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Slaved by an animal? (Divine and I)


Jan 16, 2009
A place of hate.
Drake sighed as he was forced to clean the house yet again for his mistress. He hadn't known what happened for him to get stuck like this. He was slaved by an animal in his mind. And he didn't like it one bit."God damn house...damn mistress...damn this."He growled to himself as he cleaned the living room. He didn't bother to go rather fast instead he took his time in cleaning. Just so he could stay away from whatever she had planned for him."I have to get out of here."He said with a groan as he walked around the living room looking to find any mistake that might have happened. As he was walking he had completely forgot about the bucket of water infront of him.

Tripping over it he let out a yelp as the sound of a very expensive vase came crashing to the ground ontop of Drake. Forcing him to let out a whimper. That was something he was not aloud to touch in the house and he just broke it. "Oh"He said getting up the shattered pieces falling to the ground."Dear god she is going to kill me."He said as he started to clean up the broken vase.
The Mistress of the house was busy busying herself with a few new naughty slaves. She was known for being a stern Mistress but fair...when the mood struck her to be fair that is. The final crack of leather sounded through the tiny room as the sobs of the new slaves were muffled by the ball gags in their mouth when the sound of crashing tickled her ear. Her brow lifted slowly as her head turned tot he door. With a reluctant sigh, she exited the small room, leaving the sobs of slaves behind her.

The clicking of her heels echoed through the halls as she made her way down to the front room. Her hands were idly playing with the crop in her hand, twisting between her fingers as she entered the front room. Her brow lifted before her eyes narrowed as they fell on the mess and broken vase. "Drake.." She purred softly, as her grip tighten around the crop. "What are you doing?" She was calm and collected, which would have put any slave on ice.
"M...Mi...Mis...Mistress."He said in a scared voice as he looked up at her."Im sorry mistress...I...I didn't mean for it to happen..I was walking and i tripped and i knocked it over and and."He didn't know what to say. She was always mad with breaking vases."Please don't..I didn't mean for it to happen."He said as he didn't look up at her. He usually was the one to be caught breaking something.

Drake didn't look at her he was to scared and he didn't want to give her a reasion to punish him more if she did punish him that is. Drake was a tough slave but also when something like this happened he just lost his morale to do anything back. He had a personality of a slave but a rebal slave at that.
She gave a heavy sigh as she crossed her arms, her eyes shut as she slowly shook her head. "Drake what am I going to do with you" She purred in a soft tone before opening those deadly orbs and fixing her gaze on him. "This make Vase number, what? 5, 6? that you broke this past few month..." She sighed again, unfolding her arms and resting those talons on her hips. Her tail flicked to and fro in a calm fashion, Her ears twitched as she raped her her fingers along her hip. "Drake your always sorry, but yet these things keep happening..." She cooed as her lips spread into oh to kind smile.

"Drake, what was your punishment last time, there's been to many and I've seem to lost track.... "
He looked up at her. She was an animal and he couldn't believe he was enslaved by her."I think last time you whipped me while i cleaned up the mess."He said with a small whimper. He couldn't remember he knew something was like that or he could have been just saying something to get her off his case maybe."I...I just hate it when you make me clean all the time."He said a little growl showing in his voice."I can't stand it..Ever since you got me you made me do nothing but clean the rooms over and over again."He added.

He was tired of cleaning and just wanted to really be left alone and sleep."You never let me get a lot of sleep when i don't do anything you wish you make me clean more and more even if it's already clean."He growled to her but didn't really tried to show any means to have her attack him.
She gave a soft nod before her brow lifted to his little rant. Though she kept her expression the same, inside she was smiling, almost excited by the fact her little trouble maker had found a back bone. Slowly she took a few skilled steps towards him, not caring as she heard a few pieces of vase crack under her heels. Her tail still held the same motion to it as she now stood directly in front of him. She slowly lowered herself to his level, rest her arms across her knees as she peered at him. "Really, Drake. I thought you liked it" She purred before a fain smirked graced her pink lips. Her movements were slowly and steady but seem to come out of no where. She held the tip of the crop under his chin as she tipped her head the side in a almost playful fashion.

"You want more sleep, you have to earn it" She purred again before her smirk spread into a thoughtful smile. "You say you hate cleaning, yet your always making a mess." She began slowly before wetting her lips. "How would you like to take on a new task, one that would require more thought and ability, than mindless cleaning. hmm?" Her brow lifted slightly as her personality remain the same, calm, cool and collected.
He flinched when she put the crop under his chin. He had expected a smack kick or a whip to the back or something. When nothing happened he looked at her."haven't i cleaned enough to earn it...I don't make any mess...You have all these vases everywhere just to punish me."He said."What other task could their be...Pleasing you is the least i can do right..I never have you've just tried to make it seem like i did."He said and shivered at how she just acted.

"What is it you offer?"He asked."Cleaning is mindless I rather do something that can at least be fun and well not so boring and troubling."He added and pushed the crop away from his chin not liking it being their as he looked up into her eye's. Drake was rather more of hating that he served her."Animals shouldn't be over humans."He growled softly as low as he could infront of her.
Her head tossed back as a chuckled spilled from her lovely throat. She stood quick enough and gave him a shove with the heel of her ankle boots. "You honestly still believe that?" She purred again as she now stalked over his frame, resting her boot on his chest. "I thought I had beaten that little idea from you, but it seems I failed." For some reason she didn't show her anger but instead laugh again before a snap of her fingers brought in a few bigger slaves.

"Drake, you poor dear many times must you taste the end of my whip before you learn your place is beneath us, beneath me." Her tongue licked at her lips as the image delighted her. "And the offer I had was such a fun one, but seeing how you don't wish to be beneath me, perhaps you'd rather be under the strap" She purred again before one of the larger slaves hoisted him up so she could look at him eye level. "Maybe one more good thrashing is on order before you can take me up on my offer."

All the while, the other slave and begun to clean the mess, careful not to get in the way of the mistress or the other slaves.
He looked at her with fear in his eye's, He hated the whip so much that it frightened him to the core."Please..Please not again."He said."I promise not to utter it again."He said. He tried to do anything to get out of the whipping He hated how she had a pleasure in her eye's when she whipped."I will do anything to make up for my defience."He said."Anything just don't whip me."He said.

He looked at her and tried to stay perfectly still. How could this have happened. He gets offered and new job to do and now this happens. "Please I will take your offer with pleasure...I will do it...Just don't whip me..."He begged. Normally he wouldn't beg like this only if he was going to get whipped was the only time. He always tried to find way's to get himself out of being whipped no matter what the cost.
Normally his pleads would cause her sweet mood vanish and make his punishment far worse. She hated when pets talked out of line but for whatever reason she had, she only smirked and chuckled softly to herself. His behavior changing so quickly in order to spare him the taste of her whip, once deviant the next a whimpering puppy. Her smirked held fast to her lips as she closed the space between them and ran her talons under his chin, tilting his head back.

"Drake, how fast you change to save your already scared flesh, even when you think your not pleasing me, your turn around around and do." She purred softly before licking her lips. "but I'm afraid if I don't whip you, the others will think me soft and we can't have that now can we..." this time she expect an answer, the right would be prefer but whatever he chose to give her, she was sure it would amuse her.
He looked into her eye's."No we can't have that."He said."But isn't their anything else..I..Anything other then the whip?"He asked. He kept his eye's locked with her's. After all he couldn't move his head when she lifted it. If he did he would be deathly pained due to her talon under his chin and sharp as usual."Please mistress...I don't want the whip...Anything else just not the whip."He said as he started to struggle against the other slave that was holding him.

Drake Didn't want her to have the other slaves think she was soft. But he would still complain and plead to get out of the whipping. "Any one of your slaves would plead not to be whipped im sure of it...You always love to see them scared with that word...And it works...So please stop useing it...Or at least use it on a worst punishment...I only broke a vase...I didn't mean it i tripped that's not to be a whipping."He said basically ordering her what she should do and what not.
At first she would have taken his request to heart and find a different punishment but after his rant went on, much longer than it should have. She grew tired of his pleads turning into demands, plus his struggling against the other slave, annoyed her greatly. She was just about to over look until his last statement. Her violet orbs narrowed quickly as her expression soured to his blatant disregard to his mistress. Her hand was quick and swift as she brought crashing down across his face, making an impressive sound that echoed through the room. The slave cleaning winched while the other slaved tried his best not too.

It wasn't often she struck her slaves with her own hands, she much preferred to use other implements to do her work, but however she made an exception when it came to Drake. "You insolent pig, hold your tongue." She hissed, her sweet voice was gone, replaced with a darker, deadly tone as those violet orbs fixed on him. "You think your words, plead can save you?" She challenged before resting her hands on her hips. "You know nothing of your place and because of it, you beg for the whip, not the other way around. You are MINE, and I will do with you as I see fit." She paused in her rant before allowing her arms to cross beneath her supple chest.

"You will regret your outburst...I will promise you that." She spat as the other slave was quick to brandish a large ball gag and quickly fix it place in Drakes mouth. She needn't say a word, the other slaves knew better but instead began to drag Drake off to oh to familiar room.
He let out a cry of pain as he was smacked and rather hard as well. Feeling the heat of the smack he looked at her his eye's showed the fear and pain that he was now emiting. Why was it he couldn't over power such an animal it's not like she possed any super power. Feeling the ball gag go into his mouth he let out a whimper as he was dragged off to the room that all slaves went to for punishment. And now he felt that his punishment was going to be sever this time. He looked around tears in his eye's from the smack and what was about to happen.

Drake was now going to feel he whip. He should have just stayed silent and accepted what he was. But he was the only one that went against her. He was rather one of the different slaves and for being that he paid for it severly. Looking around he saw the room come into view and he went limp. He knew that after that smack he was not getting out of this. He was probably not even going to have a chance to leave his barracks. He now awaited for when his mistress left him to wither in pain for the rest of the night.
She watched the other drag him off as she remained behind. She watch the remaining slave clean up the mess as she thought over Drake pleads and interesting choice of words. Her head cocked to the side as a small annoyed huff escaped her lips causing the slave by her feet wince and back away slowly and clean the floor else where. She smirked to herself, she couldn't say Drake was lying when he said they were scared of her but she liked it that way. She only wished he would do the same instead of the role he chose to play.

With one last sigh she turned on her heels and headed off to Drake's punishment room. Yes, he got his own room, only because he seemed to always be there. She smirked as she thought about the day she decided he would get his own room. Needless to say this brought a smile to her pink links as she entered the small room. The slaves did well the, strapping his to the Saint Andrew's cross, back facing her. The clicks of her heels echoed through out the room as she approached him.. Running those talons across his bare back.

"hhmmm ready?" she purred as fingers coiled around the hardy handle of the whip.
Drake whimpered and shivered as she slid her talons on his back. The back that had already felt the whip probably more then other slaves. He couldn't talk to say no. He was scared right now. She always found enjoyment in whipping it was her favorite toy. And being in this room their were plenty and all to choose from. "Please no."He said though it sounded more like he wanted the whip do to the ball gag. He was shaking in the shackles they had him in he didn't want this. He just wanted to be doing something else. But his chocies got him this punishment. And now he knew she would never let him have another chance at her offer.

Slaves who were offered but always stood up to her never got that offer again from what he learned, And he obviously just ruined that chance. And now he just awaited he sting of the whip on his back.
He lips twisted into a devious smile as she took a few steps back and threw the whip back before pulling it forward across his back with a delicious crack. Needless to say she knew what she was doing and began to yield the whip with ease across his back in a x pattern. She lost count how many times she brought it across his already tortured back before she stopped. She counted the marks that matted his back, though it was hard to tell one from another but her smile stayed as she placed the whip back in it's spot.

"Now Drake, do I have your attention?" she purred as leaned close to his ear. "I want nothing but perfection from you, from this moment on, no more slip ups. I don't want to add more scars, but I will. Now Rest here, your finally get the sleep you requested." She teased before she nipped at his ear. This being the first time she had done it, she smirked. "Sleep and maybe I'll think about letting you down tomorrow." With that she ran her fingers though his hair as if giving him an approving pat before she left him in the dark of the room.
All that could be heard were the whimpers of Drake and the cracking of the whip. Nodding he really couldn't feel the nip on his ear from the pain he had to deal with. He knew she was going to leave him up here. Letting his head fall down after she left he let out a sigh. And tryed not to let out any noise from his pained back. 'I hate you...I really really hate you' He thought to himself. Like he thought she would never offer anything to him. All she would do is make sure he did what she said to the perfect line. And that was something he rarely could do. After all he normally messed up somewhere. Soon enough sleep took him as he slept he dreamt of fighting against her and almost winning if that whip didn't come into play.
She had paid little mind to Drake and his punishment. Though when she saw a vase she couldn't help but smirk and chuckle to herself. It wasn't that she enjoyed punishing slave, but rather enjoyed punishing Drake. He was her one and only trouble maker. A repeat offender if you will, while other slaves got punished, it wasn't for the same thing nor was it a every day occurrence. No, Drake was special in that way. Though she hated seeing his back torn by the whip and the scars from it, she often told herself he wanted it, if he didn't he wouldn't misbehave so often. As she walked from room to room of the manor she licked her lips every time she saw a vase. Soon she retired to bed, eager to see if a nights rest would change Drakes manners.

-next day-

She woke and did her morning bouts, checking on the new slaves and their new house hold chores. Her heels clicked as she found her way into Drakes chambers. Her violet orbs falling on his chained form. She smirked as she took a moment to over look his form and back before she decided it was time to wake him. Her fingers coiled around the handle once more but instead of cracking it across his back, she merely cracked in the air, interested in his reaction.
He shook with fright when the sound of the whip was sent over everywhere. He was wide awake and looked around for it. he was already scared from his dream. Turning his head he looked at her and saw the whip. Shake his head gently. He was going to be whipped again. What for he didn't do anything. Was it going to be just for the pleasure for her or was his punishment not yet over. He said he'd do anything for the whip not to touch his skin again. He just waited. Not knowing what was about to happen.
She placed the whip back in itself place before walking over and running her fingers over his hair. "Now that your awake, did you sleep well?" She purred against his ear before walking around so she could face him better. She ran her talons along his jaw line, tipping his head back. Her peered down at him with calm violet orbs as her lips spread into a warm smile. "I hope you enough to to rest, your going to be busy today..." she purred, her eyes lite up with delight before she moved her hands to remove the gag.
He looked at her and watched her carefully. When the gag was finally removed he gave a soft smile but it turned to a frown."What will i be doing for you today mistress?"He asked as he had no choice but to follow her orders. After all it would probably be cleaning or moving items around or even cleaning the yard up. But with how he acted it didn't seem like he was going to enjoy it. After all he was one that always got punished for messing up."Mistress isn't going to whip me anymore today is she?"He asked. He was never really told her name so he could only refer to her as mistress just the way she liked.
Her lips held a warm smile as she ruffled his hair playful as his comments pleased her. "I think you will enjoy it and hopefully excel at it. I think you have promise to hold down this new chore." She smirked slightly as she reached up and began to under the straps that held his wrist. "No, not today...well not yet at least." She purred playfully before wetting her lips. She sank to her knees and released his ankles from the straps before she rose and walked around him. She was curious if he'd thank her or not, but stopped as she stood behind him, her hands on her hips as she waited for him to turn and face her.
He rubbed his wrists pleased to be free of the straps as he stratched. He turned to look at her and bowed."Thank you mistress."He said and lifted himself back up."What is this task you wish for me to attend?"He added."I will do it with pleasure and won't fail this time."He said. Happy that she wouldn't whip him yet and that she let him down instead of leaving him up their. He waited for her to give him the order. The order that might just let him be free of whips for awhile.
She only smiled to his thank you and bow. She watched him for a moment before he pulled her from her thoughts with his questions, well more of statement. Her smile brighten some as she gave a soft nod of her head. "Yes, I'm sure you will." She purred softly before she ran her fingers through her hair, her other hand staying firm on her hip. "Drake, I'm sure you heard rumors from the others about what happens behind my chambers doors, yes?" she asked as her brow slowly lifted.
Drake shivered slightly at how she just acted."Uhh no not really...Remember you told me not to go near or talk with other slaves."He said."And since i have my own room...I can't really say i've heard what goes on." He said and looked down ashamed that he let her down on what she would have liked to hear from him."But could you please tell me what goes on so that i know."He added.
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