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Naruto had such a bumpy ride that it's tough to recommend it to complete newcomers. I always compare it to Bleach, in the sense it had a very strong start, decent to good middle, but both authors went "Eh, fuck it." and basically rushed the final arcs to end it. I can't help but love 'em, though.

I have fell in love with the latest AoT/SnK OP. New season has been hype as all hell and the new OP gets me even more hyped hah hah!

Also I have a huge bias towards metal anime OPs, so it was inevitable that I would enjoy this + I generally really like SiM's music. So I pretty much knew I was going to like it when it was announced.

I heard a long time ago that Bleach was getting canceled before Kubo wanted the series to end, or something to that nature, and he ended it unsatisfyingly out of spite because of that when there was much more story he wanted to tell. Kishimoto ended Naruto poorly because he stopped caring a long time ago; I mean that war arc is abysmal, and he wrote himself into such a corner due to his nonsensical power scaling that he killed off one of the strongest shinobi in that world's history to a lame ass backstab, then made the final boss some bitch from the moon. Those two things aren't the same lmao.

Now that you mention it, I did remember him revealing that after Bleach had ended. It's sad because I loved it (the manga moreso than the anime since I stopped caring for the filler) but again, there probably were external factors that contributed to the last arc being...yeah. I was just trying to say that for two series with good worldbuilding and with such a huge influence, they didn't deserve the ending they got.

I sighed with every page of Naruto's last chapters because it got worse and worse and let basically everyone down by doing the characters and everything they did dirty. Obviously the reasons things turned out different was the approach (wanting to end things and continuing it past what was needed VS half-assing the last part because of poor planning, care or lack of solutions). Hope I explained myself with these two walls of text!


Okay, yes, I'm giving away my age here, but this. Just... this. Look at the artistry of this! Look at those colors, look at the expressions, just... THIS!
After watching the first Final Stroke movie and Take Your Marks I remembered how freaking good openings Free! had and how good OLDCODEX was:

Endings are also great. The first one especially always brings a smile to my face:
I remember watching Noragami when it aired. Yato was easily the best thing in the show for me hah hah!

Started to watch Aria last night. Already loving the show and the ED. Song and visuals are both beautiful imo:
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