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The Art Thief's Taunt. (LunarWolf & Guardian Angel)


Mar 29, 2018
North America
Crystal stood in the rain he waist length hair plastered to her body as she wasn't using an umbrella since she was holding a single black rose while she looked at the casket of her fallen partner who had paid the ultimate price in the line of duty while she had taken a slug to her shoulder. For Crystal this last case had been hell and this time it had cost her the most. Crystal and her partner Jerry had been investigating the homicide of a single mother and her infant daughter, during their investigation they had learned that the woman ex-boyfriend had made several threats against her and when they had gone to question the man about it he had lost his mind. no sooner had they knocked then the male had opened fire on them and while Crystal had ben fast the man had been faster and with one lucky shot he had killed Jerry. Crystal would live with the reminder of that day but her partners family would have to live with the loss of their husband, father, son, and brother.


Crystal returned to work after passing her psyche evale and after asking for a transfer to a different department. for her working in homicide was out of the question even her theirapist agreed that going back so soon after Jerry's death was not a wise move. while he doctor had hope that she would return Crystal knew better she would never go back as she never wanted to risk losing her partner again. so that was how she ended up in the Art crimes unit and soon after ariving on her first day she was headed out to the scene of a theft. when Crystal pulled up outside of the manor where the painting had been hung she couldn't help but wonder who no one had noticed the thief when there were cameras ever where.

Crystal stepped out of her car and headed in to the manor heading in the direction she had been pointed so she could speak with the officer who had been the first on the scene.
The mansion sat atop the hill at the edge of town, and the owners were standing outside of the mansion speaking with one of the officers that was there. They had just returned home and everything had seemed normal, at least until they had entered the sitting room where the painting had been hanging. A rather simple painting of a little girl playing in a field of wildflowers, but for any art collector.... one knew that the painting was worth quite a bit. One of the last paintings that had been done by a world-renowned artist prior to their death. Yet the painting had gone missing, despite the cameras that had been placed within the room after the reports of other paintings being stolen and they had wanted to prevent their painting from going missing. Well obviously that hadn't happened.
The thieves in questions were a pair of platinum blonde haired twins, a male and a female, who were currently walking through town as though they had no idea about what had happened. The painting had been stashed away in a safe place and the only thing that had been left behind was a message stating that they weren't done yet. The task itself had been quite simple, especially for the young woman who had actually slipped into the mansion itself to get the painting. Bypassing security had been a breeze, and it had been her brother who had taken care of making sure that she wasn't spotted on camera.

The officer that had been first on the scene had been speaking with the owners of the mansion and the painting when the woman had shown up. This had him looking over before he was giving a nod of his head in greeting. After that he was commenting, "They had the security cameras installed after the other robberies. Yet somehow this thief bypassed the security and got around the cameras. We know that hacking was involved but they are skilled... covered all traces. Actually trying to trace them had us being lead back to our own department." A very skilled hacker, more skilled than not.
Crystal frowned and then gave the owners a small smile greeting them and while the officer wrote she asked questions getting more detailed not only about their security system but also the company that they got the system through. Crystal had a list of every company and so far no two houses had the same company so she was also looking in to other options including insurance companies. Crystal also got their insurance company name. while they spoke Crystal went and looked over the different rooms and found that the room the painting had been in had no windows so she was curious how someone would know that they had the painting to begin with.

After she looked everythign over Crystal walked with the officer "I want to look in to the security and insurance companies we have had several robberies and all of them involve high value art and nothign else."
The officer was looking towards the woman for a brief moment in time before he spoke, "We have already looked into the insurance company and it isn't the same as the other places. Whoever broke in made their way through the house from the front door; and straight to this room." There was the only way that they could have gotten into the house, well through one of the doors anyways. But either way they would have needed to make their way through the house just to get to that inner room.
"true but how are they finding these paintings none of these victims openly advertise that they have them" Crystal wanted to find the link if they could they would have a better chance at figuring out which painting they would go after next."Ill see you back at the department there is one lead I want to check on and hopefully this will be what we need." Crystal was headed to see an art restorer
This had the officer shaking his head before he was stating that he had no idea although it wasn't long before he was holding out a note that had been left behind. A message that stated that they weren't done, which told them that there was more than one involved. Or the message could be misleading them to make them think that there was more than one person involved. As Crystal was headed to speak to an art restorer, the twin thieves were actually standing within the building and looking at some of the paintings, taking in the features just like many other art collectors that were there. "Simply beautiful." the female was breathing in a rather breathless voice before she was studying who did the painting.
Crystal parked when she arrived and then headed in to speak with the restorer about the paintings hoping that this was the lead that she needed to try and break this case open. Crystal spotted the twins when she walked in to the room but for the moment she wasn't worried as they just seemed to be enjoying the paintings that were being shown at the time
"Oh.... I spy some interesting art." came the voice of the male as he was just seeming to check out a painting past Crystal; only his twin knowing that he was actually checking out Crystal. Yet he flawlessly hid it as he made himself past her so that he could check out the painting that was behind where she had been walking. This had the female looking over to see what had caught his eye and she was prancing over so that she could study it as well. "Oh the colors are simply beautiful." she was cooing happily before she was stating that she was really wanting to go home and paint... yet that meant that she was going to need more canvases. "I have some empty canvases that had been left here by an aspiring artist, but they had given up on their dream." the restorer for speaking which had her giving a bright smile, and thanking him.
Crystal waited until they were done before she introduced herself to the man and asking if she could have a moment of his time. Crystal had complete photoes and list of every painting taken and she needed to know if he had cleaned or restored them. Crystal knew that news of the robberies had gone around the city but she could hope that if he didn't do the work that he could give her the name of someone who could
The art restorer was just looking at the list and was then studying the photos for a brief moment in time. With that he was nodding his head before he was speaking, "I do recognize a couple of them." He was tapping on a couple of the pictures, ones that he had personally done the work on. Yet the others... they were familiar but he hadn't done the work with them. "Oh my these pictures are beautiful." came the voice of the female twin who seemed to be hovering nearby studying a different painting when the pictures had caught her eye.
Crystal smiled at her lightly "that they are" she then returned her attention to the male "do you know of anyone else who could have doent he work on the others we are trying to figure out a connection as all of these paintings have been stolen in the last couple of weeks" Crystal was glad she had come there as this was a lead she needed and she marked the ones he had done the work on as it would help in the long run
This had the man shaking his head for a brief moment in time before he spoke, "Afraid I cannot help you there. I just moved here a few months ago and haven't gotten to know others in this profession yet." With that he was tapping his finger to his lips before he was stating that he was pretty sure there was another place that was a few blocks away that could probably help a moment. "Try going to be Brandon. He does a lot of restorations as well." came the voice of the male twin as he walked over to stand next to his sister.
"Oh sorry these are Kailee and Aaron. They are a couple of art collectors that come here often." the man was speaking which had the blonde haired female giving a smile before she was waving her hand. With that she was stating that the pictures that she had seen had been stunning although she was frowning before she was speaking, "From the pictures they looked stunning, a shame that I couldn't physically see them."
"that it is and thank you for the suggestions" Crystal put everythign away before thanking hte male for his time and welcoming him to the city and then she turned and sad her fairlwells to the twins and then headed out so that she could get to the others as well and talk to them before she forgot. Crystal also made sure to update her captain as she had refused a partner and this was the agreement that they had come too. she wasn't going over someones head but she wasn't alone either
When the woman left the building, Aaron was just watching her leave before he was giving a faint smirk before he was speaking, "I must obtain that art." His eyes were flickering towards Kailee, who was just giving a small giggle before she was commenting that they needed to get going. After all the art museum was unveiling a new painting that they had just received not long ago. A painting by another famous painter; their final painting before they had retired from painting. And the twins were wanting to see it... and check out the security so they could find out how difficult it would be to steal it.
Crystal headed to the male they had suggested so that she could talk to him. Crystal was completetly un aware that she had caught a thiefs attention or that she was now a target as well. Crystal spent the rest of the day tracking down those who could do the work and her final stop was the museum as they would have the records of all those they recomended or sent out too.
While Crystal was tracking people down, Aaron seemed to be keeping tabs on her. Although it wasn't as though it was that difficult, not with the tiny bug that he had managed to plant on her earlier when he had "accidentally" collided with her. So he was currently sitting in a cafe across the street from the museum and was just looking at a few things on his laptop. While he was doing that, Kailee was actually wandering about in the museum just looking at a number of the paintings that were there.
Crystal spoke with the head of the museum and went over each of the paintings. and she finally found her connection they had all at one point with in the last two to three months been shown there. Crystal then asked to see all of those records and if she could see where they had all been stored before and after and where they had hung while at the museum.
The head of the museum was just looking for a moment in time before she was speaking, "We have them restored at many different places. It all depends on how soon we are wanting to show them. Our most recent painting had just been restored and the artist had wanted us to get it up as soon as possible." With that she was leading her through where they showcased the paintings when they were finished. The painting that was currently being showcased had a number of people already looking at it, many people talking about it.
Crystal nodded her head "I am going to ask you to put live guards on it if you can so far every painting that has been shown here has been taken after they are returned to their owner" Crystal walked with her going over everything that they needed and she also looked over their security as well but she had a feeling that she would be getting another call soon but why that was she couldn't tell.
This had the woman giving a nod of her head before she was stating that she would be sure to do just that. Little did either of them know was that Aaron could hear their conversation through the bug, a wireless headphone in his ear. On his laptop was a music video, which made it seem as though he were listening to that, when the truth was he was listening to his phone. Which was laying on the table with a locked screen, nothing seeming to show.
"if need be Ill assign some officers to the building as well until we are certain that this painting is going to be targeted" Crystal walked with her as they went over everything that they needed to to make sure that the painting would remain safe and in the museum and she was going to go and speak with the owner as well to make sure that when it was returned that they kept it in their possession and not have it stolen like the others
The head was giving a nod before she was stating that any help would be useful at that point in time. As Aaron continued to listen he found himself chuckling a bit, a faint smile on his lips. Oh this was definitely going to be fun, especially for Kailee. After all she was the infamous thief that had been breaking in and stealing the stuff, he just made sure to cover her back.
Crystal picked her phone up and called in for a few uniforms to come and guard the painting. Crystal had a hunch and she wondered if acting on it would keep this painting from being stolen as well. once the officers were there and had their orders Crystal headed out after getting all the information that she needed. Crystal headed back to her precinct and started looking over the little evidence that they did have. Crystal spent the next several hours going over everything and needing an break and to deal with her throbbing shoulder she packed up and headed home for the night
At least that was the prediction that it wasn't going to be stolen, yet the twins were already plotting after they had all of the information that they were needing. As hours went by the twins were back at their place and Aaron was hacking into the security cameras, and was seeing where all of the guards were, including the officers. It wasn't long before Kailee was changing into black clothing and her long hair was being pulled up into a tight bun, a faint smirk on her lips. Nope they were soon enough on the move, to steal the painting right out from beneath their noses. And even if Kailee did get spotted, trying to identify her was going to be difficult, she had covered up an identifying markers, and was wearing a pair of brown contact lenses to cover up blue eyes.
when Crystal arrived at home she shrugged her coat off and if he was still listening would hear her pained cry as she slipped out of her holster and applied ice to her shoulder. the doctors had warned her that for some time she would still feel pain from the wound even though it was healed. Crystal took one of hte pain meds she had been given and made herself some food. while eating with one had was difficult she had been managing for six months.
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