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Life Could Be A Dream, Sweetheart (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

Why was he being so kind and charming? Not that he never was, but sometimes it was few and far between. She liked it when he was nice to her.
The heavy sadness and regret fell over her again, making her shoulders feel heavy.
"Are you hungry, Captain? I forgot I had all the food, you've been waiting on me this whole time.."
She nodded and moved to her pack, digging out a couple cans of cram and some biter meat, her Rad X and some water from the purifiers before coming back over.
"I hope this is ok?"
He pulled out a bottle and some small cups. “Better with this.” He said, moving to hand her one.
She took it with a smile and sat with him, "If you keep spoiling me like this, the others will get jealous.."
“I think they’ll have to learn to live with it~” he said, slugging back his drink and pouring another.
She sipped hers, not really wanting to rush, and gave a small nod, "Until you find me dead one morning." She joked.
She coughed a bit, choking on her drink, before looking up at him, "Wh-Wha... really...?" He would have pointed his gun at her for even asking before. Maybe he was happy with all her hard work?
She looked down at her food, maybe she had the wrong idea about him the entire time? Maybe it was just because she was scared before that she wanted to kill him? He was only mean when she was being a brat.
"Thanks, Captain.."
They finished the food and Iris continued to drink with him, having a good time relaxing like this with him.
She took a large hit and held it in her lungs for a full count before exhaling slowly and smiling up at him.
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