- Joined
- Jun 1, 2021

Full Name: Raymond Mulholland
Nickname(s): ‘Ray’ is fine in a pinch.
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Ethnicity: African American
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: FBI Special Agent
Face Claim: Lakeith Stanfield 1, 2, 3
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 180 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown-ish with little flecks of amber
Hair Color: Coffee black
Prominent Features or Distinguishing Marks: Raymond has several occult and esoteric themed tattoos littering his body. These include an Eye of Providence over his heart, an ouroboros wrapping around his right wrist, and a yin-yang on his left shoulder blade. He also has several non-occult tattoos including the numbers ‘19019’ on his left inner wrist, the outline of a brontosaurus on his right ankle, the name ‘ESTELLA’ beneath his collarbone, the letter ‘V’ beneath his left ear, and a quote from Jean-Paul Sartre on his bicep: “Life has no meaning the moment you lose the illusion of being eternal.”
General Physical Description: “Someone told me once, a long time ago, that I’m ‘unconventionally attractive’. That made me feel some kind of way back then, but I guess it makes sense if you look at it from their angle. There ain’t much about me that is conventional, if you want to get down to brass tacks. Fact is, I look how I want to look and I dress how I want to dress. My outward appearance is an extension of my inner self. I have a nice smile because I want to have a nice smile. I grow a beard because I want to grow a beard. My body ain’t a temple, but I take care of it like it is. Shit, man. I look like this. Just look at the pictures, man. Use those peepers.”
Personality Traits:
- Deep Thinker - Raymond has a lot of thoughts about a lot of things and most of those things aren’t suitable for casual conversation.
- Eccentric - Read: Weird. Raymond has never been like most people and he doesn’t pretend that he is. To be comfortable in one’s own skin is something you should never take for granted.
- Inquisitive - Curiosity killed the cat, but it ain’t killed Raymond yet.
- Allocentric - Raymond has himself figured out for the most part. He’s more interested in what makes other people tick.
- Empathetic - To a fault. Ray gets people. He reads them like a book.
Dislikes: A purposeless existence.
Biography: Born in Baton Rouge to a single mother, raised in Philadelphia by his grandparents. Graduated from Haverford College with honors, accepted into the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the Summer of 2009. Top marks in his training. Well liked by his peers. Labeled ‘a bit quirky’ by his superiors, but ‘a good man in a storm’ by the ones that mattered. Relocated to the FBI’s Nashville field office in the Spring of 2014. Loves the city, loves the people, hates the hot chicken.
Raymond had never heard of Dawn Chorus, Tennessee before being assigned to investigate the disappearances of four missing people...
Notable Relationships:
- Pepaw and Memaw Mulholland - Would you believe they were both born on the same day and have both lived to 103? Raised by his grandparents, Raymond has a lot of love for them and visits them whenever he has the chance.
- Regional Field Director Deuteronomy Hart - Deuter. The Deut. El Deuterino. Raymond’s superior and close friend. While Raymond has never been to Deuteronomy’s house or met his family or explored his life beyond a surface level, he respects the man and looks up to him like a father figure.
- Special Agent Buck Buckley - Raymond's on-again off-again partner and closest confidant. There's very few people in this life that are worth taking a bullet over. Buck Buckley is one of them.
- Estella - Listen, we ain't talkin' about Estella here.