Mx Female Now Hiring: Long term or Short Term RP Partners (Necessary qualifications include: Forbidden Romance, Romance, Drama)


Jun 9, 2021
Florida, United States
Hello, and welcome to my first very own request / cravings thread. I wont bore you all with too long of an introduction, other than I have about 10 years of roleplay experience, play mostly male characters, and mostly look for MxF or MxFxF plots / pairings. Most of my roleplaying is slice of life style and incorporates romance, forbidden romance, drama, and action.

These are more so just fun facts / things to know about my writing, but in the off chance someone actually is bored enough to read them all, here you go:

1) First and foremost, I am relatively easy going (at least I consider myself to be), so please if you have rules of your own, requests of your own, preferences, no-nos, yes-pleases, etc., please do let me know. I have envisions for how I would like my plots to play out, but honestly it would be a very boring world if things always went as we expected, so please if we roleplay feel free to suggest additions or changes to the setting, backstory, or even my character (within reason).

2) Kind of related to #1, but if you are not happy / don't like a roleplay we are doing, please tell me. I am a firm believer that in order for a story to be worth it, both writers need to enjoy it and be engaged. If you tell me you are not enjoying a roleplay, I will be open to changing it up, or even starting a new one if need be. or it may even be that we do not mesh together as writers, AND THAT'S OK. If its not working out between us, all I ask is that we are upfront with each other and communicate as such. If we have to politely tell each other "sorry, but its not working out", then so be it. I will not hold it against you if this is the case, but I do ask that you reciprocate by showing me the same respect and letting me know over dragging it out going through the motions and wasting my time.

3) God-Modding / Controlling my character: Contrary to most who seem to consider this to be a mortal sin, I DO NOT MIND if you control my character WITHIN REASON for the sake of moving the story line along. I do understand that most do not want their partner to control their character however, so I will not control your's unless I have permission.

4) I can do either first person or third person writing. Whichever you prefer, I will match your style.

5) Grammar/Spelling: Please make an attempt. Mine is not perfect and sometimes my brain moves faster than my fingers. A few misspelled or misplaced words I am fine with and will do myself, but if I cant understand what you are saying I will ask you to re-write it.

6) Response Length: I have done everything from 2 sentences to 5 paragraphs and everything in between. Essentially, as long as you can write at least 2 sentences per reply I am open to it.

7) Smut: Most if not all of my plots will include smut, but I do need storyline along with it, especially if its going to be anything close to a long term story. A general plot/smut ratio would be 50% plot, 50% smut.

8) I prefer to play in PM's here on the sight, however discord is an option as well.

- Gore
- Vore
- Piss / Scat
- Non-con (dub-con is a maybe, dependent on the plot)
- Beastiallity


1) Can you Teach Me? MC and YC are close, and always have been. They hang out, play video games, watch movies, etc. But they are polar opposites. MC is outgoing, a ladies man, smooth and charismatic. YC is shy, inexperienced at relationships, and not very self confident. So what happens when YC finally gets asked out on a date by other guy? She wants to go, but is nervous about what will happen and she's never even had her first kiss. So she turns to MC, the only one she trusts to ask advice on such topics. It starts with what to expect, then on how to kiss, and there are some things that are better taught by example. After the kiss things heat up more. YC may keep asking, and MC keeps showing, both realizing they have been missing out on an incredible spark between the two.
(For this, their relationship could be a multitude of things. They could be childhood friends, they could be cousins, MC could be an older cousin, MC could be YC's favorite uncle, or even her stepfather)

2) Extra Practice YC is the star player on her sports team (her sport could be: volleyball, track, soccer, basketball,) and MC is her coach. She's heading into her senior season and expected to be the upcoming star player, as well as the team captain. Being driven, she wants to go to the next level and MC, being happy to help, invites her to his place after practice for some extra workouts. YC happily agrees but of course there is some sexual tension between the two, YC has had a crush on MC, and MC has had a crush on YC. Of course neither had ever done anything or ever hinted at the other since it would be inappropriate, but with the two of them alone, at his house, that all may change once things get hot and heavy doing workouts.
(For this, I am envisioning YC to be either in high school or in college. MC can be anywhere from age 25 to 45, depending on your preferences)

3) My Friend's Hot Mom (Ok I know I know, everyone has done one of these) YC is the mother of MC's best friend, and also MC's neighbor. Naturally, MC and YC's son hang out all the time, play sports together, and MC is always at YC's house. Now that MC is 18 and all grown up, YC finds her eyes wandering to him more and more when he's out back by the pool, or when she is in the stands watching their sporting events. YC's husband is often out of town for work, often leaving her lonely and needing attention. When she decides to see if she's still got it, she starts to flirt, and even tease MC. MC, being the young man he is, welcomes her attention, but is a little timid being she is an older, experienced woman. What will he do and how far will he let her go knowing she is married, and it would be a betrayal of his best friend.
(Themes: Cheating, Seduction, teasing, slow burn, sneaking around.)

4) Childhood Friends This is kind of a quick one-shot but is a craving of mine. The premise is YC and MC are the same age and more or less grew up together. They were in the same class since pre-K and had the same friends group there entire lives. Growing up they viewed each other more of a brother/sister, but now that they are older they see each other in a new light. What happens when they go out for a night of clubbing or drinking at a bar and end up on the dance floor together?

Other Pairings:
Strangers Who Meet on a Vacation
Friends Father or Father's Friend
Uncle / Niece
Aunt / Nephew
Brother or Sisters Friend / Friend's Brother or Sister
Boss / Employee
Camper / Camp Counselor
Babysitter / Child's Father

Thanks for having a read. There will be more to come as I have time to update šŸ˜
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