Mx Any A Different World: ancient aliens influenced (possible breeding), old historical ideas too


Dec 26, 2018
Hello, hello, it's Guitarman. Had a random idea incorporating some pseudohistory/ancient alien themes so here we are.

I hop on site daily and aim to get out at least a daily reply, will be more active OOC regardless. If I'm not on site I'm either doing something music related, watching one sport or another, on the Xbox, or at work.

  • Mostly through PMs but will consider playing in threads or on discord
  • 1-5 paragraphs per post, can go longer if I receive a more detailed post
  • Is willing to write as multiple characters and NPCs if you do the same
  • Open to doubling up
  • 3rd person, past tense
  • Enjoys friendly OOC chatting, planning, and discussion
  • Smut dominant, story dominant, or more of an even mix. Its all good!
  • Prefers written description to describe characters. You can use a ref pic or a face claim if you'd like but I dislike using them for myself
  • Does not ghost people. If I have a problem or want out of an RP, I will discuss it with you
  • I play both switch and dominant male characters
  • I don't care about your gender identity behind the screen
  • No characters under 18. Hard limit
  • Will write against characters of all identities

What if the Anunnaki stayed?​
Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians worshipped the Anunnaki, who are claimed to have come to Earth to look for gold. It's said that they interbred with early humanoids to create what we know as Homo sapiens whom the Anunnaki had to farm the gold as their slaves.

There are three different eras that could be played in here: first contact, the Babylonian age where human men work as slaves for the Anunnaki and beautiful women are used as pets/concubines for select, elite Anunnaki, and a future where the Anunnaki have stayed on the Earth and have completely enmeshed themselves into society, changing history as we know it. Or, over time that barrier between humanoid/Anunnaki has disappeared and the two groups have meshed into one.

I'm particularly interested in two themes here, at least when it comes to smut. One would be the submission of human women, portraying them as subservient to the Anunnaki, as prized possessions of the upper echelon. The second would be breeding. Whether it comes more naturally, or there is a breeding plan/process put in place by the Anunnaki.

This is an idea that I'm actively workshopping and improving (my thanks to two partners who've brainstormed with me!) so things will likely change over time. I don't have any particular plots at the moment but it's more of a concept that I'm particularly interested in exploring. If you're intrigued by this at all, please reach out. I'd love to get something going with these elements.

Some plots and settings
1. Ancient bathhouse (Ancient Rome, Egypt)
Pretty simple. MC is a man with some sort of power/influence. Wealthy property owner, senator, priest, even the Emperor or Pharaoh himself. YC is the person they'd send to service him at the bathhouse. They get along well enough, he likes them quite a bit. I want to see them get pulled into political intrigue and the entirely new to them world of the rich. Possibly a forbidden romance as well.

Also willing to do this with MC as the servant, especially for dignified clients like the Emperor, senators, or senator's wives.

2. Ancient cults (ancient Egypt, Rome)
Another simple one involving us exploring cults back in the ancient times. Could be purely for sex and mutual enjoyment, or they could have wild, controversial political views and ambitions. This one would take a some planning and plotting out with someone to make something we both enjoy.

3. A Roman buys a slave/servant
The title says it all. His new slave can come from anywhere in the ancient world. So many variables and ways to take this so I'd rather just discuss it with a partner and build the story to our liking! My only rule is no rape/forced sexual contact. There is enough of a power imbalance here.

4. Historical figures in the modern world
Inspired by a couple of commercials during the Super Bowl, with Salma Hayek playing Hera and Halle Berry playing Cleopatra. But the essential part of the idea is bringing some figure into the modern world. How would they adjust? Who do they align with? I think this works better for deities and people who have held power, such as queens, kings, or emperors.

5. Roman persecution
The Tetrarchy's persecution of the Christians is the most famous persecution in Roman history. I'm not looking to play out anything in that specific persecution but I do think that a persecution makes a really interesting backdrop for a story. Lots of tension and drama, loss and heartache. Rich citizens battling it our, poor citizens trying to survive. Or, we could even place a persecuted person against a persecutor to spice things up a bit.

1. Deities doing dirty deeds (Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome)
Self explanatory. A deity of some sort spots a mortal they like and somehow convinces them to have sex. What are the repercussions? Does the mortal want it or resist? Many things for us to decide upon to customize this plot.

2. Deities doing each other (Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, anywhere)
Deities getting it on with each other! Incest and orgies are a big possibility for this, as are more simple one on one scenes. So many different ways we can take this.

3. Worshipping a deity (Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, anywhere)
Simple. A worshipper of a particular deity gets to do just that.

4. Summoning ritual goes wrong (any of the above)
One character attempts to summon a deity. Either they summon the wrong one, or have to deal with some unexpected consequences.

5. Surviving the Deluge (Atlantis)
A native of the lost continent somehow survives the disaster (perhaps an immortal within a vault, or the favored person of a god is protected by said god) and is discovered when the continent rises again. What does this person have to say about the lost city? How do they adjust to the new world?

6. The Vault (Atlantis)
Two mortals find themselves within a safe haven as Atlantis sinks into the ocean. Stuck together, they must learn how to live with each other and might even attempt to escape. Could be any pairing of people.

  • Ancient Egypt
  • Ancient Near East
  • Ancient Greece (Minoan/Mycenean included)
  • Atlantis
  • Ancient Rome
  • Ancient India/South Asia
  • The Arabic/Persian world during the Middle Ages
  • Ancient Mayan/Aztec civilization
  • Middle Ages/Crusades
  • Medieval Europe
  • Feudal Japan
  • Colonization/Imperialism

Basic Pairings
  • Royalty from different states/empires
  • Royalty/Commoner
  • Royalty/Religious leader
  • Royalty/Noble

If anything here interests you, drop me a PM! I'm very flexible and am always looking for new partners.
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