Mx Female Regulators: New Orleans Based Gang RP


Somebody's Midlife Crisis
Sep 9, 2015
Flying High
Daleeria's F-List || General Request Thread || World Building Thread

A huge thanks to @CyranoDeBergerac for letting me sandbox around in his created universe for Haven City.
The original concept was built by Cyrano, but he's been so kind to give me a little section of his world and build it up for my own needs. There are some overlapping characters for the sake of coordinating that it's part of the same universe. These characters below are my own creation.

For more information on the history: New Orleans Regulators: A Haven City Franchise (World Building thread)

About me:
First and foremost, I am a female attempting to play male characters against female characters. Your gender is irrelevant to me.

I am a full time adult, with college and a job and a husband. I've been roleplaying since 2003 (nearly 20 years holy fuck!!!) And am very much a wordy bitch when given the chance. I'm have aging parents, with ailing health and am the only child. I've been married for 4 years. My husband knows what I do here and is actually really into hearing about my RPs.

My schedule gets pretty limited on occasion. I try to post once or twice per week, but there will be occasions where I'm absent for a week or two (usually with forewarning). Realistically I'd love to find a partner with similar availability: roughly 4-8 high quality posts (500+ words) per month is ideal, with sometimes less or more when we have the time and inspiration. I also like to do a lot of OOC chat, both social and plotting wise. Anyone who loves to share music, loves using face claim and outfit references are bonus winners!

I'd prefer to play in Threads, or PMs. OOC stuff can be done in discord but I'm not looking for another discord partner for play.

I have a female version of this thread as well, if you're looking to play something else. I typically play as submissive/switch women, the occasional power bottom woman, femboys, but in order to broaden my horizons I'm trying to play male, dominant characters as well.

Setting: Present Day fictional New Orleans, in a world where the pandemic never happened, but many of the political things have. The hope is for some of the neighborhoods to be semi-non-fictional, though lots of the places mentioned (their properties, etc) don't exist in the real world. Primarily in the Marigny-Bywater and French Quarter areas.

My (M) Characters: (will be adding more as I work on growing and expanding the gang)

Name: Griever Gloriana
Birthdate: January 5th, 1988
Sexuality: Straight
Hometown/Current City: Boston, MA / New Orleans, LA

My most well-developed male character at this point.

Griever's mom died giving birth to him due to a combination of a car accident and pre-eclampsia… His father was a doctor, and a kind man. When Griever was 5, his world changed. His father took a new wife, an 18 year old young prostitute (Anya) with a 2-year-old daughter (Caylee) that he met at the hospital while her daughter was extremely sick. Griever initially hated his new mom, hated how happy his dad seemed even though he barely knew her. However, little Caylee was a different story. While she was a sick little girl due to a lingering infection caused by improper cutting of her umbilical cord at birth, she was so full of energy and always trying to follow on his coattails, and he tried to let her keep up. His instincts as a brother were strong.

Anya had a good five years in her before the cancer took her; she knew she was ill when she married into the Gloriana family, however the doctor had told her with medication and regular checkups she could live another decade. She made it half that far before suddenly Doc was a single father of two. Caylee was 7, Griever was 10 and from that moment on they were inseparable. Caylee got stronger the longer she ran after Griever. Eight years later, with poor grades and no clue what to do with his life he joined the military and met his best buddy Beauregard Rodriguez.

A few years later Caylee got cleared to join as well, something their dad wasn't a fan of. Almost immediately he felt like he simultaneously lost his best friend and his sister; for as much as they argued and bickered he knew it wouldn't be long before they got together. Still, being best man at the wedding had its perks of hitting on all Caylee's bridesmaids, one of which ended up baby mama just a few months later, and gave birth to his son. Charice and he got married in a courthouse affair, with just Caylee, Beau and their aging father as witnesses. Griever was 22 when the kid was born.

A year later Caylee left the army to have her baby and start her way through medical school, and it was just Griever and Beau again, sniper and spotter, brothers to the end, and brother-in-laws.

Happiness was short lived though. Two days before the boys were due home for the birth of Beau's little girl, a fire fight broke out in the town their unit was patrolling. For weeks things had been quiet, troops being withdrawn. In the fray, Griever and Beau got separated… when the dust cleared 20 American soldiers, 25 terrorists, and several civilians were dead, including Beau, and Griever had been shot in the leg. He managed to find his best friend just in time to hear his last words. "Tell Cay to name her Sasha." They were 23 at the time.

After an honorable discharge, he tucked his tail and went home to his sister. Caylee was devastated. Neither her husband nor her brother were at her side as she gave birth to little Sasha and as a secondary surprise a little boy which she named after his father.

Griever continued on with his physical therapy trying to regain use of his leg, taking about 2 years to fully Recover physically. However mentally he suffered from the PTSD many vets often see, and is still going through therapy to this day. Charice left with the kid, shortly after getting married to another man while Griever was in treatments.

Unable to do anything else, with no education beyond high school and no urge to go to college, he took up boxing and MMA to make ends meet. When he turned 26, Caylee came to him admitting she had the same cancer as her mom, and that she was going and quickly… he was at her side as she passed, watching her take her last breath was like losing Beau and his mom at the same time. He had protected her from everything else, but this was out of his hands…

Currently, his father has the twins splitting custody with Beau's parents, and Charice has his son that he never gets to see. She claims it's because his PTSD breaks, but he feels like he's being strung along. He doesn't fight her, knowing he's too much of a wreck after all he's been through. He's still going through a shit ton of psychiatric care. He fights as a release, using his matches not just for cash but for his own brand of therapy.

Potential Roles:
  • Female MMA fighter that he starts to train with
  • Ex-wife baby mama (for a more toxic relationship)
  • sugar baby
  • Therapist that falls for his bad dad jokes and rugged charm
  • Bartender at his local dive
  • Neighborhood girl eying up a new baby daddy (he's a sucker for a woman who has kids)


Name: Kalvin Roberts
Nickname: Kal
Birthdate: June 13, 1992
Sexuality: Straight
Hometown/Current City: New Orleans, LA

Younger brother of former 2nd in Command, Jordan Roberts, Kalvin pretty much grew up in the gang, and grew up with Nadine. He joined up after she did, very much realizing that committing to the gang would keep his friends alive as long as he could watch their backs. He's loyal, and fierce, will follow Nadine into the fires of hell if that's where she was leading him. Still runs a few corners when he has time, including a small handful of whores he protects.

Potential Roles:
  • Ride or Die high school girlfriend
  • Side chick (with a main bitch that he doesn't leave but doesn't love)
  • One of his whores

Name: Liam Pugh
Nickname: Lee
Birthdate: August 11, 1980
Sexuality: Straight
Hometown/Current City: New Orleans, LA

An orphan, Liam grew up in several foster homes in Gentilly, before finally getting out of there and moving to a primarily Irish block not too far from the Bywater. At thirteen her joined up with a gang because he had no prospects, was too far behind in his education to keep up in school. It felt better to go out and make money as a baby gangbanger. Along the way he met Lola Macintosh, a girl that lived two houses down from his 'adoptive' family. They hit it off famously and started causing all sorts of trouble together.

Liam and his girlfriend were only fifteen when she missed a period and they were thrown into the world of parenthood.

Potential Roles:
Liam dies in 2022, storyline wise, so anything done with him would probably be between 90's and '20s
  • Liam's wife, mother of Nadine (dies in 2003, so this would be a late 90's, early 00's roleplay)
  • One of his many side hoes trying to be his main woman
  • Nadine's babysitter
  • One of the women in the gang
  • Stripper
  • Bartender
  • New neighbor woman completely oblivious to his gang dealings
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Griever bounced from foot to foot as the first lines of his fight song played, getting hyped by the screaming crowd. It wasn't a huge match, but it was important enough. Fighting underground meant you only got tougher opponents by working your way up the chain. He had been a big shot back in Boston after getting out of the military. It was the only way he knew to make money now that he was considered too PTSD to serve. After having your brother-in-law die in your arms and then listening to your sister scream in pain while locked out of the room because she was so distraught over her lost husband that she refused any help her family had offered her, would you be any less broken?

For far too long he hadn't had his shit together though. His niece and nephew were now orphans after the cancer that had taken Caylee's mom also took her, and his own wife had divorced and left him for a much more stable man. Granted, that marriage had never exactly been a solid thing. Griever had fucked Charice as a fun time during Caylee's wedding night, and it had turned into being stuck together because she was pregnant and didn't believe in abortions. Then again, he wasn't much a fan of the idea of his boy not existing either. Caleb was his world. Everything he did was for him now, even after nearly two years of only the occasional phone call. Charice refused to let him see his son unless he paid his dues to society by getting therapy, getting a 'real job' and 'cleaning up his act'.

Griever wasn't much for drinking, sure he had a few beers after a good win. He'd do shots with his buddies if they bought it. But for the most part he kept his vices to weed and women.

But something about the fight made him feel human again. The way his fist hit his opponent. The solid shock of nerves when his opponent got the upper hand and landed a blow. All of it gave him the adrenaline rush that pushed him to live. It was one of the few moments he still felt a part of this world.

Griever raised his fists in the air as he made his strut down the walk way to the fighting ring. The crowd was certainly packed tonight. Winnings would be very nice depending on which way people betted. He was a newcomer in the NOLA scene, and that meant a lot of people bet against him his first few matches. This was only his fifth out of ten matches he had to complete to make it to the next ranking, but people were starting to expect a little more out of him each match. The swell of the cheers had him grinning as he got into the ring and did his hype lap.

He needed to win every match. It was the only way to get himself back to the place where he was before back in Boston. He had only come here initially to be with his son, but then Charice up and moved before he could react, leaving him to scream in frustration at the piece of shit bitch she turned out to be.

There was something nice about making himself a new start. Refreshing, even. His opponents were tougher, more apt to go for the proverbial throat. There was also a lot more of a market for bar fights than Griever cared to think about.

His night started with a fight, and it ended with a fight.

One would think that absolutely KO'ing the other man would make anyone else think twice about fucking with him, but the city was fucking evil and if anything that just gave the drunks on Bourbon Street more of a reason to try to start trouble. And this was coming from someone who had spent his life in Boston and was primarily Irish. His father had even basically raised him in an old Irish pub from the time he had been old enough to sit on the bar while his dad had his brew. The 90's were a wild place where kids hung out in bars and ate wings while their parents partied. At least if you were one of the lucky ones with parents actually enjoyed your company.

Griever was knocking back beers with a few of his buddies and his promo team when some drunken idiot had come at him yelling about cheating or some bullshit- and Griever just laughed when the guy pulled back his fist. Faster than the guy could react, Griever 1-2 punched him- first in the guy then one in the face- and knocked him the fuck out. The guy's drunken friends left him to be dragged out by the bouncer instead. "Yo, I need a smoke. I'll be back in a few," Griever stretched out his limbs as made his way outside to the smoking area. The scent of cigarettes wouldn't cover the smell of the weed, but Griever didn't really care. He stood to the back of the smoking crowd, nearly in the alley as he lit his joint and exhaled.

The worst part of the fights was the week leading up to it; no weed, no booze, no sex. Just training, keeping up his diet and more training. Even with all the outlets Griever was an angry man, but the extra anger never went wasted on nights like these. Well he had two out of the three, and not many prospects on the board for the third. At one time there had been a dozen bitches he could call, but all of them were back home and he had only been here three months. Sure, there had been a casual fuck or five along the way, a very very nice threesome included in that list... But none of those had lasted very long...

Griever leaned against the wall, watching all the weekend party goers and looking at the bruises and scars on his knuckles thoughtfully. Maybe he was just too much for anyone to handle? Shit, he could barely handle himself. How was he expecting anyone to be able to handle it?
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