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The Pirates Curse (Lunarwolf and GuardianAngel)

Not that Sin really enjoyed going up farther, actually neither of them did... but it was something that needed to be done nonetheless. There wasn't much that stopped them from falling if something happened.
Arianna took care not to suddenly jerk the ship and cause her to fall so that they could make it through and head to their next destination as quickly as possible
Sin made her way down the mast although took to just pausing in the nest when a few rough waves hit, especially since she wasn't tied on anymore, just using that to keep herself safe.
A few of the men were losing their balance, some of the newer people who hadn't quite gotten their sealegs fully. Sin finished making her way down the mast and was just dropping onto the deck lightly.
Arianna handed the wheel over to an experienced member and then joined her on the deck "I think we need to help people learn who to walk on this ship"
Sin was just looking for a moment before she was speaking, "I agree but... we are nearing even an area where even the most experienced lose their balance often." The Sea of Rage as they had dubbed it. An area that just seemed to be strangely violent all the time, wicked and terrible waves. But that was also where they had gone to learn how to keep their balance no matter what hit them. Which was why the pair of them weren't ever fazed. "Lets go to the Sea of Rage then."
Arianna nodded “sounds good we learned there it only seems wise that the men learn there as well” Arianna returned to the wheel and set their course for the sea of rage
Some of the men were confused about what was going on, although the more experienced definitely knew what was going on.
"Everybody, we are heading to the Sea of Rage. Make sure that you are properly secured." Sin was calling out the order, which had even their most experienced pirates getting to work.
Arianna lifted her arms when a crew member went to work securing her to the ship even though she and Sin didn't need it they still did it to set a proper example. once she was secured Arianna looked at the men and mentioned for them to go ahead and get their new meter up to the deck and secured as she didn't want him falling off the ship if the waters became rough and sent the ship rocking. Arianna was also making plans to make sure that everyone was also a strong swimmer but that would be done in calm waters.
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Several months had passed since the girls had taken the men to the Sea of Rage and for nearly a month they had stayed there training the men to be able to walk on the ship with out falling as the waves there were worse than anywhere else. in the following months they had finished delivering the letters and explaining what had happened before they returned to Alexanders kingdom. they had gotten a hawk that he needed their help. Arianna looked at the letter from Alexander and frowned the fact that someone had tried to kill his younger brothers bothered her as it was odd that someone would target the line of succession rather than the king. when they docked a guard was waiting for both her and Sin "thank you for meeting us can you explain what is happening" the guard nodded his head "yes ma'am around a month ago an order of tea was brought in and it seems like the whole batch was tainted with poison as every time it was made the silver turned black" Arianna looked at him and nodded and then spoke getting information on where they tea had come from. after learning which port she turned to Sin and spoke "your fathers port we may want to go and see what is going on he normally doesn't allow tainted good out"
Several months had gone by since they had gone to the Sea of Rage, and after so long they were finally returning to Alexander's kingdom after a hawk had come to them with a message explaining that the man's brothers had almost been killed. A strange thing to have happen, considering they were aiming for the line of succession versus the king. Soon enough they were heading back to the kingdom and being met by one of the guards that was waiting for them, and explaining to them about the situation at hand. Poisoned tea, and there was a frown decorating the lips of the platinum blonde haired female. The port that had been bought from had been the port that was owned and run by that of her adopted father's port, and that was definitely not something that would happen. Which meant that there was something wrong. Her eyes were flickering towards Arianna before she was speaking, "Yes it would be a good idea for us to go and check it out."
Arianna looked at the guard "let the king know we are going to find out what is going on and will return once we have answers" Arianna knew they would have to stock up but they didn't need much before heading out once more. Arianna looked at Sin before speaking "I am worried your father is very good at checking for tampering and his men are loyal"
Sin was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "And from what I've heard in letters is my sister should be there as well." Granted her sister was only sixteen years old but she was quite brilliant for a sixteen year old. An ace tactician who always seemed to have a plan for everything all the time. And she was pretty good at talking her way out of pretty much anything.
Arianna nodded her head and looked over when their first mate joined them "we are all stocked and ready to head out captains" Arianna nodded and then looked at Sin "lets go" she then went back up the walk and headed for the wheel giving everyone their orders including the new guy that they had picked up several months back when all hell had first broke lose
Dimitri was waiting on the ship for them to return and was inclining his head when they returned to the ship and soon enough they were setting sail again. It was a few days trip to the port, and the moment that they docked they were be greeted by a few familiar pirates. Pirates that were always at the side of Mikael, Sin's adopted father. The expression that they had made it seem like there was bad news and one of them was coming over to whisper to Sin in a low voice. Letting her know that her adopted father was termininally ill, and they didn't think that he had long to live. This information was only being said quiet enough for her to hear, but it told her that it wasn't a well known fact. So she would explain to Arianna in private at a later time. "Well then lets get to the mansion. I'm shocked that news that this was kept from me." she was commenting after a moment in time before looking towards the others, who seemed confused.

(Richard is the name of your character in this one.)
(I am losing my mind)

Arianna remained calm and walked with her knowing that something had happened and that she would be told soon when it was safe for them to do so. Arianna looked at Dimitri before she left "make Sure that all the sails are tied up and secure we are going to be here for a while. while Sin saw her father Arianna would speak with themeless second and let him know about the tampering.
Dimitri was giving a nod of his head and was heading off so that he could get the sails tied up with the help of a few others, while the others were heading off towards the mansion. As they were walking Sin was looking towards Arianna before she was speaking in a soft voice, "It turns out that my father has fallen ill."
“That answers a lot of questions you go and see him I’ll talk to his second” Arianna patted her shoulder and when they arrived at her fathers home she headed in going to where the other male was located so that they could talk while Sin saw her father
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