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Mx Female Slice of life, incest, age-play and fantasies


Jan 10, 2015
Hello. I'm Aex. I'm in my 50s - yeah, it sounds old to me too but I don't feel it. I'm happy to write anything from 16-60. I like writing, mainly for stage or radio, but I've also written some erotica. I like the idea of sharing ideas and thoughts and feelings. Things that maybe you've thought about, are curious about, or fantasise about. I'm interested in literate and realistic. I'm all about the journey; how close to the line can you go before it all gets too much? This does not mean I don't like to write about sex, anything from drawing circles with a finger tip on a naked back to brutalising every hole your character might have, and everything in between. I love to play with language and that can make great sex scenes even better.
You, should be interested in exploring, taking your time, having fun, but also capturing an experience that creates a physical/emotional reaction.
I have a few story ideas, but I'm open to discussing what turns you on. There are few kinks I can't accommodate but I don't enjoy non-con. I want your character to have agency, even if the power relationship is imbalanced.
1 younger girl/woman, 40+ year old guy. I'm interested in exploring how a relationship develops and how it affects both. This isn't about sex, though that may happen and I'm not particularly interested in writing the sex scene, though it could be referred to in internal monologues. It should all be about how they feel, how they deal with the fact that it would be taboo (even without sex), the excitement of something you know you shouldn't be doing. It's also important how they meet, this needs to be realistic, with realistic dialogue - it could be in a chat room, where identities are anonymous, it could be that she meets him in an arrangement that is down to someone else (she is set a project, he happens to be the librarian who can help - she's doing work experience from school, he is the person she's doing it with). It would also ideally be slow.
2 Husband and wife get away for a bit and in a bar after a few too many they start to talk about fantasies. It's open, it may be teasing, it's fun, and then they start to wonder what would happen if they made some of those fantasies come true. Fantasies can be negotiated, but I like the idea of him wanting to watch her with other guys - in a controlling rather than just a cuckold way.
3 Older brother, younger sister. Always close but sometimes it feels like too close. You know when you're not supposed to push the big red button and all you want to do is push it. How close can you get before you irreversably cross the line. This is exploring the tease. Ever had the I'll show you mine if you show me yours, chickened out and always wondered what might have happened if you'd just done it? Where might it have led?
4 Daddy/daughter, preferably something that scouts around the elephant in the room for as long as possible, moments that tease both characters, never being sure if the line has been crossed - like when you try to hold off coming as long as possible. It should be about curiosity not brattishness or coercion.
I like realistic settings and characters because then more outrageous things have a context. So public, fear of getting caught, random explorations, multiple men, or characters being used and abused. YC should have opinions and feelings, naive is okay, stupid is less fun. Also, even in used and abused there needs to be interaction with YC, if I just wanted to describe doing stuff without interaction I'd be posting stories somewhere else.
I like first person but will play third if you're more comfortable. I can play any age to suit but prefer to be the older character.
Happy to discuss other ideas, as long as the writing turns us both on.
I like PMs here or can play on discord.
Always happy to discuss your ideas and to provide ways to meet your needs. I enjoy playing with those who like the inherent beauty of language and finding just the right words to create a setting, feeling, mood or context, even if that revolves around something quite dark.
I now have discord intimate#2592 (not sure if you still need the hashtag)
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