Fx Male 1x1 long-term "The Boys" RP. Looking for Homelander or Soldier Boy for OFC. [NSFW][18+][MxF][Discord&PMs]


Jul 8, 2021
Read everything in here before contacting me. Please don't waste my time with things I'm not interested in, and do not string me along. If you're no longer feeling the RP(s) we have going, please speak up. Thank you.

Heya! Name's Star, or Vera. 30+, she/her (though I'm fine with any), CST timezone but up at odd hours thanks to insomnia and a few other factors out of my control. I typically reply multiple times a day, though I do have some medical issues (my own and the person I'm a caregiver/caretaker for) that make that difficult sometimes. Multi-para to novella length replies, usually. Really depends on what's going on!

So... sadly, I'm only looking for one fandom at the moment.

The Boys - The live action, in case I need to be specific. I'm only looking for Homelander, or Soldier Boy. Possibly both if you're feeling froggy, but I'm absolutely not gonna push for that since it's incredibly greedy and unfair. Yeah, I know, mommy issues versus toxic masculinity. This will be CanonxOC. If you have a problem with that, or anything in this post, you can just move along. I do already have an OC in mind for this, and you can find her here: F-list link!

Regardless of the choice here, the pairing will be MxF. I'm sadly not open to doubling, as I've gotten terribly burned out on it and am still recovering.

Only interested in long-term, and I expect romance and smut (that does not fade-to-black), but I need a story, and I need it to feel "organic." While I'm not opposed to sparks flying early on, I definitely need it to feel right. NSFW stuff will need to be discussed, to make sure we're on the same page and no one gets squicked out. I will warn you right now that I'm really quite vanilla, but I am fairly flexible! The worst I can say is "no."

Headcanons are more than welcome, as I don't tend to adhere to source material 100%. I do have some loose ideas, with one involving a sort of "Isekai" theme to it, but no set-in-stone plots, so we'll need to brainstorm.

And of course, 18+/21+ only. That goes for you and the characters involved. I feel like that shouldn't have to be said, especially given the source material and where I'm posting, but sometimes... people try to slip by.

I do not do threads. I'm happy to RP in PMs, or on Discord. All up to your preference. For the latter, you can find me here: Drakesnarl
(Do NOT contact me if you're just going to brush off what I'm looking for. If it doesn't pertain to the fandom and the characters I'm looking for within it, then I am NOT interested so don't waste your time.)

Hope to hear from ya soon! 💜
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Weirdest craving for an "OC gets thrown into The Boys universe with little to no knowledge of said universe" scenario right now.
Figure a bump is in order. It's been a while.

(Not replacing anyone. Y'all stuck with me 'til the end times. 💜 )

Not replacing anyone. Current partners are stuck with me until the heat death of the universe, or until they get sick of me. Whichever happens first. 💜 I'm just a glutton for the Milk Man.
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