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A wild vacation

Soren had already been awake for a couple hours, and, surprisingly, was no where to be seen at the moment. He had been so confident in thinking that she wouldn't be able to get very far had she tried to escape, he decided to leave the area in search for food for the two.

Before the fox girl had even realized that she was alone, she could most likely pick up the sound of something moving through the forest. Upon closer listening, one could assume it was the sound of something being dragged through the leaves and twigs on the ground. It was not long at all until Soren could be seen again, slowly dragging a bloody deer behind him. He was dragging it as a human would, holding onto its legs and pulling it along behind him.

"Breakfast is ready!" He called out to the kitsune after bringing the meat to the center of their little living area. He knew that she most likely had never eaten anything like this before... That she probably never even ate any kind of uncooked, aside from maybe sushi. But that was all the food that was there, and she could either eat it or starve.
Hearing the bushes rustling, she sank down further into the water and glanced out from around a rock fearfully but when she saw it was just Soren, she turned back around and gingerly sat back down in the icey cold water.

She didn't care how cold it was. All that mattered to her at the moment was that the cold water soothed her aches and pains as well as her wounds and she didn't feel like moving at the moment. Especially since the back of her upper thighs and her ass hurt so much.

Vixey could smell the dead deer and it made her stomach growl softly and her ear twitched slightly as she listened to him. She had heard him call that breakfast was ready but even the scent of the meat didn't make her budge from her spot.
He looked curiously over at the fox girl, but wasn't very surprised that she didn't move from where she was. He knew that she could probably barely even walk after all the pain he had caused her. And even if she wanted enough to get from one place and to another, she wouldn't even be able to crawl without getting dirt and what such in the wounds on her chest. It was a thought that amused him, and one that made him confident that she wouldn't be leaving him anytime soon.

"Suit yourself then." The wolf called out to her, before looking back to the meat in front of him and began tearing pieces off of it, munching on it happily save for the few times he would occasionally flinch or grimace from the sting the juices made when they seeped into the wound on his tongue.

After ten minutes or so, he was finished picking at the meat, and there was still a good enough portion left over for her. Of course, he didn't leave her food out of the kindness of his heart... But he didn't want her to die, at least not just yet. Plus, he knew she needed all of her energy if he wanted her to be as fun as the last two times.
After he finished eating, Vixey slowly began to stand up. She was shivering from how icey cold the water was and her entire body was numb from the cold which made it a little easier for her to handle the pain and to walk. She was completely clean finally but she was also soaked through.

Pausing several feet away from him, she began squeezing the water from her fur once again. Her wounds had finally stopped bleeding but the amount of blood she lost made her weak and light headed which the food would help with. Once the water was squeezed from her fur, she padded over to a patch of grass close to the food and she sat down with her tail wrapped around her.

But she didn't take some. Part of her was scared to reach out and touch what was left of the meat, scared of what he might do. Swallowing softly, she slowly looked up at him and softly asked him, "C-can I have some?" she whispered.
He had moved himself over to his favourite tree, and was sitting under it with his arms crossed, leaning against it while he looked into nothingness, thinking about who knew what. He had only a few moments of 'deep thought' before the fox had made her way over to the meat and brought him out of the trance he was in.

He couldn't help but grin and let out a small bit of laughter. It was so cute! She didn't invite herself to the meat and begin tearing at it and she didn't even make a comment on it when he knew that it was most likely not what she was used to eating at all. It was as if she had finally taken to her role of an obedient little slave.

"Have your fill." He said, nodding. "You'll need your energy." He said with his usual evil grin. After a few moments of watching her curiously, he began to stare off into the trees again, nodding off into his trance-like state again.
She looked away from him after he laughed and she swallowed softly while running her fingers through her tail. After he said that she would need her energy, she knew what he ment and she softly whimpered while lowering her ears.

After hearing his consent, she reached out and looked over the deer before pulling off strips of the flank, focusing on the better meat that was left. After pulling off the strips, she would carefully fold them before eating them. For several minutes she continued eating until she couldn't eat any more and she slowly stood up.

Ignoring the fact that Soren was just a couple of feet away from her and she moved back over to the rock by the river, sitting down ontop of it with her legs drawn up to her chest and she laid her muzzle down on her knees as she watched the river flow by.
He was distracted from his thoughts once again, his focus turning towards her taking meat from the deer and eating it. She was so particular about the way she ate the meat, and it was just another thing about her that amused him. It was as if he was a child watching the habits of a new pet, intrigued. It might as well have been that way.

"How cold." He called out to her as she walked away from him once she was done with the meat. "I bring you food and then you give me the cold shoulder like that?" He said, feigning a pout. "The least you could do is come sit with your master." He called out, putting extra emphasis on the last word.
She heard him call to her as she walked away and sighed softly. Vixey was still very upset over everything that had happened lately. The fox just wanted some peace and quiet but it seemed that her new.... mate, wouldn't allow her that small bit of mercy.

When he called himself her master, she visably flinched and she laid her ears back until they were flush with her scalp. She whimpered softly and closed her eyes as she wrapped her tail tighter around her body, remaining where she was for a couple more minutes before reluctantly standing up and walking back towards him.

After reaching his his side, she slowly sat down again and drew her legs to her chest, wrapping her arms around herself while burrying her face into her knees.
He sat there with his arms still crossed, staring over at her, waiting to see her reaction. When she didn't do anything but flinch a bit, it didn't surprise him. Soon enough, however, she stood and began walking over to him. He arched an eyebrow and grinned up at her. He had transformed her into an obedient little pet.

Once she sat down beside him, he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer to himself. He leaned in close to her face and gave it a big lick, trailing a bit of saliva behind when he pulled away.
Vixey whimpered softly as he wrapped his arm around her, causing the pain in her back to flare up again. She trembled from the pain and tensed a little. "P-please be gentle." she whispered him. "M... my back.." She trailed off and gazed pleadingly up at him.

As he licked her cheek, she grunted and wiped her cheek a little before looking at him again. She hated how weak she'd become but there was nothing she could do now but to grit her teeth and bare it for now.
He ignored her pleads to be gentle with her back, choosing to squeeze her tighter instead. "Poor little fox. That is what happens when you are a naughty little pet." He whispered into her ear. He moved his hand up to her head where he began to stroke and gently scratch her soft ears.

When she turned to look at him again, he moved both arms down to her waist, making sure to find a place where he hadn't cut her yet. He squeezed her gently and pressed his lips against hers, bringing her into a deep kiss. After a couple moments of holding the kiss, he moved his lips down to her neck where he had marked her the other day and began to lick at the wound gently.
She bit back the groan of pain that wanted to escape her and she gritted her teeth again as he squeezed her tighter. But when he reached up and began stroking and gently scratching her small delicate ears, she softly gasped and they twitched before she tilted her head towards his hand.

As he moved his arms around her small waist and squeezed her again, she trembled a little in fear and she made a soft sound in the back of her throat when he kissed her and she remained still until he moved his lips to her sore, bruised and cut neck. She jerked away from him out of instinct with a soft yelp each time he licked the wound on her neck.
After a few more seconds of licking the tender spot on her neck, he moved his hands back up to the top of her head where he began to gently play with her ears again, stroking and scratching them. He moved his lips up to where her neck met her chin, a spot he had not harmed yet, and kissed her softly, suckling on the skin.

After a few more moments of kissing her neck and playing with her ears, he let his hands roam downwards again, before they found their way to her large, supple breasts. He smiled as he cupped them in his hands and moved his lips up to her cheek, giving her small kisses all along the way. She could probably realize what was about to happen soon, as the excitement stirring inside him began to show once again.
Vixey swallowed softly as he moved his lips from her wound to her jaw while his hands returned to her ears. She was able to actually start to relax just a little as she sat there. The young fox could feel his warm breath ruffling her fur each time he breathed out and she sighed softly while pushing her bangs out of her face.

But then she felt his hands moving downwards from her ears and she gently whined as he reached down and cupped her large breasts in his hands. He was right, she did know what was about to happen. Vixey could smell his arousal again and she lowered her ears with a sigh.
He smiled and gave her another small peck on the cheek when he heard her whine. "Aww, is the poor little foxy not up for a little fun?" He asked her in a quiet voice as he rubbed and squeezed her breasts. He let go of her for a minute and repositioned himself so that he was kneeling in front of her, his face in front of hers.

"Well, you have been such a good pet..." He said, grinning, before moving in to give her another small kiss on the lips. "So... I suppose I could give you a little pleasure." He said, staring into her eyes with a devious look in his. He scooted out a little way away from her, pulling her legs down from her chest as he did so, and then wedged them away from each other. After that, he laid down in front of her, on his stomach, his face positioned in front of her cunt.

After wrapping his arms loosely around her waist, he began to playfully lick at her lower lips, getting them nice and wet and ready for later activities. He spent a few more moments gently licking at them before sliding his tongue into her, licking the towards the top inner walls of her cunt while suckling on her clit at the same time.
Vixey slowly shook her head in reply to his questions, lifting her head as he got up and moved to kneel infront of her. She gazed up into his eyes, her long eyelashes shadowing her brillant green eyes.

She looked away from him a moment later the moment he called her pet before looking at him again as he placed another kiss on her lips. The girl didn't like the look in his eyes and she began to get uneasy as he scooted away from her and as he started pulling her legs down from her chest, her breathing picked up and she fought against him for a second before finally letting him slowly pull them away.

"W-what are you doing?" she stammered softly as he laind before her with his upper body between her thighs and his face infront of her pussy. Vixey grunted softly and squirmed uncomfortably as he began to lick at her cunt and she made a sound of surprise and shock, her eyes becoming wide. She was still very sore from the day before so she was very sensative. The girl began trembling a little as just a little arousal began filling her and she closed her eyes as he body slowly began responding to his licks and suckling.
He smirked when he heard her sound of surprise as he licked her. He continued to suck on her clit and flip his tongue feverishly inside of her, lapping at her sweet juices. He pulled his lips away from her lower lips and licked at her clit once, quickly, before looking up at her. "If you do not like it..." He began, referring to her initial reaction. "Then I suppose I can stop..." He said, teasingly, hoping to push her to beg for more.

As he waited for her response, he moved his hand up to her pussy and rubbed her clit gently and teasingly with his thumb, still staring into her eyes, wanting to hear her beg him to continue.
She felt her cheeks heat up as he continued to lap at her, her breathing becoming quicker and she whimpered softly. When he stopped though and looked up at her, she softly whined before shaking her head. "N-no... no, please don't." she whimpered. "It was just starting to feel good, please don't stop." Vixey threw her head back and softly howled as the scent of her own arousal started to fill the air when he started rubbing her clit directly and she began getting wetter each time his thumb passed over her clit.

She leaned back on her elbows since her back hurt to much to lay down like she wanted and she gently ground her hips against his hand. She was softly moaning and whimpering while squirming again, but this time for another reason. Because he had just aroused her and her fox side wanted more.
"Mmm... If you really want me to then...." He said, the smirk turning into another grin. He loved to rape and abuse her, making her cry and whimper... But there was something about the fact that she wanted him now that made things so much more arousing.

He removed his hand from her pussy and moved his face back down to it, flicking his tongue around her clit once more. He moved his lips closer to her lower ones and wrapped them around her clit once again, suckling on it, a bit harder this time. He slipped his tongue back into her, flicking it around inside of her and lapping at her juices again, loving the taste.

He absolutely loved the noises of carnal pleasure that she gave him as he licked at her cunt, making him even more aroused. He could smell her arousal and he knew that she was giving into her instincts now, wanting more.
She closed her eyes as he flicked his tongue against her clit again and she whimpered while trembling gently as he suckled on the tiny bud of flesh, making her cry out louder the harder he sucked on it. Her legs fell further apart and she moaned loudly as she got wetter the more he licked around inside of her and suckled on her clit.

She still hated him with all her heart for what he had done but at the moment, she was focusing on the pleasure he was causing within her body. It was actually beginning to to make her buck her hips gently as she softly whined lustfully.

The fox wanted to reach down and grasp Sorens fur in her passion but she was able to keep her urges on a tight reign as she arched her back a little. The muscles in her stomach were starting to tense up and her breathing was coming in gasps as her very first orgasm started to build up.
Her moans and cries of pleasure were only incentive to make him flick his tongue faster and suck a little bit harder. All the while, he occasionally pulled his lips away to let his tongue pay a bit of attention to that extremely sensitive bud.

He could tell she was nearing her first orgasm with how wet she was getting and the fact she couldn't control herself enough to keep her hips from bucking. He continued the motions, waiting for her to orgasm, wanting to lap up all the juice her orgasm would bring.
Her eyes rolled back before fluttering shut as she dug her claws into the ground beneath her and her toes curled. Suddenly she arched her back some more and threw her head back again before howling as she came. Her body trembled and twitched as she came, her mouth open and her tongue hanging out as she panted heavily.

After cumming, she continued to breath heavily before slowly and gently slumping to the ground. Her pussy was glistening with her cum and her chest heaving with every single breath she took. "O-oh my god." she whimpered as she laid there.
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