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Dissonant Hearts (Degusaurusrex x AndrewS)

The shift of his weight caused the mattress to dip again, alternating between putting pressure on it, and on her, as he moved enough for drunk and clumsy hands to find a means of steadying himself. Her fingers and her legs winding around his waist, made him all the more willing to fulfill her request, but he was dutiful in living up to the moniquer she had given to him. Tease. He quite liked the way she spoke that.

His lips roamed her chest without restraint, exploring it's addictive curve, and the expanse of her neck in turn, kissing and biting, nipping and marking wherever he saw fit until his inability to multitask effectively crossed directly with his impatience to give them both what they truly wanted. Isen was unashamed of the way his arousal pressed against her thighs as he moved above her, and even less so of the groan it forced his lips to release from the sudden contact. Though this was now familiar to him from their previous encounter, it wasn't so much so that he had no doubts, or had no concerns. He took his time to taunt and tempt her before giving in to his own, carnal desire, completely connecting himself to her in a way so intimate that it drew a moan from his lips and completely distracted him from his original mission to be the tease she had claimed he was.

" feel...." He trailed off, unable to form the completion of that thought right now.

With a push of his hips, the connection was created and sealed as he pushed himself, inch by inch, until he was completely inside her. The sensation spread like flame through a forest, scorching every inch of his body, somehow unaffected by the alcohol as instinct and desire took over. He waited a moment, allowing her to stretch to accommodate his size, before repeating what he had done before, withdrawing halfway before sliding back inwards with more force than before. This repetition formed a pattern, and soon, the entire bed was shaking beneath them as he did what he could to maintain the rhythm in between heaving breathing and the noises he was making directly against her mouth. He was no longer focused on kissing her, however. Instead, he was staring down at her, locked in intense eye contact, allowing them both to see each and every ripple of pleasure that they caused one another.

"More..." He breathed out as he began to roll over, doing so while still holding her hips. Though far from graceful, he laughed a little as he found himself beneath her now, never having removed himself from between her legs. With her above him, his hands traced her skin, outlined the form of her body as he watched her intently, waiting for her to move whenever she was ready, his hands settling in on her breast and cradling them in between his larger, rough hands.
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She was going to wake up with marks from his mouth on her, wasn't she? Hell, did she even care? They were about to go into a full-on war, what was a hickey or two for the demons to taunt them about? He could leave as many marks as he wanted as long as he got over there and got inside of her. Ankles dug into his back when he pressed between her legs and against her core, urging him on as he slid inch by delicious inch as her body stretched to accommodate him. It was such a delightful feeling of being full, her hands grasping blindly at his shoulders as she adjusted to the intrusion, welcoming him even as her hips lifted slightly and she found herself desperate to create that friction between them again.

"Amazing." She finished his sentence for him with another soft gasp that was shortly muffled, hungry lips on hers as they found a suitable rhythm that had her locking around his waist and grabbing at any part of him that she could reach with a series of muffled moans. Whatever sounds weren't being hushed by her lover were being covered by the noisy shaking of the bed under the force of his furious thrusting, but the little part of her that once would have cared about the noise found that she didn't care in the slightest. Hell, the noises she was hearing coming from him only turned her on more, nails raking lines down his back as she caught the way his eyes were locked onto hers. It was such a simple gesture that held such intimate power, forcing her to keep her eyes open even as she shuddered and writhed beneath the onslaught of pleasure washing over her.

"More," She readily agreed as his hands dug into her hips, laughter bubbling forth to echo his as they rolled and she settled herself awkwardly on top of him. Hands planted themselves on his chest as she shook back her messy hair, anchoring herself and beginning a slow rhythm as she sought the perfect angle. It was so different being joined with him this way, her back arching to press her chest further into his hands as she shuddered and sank down on him again. While her movements weren't nearly as ferocious as his had been moments before, there was a growing urgency as she lifted her hips and rode him faster, one of her hands raising to cover his as her other dug crescents into the hard muscle of his chest.

"Fuck, Isen." She leaned forward before a strangled sort of moan caught in her throat, her hips bucking as she ground faster against the friction between their bodies, in search of that ever-closer high. "Don't stop." It didn't matter that her legs were burning with the quick movements or that it felt like she could never get a full breath between the moans and gasps he was drawing from her, all that mattered was chasing that high together and bringing them both to the very peak of pleasure. "Fuck, I love you."
From his position, he felt very vulnerable, but not in a way he was used to. He had been in similar situations before in fights and in battles, but never in a way that yearned him to stay that way. From his view point, he saw everything he could have ever dreamt of seeing. The way her body arched and moved with every movement, the motion and the sounds she was making colliding together in an overwhelming assault on all of his was intoxication at it's purest.

Isen's hands pulled out of hers, urgently, gliding their way over Adelaide's hips. They gripped at her thighs, trailing over ever inch of warm skin that he could find. He tugged, his own hips bucking and lifting upwards as she moved, letting her ride him but not without completely submitting to her will. Each time she dug her nails into his chest, he gasped, and when her hips moved into just the right spot, he moaned for her. The shift in the power dynamic was so dramatic that it was only serving to excite him more, the alcohol in his body numbing out everything from the outside that was unrelated to what they were doing.

And fuck, that felt good.

She was making his entire body burn and sing in delight, in a pleasure he couldn't describe. He held onto her tighter, as if he couldn't get enough of her, like his hands didn't know where they wanted to stay. Eventually, they settled in on her rear, finger tips pressing roughly enough against her ass that it would be sure to bruise in the morning. With every bit of mortal strength he could muster, he willed her to somehow go faster, harder, to spend every ounce of energy they both had in chase of a delirious high that only they could bring one another.

"I love you more..." He whispered, breathlessly, as he felt that pleasure spiking and peaking between his thighs.

He knew he wasn't going to last much longer, especially at the pace she was moving, but he was trying to hold on desperately to extend their session as long as he possibly could. Grunting and groaning, he tried to distract himself with the way he was holding her, but the frustration of being unable to do so manifested in something he had done completely on instinct; his palms collided with the plump flesh of her bottom, spanking her just once. His hands came to a rest there and he looked up at her, curiously, prepared to apologize in case he had harmed her in any way, though the act of doing so had caused his erection to pulsate inside of her with excitement from the sudden forcefulness.
There was something so thrilling about hearing him say it back in the heat of the moment, the way he almost gasped the words out as his nails bit into her skin. She had a feeling that come morning there were going to either be crescents indented into her flesh or fingertip shaped bruises, the latter of which sent a shiver of desire rippling through her. The thought of having a mark that would last for more than just the night was more exciting than she would have thought, something to tide her by as they went into the oncoming war knowing this may very well be their last night together like this.

Adelaide found herself torn away from that train of thought when she heard the dual smacks before she felt them, her gaze snapping back to his just as the stinging sensation began to set into her backside and she realized just what had transpired. It was the absolute last thing she would have expected from Isen, her lips spreading into a brilliant smile as she rocked against the mixture of her ass stinging and the way he was pulsing inside of her, eager to continue the feeling as long as she could.

"You're so hot." It made her feel a bit like a lovestruck teenager to be gasping out those words in between breathy moans, but her head was spinning with pleasure from the feeling of absolute fullness and its accompanying friction. Her hands found purchase near his shoulders as her nails scraped flesh and latched on, anchoring her as her legs shook with every quickening roll and grind of her hips that pushed her towards ecstasy.

"Fuckkkkk," Her teeth clamped onto her lower lip as she shuddered on top of him with a barely contained whimper, her hips bucking before she sank her nails deep into his shoulders and held on for dear life. Spasm after spasm wracked her body as she tried to muffle the moans of her orgasm, working their way through lips with a shaky gasp as her movements became more erratic from the intensity of it all.
With the realization that what he had done hadn't actually hurt her and that, instead, it appeared to be something she liked very much, Isen's hands came back down against plump skin with force and punctuated with a squeeze and pull that only served to hasten their rhythm. Had he still been with Ignas, it's possible he might have done more damage, and he was thankful he hadn't given into that desire last time, but was more than willing to indulged in it now. It was an action that was repeated in turn, hoping to spur more of those delicious noises past her lips while he, himself, used it as a distraction to try and quell the ever burning, and ever building, fire in his loins that threatened to end their tryst at any moment.

The limits of his endurance had been tested and while he had had held up thus far, the moment her body began to spasm in response, his defenses crumbled instantaneously as though it were an invitation for him to succumb as well. Each contraction, and every shiver of her body, created more friction, and with him buried so deeply inside of her, he felt it all. Finger tips pressed in with pressure and force, destined to bruise her skin if not having done so already, as he let go and joined her in the throws of a blissful orgasm. His own body grew rigid and tightened beneath her, leaving her as the only one moving as the intensity mounted, though it was no less enjoyable for him. Instead, the perfect storm of sensations and feelings had every inch of his body burning, and thus just like before, even though now he should have known better, he hadn't taken any initiative to relief himself from between her thighs before his orgasm gripped him.

His shaft pulsated within her, and filled her with his warmth. She tried to muffle her noises, and he wished she hadn't. He let them go, freely, unable to hold them back, hoping doing so would entice her to do the same. Isen held on to her tightly as she milked every last drop, leaving him spent and breathless, their sticky, warm skin pressing together as they both tried to find composure in the after glow of what they had caused each other. His arm wrapped around her back, fingers moving through her hair. They shook, slightly, from the after shocks and from the alcohol, but the gesture was gentle and kind regardless. He pushed blonde strands away from her eyes so that he could meet them when they opened, ignoring the mess they had made to share this moment for a short while before they inevitably needed to separate and attempt to clean what they had left behind on the bed sheets.

"I love you."

He whispered, sincerely, letting the gentle stroke of his fingers curl back around her jaw and over her shoulders once more until his hands found their way back to her waist. Playfully, they stole a tired squeeze at her back side with a small laugh following afterwards. "Promise me this won't be our last night together like this." His next sentence, still as whispered as before, seemed a little more serious. He knew what they were up against, and he knew it wasn't a matter of the strength of their connection but rather, the outcome of their war against a powerful foe, but what he held within his arms was far more than just the key to a victory against a demon; she was his home, and it pained him to know she would be fighting this battle without him.
If she hadn't been certain about being bruised before this moment, she was certain now. The intensity of his fingers pressing into her skin matched the apparent intensity of his orgasm, the room filled with shuddering moans and breathy gasps as they rode it out together and finished a quivering, sticky pile of limbs tangled together. It took all of her remaining strength not to simply sag against his chest and lay there like a madwoman having finished a race, her hands still planted against his skin in a shaky set of anchors to keep herself partially upright.

Then his arm was around her urging her to be closer to him, his fingers working through her tangled locks in a soothing motion that tempted her to simply lay against him and enjoy the embrace of both arms and sleep. It wasn't until she felt him brushing hair gently from her face and she opened her eyes that she saw how far forward she'd drifted, subconsciously pressing herself further into the intimate touch as a lazy smile took over her face.

"I love you too." The adoration on her face was clear as she nearly purred under the roaming touches, savoring the feel of his fingertips coasting along her skin before she laughed at his halfhearted squeeze of her ass. It was his next words that made her smile falter some, her lips still curved upward in the motion even as it no longer reached her eyes. It was a promise she didn't feel right to make with the uncertainty of the future, but a part of her wanted so desperately for everyone to survive this, for them to have many, many more nights of lying together in bed like this.

"Yeah," She finally broke the silence, leaning down and pressing a brief kiss to his lips, "You're stuck with me no matter the lifetime. I'm not that easy to get rid of." She wiggled against him with a quiet chuckle, then planted her hands firmly on his lips and extricated herself with an unhappy groan. "Maybe we just wait until the morning to shower." Despite the fact that they were both covered in sweat, smelled like fire, and she now had a mess dripping from between her thighs, she was in no hurry to vacate in the bed and it showed in the way she repositioned herself up against his side and threw a leg over his.

"Right now, I just want to be here with you."
Isen's palm came to rest a top her thigh, letting her leg lay over him like a blanket that kept him firmly in place against the bed. He made no effort to get up or leave, playing along with her request as he looked up at her. His features softened, and a sigh parted his lips in a gentle fashion. He couldn't help but feel some discomfort, however, with the answer she had provided. He wished for a promise, and she was very particular to avoid using that word in return. Still, he played it off as his drunken mind playing tricks on him. Was he really in any state to dive deeper, anyways? Basking in the high, and still feeling the inebriation, he knew it wouldn't be long before he drifted off to sleep, and her, likely, with him in the process.

Rather than fight it, or argue with her, he nodded his head graciously and found a comfortable position for it to rest against a pillow while keeping her close. "In the morning, then."

Tomorrow, it was very possible that everything he knew would change once again. He had already experienced one radical deviation, namely the lack of demon-sourced noise within his head, but there would be more to come. He would steel himself for when the time came, but for now, he was happy to extend every second with her as long as he possibly could.

And so, he did, with his fingers stroking across her back, and through her hair, until his breathing slowed and he fell asleep.

Despite the exhaustion, and his loving company, Isen's sleep was anything but peaceful.

His mind was restless. Adjusting to his regained humanity, while nice in many ways, had been taxing in others. Memories strung him along throughout the night like a slideshow, recollections of what he had lost, and what he still had left to lose.

Through his own eyes, he saw his hands stained with the blood of Samara. With his human senses, he felt the grief he shared with Ignas as he said goodbye to his beloved Clara for the final time. He felt the uneasiness in the pit of his stomach when he realized Takami had gone, and imagined the pain it must have caused Isabella. He remembered Meribell, too, a ghost he could never escape the haunt of. Oh, his darling sister...

Voices echoed and whispered, threatening to drive him insane. It was worse than Ignas, or any demon could be; it was painful.

"Now, make the ending count, alright?"
"Goodbye, my star..."
"Death is not the end..."
"You're stuck with me no matter the lifetime."

A feather of a deceased familiar. A fluttering ribbon of gold that no longer had a place to rest. A stuffed animal of a lost loved one....a key to a home that may never find proper use. Spread before him, across a blood-soaked city street, Isen peered up at the sky. The sun was hollow, as it was the day of the Calling, and an overwhelming dread of failure washed over him once more.

Was this what awaited them?

Isen slipped away from Adelaide as soon as the morning came.

Though his head ached with reminders of how much he had drank, he sobered himself up with a shower and found himself outside. Most of the demons were asleep still, resting up after their night spent partying. He had seen no signs of Tyrath, or Danica, or Ignas for that matter, but he was fine with that.

He had found a long branch from the trees damaged during Ignas' forest massacre, and brandished it like it were Onigoshi. He swung. He trained. He failed.

Every thing he had learned about fighting, every thing he had been given, was gone. Without Ignas, he could barely find a form that worked. He swung with frustration, cracking the branch over the bow of a much larger tree and fell against it in frustration. Was there really nothing left he could do?
"Good night, Isen." As the afterglow of sex sapped the last of her strength and lulled her towards sleep, Adelaide turned her head enough to press a soft kiss to Isen's shoulder before nestling herself back into a comfortable spot. It didn't take much longer to slip into sleep now that she was sated and warm, pressed up against the most important person in her life.

Adelaide didn't sleep nearly as poorly as her partner did, although there were some odd tidbits of dreams that floated around her brain in an alcohol induced haze throughout the night. Anytime she roused slightly from her slumber there was that comforting presence beside her, the body she lay partially draped over even as they both shifted periodically throughout the night. None of it was enough to make her pull away from Isen, so it was miraculous that he managed to extricate himself from her grip without waking her come morning.

She found herself swiping at the empty mattress and groaning unhappily upon realizing she was now alone. There were several muttered complaints about the sheets as her groggy brain tried to figure out if she simply hadn't felt around enough, or if Isen was entirely out of the room. It took lifting her tired head and blinking herself into a semblance of coherency to see that not only was she alone in the room, but she didn't hear anyone down the hall in the bathroom. Had she slept in that late, or had he gotten up that early and gone to talk to one of the demons while she slept?

"Oh well." It was probably a good thing they weren't taking a shower together. The chances of the hot water running out coupled with the risk of someone hearing them if things got heated... Well, it was enough to make her grumble her way to the bathroom wrapped in a sheet. Knowing she had to put the same clothes back on wasn't exactly thrilling, but that was a matter she could deal with later once she was at least clean. At the very least, Samara and Isen's gift to her of fixing the house had probably left some old toothpaste and deodorant around with the soaps, so all wasn't lost yet.

No one had barged in on her while she was dragging herself down the hall in the sex scented sheet, so that was a good start to the morning. The towel was still slightly damp from what she assumed was Isen managing to steal the shower before her, a thought that had her cheeks heating before she shook it off and forced herself into the shower finally.

All was going well until she heard the loud thud coming from downstairs and paused, standing there with soap still running out of her hair and listening intently. It wasn't one of the doors but rather a thud like someone or something landing on the floor, followed by almost hysterical words that had her straining to hear over the water. Who was inside her house muttering like a crazy person?

"Adelaide?! Isen?! What the--Fucking demons?" Adelaide gave a quick scrub of her head to make sure the rest of the soap was off before scrambling to turn off the shower and get out. The hysterical person downstairs was clearly Isabella, and after shouting a jumbled sort of 'hold on I'm up here' through the closed door, she stumbled back to the bedroom in a towel and into her clothes.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

"Ada, I lost him!"

She was still struggling into her pants while simultaneously trying to dry her hair with a spell when she heard just how poorly the vampire sounded, then staggering down the stairs and screeching to a halt as she nearly tripped over a still sleeping demon. Okay, only some of them had slept outside, apparently, and she cursed before ushering the vampire toward the back door to go outside. She wasn't nearly awake enough for this, and she had a feeling whatever was going on, Isen needed to be present as well.

"Calm down, Isabella, let's go find Isen and you can tell us what's going on. Don't mind the demons, they're on our side. God, where have you been? When we couldn't find you after the attack at Tyrath's..." She trailed off while opening the back door and led the hyperventilating vampire outside. "Isen? Isabella's back!" There were a handful of quiet groans from some of the demons when she shouted across the yard but she paid them no heed, gently pulling along the anxious vampire who was still babbling quietly.

"I lost him. I can't believe I lost him."

"Is, are you talking about Takami? I know we lost him, it's okay to be upset but you gotta breathe, okay?"

"No, Adelaide, you don't get it! One second he was there and then the next he was gone."

"Yeah, babe, I know. It sucks that he died." Great, now they seemingly had a vampire having a mental breakdown, especially when Isabella's head jerked up and she gave the mage a strange look.

"No, Ada, I mean I literally lost him. He was with me, and now he's gone and I have no idea where he ran off to."

Wait, what?
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