- Joined
- Jul 8, 2021
Read everything in here before contacting me. Please don't waste my time with things I'm not interested in, and do not string me along. If you're no longer feeling the RP(s) we have going, please speak up. Thank you.
Heya! Name's Star, or Vera. 30+, she/her (though I'm fine with any), CST timezone but up at odd hours thanks to insomnia and a few other factors out of my control. I typically reply multiple times a day, though I do have some medical issues (my own and the person I'm a caregiver/caretaker for) that make that difficult sometimes. Multi-para to novella length replies, usually. Really depends on what's going on! I do not expect your posts to match mine, by length or speed. Write however much you feel is necessary, and whenever you have the time and energy.
So... sadly, I'm only looking for one fandom at the moment.
The Boys - The live action, in case I need to be specific. I'm only looking for Homelander (strong preference for him right now), or Soldier Boy. Possibly both if you're feeling froggy, but I'm absolutely not gonna push for that since it's incredibly greedy and unfair. Yeah, I know, mommy issues versus toxic masculinity. This will be CanonxOC. If you have a problem with that, or anything in this post, you can just move along. I do already have an OC in mind for this, and you can find her here along with my usual kinks: F-list link!
(And since it has come up enough times: I do not play total pushovers. Stop thinking submissive = easy.)
Regardless of the choice here, the pairing will be MxF. I'm sadly not open to doubling, as I've gotten terribly burned out on it and am still recovering.
Only interested in long-term, and I expect romance and smut (that does not fade-to-black), but I need a story, and I need it to feel "organic." While I'm not opposed to sparks flying early on, I definitely need it to feel right. NSFW stuff will need to be discussed, to make sure we're on the same page and no one gets squicked out. I will warn you right now that I'm really quite vanilla, but I am fairly flexible! The worst I can say is "no."
Headcanons are more than welcome, as I don't tend to adhere to source material 100%. Which, yes, does mean that I'm not necessarily looking for a 1:1 of the characters I have listed. I don't expect, or even really want anyone to follow their personalities to a T. Might as well just keep to rewatching the show instead of RPing it if that were the case.
I do have some loose ideas, with one involving a sort of "Isekai" theme to it, but no set-in-stone plots, so we'll need to do some brainstorming. Here are some potential plot hooks to work with!:
And of course, 18+/21+ only. That goes for you and the characters involved. I feel like that shouldn't have to be said, especially given the source material and where I'm posting, but sometimes... people try to slip by.
I do not do threads here. I'm happy to RP in PMs, or on Discord. All up to your preference. For the latter, you can find me here: Drakesnarl
(Do NOT contact me if you're just going to brush off what I'm looking for. If it doesn't pertain to the fandom and the characters I'm looking for within it, then I am NOT interested so don't waste your time.)
Hope to hear from ya soon!
Heya! Name's Star, or Vera. 30+, she/her (though I'm fine with any), CST timezone but up at odd hours thanks to insomnia and a few other factors out of my control. I typically reply multiple times a day, though I do have some medical issues (my own and the person I'm a caregiver/caretaker for) that make that difficult sometimes. Multi-para to novella length replies, usually. Really depends on what's going on! I do not expect your posts to match mine, by length or speed. Write however much you feel is necessary, and whenever you have the time and energy.
So... sadly, I'm only looking for one fandom at the moment.
The Boys - The live action, in case I need to be specific. I'm only looking for Homelander (strong preference for him right now), or Soldier Boy. Possibly both if you're feeling froggy, but I'm absolutely not gonna push for that since it's incredibly greedy and unfair. Yeah, I know, mommy issues versus toxic masculinity. This will be CanonxOC. If you have a problem with that, or anything in this post, you can just move along. I do already have an OC in mind for this, and you can find her here along with my usual kinks: F-list link!
(And since it has come up enough times: I do not play total pushovers. Stop thinking submissive = easy.)
Regardless of the choice here, the pairing will be MxF. I'm sadly not open to doubling, as I've gotten terribly burned out on it and am still recovering.
Only interested in long-term, and I expect romance and smut (that does not fade-to-black), but I need a story, and I need it to feel "organic." While I'm not opposed to sparks flying early on, I definitely need it to feel right. NSFW stuff will need to be discussed, to make sure we're on the same page and no one gets squicked out. I will warn you right now that I'm really quite vanilla, but I am fairly flexible! The worst I can say is "no."
Headcanons are more than welcome, as I don't tend to adhere to source material 100%. Which, yes, does mean that I'm not necessarily looking for a 1:1 of the characters I have listed. I don't expect, or even really want anyone to follow their personalities to a T. Might as well just keep to rewatching the show instead of RPing it if that were the case.
I do have some loose ideas, with one involving a sort of "Isekai" theme to it, but no set-in-stone plots, so we'll need to do some brainstorming. Here are some potential plot hooks to work with!:
Hook 1: She could be a worker, likely in the lower levels, who happens to cross paths with Homelander for one reason or another. Maybe bringing an order to him, files from [insert your preferred character here] that they're otherwise too busy to bring to him themselves. Or too scared to, in Ashley's case. Depends on the general timeline, season wise. Could be something sweeter.
Alternatively, she could be more important than just a... coffee girl or whatever. Maybe not an executive, but someone who's more vital. IT tech, possibly. Or, hell, maybe someone else's personal assistant, and Homelander decides he wants her handling him instead.
Hook 2: There's another company following in Vought's footsteps, creating their own Supe's with their own version of Compound V. Maybe it's derived from a more dubious source, and manifests more volatile powers? Regardless, it's being done right under Vought's nose. Maybe as a way to get rid of the company, or just level out the playing fields. Alex would be an escapee from one of the other company's facilities, an entirely unknown Supe thrust into the world after years of being a guinea pig. Maybe a case of her escaping 'termination', because she's proving to be too much trouble. Ends up causing, or is at least somehow involved in some sort of incident that the public and the media lose their minds over. 'Cause, y'know... Vought's supposed to be responsible for Supe's, right? Right.
Cue a total fucking tizzy because she's definitely not one of theirs, and now they need to do some damage control and digging, so Homelander's sent to find her. Or maybe he catches her in the 'act' without prompting from anyone in Vought, and the ball is in his court.
Hook 3: Monsters. Vampires. Fae, and shifters. No, not like Doppelganger. More like... dragon-shifters. Listen, there's a fanfic and some fanart I've seen, revolving around Homelander. There's also at least one fanfic of him being vampiric. I have nothin' else to pull you in with here.
Hook 4: Cliche rescue type deal. Maybe she's caught up in a bank heist, taken hostage, needs to be saved from a burning building. Whatever. Could be a case of him feeling like he's owed for saving her, ooooorrrrr the media takes a real shining to him sweeping her out of danger. Lots of publicity, good optics, idyllic photos snapped of him carrying her, etc. She looks really good in his arms, Vought's no stranger to doing fake relationships just to make their Supe's look better. But, y'know... it snowballs outta their control.
Hook 5: Isekai type of deal. She's not from The Boys' universe, gets sucked in due to [insert potentially traumatic event here]. May or may not be from modern timeline, where The Boys is a comic/show. Whether or not she knows about it is up in the air, though. I rather like the idea that she doesn't know anything about it, so Homie's gotta deal with someone who doesn't know who, or what the fuck he is.
Hook 6: Babysitter/nanny(/tutor) plot. For Ryan, not Homelander. Although... anyway. No, not a plot to include Ryan in any sexual manner, so get that out of your head now. It's an angle for my listed OFC to have to interact with Homie. Maybe she's just a Vought employee that got roped into doing it, or she could be someone outside of the company that was hired on. For the latter, maybe it's a case of Homelander expecting some old dawdy spinster, but she shows up instead. Or he could've picked her himself. Whichever.
Hook 7: Streamer/social media "celebrity" scenario. Maybe Homie just happens across her on his own, or if Ryan's around, he could be exposed to her through him. Either way, he takes a shining to her, and we all know how that typically goes with Homelander. Pretty simple hook that could go anywhere.
Hook 8: Alpha/Beta/Omega and (soul)mates theme. Less of a plot that's had any major thought put into it, and more a potential addition to the other hooks. Could add a bit more spice to everything. I'd prefer to play the Omega for this, but hey... the idea of Homelander being an Omega does make me giggle.
Hook 9: My OFC is an artist, or a writer. Or... both. Maybe it's her job, maybe it's just a hobby that she occasionally gets a bit of dosh for. Either way, she's written/drawn a lot of stuff pertaining to Homelander, ranging from simple and wholesome to absolute debauchery. He finds out.
Hook 10: Based off of a fanfic one-shot I re-read. Harder sell than any of the others, too. She's a solo OnlyFans creator, with a penchant for celebrity parodies. Does a video parodying Homelander, and he happens to find it. This could be hard and heavy from the onset where he finds her ASAP, or slower where he subscribes and starts donating, chatting, etc. under the blanket of anonymity.
Hook 11: She's a Supe, but it's nothing spectacular. Except... it sort of is? She's indestructible. Meaning he can't break her, no matter how carried away he might get. And we all know Blondie can get carried away. Open to her having other powers beyond that, but that's the baseline. The plot itself could start out anywhere and pretty much go anywhere.
Hook 12:
A sort of play on two other plot hooks. She's an experiment, something Vought really shouldn't have made, and... well, they can't do much with her now. They can't kill her: they've tried and it never works. It never sticks, she always comes back, and she always comes back angrier.
She's isolated, lonely... unfamiliar with anything else. She's something else, something worse than any other Supe they've had their hands in creating. More bestial. Homelander may be a monster, but she's a monster.
Of the shapeshifting variety.
The only memories she has is of four white walls, so deep in the ground that *they're* sure she can't dig and crawl her way out of. One of their many mistakes.
TL;DR: She's a Supe of a more monstrous variety and she was never supposed to get out. She gets out somehow.
Hook 13: Sort of an AU type deal. Homelander's still young, freshly let loose into the world. This could go a couple ways, either where my OC is set on him by Vought in order to influence him, or she's not affiliated with the company at all. Maybe she's not his first 'save', but she's possibly his first taste of the real world.
Hook 14: Crossover/universe phasing into another type thing. Kind of like the isekai hook, but not quite the same. My OC gets phased into The Boys' universe one way or another. In her world, 'superheroes' do exist, but most are natural-born and often stigmatized and ostracized. Think something more along the lines of X-Men. Could go anywhere.
Hook 15: Slice of life. As much as one might expect, considering who Homelander is. She's a nobody, doesn't even work at Vought. Maybe it's a coffee shop down the road, or a niche store down the way. Wherever she frequents, he's taken notice. Of all the little ants milling about, he's noticed her. Cue the obsessive stalking.
Alternatively, she could be more important than just a... coffee girl or whatever. Maybe not an executive, but someone who's more vital. IT tech, possibly. Or, hell, maybe someone else's personal assistant, and Homelander decides he wants her handling him instead.
Hook 2: There's another company following in Vought's footsteps, creating their own Supe's with their own version of Compound V. Maybe it's derived from a more dubious source, and manifests more volatile powers? Regardless, it's being done right under Vought's nose. Maybe as a way to get rid of the company, or just level out the playing fields. Alex would be an escapee from one of the other company's facilities, an entirely unknown Supe thrust into the world after years of being a guinea pig. Maybe a case of her escaping 'termination', because she's proving to be too much trouble. Ends up causing, or is at least somehow involved in some sort of incident that the public and the media lose their minds over. 'Cause, y'know... Vought's supposed to be responsible for Supe's, right? Right.
Cue a total fucking tizzy because she's definitely not one of theirs, and now they need to do some damage control and digging, so Homelander's sent to find her. Or maybe he catches her in the 'act' without prompting from anyone in Vought, and the ball is in his court.
Hook 3: Monsters. Vampires. Fae, and shifters. No, not like Doppelganger. More like... dragon-shifters. Listen, there's a fanfic and some fanart I've seen, revolving around Homelander. There's also at least one fanfic of him being vampiric. I have nothin' else to pull you in with here.
Hook 4: Cliche rescue type deal. Maybe she's caught up in a bank heist, taken hostage, needs to be saved from a burning building. Whatever. Could be a case of him feeling like he's owed for saving her, ooooorrrrr the media takes a real shining to him sweeping her out of danger. Lots of publicity, good optics, idyllic photos snapped of him carrying her, etc. She looks really good in his arms, Vought's no stranger to doing fake relationships just to make their Supe's look better. But, y'know... it snowballs outta their control.
Hook 5: Isekai type of deal. She's not from The Boys' universe, gets sucked in due to [insert potentially traumatic event here]. May or may not be from modern timeline, where The Boys is a comic/show. Whether or not she knows about it is up in the air, though. I rather like the idea that she doesn't know anything about it, so Homie's gotta deal with someone who doesn't know who, or what the fuck he is.
Hook 6: Babysitter/nanny(/tutor) plot. For Ryan, not Homelander. Although... anyway. No, not a plot to include Ryan in any sexual manner, so get that out of your head now. It's an angle for my listed OFC to have to interact with Homie. Maybe she's just a Vought employee that got roped into doing it, or she could be someone outside of the company that was hired on. For the latter, maybe it's a case of Homelander expecting some old dawdy spinster, but she shows up instead. Or he could've picked her himself. Whichever.
Hook 7: Streamer/social media "celebrity" scenario. Maybe Homie just happens across her on his own, or if Ryan's around, he could be exposed to her through him. Either way, he takes a shining to her, and we all know how that typically goes with Homelander. Pretty simple hook that could go anywhere.
Hook 8: Alpha/Beta/Omega and (soul)mates theme. Less of a plot that's had any major thought put into it, and more a potential addition to the other hooks. Could add a bit more spice to everything. I'd prefer to play the Omega for this, but hey... the idea of Homelander being an Omega does make me giggle.
Hook 9: My OFC is an artist, or a writer. Or... both. Maybe it's her job, maybe it's just a hobby that she occasionally gets a bit of dosh for. Either way, she's written/drawn a lot of stuff pertaining to Homelander, ranging from simple and wholesome to absolute debauchery. He finds out.
Hook 10: Based off of a fanfic one-shot I re-read. Harder sell than any of the others, too. She's a solo OnlyFans creator, with a penchant for celebrity parodies. Does a video parodying Homelander, and he happens to find it. This could be hard and heavy from the onset where he finds her ASAP, or slower where he subscribes and starts donating, chatting, etc. under the blanket of anonymity.
Hook 11: She's a Supe, but it's nothing spectacular. Except... it sort of is? She's indestructible. Meaning he can't break her, no matter how carried away he might get. And we all know Blondie can get carried away. Open to her having other powers beyond that, but that's the baseline. The plot itself could start out anywhere and pretty much go anywhere.
Hook 12:
A sort of play on two other plot hooks. She's an experiment, something Vought really shouldn't have made, and... well, they can't do much with her now. They can't kill her: they've tried and it never works. It never sticks, she always comes back, and she always comes back angrier.
She's isolated, lonely... unfamiliar with anything else. She's something else, something worse than any other Supe they've had their hands in creating. More bestial. Homelander may be a monster, but she's a monster.
Of the shapeshifting variety.
The only memories she has is of four white walls, so deep in the ground that *they're* sure she can't dig and crawl her way out of. One of their many mistakes.
TL;DR: She's a Supe of a more monstrous variety and she was never supposed to get out. She gets out somehow.
Hook 13: Sort of an AU type deal. Homelander's still young, freshly let loose into the world. This could go a couple ways, either where my OC is set on him by Vought in order to influence him, or she's not affiliated with the company at all. Maybe she's not his first 'save', but she's possibly his first taste of the real world.
Hook 14: Crossover/universe phasing into another type thing. Kind of like the isekai hook, but not quite the same. My OC gets phased into The Boys' universe one way or another. In her world, 'superheroes' do exist, but most are natural-born and often stigmatized and ostracized. Think something more along the lines of X-Men. Could go anywhere.
Hook 15: Slice of life. As much as one might expect, considering who Homelander is. She's a nobody, doesn't even work at Vought. Maybe it's a coffee shop down the road, or a niche store down the way. Wherever she frequents, he's taken notice. Of all the little ants milling about, he's noticed her. Cue the obsessive stalking.
And of course, 18+/21+ only. That goes for you and the characters involved. I feel like that shouldn't have to be said, especially given the source material and where I'm posting, but sometimes... people try to slip by.
I do not do threads here. I'm happy to RP in PMs, or on Discord. All up to your preference. For the latter, you can find me here: Drakesnarl
(Do NOT contact me if you're just going to brush off what I'm looking for. If it doesn't pertain to the fandom and the characters I'm looking for within it, then I am NOT interested so don't waste your time.)
Hope to hear from ya soon!

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