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Savage Love (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"You do not leave to conquer on your own initiative?" Reiner asked, sounding as confused as he appeared dumbfounded.
"The Lady is pregnant??" Albrecht asked.
"Lieben?" Aileen came around the corner, Anelise on her hip - and arguably not pregnant - smiling a bit uneasily at Ludwig as she moved over, "I was unaware we had guests, I would have prepared better."
"An Irishwoman." Reiner whispered, "I had hoped it was a jest."
"To think, he would taint the good fortune given to him by marrying a whore of S-"
"Shut up, both of you." Dieter hissed, "Not in front of them, you dolts."
"They meant no disrespect, ser. Their mouths run away from them most days." Dieter said. Aileen, however, was not impressed; her expression fell the moment Reiner and Albrecht began whispering, though it was all ancient nonsense she had heard many times before.
"Shall I request the kitchen to prepare something to eat?" She asked Ludwig.
She nodded, "Of course, lieben. Please, excuse me, then. I have some tasks to complete for the hold." She gave her best curtsey with Anelise in her arms and turned to leave.
"On the contrary," Dieter called, causing Aileen to turn, "we have traveled quite far. Some refreshment would be appreciated." Aileen gave her most convincing smile and nodded her head.
"I'll inform the cooks. Excuse me." She replied and turned away again.
He waited until she left. “If I hear any of you insulting my wife again I will send you back to the king in a box. Are we clear? You represent him but you are in my home.”
"They meant no harm, ser." Dieter said calmly, "As I said, their mouths run away from them."
"It's just, uh..." Reiner paused, trying to find the right word.
"Different," Albrecht butt in, "to take such an unusual bride."
They spoke on Ludwig's need to go and maintain order for the King, conquer small towns and land for himself and the crown, stupid things he had no real interest in doing.
He agreed, however, realizing that it would be in his, and Aileen’s best interest if he just did as they asked.
Though, how happy would Aileen be if he just left again? How would his mental stability fare being away from his wife for so long?
They had made a lot of ground in the seemingly short time Ludwig had left them. He caught them on the other side of the hold, speaking to Aileen.
"And how long have you been wed to him?" Albrecht asked.
"It will be two years come this fall." Aileen answered.
"And your daughter, how old is she?" Reiner asked.
"She will be one by the next new moon." She answered again.
"And yet no son in all this time?" Dieter asked. Aileen instantly became disinterested in the conversation.
"I can assure you and His Highness that we have been trying. Quite often." She said, tone firm.
"She became so hostile." Albrecht whispered.
"Truly a barbarian of a woman. A devil with a maiden's face."
"Are you quite finished?" Aileen hissed, jarring the three advisors, "Whatever childish insults you have, I have heard them a thousand times before. If all you've wished to accomplish is disrespect not only me but my loyal husband, I can promise you that his anger will be the least of your troubles."
"I-Is that a threat?!" Dieter demanded. Aileen scowled darkly at the old man.
"No, ser Dieter, it is a promise." Aileen stated.
Ludwig stepped back, trying to hide the wicked grin that split his face. To kill them all now would be a treat, but hearing his wife threatening their lives made his stomach flip. He loved her so very dearly.
"I would have you executed for treason!" Dieter snapped. Aileen smirked darkly.
"Oh? Would you? Enlighten me, how would one manage such a thing from the grave?"
"My Lady, there is no need for such harsh and rash words." Reiner tried to appease her, wanting to deescalate the situation quickly, "Please, allow me to apologize for Lord Dieter!"
"Do so on your knees, I have no interest in such half assed pleasantries." She replied.
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