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--One on ones; quick, fun role plays! No strings attached!

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Jan 14, 2009
timewastington, capitol of procastor
Up to 13 14 15 edits! Woo!
I wish I could settle on a damn idea on how I want my thread to look. D:
Oh well!

To get started; looking for a semi-literate to literate female. One who likes to type, preferably. (<- I only ask this because I like to be pushed to matching rather then being matched.) I am fine with doing RPs that are two paragraphs only, though, I feel they don't really push me to be creative. Either way, drop a line here or PM me and we'll discuss something.

Bit about me; I am currently working at a job where I only have to go in two to three days a week, so, I'm usually on a lot. Forewarning; I enjoy video games so often times I will have BM up but be playing something. Normally, it is either Call of Duty:MW2 or World of Warcraft (Nerd and proud.) though those are expected to change in a few days. When the Expac for Dragon Age releases and when I feel like going back to play Mass Effect games all over again, none of which I have said would effect me in replying once or twice a day, plus more.
So it is known ahead of time, I have dropped roleplays with no word whatsoever; good or bad. With that said, if it happens to turn you the reader away, so be it, I have deep trust issues. So, I normally never expect a roleplay to last more then a day.
Otherwise, I don't really consider myself to be anything. Illiterate, Semi-Literate, Literate. I am capable of typing up to eight paragraphs or more in a reply, though, normally when I really enjoy the idea that the RP is about. <---- With this said, I often like to type a lot. Given with the introduction, I assume it is supposed to be somewhat lengthy. Obviously, I trim some as I go along in the roleplay. ***Must read.
I'm fine with the 2 or whatever reply roleplays, but, they don't often keep my attention. I like more then three because I have an active imagination.
I make sure to spell check all my work, attempt to make sure I have sentence structure down. Probably a few errors here and there which were most likely missed when I was sleeping through my English Literature course Senior Year.

Onto cravings, pairings, and such.
Pairings; honestly, I know the basics and assuming you do as well. Basic Modern, Fantasy, Medieval pairings. If you have a pairing that is really far out, send it to me. Not saying I will do it, I just would like to see creativity. Like; a pairing between a monstrous sea dragon and a intergalactic space hermit. That is abnormal and tickles my funny bone, oddly.
Personalities; this really isn't major, but, I felt it necessary to put it here. Often times, I usually play a character with a normal personality. Though, I do switch it up and go really dark and demented. Other times, I like to make my character be a skitzo.
Games/Movies; I don't often do movie plot lines, not a big fan of those. Games, on the other hand, I would like to run through and do stuff in. Mass Effect, Halo, World of Warcraft (Gotta convince me, honestly.), SW: Knights of the Old Republic, and more will come when I think of them.
Anime genres; Sorry folks, I stopped watching this a long time ago so I am not knowledgeable enough to roleplay any Anime. Sometimes, I watch one episode of FMA when its on Adult Swim, but that is rare.
Cravings; All mood priority, to be honest. Just a bit ago I wanted to do a roleplay dealing with an insane asylum, now as I'm closing this out.. I don't. I shall inform anyone of them when they spark but don't really attempt to go off my cravings.

Roleplays can be done over any of the three. IMs, PMs or threads, just lemme know which you had in mind.

So, that pretty much sums up all that I have to say this time around.
I may or may not have more whenever I decide to edit it for the 16th time. :D

Edit #15:
Just looking for quick, interesting roleplays. No long term deals, just roleplays that will last merely a day or so.
--Note:: I am asking for roleplays that last no longer then a few days, but, that doesn't mean I am not looking for long-term roleplays.
Re: Looking for 1x1s. M/F.

      • xD! I love television.
        "PRNDL? Oh, you mean... PARK, REVERSE, NEUTRAL, DRIVE, LOW!?"

        "Yeah, that."
        "Well, while we're driving, would you like to listen to AM or FMMM?"

Re: Looking for 1x1s. M/F.

      • I know that, stupid. /:
        I'm allowed to say I love television.

        Lol, what did he call himself?

        The booby watcher?[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Re: Looking for 1x1s. M/F.

      • Ronnie xD
        He's Stanly of That's So Raven.

        He plays, like, the same role in all of his shows
        and movies. And he's only 12 or 13, I'm pretty
        sure. Let me go look.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Re: Looking for 1x1s. M/F.

      • I dunno.

        I just felt like saying that.
        'Cause I watched the movie Predator last night.
        And it was amazingly awesome. <3
        I love it soooo much.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Re: Looking for 1x1s. M/F.

      • Yay!~
        I'm still playin' WoW.
        3rd instance today. >.<;
        Then doin' another after that.
Re: Looking for 1x1s. M/F.

      • the [Sovereign's Belt] Buut, it was only a minor improvement for my other belt.
        Increased my AP a bit, but a difference is a difference, right? : )

        Plus I topped the DPS charts as number 1 all three times.

        And I was in a group with well geared players, too O__o;[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
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