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It feeds on your blood (Mainman x Mappy)

"First time having breakfast..." Jack muttered as he covered the mouth of a plump cop and bit into his throat. The old cop beside him turned around and Jack grabbed his throat and pulled him close. "Don't worry, you will be next..."

Jack was turned on and he jerked off the old cop and drank a mouthful of blood and looked around after hiding the bodies. "That police captain looks familiar..." As Jack approached, he saw the cops getting clubbed in the head by the ladies. "Damn, they are fast..."

"Help!" The captain shouted as a lady moved among a group of cops and easily knocked them out. She grabbed the sergeant and forced him to the ground and pulled down his pants. The other lady hugged the captain and Jack walked over and sniffed the captain. "Nothing like fresh cops in the morning..."

The lady gave the captain a blowjob and they drank some blood from him. All the cops were still alive and they were cuffed and shoved into their police cars.


It was a weird feeling as Jack and the ladies spent the day going to a mall, catching a matinee and had a change of clothes. They visited the gun store and looked at a few guns, then heard police sirens again and decided to take a look.

"Horse cops!" Jack said excitedly and put on a detective badge and approached the cops with the ladies. "I need your help over there..." Jack said, staring into the eyes of the sergeant. "Bring your men..."

The mounted policemen went into an alley and the ladies hugged them and kissed them. "Bring those motorcycle cops over too.."

Jack knocked the motorcycle cops out and had a taste of the leatherbound mounted policemen and enjoyed the smells and taste. He started piling up the cops into a police van and heard gunshots.

Jack saw a lady moving at inhuman speeds among the armored cops and she chopped at their necks and they collapsed. "That is some speed..." Jack muttered and got the other ladies to help. The lady was fast and she seemed able to take out the police squads but Jack reached a group of policemen behind the police cars and choked them. The lady was shot and she rushed to 4 cops, crushed the throats of 2 cops and pulled the other 2 to the ground and drained them to heal up.

"She is insane"! Jack said and choked a plump cop and his ladies choked 2 more. "Let's save these poor bastards from that monster..."

Armored cops with automatic weapons shot at her and she moved with inhumans speeds and reached them. She broke bone with each punch and she ripped off the head of a cop as she bit into his throat and drained his blood.

"Just 1 lady?" Jack muttered and she reached the command truck and massacred the cops outside and rushed in.

"Don't be heroes..." Jack said and choked 2 cops with white mustaches.

The lady exited the truck, rushed towards a police car and flipped the car. She ripped the door off and pulled a fat cop out and crushed his throat with a bite and drained him.

"The fuck..." Jack muttered and hid the cops with white mustaches.


Jack laid low till the lady rushed off and went to the police station to check. It was a massacre. The killer seemed to be so strong that many cops had their skull crushed with punches.

"We can do something like that?" Jack muttered and quickly left. "That is some powerful vampire..."
A plump cop in police armor saw a lady approaching and drew his gun. "Don't come any closer!" The cop commanded and the lady smiled. "Your friends are already dead... And I sort of just want to taste you..." The cop turned and saw a large man with a limp cop in his arms and aimed at the man but the lady reached him and punched his back. She covered his mouth and disarmed the cop. "Shhh..." She said and covered the cop's mouth, sniffed his collar and proceed to give him a hand job. The cop trembled in fear and the lady eventually bit into his throat and drank from the cop.

The lady moved up to 2 cops by the door and leaped on a cop and wrapped her crotch around his face and grabbed the other cop in a chokehold. Both cops flailed as she squeezed tightly, apparently getting sexual pleasure from it, and she snapped a cop's neck while kissing the other one and proceeded to fuck him.

The large man entered the house and grabbed a bald old cop and choked him with one hand and grabbed the other cop with thick mustache and smashed his head on a pillar and the cop collapsed. "Sleep..." The man said and tightened his grip till the old cop stopped moving. "Too easy..."

The man entered the house and looked for the target and saw the man in the study room and walked over. The target ran to his phone and was grabbed and the man simply crushed his ribs and dropped him to the ground. "Done!"


The elite killers all finished their missions and decided to have some fun. As they got together, they saw a police truck with many armored cops in an alley and decided to enter. "There are 10 of us here, what can we do together?"

The killers grabbed the helmets of some of the SWAT officers and snapped their necks. The remaining cops were grabbed and the killers started peeling off the layers of armor. "Man, these stinky cops are kind of a turn on, but I won't want to be in that sweaty armor..."

4 soft cops remained and the ladies gave the cops blow jobs as the men held them tight. The cops were fucked and drained. Everything seemed to be as normal and suddenly, some of the vampire began bleeding from the eyes and ears. They felt the blood burning inside them and started bleeding out of all their orfices and suffered a gruesome death. Out of the 10 elite vampires, 4 survived. They were shocked and the only thing they did not do was to drink from the armored cops. "Could this be a chemical warfare the humans are doing to get rid of us?"
The killer vampire went into an apartment building and continued her massacre. She destroyed the doors and proceeded to drain the blood from the inhabitants. Soon, the massacre attracted other supernatural creatures and the police again.

More police entered the apartment and tried to secure the building. They were floor by floor to evacuate the survivors and it was a massacre. "The killer escaped through the rear of the building..." A cop reported to the sergeant.

"How do you know?" The sergeant asked.

"There is a trail of death and the 4 officers in the alley were killed as well," The cop said.

"We will set up and perimeter and hunt for this cop killer!" The sergeant shouted.


2 motorcycle cops entered the alley and their mouths are covered. "Isn't this fun?" Jack muttered as the ladies pulled down their breeches and started rubbing the dicks of the trembling cops. "Fucking piggies smell so good..."

The cops were fucked and Jack and the ladies sucked some blood and saw more cops arriving. "Let's save them from the killer."

An old cop heard some sounds behind him as he searched the alley and saw 4 cops getting choked by 2 ladies and Jack walked up to him and covered his mouth. "Don't worry, we won't bite... hard."

The ladies approached the cops at the police cars putting on armor and chopped their necks and shoved them into the trunk of the car. The remaining sergeant was grabbed and escorted to the alley where the ladies gave him a blow job and fucked him. "Please... nooo..." The sergeant begged as Jack pulled out his dick and proceeded to fuck the sergeant as well.

"Look, the sun is out of order now, and we are on top of the food chain," Jack said. "We are trying not to kill you, so please, cooperate."

The police radio is busy with cops calling for backup. With the fall out, many of the vampire came out to play, and worse, fed till they went frenzy.
"Maybe it is not a good idea to turn all the serial killers and assassins into vampires..." Cassidy said as he saw 2 female vampires grabbing motorcycle cops and dragging them to the alley. Cassidy walked into the alley and saw the ladies fucking the cops and there was already a pile of limp cops. "This is ridiculous, you are immortals and all you want is to fuck cops?"

Cassidy exited the alley and saw 2 more police cars and an old cop pointed a gun at him. "Freeze!"

"The killers are inside!" Cassidy said to the 2 other cops. "Go arrest them."

The old cop approached Cassidy carefully and Cassidy put out his hands for the old cop to cuff. As the old cop kept his gun, Cassidy grabbed him and chopped the neck of the fat cop beside him and the fat cop went limp. Cassidy escorted the old cop to the alley and the old cop trembled in fear as he saw the ladies fucking the 2 cops that entered the alley. "See, you guys did not bring enough cops..." Cassidy said and bit into the old cop's throat.

Suddenly, Cassidy had an idea. "I need the cops alive, you kill enough of them and I know you can command them to do things. I need cops to pressure the mafia to get them to work for us." Cassidy left the alley with the ladies and saw another police car arriving. "Bring me to your police station..." Cassidy said and the cops look dazed and nodded.

The ladies were given new ideas and were surprised how easy it was to tell cops to do things. They entered the police station and got the cops to arrest all the people involved in the mafia. They got information from the captain and visited the local judge to get warrants, and the police was out in force to arrest all the mafia.


"These pigs have a death wish..." a lieutenant said and nodded to the enforcers and the enforcer looped wires around the necks of 2 cops and dragged them into the shadows.

The cops entered the restaurant and checked the IDs of everyone and the enforcers were outside picking off the cops at the police cars. An old cop outside the police truck was grabbed and choked while 2 enforcers entered the truck full of armored cops and started slitting the throats of the surprised cops. A pudgy cop approached and was punched in the back of the head and dragged into the truck. 2 large men in police armor approached the building and stabbed the 2 cops guarding the stairwell and dragged them into the staircase and moved among the few cops on the roof and slit their throats. The snipers were strangled and their rifles taken.

The 2 men in police armor told 3 motorcycle cops to follow them up the stairs and moved behind them. The sergeant was grabbed. "Tell the other motorcycle cops to come to the roof... Will will not kill your men..."


"The cops are useless..." A vampire said and followed motorcycle cops to the roof and saw them getting attacked and taken down. The large armored cop clubbed the lady in the head and she staggered back and was dazed. "Not too bad..." She said and the man was shocked and stabbed her in the throat. She smiled and grabbed his hand. "My turn..."

The cops arrested a lot of mafia despite heavy losses and the elite vampires saved the mafia boss and lieutenant as they grabbed the cops driving the police car and drained them.

"Let's talk."
At a roadblock, screams are heard as 4 vampire descended on the cops. There were 2 cops on the ground and 4 cops were grabbed and the vampires bit into their throats. 2 plump cops went to their cars to take the shotguns and load solid slugs and saw 2 men reaching the motorcycle cops shooting at them and biting into the throats of 2 motorcycle cops. The 2 female vampires circled the remaining cops and grabbed a fat cop and tossed at the remaining cops and rushed at them.

"Officers down! We are being attacked!" The plump cop shouted and shot at a lady removing him from a cop she grabbed. The other plump cop went over and blew off her head. "Hey guys, I killed one!"

More police cars arrived and the vampires reached to the plump cops and ripped into them. The new cops saw a lady vampires draining from a plump cop with a pile of cops beneath her and shot at her but did not realize the male vampires circling them. "HOLY SHIT!" An old cop shouted as a vampire snapped the necks of 2 cops beside him and bit into the sergeant's neck. The old cop emptied his gun into the vampire and frantically reload as the vampire's wounds closed.

The motorcycle cops arrived an a police motorcycle was tossed at them. They got off their bikes and the male vampires rushed towards them and bit into their throats.

"Fuck! We are getting massacred!" A sergeant shouted and opened the truck door and armored cops rushed out. They saw the female vampire behind the sergeant and the vampire kicked the sergeant into the truck and rushed in to grab the throats of 2 armored cops. She crushed the throats of 2 armored cops but the others shot her with their rifles and eventually blew her head off.

The armored cops exited and looked at the massacre. "What the fuck!" A pudgy cop with thick glasses muttered. "These are monsters!"


Jack drove by the roadblock and saw police cars arriving and there was already a pile of limp cops on the ground. 2 male vampires were getting shot at but they were still killing off the cops one by one.

"These fucking vamps are killing out food source!" Jack said and nodded at the ladies and they approached as a few more police cars arrived.

Jack saw the ladies covering the mouths of 2 old cops and choking them and said. "Hey, not the cops..."

"Shit!" A bald cop turned and saw Jack and Jack slapped away his gun and covered his mouth.

"We are here to help..." Jack said to the cop and the ladies released the 2 old cops.

The male vampires were inhumanly fast, strong and deadly. They flipped a police car and rushed over, pulled the cops out and drained their blood. Motorcycle cops arrived and shot at them but by now, pistols merely annoy them and they grabbed a police bike and smashed the motorcycle cops.

"Need bigger guns"! Jack said and saw a round cop with thick glasses pick up and checked a shotgun on the ground and as the vampire rushed at him. The cop managed to blow his head off.

As Jack was looking, the vampires pounced at Jack and tossed him at the police truck. Jack got up and he was kicked in the gut and crushed against the side of the truck. One of Jacks female vampire kicked the vampire and the vampire was inhumanly fast and rushed at them. The cops shot at the vampire as it grappled the ladies and the vampire instantly regretted his action as the ladies were getting stronger and pinning him down. An old cop with a shotgun walked over and blew off his head.

"Last one!" Jack said as he looked around. "4 vamps..."

Although Jack had some wounds, he gathered the ladies and leave. "Don't do it... We need to build trust."
"What the fuck is going on here?" An old cop muttered as he saw many cars parked outside and alley and heard gunshots inside. He quickly called for backup and within minutes, the alley was surrounded and the cops entered carefully.

"These guys are dead?" An old cop muttered as he checked on the limp bodies on the ground. All of them looked like armed mercenaries but looked pale and their necks were snapped.

As the old cop turned around, he saw the other cops on the ground and an armored mercenary covered his mouth. "We are here to take out the vampires, we have no beef with you..." The old cop put his hands up and was choked silently.


The old cop woke up and saw armored cops fighting with the armored mercenaries. Suddenly screams were heard as a female vampire moved with inhuman speeds and easily massacred the armored humans.

The vampire ripped the throats and decapitated the armored men and picked them up one by one and drank from their throats. The bodies were dragged into the shadows and as there were no more gunshots, 4 uniformed cops entered the alley. The vampire seemed to be contended and left before the cops spotted her and the old cop was too frightened to make a noise.
"Hey Cassidy, do you know there are some crazy vampires just killing everyone they meet?" Jack called Cassidy on the phone. "They fucking just kill everyone in the building and then all the cops that come."

"Ummm, yeah, about that, there are some really crazy shit that may kill vampires, so I thought some crazy vampires with crazy powers can help to stop these monsters," Cassidy said. "I get you, some of them can be reasoned with as long as you get to them early, if they get out of hand, just take care of them..."

"They are like... crazy powerful!" Jack said.

"Try your best," Cassidy said. "I've taken out a few crazys too..."


Jack decided to help the surviving cops here, fed them some blood, fucked them and drained some blood. The cops felt more alive and healed their wounds and Jack got them to bring them to the next location of the massacre.

There was a prison break and 7 vampires entered the prison and massacred the guards. 100 deranged killers escaped and the police arrested 10, killed 40 of them and the other half were still at large. The police managed to track them down and believed that some of them were turned into vampires.

Jack and the female vampires met up with a police captain and discussed about the situation. A police van with a dozen dead ESU officers were found in central park and the vampires were probably still in the area. Using the camera footage of the park, the police identified the killers. 4 ex-mercenaries and 2 serial killers. Highly trained and violent individuals. One of the ladies murdered a dozen guards while in prison and was awaiting a death sentence but managed to escape.

"Okay, 6 of them..." Jack said and joined the police in the police cars and went to central park. They arrived at the ranger's office and 8 park rangers were killed and drained of their blood.

"These vampires may be inhumanly fast and strong. Be careful," Jack said and about 40 cops searched the area.


Jack and the ladies joined the cops in searching for these vampires and 4 cops were murdered silently. "Yup, they are here..." Jack said and searched around with the captain. After looked around for 10 minutes, all the cops seemed to be missing. "Man, these vampires are good..."

"You did not bring enough cops..." A vampire said as vampires moved with inhuman speeds and grabbed the remaining cops. The captain was grabbed and his armor was removed layer by layer and the vampires jerked him off and fucked him while drinking his blood.

Jack saw the mounted cops and the motorcycle cops getting fucked and drained as well.

"Hey, Cassidy made you, and we may need to fight monsters," Jack said to a female vampire. "Killing everyone will make you a target and the government will hunt you down."

"We are on top of the food chain," The vampire said. "We do what we want."


"Holy shit"! An old cop shouted as he spotted a pile of limp cops on the ground. As he turned around, he saw the other armored cops grabbed and the vampires tilted their heads and drank from their necks. The old cop reached for his gun but a lady kicked him in the balls and went over and removed his belt and started rubbing his dick and fucked him.

2 motorcycle cops ran over and shot the vampire fucking the old cop and 2 vampires behind them rammed fists into their soft bodies and overpowered them.

2 armored cops saw the motorcycle cops getting fucked by 2 men and before they could respond, 2 vampires grabbed their rifles and choked them. The armored cops kicked briefly and their necks were snapped.

These vampires seemed to be only interested in killing people and more cops arrived. A group of cops gathered and searched for survivors as they saw a lot of police cars but no one around and another police truck arrived and the armored cops exited the truck. 4 vampires on top of the truck landed among the cops and started decapitating the cops and stabbing the remaining cops, the vampires seemed to be inhumanly fast and strong and individually deadly, but they still did not act like a team and the cops managed to focus fire and kill off 2 vampires but the remaining one picked off too many cops and the 2 remaining vampires grabbed the cops, drained them, healed and continued their massacre.

The other cops heard gunshots and the front 2 cops turned around and the female vampires grabbed them and dragged them into the bushes and bit into their throats.

"Fuck, something is going on!" A sergeant muttered and was shocked to see the 2 cops in front missing.

"Be careful!" An old cop shouted but it was too late, the sergeant was grabbed and the female vampires converged on the cops. The cops shot at the vampires but the vampires continued to advance. "Down that bitch!" The cop shouted before the vampire disarmed him and pulled him close.

"Love that old cop smell..." She said as she punched his lower back and sniffed his collar. A fat cop shot her in the face and she moved in a blur and grabbed the cop and bit into his throat. The other female vampire simply grabbed the cops and snapped their necks one by one and pounced on the remaining plump cop and pulled down his pants. "Time for a good fuck..."

The ladies heard more gunshots but were too busy fucking their cops and draining them, and eventually, more cops arrived and saw them fucking the helpless cops. A motorcycle cop shot at the vampire and the other cops looked at the direction but the vampires were gone. "What the..." The vampire appeared behind the motorcycle cops and chopped their necks, breaking their spines. The remaining 2 cops were disarmed and the ladies pulled down their pants, grabbed their dicks and jerked them off. "Fucking leather cops turn me on..."

"These pigs do taste better when we fuck them..." A vampire said. After feeding on the cops, the female vampires returned to the carpark area and saw a group of cops but it seemed like the other vampires were destroyed. "Are you fucking serious?" The female vampire said and nodded at the other vampire as they saw 4 cops approaching. The ladies snapped the necks of the cops and drained them, and one of the ladies had too much blood and went into a frenzy. She rushed at the cops, stabbing them through the armor and gracefully dancing and killing them. The other vampire was shocked at her friend's behavior and took the opportunity and circled the cops.

The captain in the police truck heard gurgled sounds and the saw a lady with a knife dropping all the cops in the truck and she snapped the neck of the sergeant and rushed over. Teh captain was hugged and she pulled down his pants and rubbed his dick. The captain trembled in fear and she kissed him and bit into his neck.

The vampire exited and covered the mouth of a fat cop outside and pulled him into the truck. "So many piggies..."

The vampire realized that the cops managed to blow off the head of her friend and she was angry. She covered the mouths of 2 armored cops and snapped their necks. Slitting the throats of 2 cops, she gracefully moved among 4 other cops and stabbed them in the vitals before moving away.

"Officers down!" a short cop with white hair shouted as he saw cops with their throats cut gurgling and the vampire circled another group of cops and stabbed them. She moved in a blur and reached the remaining cops and stabbed their hearts with her dagger and grabbed the short cop with white hair and fucked him.

"That's all!" She said and bit into the throat of the short cop.
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"Please, nooo..." An old cop begged as he was dragged to a bed in a motel and the female vampires fucked him.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you." The lady said but the cop.

"This is the second time this month," The cop said.

"Because you taste so good," The lady said. "And don't worry, I can also protect you and kill all the violent criminals..."

"This is not right..." The cop said as he looked at 5 other limp cops in the room.

"We are already doing our best not to kill you motherfuckers," The lady said as she humped hard as the cop moaned. "Don't resist, and you get a free fuck once a month..."


Cassidy tried to create a new order with vampires on top, selected areas have nuclear weapons detonated and part of the world is permanently night. The vampires can do anything they want as the elite assassins and mercenary vampires gathered relics and other items to gain as much power as they could and are inhumanly deadly, able to take out most targets.

Cassidy also uses humans as the police and army have serums which make them faster. So Cassidy also has lackeys to do the dirty job, and his elites to take out these super soldiers.


"I've not fed for a week," Cassidy said to 2 of his elite vampires.

"Want to get some cop blood?" The lady vampire asked.

"You guys always make it messy, and besides, they are already hunted by some serial cop killer vampires." Cassidy said.

"We told these bitches not to kill," The lady vampire said. "Come, it will be fun!"

The lady drove around town and there is heavy police presence everywhere. The lady spotted 2 balding cops and approached them. She grabbed the cop with nice mustache and stared into the eyes of the other cop. "Call for backup, say you spotted a break-in in that alley..."

The cops were escorted into the alley and fucked. Cassidy walked over and drank a mouthful of the blood and the ladies hid the limp cops in the dumpster and more policemen arrived.

"This down and dirty shit is kinda fun, but we can easily just hynotize them and drink," Cassidy said. "This is a lot of work."

"But these cops taste better if we have fun," The lady said. "And you have to enjoy every once in a while."
"Cop killers?" A vampire asked the other vampires and they nodded. They entered a police car and looked at the map and drove to the nearest police station in the police

"This will be exciting..." The female vampire muttered as she exited the police SUV at the police station. "I smell so many tasty cops..."

A plump cop was packing a class 3 armor in the trunk and the vampire walked over and grabbed his neck and kissed him. The cop was shocked and the female vampire shoved her tongue into his mouth and started removing his belt and played with his dick. She got him erected and started to fuck him.

"What's going on here?" A motorcycle cop asked as he saw the plump cop kissing the lady and he was surprised and reached for his gun but a large male vampire tilted his head back and bit his throat.

An alarm sounded and the lights outside the police station turned on. The vampires looked around and noticed snipers on the roof, shooting at them. One of the ladies had her head blown off and the others ducked for cover and rushed into the police station.


Jack heard the police call and drove to the police station and saw 3 headless corpses outside and gunshots in the police station. "I guess they had it coming."
"Geez.." The plump cop muttered as he felt a gloved hand grabbing his dick and jerking him off. The lady caressed him and squeezed his balls and Cassidy shoved dick into the plump cop. The plump cop was placed on the limp sergeant and was scared and struggled. His legs were cuffed and hands were tied to some pipes. The lady sniffed his polyester collar and licked his face and the plump cop cringed and as he ejaculated, CAssidy started fucking him hard and fast.

Cassidy uncuffed the cops after drinking from them and noticed a police motorcycle in an alley. Cassidy climbed up the wall and saw 2 motorcycle cops entering cautiously.

The ladies chopped the neck of the younger cop in the rear and grabbed the other cop in a chokehold. The cop was overpowered and Cassidy shoved him to a wall and removed his belt. Cassidy looked at the man. He was rather pudgy with a thick grey mustache. The trembling cop had a bulletproof vest on and was overpowered. "I'm just going to have some fun, don't struggle and hurt yourself." Cassidy said and grabbed the cop's dick and rubbed it.

Cassidy sniffed and rather liked the smell of sweat, polyester and fear. He removed the cop's boots and sniffed it as well. "Oh god, why am I turned on by this?"

"No..." The cop begged as he started stroking the cop's dick and shoved the socks into his mouth.

Cassidy punched the cop's soft belly and bruised his internal organs and the cop was twitching and tears can be seen from the cop's eyes. Cassidy turned him and ploughed into his ass and continued to jerk him off. The cop ejaculated and Cassidy bit into his neck and sucked a little blood and continued thrusting into the cop. The cop was filled with fear, pain and ecstasy and felt helpless and gave up.


The ladies saw flashing red and blue lights and a team of armored cops entered the alley. The cops looked around and found the motorcycle cops on the ground. They landed behind 2 cops and choked them. The cops kicked silently in the air as the ladies leaned back and lifted them off the ground. Within seconds, they went limp.

"That's good.." Cassidy said and grabbed a cop's neck and choked him while slamming the head of another cop on the wall and the cop slumped over. "Oh shit!" A fat cop shouted and pointed his gun at Cassidy as he was choking the cop in his arm.

"Spotted..." Cassidy said and approached the other cops. The ladies snapped the neck of the cop in her arm and shoved him into the other cops. Moving with inhuman speeds, Cassidy grabbed the gun of a cop and fired it into the face of another cop. He grabbed the helmet of the cop and snapped his neck. As the other cops on the ground were struggling to get up, he stomped on their heads and grabbed the remaining old cop and disarmed him.

"Fuck..." The cop muttered...

"Oh, sure.. why not?" Cassidy said and pulled down his pants and covered the mouth of the cop while he fucked him. The cop moaned in pain and Mist pulled out and shoved a tazer into his ass and squeezed the trigger.

"I can see how you gals can continue doing this..." Cassidy said and drank some blood.

"Oh, more leather cops..." A lady said and the ladies approached 3 motorcycle cops. "And a female one..."

The ladies grabbed their throats and lifted them off the ground and walked into the alley. The female cop was tossed at Cassidy as Cassidy pulled down her breeches and started to fuck her. The other 2 cops were overpowered and the ladies removed their helmets and breeches and started humping them against the wall. "So nice and soft..." The ladies said and squeezed the cop's balls and fucked him hard and he ejaculated. The cops were left twitching on the ground and the ladies went out to a police truck that just arrived.

As the old cop opened the rear door, the lady grabbed him and kissed him. Cassidy grabbed the driver and rubbed his balding head. "Don't worry, I'll not kill you..."

The other lady saw a few armored cops inside with rifles and she smiled and stretched. "Here we go..." She rushed at the first cop, punching his throat and crushed his Adam's apple. She chopped the fat cop's neck beside him and snapped his neck and rolled between 4 cops. Kicking the helmets of 2 cops, she sent them flying out of the truck and the grabbed the throats of 2 cops and shoved her thumb and crushed their Adam's apple and she looked at the other cops pointing their rifles at her. "This place is too small to shoot well..." The cops open fire and shot at their friends and she shoved the cops together and punched them in the guts, breaking their ribs and other bones with each blow. She grabbed the remaining cop, disarmed him and pulled down his pants and the cop pawed helplessly as she punched and ruptured his kidney through his armor.

She took out her dildo, shoved it into his ass and fucked him.

The cops outside trembled in fear and the vampire drank enough and knocked him out and more police cars arrived but the cops were grabbed before they could do anything and were fed on as well. More cars and news crew arrived and the group quickly left and the new covered the gory scene of the massacre.
Jack heard a police report calling for backup again and quickly rushed there in a police car. It was an abandoned church building and when Jack arrived, there were more than 50 cops there.

Jack put on a detective badge and joined the briefing. "99 bodies inside, 6 officers killed... All killed unnaturally."

"Unnaturally?" Jack asked.

"Yes, drained of all bodily fluids, not just blood," The sergeant said. "This is a controversial area, some Indian burial ground turned church and 2 massacres happened within 10 years and this place was burnt and abandoned."

"Creepy much?" Jack asked. "Vampires again?"

"Can't tell, too dehydrated, and seemed some ritual was done..." The sergeant said.

Jack entered the building and was shocked to see the bodies laid out in a ritual. He took some photos and sent it to Cassidy. The dead were not just drained of blood, they looked dehydrated like mummies, and it was hard to tell if they were vampires or not, but at least 10 of them were dressed like priests. "This is crazy..."


A lady walked into the alley and saw 2 men sucking from the throats of 2 ladies.

"What are you looking at?" The men asked her and she approached them and smiled. She chopped their necks and decapitated the vampires and sucked their headless corpse. She continued to suck from the 2 ladies draining them to just dried corpses.

The lady entered the rear door of a bar and started snapping the necks of 3 people near the toilet and dragging them inside and draining them.


"Holy shit!" A cop shouted. "They are all dead!"

"Be careful, the killer may still be here!" The older cop said.

"You are right..." The lady said and kicked the chest of the older cop, sending him into the wall and grabbing the other cop and kissing him, draining his life away.

The lady walked by the cops rushing in and slammed the heads of 2 cops together and they slumped to the ground. She grabbed the throats of 2 cops, crushing their Adam's apples and rushed to the sergeant at the police car and kissed him. The sergeant struggled as she drained his life away. 2 motorcycle cops arrived and she grabbed a cop and twisted his helmet, snapping his neck. The other cop shot her and she looked annoyed and grabbed the police motorcycle and smashed him with it, killing him instantly. She was simply a killing machine.
Cassidy went home and found a few urgent messages, in 4 countries, there were rituals done and humans and vampires were massacred. One of the sites was Stonehenge and there were 100 bodies found, some drained of all bodily fluids. "This does not seem like a vampire..."

After making a few calls, Cassidy found that some of his team were destroyed as they investigated this area. "This is going to be trouble..."


The elite vampires were summoned and sent to the UK to stop this creature. Cassidy went over and tried to get the police to investigate and more than a dozen cops were killed already. He gathered his most combat-ready vampires and got them to end this monster.

The elite vampires, composed of cop killers and violent mercenaries did not seem to be good at investigating. They responded to the trail of murders and were distracted by the cops and fucked the cops instead. The elite vampires were hindering the police investigation as they took out more than 40 cops, fucked them all, and drank from the cops, with 10 ending up in the hospital.


The cops arrived at the scene of a massacre. They saw more than 100 people on the ground and the armored cops searched the bar. There were gunshots and a lady rushed out at the remaining cops. She chopped the neck of a fat cop, snapping his spine. The other cops shot at her and she hugged a cop, crushed his ribs and moved to the other cops, tossing them at each other and easily killing them by stomping on their heads.

A sniper used a large caliber round and shot the lady and she collasped. The cops rejoyced and suddenly, from her wounds, horns grew out and she opened her eyes, it was now completely black and glowing purple.


The elite vampires arrived and moved among the cops. "This one smells good..." A lady said and kissed the sergeant.

"Love those boots..." another vampire commented and grabbed an old motorcycle cop and overpowered him.

"What th..." A bald cop noticed a lady fucking the sergeant and his mouth was covered and the cop beside him was choked.

When they were done, they realized that they took out the backup cops and there was a lady massacring the armored cops. The lady crushed the armored cops easily and drained their bodily fluids.

"Oh, that is the target..." One of the vampires muttered and the group of elite vampires rushed over. The first vampire pounced on the lady and forced her to the ground. She looked a little annoyed and she punched through his gut and grabbed his spine. Tugging it hard, she pulled his head into his body cavity. All the other vampires toughened up and became stronger and faster. They bit into the lady and drained her blood and she grabbed them and ripped them apart with her bare hands.

Cassidy arrived with a group of cops and gestured and the lady's hands seemed to be restrained and the other 2 elite vampires with him rushed over and bit into the lady. One of her hands got free and it became larger with claws and she grabbed a vampire's head and crushed his skull. Cassidy could not hold on much longer as he started to bleed from his nose and eyes as the lady was too strong and he was running out of blood.

Cassidy stared at the cops beside him and they were stunned and he drained their blood and when he was done, there were only 4 female vampires biting the lady, the others were all ripped apart. Cassidy gestured again as the lady grabbed a vampire's mouth and tore off the top of her head. Her hands were wide apart and the 3 vampires bit her and drained as fast as they could. She looked badly hurt and one of her hands broke free and she grabbed a vampire's head and crushed her skull. The vampires tried stabbing her but the blade could not penetrate her hard skin and Cassidy drank a vial of ancient blood and was able to control the lady's hand again and it took a few more minutes before the vampires could finish draining her.

"Fuck.. that was tough..." Cassidy said and 4 more police cars arrived.

"Ok, you gals earned it..." Cassidy said.

"What's going on here?" A police captain exited the police car and a female vampire hugged and kissed him.

An old sergeant grabbed the police radio in his car as he saw the vampires choking and biting into the other cops and the door opened and Cassidy pulled him out and tilted his head and bit into his neck. "In the end, you guys are just food to us..."

The vampires were hungry, they used up most of their blood fighting the monster and it crumbled to dust. They finished off the cops and were still hungry.

"Don't kill the captain..." Cassidy said and pulled the vampire away. "We can use him..."
The lady seemed to be able to know the locations where vampires gather and hunt the vampires down. However, her methods were very direct and many people were murdered in the process. A police car arrived at another report of gunshot and it was another club. The cops entered and the lights were out.

"Help me!" A lady shouted and ran towards the cops and when she reached the cops, she chopped the neck of the younger cop and grabbed the older cop's throat. The cop struggled and she kissed the cop. Her tongue went through various orfices and entered his brain and she drained his brain, gaining some knowledge before draining all his bodily fluids. "So, vampires like to fuck old cops..." She smiled and quickly left.

The lady changed her features and changed into the cop's uniform and left the club. She got into the police car and drove off. She started searching for a few locations where the cops were ambushed before from the old cop's memory and waited. There is a call for gunshots and she responded for the call and drove over to the location. There weer several police cars and she joined the cops. The cops cuffed a large man and escorted a woman away. The lady stared at the man and realized he was a vampire and approached. The man broke his cuffs, slammed the heads of the cops together and drained their blood. The lady now in an old cop's body rushed over and the man seemed inhumanly fast and as the old cop drew his gun, the man disarmed him and covered his mouth. "Let's have fun!" The man said and the old cop's head suddenly turned 180 degrees and faced the man whose grin disappeared in sheer terror. "Yes, fun..."


The old cop exited the alley and saw the other cops on the ground and the woman fucking a plump cop and biting into his neck."Wait... one more?" She muttered and rushed towards the old cop. The old cop stood there and she pounced on the old cop and grabbed his throat. The woman felt something strange as she could not smell any fear coming from the old cop and suddenly, the old cop grabbed her throat and punched her gut. The woman was shocked and the old cop hugged her tight and broke her spine. The old cop's tongue entered the woman and started draining her dry.

"She looks good..." The old cop muttered and changed into her features and started putting on her clothes. 2 motorcycle cops arrived and the old cop now in the lady's appearance cried. "They are still in the alley!"

One of the motorcycle cops ran into the alley and the other one picked up his radio and the lady covered his mouth and snapped his neck. She rushed to the alley and grabbed the other motorcycle cop and smiled, "Let me see why they keep doing this..." She said and overpowered the round motorcycle cop and pulled down his breeches. The cop screamed for help as she fucked him hard and drained his bodily fluids.

"It is interesting..." She said and cleaned herself and looked for her car and drove away.
"That monster is a beast..." Cassidy said. "Draining the blood killed it but provides no sustenance?"

"Yup, tastes gross too..." One of the elite vampires said as the group drove to the hospital. A group of cops were delivered to the hospital and Cassidy stared into the eyes of some medics and they led him to the blood storage.

"Let's fill up with some of the common blood..." Cassidy said.

"Blood bags taste gross too..." One of the vampires said. "I'll feed on my own, and promise not to kill."

"The situation is bad enough," Cassidy said. "Do not escalate..."

Cassidy drank from a few bags of blood and called it a night as he went back to rest.


The vampires went to the security room and grabbed all the guards. The guards were overpowered and jerked off and the vampires drank bits of blood from each of them. They proceeded to visit the secured wards and got the cop at the gate to let them in. They grabbed the cops and entered the wards to fuck the cops along with the patients and drank from them.

"Here we go, some nice round cops..." A vampire said and grabbed 2 cops outside a ward and dragged them into the ward. Another vampire came and jerked off the trembling cops and drank from their throats. All the cops including the old guard at the gate were escorted into the rooms and vampires took a sip of blood and left.

"Feeling much better now, but still, kinda want to have some fun..." A female vampire said as they walked to the carpark and saw 4 motorcycle cops. "Man, these piggies smell good."

The vampires grabbed the cops and dragged them into the police van. "What the hell..." A plump cop muttered as the vampire removed his belt. She was strong and he could not stop her and she started grabbing his dick and balls firmly and jerked him off. The plump cop trembled in fear as he saw another vampire fucking a fat motorcycle cop and kissing him. When the cop ejaculated, the lady simply bit into his throat and sucked till the cop went limp.

The large male vampire with a detective badge escorted a balding sergeant to the truck. The sergeant saw the limp cops on the ground and his mouth was covered. "Don't scream, we just want to have fun..."

"One of the ladies sucked me off last week..." The sergeant said as the lady pulled down his pants and grabbed his dick. "Too soon... please... nooo..."

"Who complains about a free blow job?" The lady said. "Its all sweaty and damp down here, not to mention pee smell, and old man smell..."

She swallowed his dick and started pleasuring him with her tongue and the large man began fucking the sergeant from the back. He thrusted hard and the sergeant gave muffled moans and the lady stopped and said. "Hey dude, be professional here, your hard thrusting is straining my neck, just wait till he blows off a load, we drink from him then you can go fuck him all you want.

"I thought this was fun for you too," The man said.

"You are pushing and pushing," The lady said. "It's not comfortable down here..."

"Sorry, thought you love it..." The man said.

"Love the feeling of getting him excited, love his smell." The lady said. "Not you pushing his face into my head."
Jack met up with the female vampires and went to play pretend and met with some cops again. They followed the detectives to some massacres and the killer was still at large. Many humans and vampires were destroyed by the monster and Jack reported to Cassidy.

"I don't think this is a vampire, it just wants to kill everything, and many vampires are destroyed as well, it is hunting us!" Jack said.

"We killed one." Cassidy said.

"What do you mean you killed it?" Jack asked. "I just witnessed a massacre a while ago... I'm at the crime scene."

"Then there may be more than one..." Cassidy said. "Fuck, this one is really tough...I'll send support."

Jack was concerned, he stopped feeding and listened into the police progress as the massacres continue.


"Road block..." The lady said and walked up to the cops. The rear cop was grabbed and the lady kissed him and drained his lifeforce away.

"What's going on here?" A plump cop muttered and saw a dried corpse in police uniform and the lady grabbed his belt and pulled him close and drained him. The other cops spotted the cop flailing as he was drained and drew their guns and shoot at the lady and she rushed over while draining the cop to grab a cop's throat and crushed it. The other cop turned and ran. He got in the car and the lady flipped the car over and broke the windows to drag the cop out. "I'm not finished yet..."
"That is the problem with some of these vampires... They go fucking nuts killing soldiers and cops..." Cassidy said as he drove by a building with alarms blaring as 4 men exited. "They fucking killed everyone in the FBI building..."

Over the next few hours, the police went all out trying to look for the killers. 4 cops spotted a lady walking into the alley and followed her. "Hey ma'am... where did she go?" The cop in front muttered and took out his flashlight. He heard some sounds behind him and saw 2 cops on the ground and a lady biting into the neck of a bald cop. "Shit!" The cop shouted and drew his gun. "Backup! Officers down!" The cop shouted on the police radio and the lady kicked him in the head and he went limp.

Another lady entered the alley and saw the limp cops. "Let me guess, Cass called you to come..." She nodded. "Some other guys are here too, and making everything exciting..."

Flashlights can be seen and the ladies dragged the limp cops into the shadows and waited in ambush. The sergeant saw a police hat and picked it up. He heard muffled moans and saw a lady kissing the cop beside him and another lady hugged him. "Piggy smells nice..." The lady said and forcefully removed his pants.

"It's one of those bitches!" The sergeant shouted as the lady started rubbing his dick and thrusting hard. The lady kissed the sergeant who could not scream and she thrusted him harder and faster and eventually, the sergeant ejaculated and she bit into his throat.

The cops were dragged into the shadows again and the ladies left flashlights on towards the entrance of the alley. Motorcycle cops saw an empty police car and looked around. They saw the lights in the alley and entered.

"Nice..." One of the ladies said as she walked on the wall and moved behind the rear cop. "Love those boots..." She said and bit into the rear cop.

The lady in front punched the guts of 2 motorcycle cops and grabbed their heads and choked them. The remaining fat cop drew his gun and the lady disarmed him from behind and hugged him. The cop could not breathe as she squeezed hard and the other lady walked over and pulled down his breeches and sucked on his dick. The cop kicked helplessly as she gave him the best head in his life and the ladies drained from the fat cop.

One of the ladies noticed another cop approaching and moved to ambush him. An old motorcycle cop spotted a lady sucking from the fat motorcycle cop's thigh and quickly drew his gun but the other lady grabbed his hand and pulled him into the alley. "Old leather cop smells sooo good..." She said and removed his gun and forced him to the ground. She sat on him and kissed him, preventing him from calling for help and the other lady approached and pulled his breeches to his knee. "This one smells good..."

The ladies were inhumanly strong and the old cop struggled as the lady squeezed his balls and sucked his dick. He trembled in fear as he saw the other limp cops and somehow reached for a pepper spray and sprayed on the ladies. The ladies screamed in pain and he kicked the ladies head and quickly got away. "Help!" The cop screamed and exited the alley and waved at a group of cops. "Be careful!" The old cop shouted. "Them vampire bitches in there..."

The ladies exited the alley and reached the group of cops who were still trying to figure up what was going on. The ladies chopped at the necks of a few cops, smashed their heads together and disarmed a fat cop and bit into his throat.

The old cop was shocked to see all the cops getting taken down within seconds and his belt was grabbed and the ladies pulled him close. They pulled down his breeches again and one of the ladies fucked his still erect dick and the other lady picked up a baton and shoved it up his ass.

The police sirens can be heard and a police car stopped. A police captain looked at the lady fucking an old motorcycle cop in the middle of the street and all the other cops limp on the ground beside him. "The fuck?" The captain muttered heard a thud and the cop beside him collapsed. The other lady hugged the captain and sniffed his collar. "Another nice old piggy..."


Cassidy drove over and saw the ladies fucking the police captain and saw all the limp cops on the ground.

"Look, there is a monster on the loose, and it targets vampires... I need you to end this monster, not fuck cops..." Cassidy said as he saw the captain struggling as they continued to milk him. "Just fucking go somewhere and lay low. This monster is dangerous and we need all of you to be in top shape, and not wounded by the trouble you find.
Jack met up with a few of the elite vampires. They were in an alley feeding on a group of people from a club. "What the hell?" Jack muttered as there were more than 20 limp people in the alley. "You know, there are gangs protecting these clubs right?"

"Yup, these guys over there?" They lady said... "Took care of them already..."

As Jack was talking to the lady, another lady dragged 2 cops into the alley. "This is getting ridiculous, we are just talking about working with cops to locate the vampire killer and you go off taking out cops..."

A large man dragged in a flailing fat cop and a lady dragged in another trembling old cop. The ladies gave the cops blow jobs and Jack stood there looking pissed off. "You are here for one job... Take out that monster that is picking us off..."

"Please... nooo..." The old cop begged as he ejaculated and the lady continued to suck on his dick. Then more police sirens can be heard.


"There's no problem..." A lady vampire said as she walked the police captain into the alley. "We'll fuck the chief too..."

Jack shook his head and walked on the street among the 10 empty police cars. There are more sirens approaching and Jack saw the lady walking over. "She's here!"

The lady walked into the alley and the vampires shot at her and she seemed annoyed and rushed towards the vampires. She seemed stronger and faster than the vampires even thought they were all physical and pumped up on blood. "Bite her!" Jack said and rushed over, however, one by one, the vampires were tossed around and she started ripping the heads off the vampires and draining their bodily fluids.

"Fuck! Can this be killed?" A male vampire said as the lady tore one of the female vampire's head off by grabbing her teeth on the top of her mouth.

The police came and it did not help. The police just shot at everyone including the vampires and the remaining vampires retreated and ran off. Jack joined a few vampires and rushed off as well.


"We fucked up..." Jack said and saw the 2 female vampires with multiple bullet wounds. "This one seemed really strong..."

As Jack was making a call to Cassidy, police driving by spotted the ladies and the ladies walked up to the cops. "Call for more backup!" A lady said and grabbed the short cop with white hair into the alley. "Backup! The killers are spotted!"

Jack saw the 2 ladies fucking the cops and drinking from them and more police sirens approaching. "Oh boy... Jack muttered and circled around the cops outside. He grabbed an old cop at the police car and stared into his eyes. "Go into the alley and support your friends..."

Jack stared into the eyes of a motorcycle cop with glasses and said. "Follow me to the police car..." Jack opened the trunk, sucked a mouth full of blood and dumped the cop in the trunk.

Jack entered the alley and saw the cops getting dragged away and one of the ladies still fucking a pudgy motorcycle cop. "Haven't you had enough blood?" Jack asked. Jack turned and saw 2 more police cars and exited the alley.

"Freeze!" A round cop shouted and approached Jack pointing his gun at Jack. As the cops surrounded Jack, the ladies moved behind them and grabbed 2 cops and bit into their throats.

"Holy shit!" The round cop shouted and shot at Jack.

"What the fuck!" Jack shouted. "They are they ones killing your friends."

As the cop cocked his gun again, Jack moved in a blur and disarmed him. "I like fucking cops... and you just made my day!"


More police cars arrived and the cops now simply shot at Jack and the ladies. Jack wanted to run but a cop with a shotgun shot his leg and walked over and placed the shotgun at his neck. "Fuck you!" The cop shouted as he recognized Jack. He pulled the trigger and blew off Jack's head.
"Yes, we are here..." A lady said as she grabbed an old cop and overpowered him. There were several other ladies with inhuman speeds and strength taking out the other cops at the roadblock. "We brought friends too..."

The elite female vampires gathered several other vampires they met and there was now a big group of vampires, making them an extremely dangerous group. The cops at the roadblock did not have a chance to sound an alarm and all of them were overpowered and fucked.

Cassidy passed several roadblocks with limp cops and shook his head. "This was not supposed to be like that..."

He saw an armored truck by the side of the road and many police cars outside a federal mint building and muttered, "Oh no, what have they done now..."

Cassidy looked into the armored truck and all the guards were drained and stripped. Then a police car stopped and Cassidy quickly moved towards the cops. He covered the mouth of an old cop and dragged him towards the trunk and stared into the eyes of the other cop. "Go to that truck." Cassidy fed on the cops and took their car and drove ahead towards the big group of police cars.

Cassidy saw one of the ladies draining a round cop at the back of a police car and putting him in the trunk. "What the hell?"

"Oh hey... there are many of us here, defensible position, the monster will come." The lady said and another lady dragged 2 limp motorcycle cops and shoved them in the trunk of a police car.

The 2 elite vampires approached and nodded at the ladies. "We are ready to take out the second command truck... we already have control inside."

Cassidy shook his head and saw a group of ladies moving among the cops and chopping their necks, knocking them out. They grabbed a group of cops and bit into their necks.

"Seems like they do have a plan..." Cassidy said.

He walked towards the command truck and saw the ladies dragging a few trembling cops inside and all the other cops inside were limp and one of the ladies was fucking a police captain. Cassidy walked over and got the commander to direct the remaining cops to ambushes and within minutes, all the cops were taken out, and subdued.

"Highway patrol..." A lady said. "I heard they smell and taste good..."

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