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Bad Habits (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"Jesus H..." She muttered and turned up her fan, frowning when it was already on high. How was is so hot, even with the AC on? She wanted to feel Munro's hands on her already.
She had a dream where he had come into her room and just used her, not even asking her. Just grunting in her ear as he fucked her awake.
“Yes” he replied. In truth, he was. After some consideration, he had gotten approval to upgrade the home’s security systems, so he was making sure that the home stayed secure while the upgrades were being installed.
She scowled and climbed out of bed, pushing her shorts down just under her hips and her shirt up before taking a picture and sending it to him. She fixed her pajamas bitterly and crawled back into bed.
"I get it," she would say, still kissing him and holding his hand. So maybe she wasn't too mad? The pictures never stopped coming though.
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