
She jumps and opens her eyes as she feels his hand move along her thigh. She can see only his silhouette, and it seems as though he doesn't mean to touch her, only to sleep. She breathes a sigh of relief and cloes her eyes again, trying not to be apalled by his body pressed up against hers. She even goes so far as to give him a peace offering, resting her hand against his shoulder lightly as she begins to fall asleep again.
Either her words during his previous orgasm had an effect on the big Viking, or he is simply exhausted from his exertions on this long day. He makes no further advance on his young wife, settling for her hand upon his shoulder. It is only moments before he is snoring away beside her.
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