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Favorite Anime Tracks and Covers

This is actually really screwed up, if you know the story. That children's choir plays in this every one of this guy's themes. Why, you ask? Simple. He likes to use unwanted children in his experiments. The twist? He genuinely loves and remembers each and every one...

...even after they're nothing but a tube of living flesh strapped to his back.
Just realised the Heaven's Feel soundtrack was released on YouTube a while back. Some real masterpieces in there, as with anything Yuki Kaijura works on.

Saw this anime when it aired, finally picked-up the manga and I absolutely love it. Been playing the OP song on-repeat when reading it.

Also one of those rare anime series where I think the 3D-approach works perfectly:

GOATed Inio Asano finally receives his first anime-adaptation, and the OP slaps hard:

Also since I ended-up rewatching Code Geass due to new series starting and finally watching Akito the Exiled-films been listening the OPs religiously:

(Those SE OP/EDs remind me that it's been ages since I saw Soul Eater and should pick the manga up, since it's just been sitting on my shelves for ages lol)

Thanks to anime-karaoke I was reminded of these bangers. Mirai Nikki is definitely one of those shows that had better ending-songs than openings for me (though the first one is iconic)

And man... Probably nine years since I last saw the series. I guess I should finally read it since I own the whole damn manga and it's spin-offs, but never got around that.

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