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What is the last video game you completed to the end credits?

Kingdom Come: Deliverence, and I have to say the ending was pretty lack luster. The closer I got to the end the more the main quests felt undercooked. Doesn't help the last half hour of the game is the characters sitting around a table trying to hype up the next installment of the story.
Red Dead Redemption, the first one. Was on my mind for years, but I had no way of playing it until last month. Even though I knew how the story would end (hard to keep a 14 years old game completely spoiler-free), the entire journey and the buildup to the climax still made the ending epic and hard-hitting.
Last game I played to the end? I think that was FF7 Remake/Intermission.

Before that, I think it was Star Wars Jedi Survivor.

But does playing Ark and beating the map bosses count as end credits even though you don't really see them?
The last game I completed to the end credits....That's a hard one.

But I'm going to say Mass Effect 3.

Unless we're talking about replaying games, then it would be Fallout New Vegas.
End credits is kind of a weird place with fighting games, as you can get end credits in 10-15 minutes doing an arcade run. That being said, I replayed all of Tekken 6 and do feel like i have completed the game. Somehow didn’t have the trophies, I assume I played it on Xbox 360 most likely.
Granblue Fantasy Relink. Great game! Surpassed my humble expectations.

Seriously, fuck this game. I liked the visuals and music but wasn’t ready for the themes and jump scares. Hit too close to home.
Stardew Valley? I'm pretty sure I got to the credit sequence there. If not then Spelunky, though it's a roguelike so it doesn't take long to get to.
Dragon Age: inquisition.

Like...about 6 hours ago. :) Playthrough number...I don't know. Lots.
It would have been BG3 if my partner hadn't quit our games. If multiplayer games had an end credit it would be hunt showdown consider im only missing two achievements in that game. heh
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth was a 10/10 for me. I know there are flaws, but they did not hamper my enjoyment at all.

I was transported to my early teens while playing and had a couple of ugly cries with it. Some were because the story lines hit home, and some were because it transported me back in time to some bad moments that happened while I was playing it originally.

I'm eagerly waiting for the third part and anxious to see how broken it will leave me 😅
Finished it over the March break since it's not a long game. If you love classic PS1 survival horror but without clunky tank controls, or you like tall sexy female androids like Nier: Automata, then you'll absolutely love this game.
Oddly, the only game I recall finishing that was until the end credits was Dave The Diver, but savored it like fine wine.
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