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Dissonant Hearts (Degusaurusrex x AndrewS)

Why was he saying her name like that? She glanced over at him curiously and dropped her hand from her face. His voice had softened considerably after her little outburst, and for a moment she was worried of what he might think of her.

"I'm not doing anything." She scowled and rolled her eyes. She was sorely missing when she couldn't hear the damn demon's voice. "You don't need to apologize." She shrugged and settled back in the seat, staring across the booth in order to avoid looking directly at Isen. It was.. Strange, sharing that story with someone, enough to stir up old emotions as she cleared her throat to cover up the quiet sniffle.

"Yeah, well, I want to get you away from that obnoxious bastard and possibly even kill him, so I'll help you because I want to, as well." This was incredibly awkward, and she fidgeted in the seat before exhaling slowly. "That was.. Yeah. I don't think I've ever told anyone that. Jesus," She laughed and rubbed at her face before closing her eyes. "I'm so ready for us to get there and find somewhere to stay. Dealing with your demon sword is exhausting."
"It never gets any easier." Isen grumbled, still on the topic of dealing with Ignas and his constant talking. "I missed when he was agreeing to be quiet."

"But then you would have never gotten the history lesson. Doesn't it feel better now that almost all of our dark secrets are out and in the open?" He asked them, Isen could practically hear in his voice that had Ignas been in a body, he would be smirking upon saying such a thing. "Plot all you want. There will be no 'getting you away' from me."

"We'll see. For now, we should focus on stopping the DSTF. I believe that is something that even you can agree on, Ignas."


Putting their differences aside would be difficult. Isen couldn't forget the things that he had been forced to do by Ignas, nor would he ever be able to forgive himself for the role that he had played in them, even if he was like a puppet having his strings twisted by a psychopath. At least all three of them, as haphazard as their 'alliance', if it could even be called that, was, could focus on the fact that stopping the DSTF was the right thing to do regardless of the outcome. They had been allowed to do as they pleased for too long, they had hurt too many people and the threat of causing another war? If Ignas had been involved in starting the first, surely even he could see the error of his ways and what it had caused.

Some time had passed as story time came to an end and the three of them settled into a quiet ride. He had implied for Adelaide to get some extra sleep before they arrived but whether she actually wanted to listen to him was something he couldn't really control. He was content to watch over her, she had called him her bodyguard after all, or at least that's what she referred to him as earlier.

For Adelaide in particular, she had probably said too much, learned too much, about her family and about Isen and she needed time to process. For Isen, he had gone through several different, foreign feelings, ranging from sickness to regret and even anger. It was a lot, even for him, he relished the quiet, especially given the fact that Ignas too had gone silent once more. His actions, and staying true to his nature, only seemed to be strengthening the bond between Adelaide and Isen, bit by bit, which was extremely counter productive to his end goal of self-preservation.

And still, she had that damned ring, and all of the dangers that came along with someone as powerful as her having access to a near limitless amount of dark magic she couldn't yet control. They were a ticking time bomb, the three of them. It was only a matter of time.

With each stop, more people seemed to board. While their original boarding had been from a station that hadn't been busy, some of the other places they visited along the way bustled with life and soon, each cart was beginning to fill. Theirs, however, remained conspicuously empty. Thinking back to their encounter with the stewardess from before, he presumed she had made a conscious choice to keep people away from them after he had inadvertently scared her. That helped maintain their peace and quiet, at least. Along the way, Isen saw several other small towns, just like the one they just left, but the vast majority of travelers were human. He couldn't sense a single Dissonant among them. Had it really become that bad? He was beginning to understand now, properly, the value of the community he had been a part of before the DSTF had found them.

"We will be approaching Cresthaven shortly."

A voice rang out over the PA system, bringing their awkward journey near to it's end.

Through the window, Cresthaven was coming into view. It was unlike anything Isen had seen in a very long time. In fact, how long had it been since he had been near a city? He tried to stay away, there were too many people, too many potential casualties if something were to go wrong. But, seeing it for the first time in a long time, he felt so small in comparison.

Large buildings towered towards the sky, casting looming shadows over the rest of the city underneath. The streets were busy, cluttered with life. He could see vehicles moving, operating with efficiency in a city that had adopted magic as part of every day life. One of the few benefits of the world becoming aware of the supernatural was the way it could now meld magic into it's infrastructure. Life was easier than ever for those who could afford it, taking advantage of regulated devices and machinery empowered with arcane energy, all thanks to the work of the DSTF. Adelaide would be at home in such a place teeming with magic in all directions, he hoped she'd be able to control herself. It also made Isen wonder what happened to the Dissonants who had been living in the shadows in Cresthaven before the DSTF had sank their fangs into the city. Surely those who had tried to make a living for themselves without causing trouble had been snuffed out by their presence, with those who remained in the city forced to it's underbelly, mistreated and misjudged for being different despite wanting nothing more than to peacefully live the way they always had.

They were walking into a melting pot of magic and protection through fear and manipulation. Cresthaven, for all of it's remarkable beauty and advancement, was a staggering example of what they would be fighting to defeat. But what happens after the DSTF was gone? What happened to all of the people, the services, who relied upon the DSTF's advancements? He wouldn't hesitate to cut the head from the snake, it was what they needed to do, but how much sadness would that cause after the fact?

If it got him what he wanted, she had a feeling Ignas would do damn near anything. If it got him the ring that was currently stuck on her finger, he would twist anything and everything to his advantage, lie through his nonexistent teeth as he bided his time within the blade. Maybe she would find a way to separate Isen from it without removing Ignas from the sword, leave him to his fate all alone, buried where no one would find him for centuries to come.

"Wish he had a mouth to gag." She sighed wearily and settled in as best she could, which considering the heavy conversation the three of them had just had, wasn't very well. In the end though, she found herself dozing off to the sound of the wind whipping around outside the train, the steady breathing from Isen beside her (as he undoubtedly sat as awkwardly as she), and the idle chatter from people in the other cars as they were kept far from Adelaide and her frightening companion.

"We will be approaching Cresthaven shortly."

The announcement startled her awake with a mumble and she rubbed at her eyes, looking around and realizing that the train was slowing down. How long had she been asleep? Long enough that she had shifted closer to Isen and had been slightly leaning on him, apparently.

"We're almost there?" She rubbed at her eyes again and yawned, sounding every bit as sleepy as she was. "It looks huge." She could feel the magic faintly from the train, which meant that the place would be brimming with it by the time they entered. Just the thought made her hum happily and rub at her new ring, catching herself doing it and abruptly dropping her hands. This was going to be.. Interesting. Ignas was likely drooling inside his sword at the thought of so much magic, and she glanced over at the weapon before sighing.

"Well.. We're here." The train finally came to a stop, doors screeching open as people stepped out into the cold with a mixture of complaints and laughter. "Is it.. Damn, is it already evening?" Late afternoon, early evening, either way it meant they needed to find a place for the night before they went on any crazy adventures. "So like.. You don't need to eat or sleep, really? Should we find a place with two beds, just in case?"
The slight weight of Adelaide resting against his side, her head cresting the curve of his shoulder, didn't really bother him and she looked too peaceful to disturb. It had been a very long couple of days for her between the journey to find him and everything that had happened, magic ring and all, he knew she must have been exhausted and didn't seem to mind much. She had comforted him when he felt sick, it was the least he could do to return the favor. The pleasant features of her face looked blissful at rest, unaware, for at least a short while, of the terrible things happening in the world around her. She was granted a reprieve and far be it for him to take it from her. If only he could feel a similar escape but sleep wasn't something he needed and therefore, it had been years since he had experienced a dream.

She had awoken of her own accord, startled by the announcement over the PA. When she sat herself up straight, he leaned away, into the opposite direction, to give her some space as she woke up.

He followed her to the exit and stepped out into the station platform. It had an open roof and design, allowing them to see outwards into the city, but even this was far larger than the place they had entered the train from. There were more people here in this one place than there had been in the entire Dissonant town they came from. He could tell people were beginning to notice how out of place he was and he felt equally uncomfortable; carrying around a giant sword in the middle of a crowd typically seemed to cause him trouble. From the corner of his eye, he could already see some of the panicked passerby's scrambling to find a security guard somewhere around to report him and his weapon and he took that as their cue to leave.

Isen reached out for Adelaide's arm, wrapping his fingers around her wrist and tugging her away from the crowd to find some place quieter where they could lay low. His grip was forceful but not enough to hurt her, despite his considerable strength. He seemed cognizant of that and appeared to be putting great care in making sure he wasn't causing her discomfort. "One would be enough and it would be cheaper for you to pay for, it's not as if I have any money to help. I don't need to sleep but what I need is to get out of here before we get arrested." He told her in response, hoping that stepping out through the large archway would find them some place quieter but he was sorely mistaken and in such a hurry that he hadn't realized he was leading them directly out into the streets.

The city outside was even more noisy and congested. Vehicles whizzed by through the streets, moving with speed. Billboards flashed ethereal glows in all directions as pedestrians commuted back and forth, crossing streets whenever the traffic lights would grant them an opening to do so. It was all so overwhelming, so much. Isen stayed away from cities on purpose. There were so many things that were foreign to him and so many people who could be hurt if something were to happen. He nearly stumbled out into the street, hearing the honking of a horn alerting him to pull back. Realizing he was still holding on to Adelaide as he did so, and that he nearly pulled her into danger with him, he let go.

"What is...this place..." He mumbled, eyes wide as he tried to take in everything going on around him. There were so many noises to harm his sensitive ears, smells and scents coming from all directions and all of that was so dense that even he could sense it. If it was having that much of an effect on him, what hope did Adelaide have here? They needed a refuge and he turned to her for help, for direction, even though he had been the one to pull her outside. "A-Adelaide." He muttered as several people dressed rather scantily walked past him, giving him a flirtatious glare that he didn't know what to do with. He could hear Ignas laughing at him, amused by Isen's dear-in-the-headlights reaction, but his ears were already ringing from the commotion. He turned his head and, across the road, saw men in suits and ties carrying briefcases as they tried to make it back to work on time. So many people live their lives, disjointed, but free. And not a Dissonant in sight. "This place is...too much, too loud... Can we...find somewhere quiet?"
"One it is. I have some money left, but it's not going to last forever, so the cheaper, the better." Hell, she was willing to sneak into somewhere if she had to. "Okay, okay, I'm coming!" She had to speed walk to keep up with his longer legs as he pulled her along, and after noticing several distriessed looks their way she realized what he was saying. Of course, the usual deal of staring at the big man, with the big sword, and then running to get whatever security or officer existed. Detain the scary man with the sword! Make sure he doesn't hurt us!

"Isen, this is-- Oh, bloody hell." Right into the city, and it was clearly taking its toll on Isen. "It's just a city." She jolted back from the street with him with a curse. "Come on, come on, let's go. Wait, one second." She fumbled with the bags, setting one of them down so she could dig through her backpack. "Just.. Here!" She tugged out a pair of wireless headphones, stretching up and shoving it on his head so that the pads on each side were covering his ears.

"I don't have a phone to play music anymore since I had to get rid of it.. But it should muffle the sound a little bit, okay?" She huffed and settled flat on her feet again before hauling the bags off the ground. "Come on, let's just walk until we see some sort of place we can rent for the night." Maybe she could sweet talk one of the workers into giving them a cheaper rate if she flirted hard enough. They would figure it out once they found a place, for now she clearly needed to get Isen off the streets.

"Come on," She grabbed at his hand with a flustered expression, gripping it tightly before starting off down the street. "Just.. Stay with me, okay? It's fine. You'll be fine."
The padding of the headphones felt strange on his ears but they did their job as advertised, blocking out some of the unwanted noise from outside and giving him a better chance at focusing on something other than the overwhelming amount of noise bustling around them in every direction. "Thank you..." He told her, appreciative of the reprieve that it offered and allowing her to pull at his hand, leading him down the sidewalk.

He passed so many people who looked at them with confusion before returning to their daily lives, heads trapped in their phone or eyes on the road ahead. Weaving between streets and vehicles, he began to get his bearings and was able to move on his own without needing her to pull on him, though he didn't actually repel away from her. He let her hand continue to hold his like a lifeline, keeping him steady and angled in the right direction.

Eventually, their bumbling through the streets led them to the front of a large hotel, it's neon sign alight, speaking of vacancies inside. Before they entered, Isen caught wind of something from the corner of his eye. On the other end of the crosswalk, near the corner, was a Dissonant. It was clear as day, their pale skin, the way they seemed to try and hide themselves with a hood wound around their face. Some of the people passing by seemed to realize this and made a point to stay clear, others pointed towards them with amusement. The sanctity and peace of the small town from before had once again be reinforced, it wasn't safe here for Dissonants. Change couldn't come fast enough.

"Is this an inn?" He asked as they entered the front door. It seemed lavish, but also empty, save for a single man at the front counter. He was leaning forward, elbows rested on the desk and his eyes on his phone. He seemed bored, perhaps business was slow today. He turned towards the door, spotting Isen and Adelaide walk in just as Isen removed his headphones and handed them back to her for safe keeping. There was a sign near the counter with prices, they seemed steep, especially given their restricted budget. "Are you sure we can stay here?"
"You don't need to thank me, you're gonna embarrass me." She could at least blame the cold for her cheeks turning red, but it didn't lessen the embarrassment. She wasn't used to people thanking her, and the circumstances of their partnership made it even more awkward for her. She concentrated on getting them through the city as fast as she could, navigating the crowds and making sure to keep Isen close to her even as people seemed to keep their distance from the two of them.

"Finally!" She spotted a hotel, albeit an expensive looking one and led them toward it, barely noticing when Isen's attention strayed to the lone Dissonant on the street. She was far more preoccupied with getting them to the hotel, and she nodded in response to his question.

"Yes, it's an inn. Yes, I'm sure we can stay here." Adelaide took the headphones back and shoved them in her bag before sauntering over to the counter, setting the bags down on the floor and taking off her coat. The prices that the sign depicted were astounding, nothing she could afford, but judging by the way the attendant had looked their way upon entry, maybe she could con her way into it.

"Hi! I was hoping we could get a room for the night. Just until the morning, nothing special. We had to come here for a funeral on short notice, so I was wondering if there was any possible way we could get some sort of deal, if you had any specials going on?" She tucked her coat under her arm, propping herself against the counter in a way that pushed her breasts up to be more prominent even through the sweater.

"I promise we won't cause trouble. It's just that it was such short notice, and we don't have a ton of funds because of the funeral.."
Isen let her take the lead, she was the one with the money, after all. He hung back, close by but not approaching the counter with her, watching and listening as she started to speak to the man attending the counter. Her actions seemed peculiar, as though she was trying to put on a show. Her actions seemed exaggerated, the way her body leaned forward, propped and positioned tantalizingly to the male's gaze. "What is she doing? Why is she acting so odd?" He asked, mostly to himself, but also to Ignas, who was no doubt watching with amusement.

"She's trying to seduce him. Doesn't look like it's working either. I presumed a witch would be proficient in the art of charming but that doesn't appear to be the case."

"Seducing?" Isen questioned. It made sense now. The way she pressed her chest forward, the tone of her voice. His eyes had lingered, for just a moment, piecing together what was going on with the explanation that had been given.

"Really, Isen?" Ignas chastized, noticing his stare, making Isen aware of the fact that he had been doing so absentmindedly so that he could avert his attention elsewhere.

"It isn't working?" He asked as a second question and Ignas snickered.

"Sorry, lady. The prices are the prices, same today as every day. Nothin' I can do for you."

"She needs assistance."

"No, she doesn't. I'm enjoying watching her crash and burn."

"We need lodging, demon." Isen argued, walking forward to join Adelaide. He didn't really have any particular idea in mind on how to help but not acting wasn't what he was used to, he preferred to take action.

The expression on the male's face seemed to change almost immediately when Isen approached, their gaze moving over the male's sharp features with intrigue.

"And who's this...?" He asked.

"This ought to be good..."

"Excuse me. We are looking for a room."

"You are, are you? Hmm." The male leaned forward to get a closer look, making it not at all subtle what was happening. "I think...for you, I could make an exception. Yes, I think we can work something out."

"You're kidding me..."

"Wait, really?" Isen sounded surprised that such a simple request had succeeded where Adelaide had failed. "We are grateful." Isen smiled, innocently, looking over at Adelaide as if to say 'look, I did it!'.

The male began to rummage through a series of keys laid out on pegs in a cabinet behind him. His finger curled beneath one key in particular with a fluffy, pink charm hanging from it. "How about I give you a deal? Separate rooms. One for the lady and for, for you, how about I accompany you upstairs and show you myself?"

"I assure you that won't be necessary, we can find our way. Isn't that right, Adelaide?" He wasn't going to accept help from a stranger, after all! Ignas' continued amusement made him think something was amiss but he couldn't figure it out so he simply shrugged it off.

The male sighed. "Right. Of course. Never the handsome ones..." His finger dropped away from the fancy key and settled on one near the bottom. It was small, unremarkable. "It seems we have some unexpected bookings. The only room we have is this one. 108. Enjoy." He dropped the key down on the table in front of them with a dull thud, turning back to his phone, a look of annoyance written across his features.

Isen reached out for the key, taking it and dangling it in front of Adelaide, proud of himself and all too oblivious. It would have been endearing had he not been so astoundingly out of the loop.
"Oh, you have got to be kidding me." She'd put the effort into trying to seduce the man, and he was gay? Irony at its finest, and she couldn't help sulking as she watched the interaction and how Isen was so oblivious.

"Yeah, we can manage." He wasn't going to revoke the offer for a room because Isen wasn't returning the attention, was he? She sighed in relief when he picked up another, much more ordinary key. It was clearly a far cry from the one he had originally intended for Isen, but a room was a room, and if she could get it for cheap or even free, there was no reason to complain. Especially if they could just sneak out in the morning and not spend a penny. She should have felt bad about planning such a move, but these were desperate times, and considering the state of the lobby in the hotel, they could afford to lose a bit of money and be just fine.

"Yeah yeah, let's go." She grabbed the key from Isen with a huff before getting the bags together, still sulking as she started down the hall in search of their room. "108.. 108." The closer they got to the room the worse she knew it would be, and by the time she finally opened the door she could tell this was petty revenge. It wasn't that the room was in shambles, or even disgusting, but it wasn't nearly as nice as she knew the other rooms would have been. It appeared to be one that hadn't been renovated and updated like the other suites, everything plain and boring, and there was definitely a chill in the room.

"Well, guess we might as well settle in. Wonder if I can order room service and just ditch on the bill.." She pondered to herself and set the bags down, throwing her coat on the bed and bending down to remove her boots. "So like.. You don't do anything like watch TV?" She waved a hand at the small television and then took a seat on the bed. "Do you just.. Not have fun?"
Isen remained oblivious as to what had happened, even as they took the key and made for the stairs. Because their room wasn't particularly fancy, it was on one of the lower levels, so they didn't need to travel far. He followed behind as Adelaide surveyed the hallway in search of the room marked 108. Stepping inside, Isen didn't see anything wrong with it. He was used to very modest living, his cabin had barely been furnished after all. It didn't bother him that they had been downgraded, he hadn't really noticed at all anyways.

He took a quick lap around the small room, making sure there was nothing to be concerned about inside, then turned back to Adelaide as she waved towards the television. "Fun?" He questioned, wondering what exactly she meant by that. He wasn't the type of person who could go out to a bar or really do anything recreationally and he had no real use for a television; he traveled a lot until he had found that village, he fought occasionally and tried his best to atone for the terrible things he had done. He supposed she was right to question him, what even was fun?

"I have fun." He argued in return, though he didn't have much evidence to back up the bold claim. It was more defensive than anything, a stern glare turning his gaze in her direction.

"You could have fooled me."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Isen stood, awkwardly, at the center of the room. There was only one bed and nowhere else to really sit. He didn't necessarily need to rest but it felt a little more natural to be seated as they settled in. To do so, however, would mean placing himself directly at her side, so he remained where he was, contemplating her question.

"You wouldn't know fun if it stabbed you straight in the heart."

"Your idea of fun is stabbing people in the heart."

"...fair point."

"Alright. I am intrigued." He proclaimed, focusing back on Adelaide rather than Ignas. "Show me how to have ...'fun'." They had some time, after all. It wasn't like delaying their research into this city by an afternoon would change anything at the end of the day and she needed to relax anyways lest they head into a potential fight without proper preparation. What did he have to lose?
"I can't believe I'm agreeing with a demon.." Adelaide groaned. "But I think Ignas is right." She was supposed to teach someone who didn't eat, sleep, or do much of anything, how to have fun? Taking on the entirety of the DSTF might be easier at that point!

"I don't know if I can really show you fun inside this little room, but I can try to at least show you how to relax. We can watch television for awhile while I fuck around and try to figure out room service. Should have had you mention food while that dude was drooling over you." Drooling that Isen hadn't noticed in the slightest. Honestly, had the man ever been around flirting to recognize it? Oh god, had he ever--Nope, not even going there.

"Come sit, I'm not going to bite you. Just.. Put that mouthy bastard on top of the dresser or something. Whatever, just not right next to me or I may be tempted to throw him out into the cold." She sighed and scooted up the bed, propping up the pillows against the wall so she could sit at the head and lean back. "Just hit the channel buttons to go through and see what looks interesting." She held the remote out toward him, already twisting to rummage through the bedside table for anything regarding room service. The place had to have it, right?
She was agreeing with Ignas? That was surprising, he didn't think he'd see the day when the two of them ever saw eye-to-eye about anything. Unfortunately, for Isen, what they were in agreement about was the lack of fun and enjoyment he seemed to have in his life. This was troublesome.

"Drooling over me?" Isen questioned her odd phrasing. "He didn't appear to be drooling at all. Are you sure?" Asking innocently, he was, as always, oblivious as to what she actually meant or what the intentions of the man they spoke to had been. "You should get food, though. Do you want me to find one of those machines again? Like at the train station?" Recalling what he had done to get her food the first time, he was prepared for a revisiting of his peculiar 'methods'.

She was inviting him to actually sit with her and he wasn't sure whether or not that was a good idea but, he remembered how close they had been on the train and how it hadn't been that weird. Well, if she insisted. He took great amusement of his own in detaching his sheathed companion from his hip and placing it on the opposite side of the room. He could hear Ignas bickering but that only made it more cathartic to separate from him for a little bit.

The mattress dipped underneath his weight as he joined her. He took the remote into his hand, holding it. He had used a television before but it had been some time. What did he even enjoy to watch, if anything? He doubted there would be much of interest but he did as he was told, pushing down on the rubbery buttons, doing so with excessive force that would surely damage it eventually were he not warned to take more care of it. Swapping through channels, he moved between soap operas and scripted dramas to sports games and reality shows. Passing by a news channel, he stopped upon noticing something familiar; it was a news report about a supposed 'attack' on a DTSF facility several hours away. It was the one they had visited. From what he could discern from the report, they hadn't released any names or anything, so they were in the clear, probably because the DTSF wanted to take them in personally and branding them public enemies would only cause more concern and distress. He nudged Adelaide's arm so she could also pay attention to what was happening on the screen, pulling her from her search for food momentarily.

"Representatives of the DTSF assure the public that, currently, there are is no reason to consider this a threat to public safety, however they are closely monitoring the situation and are currently in search of an object that had been stolen from the facility during the attack. We will keep you updated as things unfold. Back to you, Diane."

"It's kind of weird seeing it from this side and knowing we were the ones who 'attacked' that place. Good riddance." Isen mumbled, under his breath. "See. I have fun sometimes. That was kind of fun, besides you ruining my attempt at a rescue." Recalling how he had stumbled into her during his attempted rescue, he groaned. "We still need to get rid of that ring, also. Don't think I've forgotten."

And he was back to talking about their personal business. Relaxing had lasted all of maybe thirty seconds. He really was awful at this.
"It's just a saying. He likes how you look." She wasn't even going to try to explain that now, especially now that she had some a laminated, but faded, menu in the bedside drawer with a probably outdated list of foods. No matter, it would at least give her an idea on what to start with. If she went any longer without food, she was probably going to start screaming. Being on the run sucked, and she hadn't even had a week to adjust to it yet.

"No, no, no beating up the machines unless you have to." She barely noticed how he was handling the remote at first, glancing over periodically before finally swatting at his hand and scolding him for being so aggressive to the poor thing before she went back to looking at food. Did she want something terribly greasy and unhealthy, or did she opt on the side of something healthier? Choices, choices.

"Isen, I'm trying to pick out food, what is it?" She glanced up at the insistent nudging, spotting the news and groaning loudly. "I guess at least they didn't give our names." She glanced down at the ring sheepishly and tugged her sleeve down to cover it before going back to the menu. "Yeah yeah, the ring. Just find something other than the news to put on while I order food. They're gonna be pissed when we leave tomorrow, but whatever."

She shrugged and went for the cheap plastic phone beside the bed, letting it ring and then rambling off an order once the line connected. Greasy and unhealthy it was. After the day that she'd had, between being kidnapped, having a magical ring stuck on her, and all the things she had learned, she simply did not give a damn anymore. One more greasy meal wouldn't kill her.
Isen couldn't get a read on whether Adelaide actually wanted to get rid of the ring or not. Surely, she knew the danger that it possessed but also the strength that it's magic could give to her. Her lack of control could be fatal, but learning to manipulate it's energy provided her such a significant boost to her abilities that it almost seemed worth the trade off, even to Isen...had he not known the misery of dealing with magic so powerful and twisted. Sure, there didn't appear to be a demon inside of the ring the way there had been within Onigoshi, but even without an Ignas of her own, the danger associated with holding on to that ring had to be taken seriously. It was an asset but not one they could afford to use, they needed to find a way to get rid of it, whether she wanted that or not. If that put them at odds then he would deal with the repercussions later.

Scrolling through the channels again after hesitantly retrieving the remote following her smacking his hand, he found something other than the news network for her as she requested, settling on reruns of some old sit com from the 90s. It provided background noise, though he paid little attention to the programming itself.

"The witch is going to gorge her sadness away?" Ignas spoke out from across the room, purposely trying to provoke Adelaide out of boredom from being left all on his lonesome at the other side of their room. In fact, Ignas saw an opportunity to annoy them both at the same time and couldn't resist himself. "Be sure to put your charm on again, Isen, how else are you to pay for her bad habits? The man downstairs..."

"Stop." Isen grumbled, feeling embarrassed. He had connected the dots from Adelaide's previous explanation and was hoping to let the subject drop. He had been so unaware, these things didn't come naturally to him anymore. It wouldn't have made a difference, he wasn't interested in the romantic advances of a stranger, but it was flattering at the very least that he had been thought of in such a way. Did Adelaide also like the way he looked? Isen realized he had let that thought cross his mind and tried to push it away before Ignas caught wind of it. Why did it matter anyways? The more time he spent with her, the more he seemed to soften up. He could not yet tell if this was a good thing or an awful mistake.

"Curious, are we, Isen?" He asked. Busted. And considering Adelaide could hear Ignas now, he wondered if she was going to question it or if she had been too enamored by her selection of food to pay any attention to their back and forth.

"I haven't the slightest idea what you mean."

"Right. So, that thought wasn't yours? I'm sorry, it must belong to the other person in your head. Oh, wait, there isn't anybody else in here."

"I guess that means it was yours?"

"Never in a thousand years would I care about the opinion of someone like her. I suggest you follow my lead on that."
"The witch will cackle while doing so." Adelaide retorted without looking toward the sword, stretching out and cracking her neck before beginning to settle in. "Shut up, demon, how was I supposed to know the man was gay?" It was embarrassing enough that she had been shot down when she'd actually tried to seduce someone, and even more so that Isen had needed only to appear for the employee's attitude to change abruptly.

"Curious about what?" Adelaide had finally got comfortable in a half lay, half sitting position on the bed, her chin propped in her hand as she watched the television halfheartedly. At the very least it provided something other than the silence, something other than the obnoxious voice that belonged to Ignas. Speaking of.. He seemed to be tormenting Isen again, but in such a way that it aroused her curiosity on what was going on.

"What are you curious about, Isen?"
"What are you curious about, Isen?"

Well, this was going to be awkward.

He turned his head to look in her direction then shook it gently, from left to right. "I'm not curious about anything." He lied, trying to cover his tracks, but he wasn't getting any assistance from Ignas on that matter. In fact, it felt like the demon was working against him, purposely, to try and make things worse. Why was now the time Ignas and Adelaide had decided they wanted to work together? That partnership was very troublesome for Isen who wished to simply keep quiet and avoid the conversation entirely.

"He was curious about whether or not you and the man from the counter had something in common."

Realizing how that actually sounded coming from Ignas caused Isen great frustration and a little embarrassment as well. He needed to clear it up, it was as though the demon had implied that he was wondering if Adelaide was also gay. The truth was difficult to face but it was also the easiest way out of the situation. He would get his revenge for this later, he knew Ignas had left it intentionally vague on purpose to make it worse.

"...not that." He replied, not wanting her to fall for the misconception. "You had said that the person down stairs acted the way he did because he liked the way that I looked, so..."

"His thoughts were all about whether or not you thought the same."

"I wouldn't say all about it. It was just a single thought, for a moment, one that you decided to make a big deal out of." He grumbled, trying to dig his way out of this hole he had fallen into but getting more awkward about it by the moment. This clearly wasn't his specialty.

"You make it too easy, Isen. Really. You both do." Ignas chuckled to himself, proud of how embarrassed he had made them both, having now put Adelaide in a sticky situation as well.
Wait, did Ignas think she was gay, despite the fact that she had tried to seduce the employee? What the fuck was wrong with him? She glared in the direction of the sword and then looked back at Isen, watching the awkward look on his face with growing curiosity. Why was he acting like that? "...Yeah, I said he liked the way you look, it was pretty obvi--" She froze as Ignas spoke up again, her face turning scarlet as she sputtered.

"Where--Where did that come from?" Had she been staring at him more than she should have? It wasn't as if she'd taken the time to check him out, they were already tentative partners at best, slowly finding things to bond over, and he wondered if she found him attractive? It didn't help at all that she'd had the curious thought of whether the man had ever even had sex, he'd said he had been bound to the sword for.. Some time, and now this question was coming up?

"Shut up, you devil!" Adelaide threw the remote at the sword with a curse and rubbed at her face, peeking over at Isen for a brief moment before she groaned and covered her face. "I hate that sword, I really, really hate it."
Isen watched the remote soar across room, impacting with the dresser the sword had been rested atop and breaking from the impact. He thought he would have been the one to damage it but she had completed the deed in record time. He would have found it funny had he not been mortified by the position Ignas and his big mouth had gotten him into. When he looked back at her, it was tepid at best, taking in the crimson hue that had invaded it's way across her complexion, staining her cheeks red until she covered it entirely, hiding the shade from his gaze. This wasn't normal for her.

He was the one who had reason to be embarrassed, why was she reacting this way?

"Hate me all you want, you both need me. You can barely get through a conversation with each other without me." Had he a face, Ignas would be smirking, proudly.

Isen sighed and stood up, suddenly, stepping away from the bed entirely and approaching the place where Onigoshi was. Walking over the remains of the shattered remote, he picked up the sword and brought it over to the nearby window. Pushing it open, he dropped it down onto the fire escape outside, resting it against the edge of the hotel.

"Isen, what are you doing? Put me back this instant."

Isen closed the window, locking the blade outside. Adelaide had said she would do this, after all, he was just taking iniative.

"You know you can still hear me even though I'm outside, right? You asshole. I'll make you sick again, just watch me. How dare you."

"You're not coming back in until you finally shut up." He chastised the sword as if he were it's father, talking down on his actions, punishing what Ignas had done.

"This is ridiculous. All I did was say what you didn't have the nerve to say yourself. You should be thanking me, both of you. You're both so damn oblivious that it causes me pain and I can't even feel pain!"

"If we ignore him, he might shut up. Or freeze to death. Whichever comes first." Isen shrugged, sitting himself back down near Adelaide. He could still hear Ignas mouthing off but he was focused more so on the way Adelaide was reacting to what had been said. "It's fine. You don't need to answer the question, it was a pointless one anyways. If we let him get to us, he'll become even more insufferable." Hesitantly, his hand reached out towards her back, placing itself there awkwardly. He remembered when he was unwell and she rubbed his back and decided to attempt the same thing in return in hopes it would help her. Of course, her predicament had nothing to do with being sick, but it was the thought that counted, surely.
"Shut up, you infernal demon!" Adelaide ground the words out from behind her hands, watching Isen go over, ignoring the broken remote, and take the sword over to the window. What was he doing? There was a bathroom he could have stored it in, but no, he was--Oh, he was putting the bastard outside just like she had threatened to!

"You--I--" Hell, she couldn't even manage functional sentences at the moment, listening to the exchange with a mixture of horror and amusement. Even having the obnoxious demon outside didn't stop him from talking, but Isen seemed perfectly content with things the way they were as he returned to the bed. She was going to die of embarrassment from the entire situation, and she shook her head when he reassured her that she would not need to answer the question. How could she, when it hadn't even entered her mind until Ignas had brought it up?

"I hate him. I hate him so much." She jumped slightly when the hand settled on her back, her own falling away from her face as she turned to look at him with a puzzled expression. Was he trying to comfort her? The color faded slowly from her face as she forced herself to relax, exhaling slowly before nodding her head.

"I know. I shouldn't have snapped, now we've got the television stuck on this stupid channel unless we want to get up constantly. I'm sorry."
There was a slight startle in her reaction when he touched her back and he nearly withdrew his hand entirely, recoiling away from her response. She seemed, however, to be okay with it after the initial surprise had worn off, so he continued, idly, part of him wanting to help and the other unsure what else to possible do to try.

"I can do it. I don't mind." He offered. It wouldn't have been too difficult for him to move back and forth, it wasn't like it was going to tire him out or anything. Besides, it was either her breaking the remote or he would have found a way to do it on his own eventually anyways. He was already prepared for this, in a way, the constant drone of a laugh track on the television was going to grate them eventually regardless. "Adelaide, I would like to apologize."

He cut himself short as he spoke that. It had come out of nowhere, as sudden as the previous topic of conversation had. There was something clearly on his mind and it had nothing to do with the errant thought that had caused the entire situation to spiral just moments prior. And there he was, apologizing again. Maybe Ignas was right about him going soft. What kind of spell had she casted over him?

"I know you hate him. He is part of my curse too. The reason he causes you so much frustration is because he is part of me. I wish there were more I could do to control him, he has taken much from me and causes me the same anger, but you only have to deal with it because you need me to help you in your fight." None of that was his fault and yet he always seemed willing to take a burden onto himself. It was so harmful to his heavy heart and he was too eager to comply, every time.

"I am still here. Stop ignoring me. Isen?"

"Is there anything I can do to help? You showed me kindness on the train in my moment of weakness. It may not be what you might expect from me but it would only be fair for me to do the same to you in return. We are partners, after all."

Again, Isen was trying and it was the thought that counted, as misguided as he could be. He had warmed up to her enough to actually allow himself to care, even in a hesitant way. He didn't like that, but it was obvious, no matter how hard he tried to hide it behind the cold demeanor he had gotten so used to before she showed up in his life.
"I know you can, but that doesn't make it any less annoying to have to deal with. That was childish of me." Wait, had he just said he wanted to apologize? "What?" He seemed just as shocked as her for a moment before he continued, and she stared at him intently while trying to process his words. It wasn't his fault that Ignas was a part of him. From everything she had understood, it was a partnership made entirely by the demon, and he found it necessary to apologize to her for the demon's behavior?

"Technically it's my own fault for taking the ring," She waited until he had finished speaking before she replied, staring down at her hands and fidgeting with the ring. "Don't blame yourself." She didn't like that she cared enough for it to bother her.

"You helped by putting him outside. Can't leave him out there all night, though, I don't think. What if someone saw and stole him?" Would that even happen, or was she just over analyzing everything because she'd gotten so flustered? "I guess just sit here with me. It's.. Nice having company, honestly. It hasn't been that long since.. Well, since I had to run." Whatever had happened earlier to stir up those memories had made very certain to remind her of the mess she'd left behind.

"Tomorrow we can go back to murder and mayhem, but tonight we should both just try to relax." Once the food arrived she could eat, and after that Ignas would have hopefully tired himself out and allow her to get some sleep.
Isen perched himself at the edge of the mattress, sitting cautiously beside her when she told him to do so. He was so used to hurting people simply for being near them, it was still strange to wrap his head around the idea that she actually wanted him around. They had a deal, but it didn't feel like she was simply tolerating him for what he could give to her anymore. He certainly thought of them more as partners now rather than as means to each other's ends, but it was often difficult for him to think straight to begin with. Sharing a clouded mind with the voice of another tended to complicate things, after all.

Even now, Ignas continued to grumble and groan about being left out in the cold but Isen had managed to block most of it out. The connection was still there, plain as day, even separated by the wall of the hotel, but he had Adelaide's voice to focus on now and it was doing an admirable job in keeping Ignas out of the forefront of his mind.

"No more running." He told her with a nod of his head, turning his own to look at her once more. "From now on, we face it head on. They won't take anything else from you, I won't allow it."

Adelaide was every bit as broken as he was. This feeling of being accustomed to other people getting hurt due to his presence was one she shared too, with her friends, her family. They were more alike than either wanted to let on, a fact that Ignas, of all people, seemed to have been aware of at a much earlier point in time than they were. It was no wonder he felt so threatened, not just because of her history but because of the potential there was for the two of them to actually connect on a level that wasn't superficial and driven by selfish gain. Share trauma made for good bonding material, after all.

"I will try to relax, for you, but I can't guarantee it will happen. This for me, as well. Not new, I guess, but not normal anymore. The last time I spent a night under the same roof as somebody else was before everything, with my sister." He had been alone ever since, save for the voice of the demon that had shattered his life? It was no wonder he had become so distant, so eager to accept the moniker that had been bestowed upon him. Reaper. A demon traveling and destroying everything he touched. If she was destined to be another victim of his, as Ignas would prefer to see happen, it would hurt all the more knowing that the two of them had been approaching something he could safely say he hadn't experienced in so long that he couldn't remember it anymore; friends. Not partners, friends.

Or he was completely off base and none of this was anything like what he seemed to think, in which case, at this point...that would probably hurt too.
"A long time, then." She wondered exactly how long, but considering all of the discoveries they had made that day, all the mental damage that had already been done, she didn't see a need to ask more questions about the painful day. In time, perhaps, but not today.

"If anything, just don't spend the night pacing around the room. You'll drive me nuts." She jumped at the sound of a knock on the door, cursing under her breath before scrambling up and toward the door. "Oh, thank god I thought I would have to wait forever." She opened the door only long enough to get the plate from the employee before she all but slammed it shut, retreating to the bed with her treasure in the form of a greasy burger and fries.

"Hey, don't judge me. Girl's allowed to binge from time to time." Who was she kidding, why would he judge her when he didn't even seem to understand what a proper meal was? "Wait," She'd just gone to take a bite when she thought of something, looking between her food and him before narrowing her eyes. "So like.. You don't need to eat, or you can't eat?"
"A long time." Isen confirmed with a solemn nod of his head. It didn't seem to be something he was proud of, but it was true nevertheless. He took note of her warning and vowed not to pace the room too much or frustrate her. Maybe he'd take to the halls instead. Walking around without a sword on his hip would likely decrease the chance of him causing any trouble pretty significantly, after all.

The knock on the door wasn't unexpected, he could hear the approach of somebody walking before they ever made contact. He was on guard, immediately, probably making Adelaide aware her food was on the way before it actually arrived. When he saw it was her order, he let his guard back down and watched her carry her meal back to the bed, steaming hot and incredibly unhealthy. He wasn't going to call her out on it. As long as she could still fight, and wasn't getting herself into any trouble, she could eat whatever she liked, it's not like it mattered to him.

"I don't need to and it wouldn't have any taste anyways." He replied to her question matter-of-factly. It seemed most of his basic senses were numbed aside from those absolutely needed for survival, his sight and hearing. Ignas likely saw little reason for Isen to be controlled by anything else. Smell was a distraction and touch was a weakness if it meant he could feel pain. Without a need for food, taste also had no real place in what Ignas believed was the perfect vessel.

But he saw an opportunity to make peace and free him from his sentence outside.

"Let me back in and I'll change that. You want to eat? Go eat. Just bring me back inside. I'll even shut up again for the rest of the night, you liked that last time we made a deal."

Could he really do that? It seemed likely. If the dark magic was controlling and changing things in his body, and the stunt he pulled on the train was any indication, he was likely telling the truth.

But was he really going to suggest Adelaide share her precious meal with him? He deferred to her, looking in her direction. It would have been nice to feel something human again, something that didn't make him miserable the way motion sickness had.

"What do you think? Should we let the dog back in?"
"Well that's no fun." Adelaide frowned and took a bite of her burger. How was she supposed to teach him to have fun if he couldn't even do basic things like eat? That took away a lot of options, and her limited funds had already taken away so many that.. Hell, why was she thinking so hard about teaching him to have fun? The man wanted to die, and she'd sworn that one way or another, she would free him from Ignas.

"Wait, what?" She could hear Ignas, even over the sound of the television and eating, but she found his bribe hard to believe. Was he truly so desperate to be inside again that he would offer something so substantial? She looked between Isen and the window with a look of contemplation before nodding. "Let the idiot back in. So long as he behaves himself, he can stay in tonight, and maybe I'll only banish him to the bathroom." It was a toss up on whether or not she could sleep with it close to the bed. On one hand, it would be smart to have it where Isen could reach it easily, and she certainly wasn't going to banish him to the bathroom.

"Yeah, yeah." While Isen went to retrieve the noisy weapon from outside she unwrapped the cheap plastic utensils that had arrived with her meal, cutting the burger in half and leaving one half on the plate while she worked on eating the other. "Eat whatever you want." Imagine not knowing what food tasted like. It sounded absolutely horrible, and she looked sympathetically at her partner before patting at the bed again.

"At least you don't have to worry about it killing you with how unhealthy it could be."
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