Deleted member 42282
April 2022
Sorry, but this roleplay is currently inactive. I might revamp it soon, so stay tuned.
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C U R R E N T _ P L A Y E R S β 13
This roleplay will not focus on smut, but c o n f l i c t & character development. It will mostly revolve
around external/internal drama. We will host various events & update the timeline regularly to make sure all
of our characters are entertained at all times. I want everyone to feel like they always have something to write,
no matter who it is with!
You must be willing to plot with everyone, but you do not necessarily need to roleplay 1v1 with everyone.
This will be a friendly, open-minded group & everyone is welcome, no matter gender, sexual orientation,
age, etc! This means that YOU can't have anything against this stuff in real life, but your character can be
a total dick! You can make your character just the way you want & we'll all interact with them somehow.
This rp will most likely include ;
p s ; Just because this roleplay doesn't focus on smut, does not mean you can't write smut.
By all means, please include it to create more conflict between the characters!
This set in modern times, in a world without Covid.
Sorry, but this roleplay is currently inactive. I might revamp it soon, so stay tuned.

π πππππ / πππππ ππ
Don't be afraid to join us!
We are a friendly group that would love to play with you!
C U R R E N T _ P L A Y E R S β 13
This roleplay will not focus on smut, but c o n f l i c t & character development. It will mostly revolve
around external/internal drama. We will host various events & update the timeline regularly to make sure all
of our characters are entertained at all times. I want everyone to feel like they always have something to write,
no matter who it is with!
You must be willing to plot with everyone, but you do not necessarily need to roleplay 1v1 with everyone.
This will be a friendly, open-minded group & everyone is welcome, no matter gender, sexual orientation,
age, etc! This means that YOU can't have anything against this stuff in real life, but your character can be
a total dick! You can make your character just the way you want & we'll all interact with them somehow.
This rp will most likely include ;
weapon use
, drug abuse
, violence
, blackmail
, murder
, blood
, etc
p s ; Just because this roleplay doesn't focus on smut, does not mean you can't write smut.
By all means, please include it to create more conflict between the characters!
This set in modern times, in a world without Covid.
R U L E Sβ -
o n e ; Follow Blue Moon's site rules.
t w o ; This is a semi-literate to literate roleplay, meaning that you must write at least one full paragraph per reply. No one-liners, please. You don't need to be a professional writer, but you need to write decent English. No one will point out a few grammar mistakes, but let's try to keep it to a minimum. We will write in third person (he/she/they), but you can choose which tense.
t h r e e ; Be as active as you want - once a week, twice a week, or every single day, it's entirely up to you!
f o u r ; No godmodding of other characters. All characters are connected somehow, but please consult the player before you make any decisions including or regarding their character. It's encouraged!
f i v e ; Dark themes will occur, so please don't sign up if you don't have the stomach for it. You don't need to be in the center of it, but it'll be inevitable. You decide how dark you want it, but don't pressure anyone to go out of their comfort zone, unless they want to! If so, make sure you keep an open dialogue.
s i x ; Do not kill any playable characters without consulting me first. But feel free to kill npcs!
s e v e n ; No OOC drama whatsoever. Be polite, be approachable and respect the other players. Should you experience anything uncomfortable, please reach out to me asap!

RIVERSIDE is a fictional beach town in South California. It harbors gorgeous beaches, spectacular night
clubs, enormous malls, luxurious hotels, and charming neighborhoods. Some call it home, while to others
it's nothing more than a typical vacation destination. But if you look closely in the shadows, not everything
is as perfect as you might think. Riverside is home to two notorious gang leaders - ENZO GAMBINO and
DIMITRI VITALY. Both families want to rule over the town & war is looming on the horizon. It's only a matter
of time before one of them makes a mistake or the other strikes first. The tension is rising every single day
& no one knows when the shit will hit the fan.
The streets might be safe T O D A Y,______________________
_____________βββββ but what about T O M O R R O W ??

Mafia Ranks
President ;; the highest-ranked member of the organization, controls everything - the organization and its members, they are ruthless.
Vice President ;; second-in-command, responsible for ensuring that profits from criminal enterprises flow up to the president, generally oversees the captains and soldiers, takes control over the organization after the president's death.
Advisor / Consigliere ;; βright-hand man,β a counselor to the president and vp, third-ranked in the hierarchy, but does normally not have anyone working directly for them.
The President, VP, and advisor constitute the Administration.
Captain / Capo ;; βcrew chief.", oversees as many soldiers as they can efficiently control, reports directly to the vp who permits them to perform criminal activities, runs day-to-day operations of their crew, their soldiers give part of their earnings to them and then they give a share to the vp, can also recommend a recruit to be allowed to join their crew as an associate.
Sergeant of Arms ;; "bodyguards", one gets appointed to the president and the one for the vp, are the best of the best bodyguards, are in charge of decisions and actions that concern the safety of the organization and its members, if there is a disagreement, the president makes the final decision.
Head Assassin ;; the best of the best hitmen, in charge of the other hitmen, in charge of training new hitmen and provides additional help of protection with the captains and sergeant of arms.
Head Trainer ;; the one in charge of training all new soldiers, teaches them offensive and defensive hand-to-hand & weapon combat techniques.
Soldiers ;; the lowest level members of the organization, must take an oath - the oath of silence - before they are considered a part of the group.
Not an official member of the organization, but a member nonetheless. The rules of not affiliate with the enemy applies to them just as much as it does to official memebers.
They are normally business owners, but can be drivers, bodyguards, enforcers, errand boys/girls or money collectors. They must give at least 30% of their earnings to the Captains.
Informants ;; also known as spies, provides privileged information about a person or organization.
Hackers ;; computer geniuses who know how to gain unauthorized access to data that is beneficial for the mafia. (infiltrate networks/system, spreading malware, stealing/manipulate/destroy data, penetration tests, security systems, etc)
Hitmen ;; contract killers, hired and assigned to murder a targeted person or multiple people who are dictated as a threat to the mafia, involves an illegal agreement between the hitman/men and the mafia where they agree to kill the target in exchange for some sort of payment, hitmen makes it more difficult for law enforcement to connect murders to the mafia.
Arms dealers ;; specializes in illegal weapon trafficking and ammunition, which involves both importing (smuggling) and exporting (selling) contraband small arms and ammunition.
Drug dealers ;; sells drugs (of any type or quantity) illegally, prices are high and the mafia always get their cut.
Accountant ;; a certified bookkeeper who prepares financial documents like profit-and-loss statements, balance sheets, etc, performs book audits, prepare reports for tax purposes, and handle all the financial information thatβs part of running the mafia businesses.
Bookkeeper ;; a person who handles direct records of all purchases and sales conducted by the organization, similar to an accountant, except they don't have certification and is assigned a more day to day essential work.
Lawyers ;; a crucial part of the mafia to keep members from living their lives behind bars and to ensure the police is kept off their tracks.
Medics ;; doctors and nurses who are certified or gaining certification in the medical field and can provide basic services like stitching up wounds, removing bullets, supplying medications, etc.
7 Deadly Sins
Lust ;; an intense desire, usually to engage in illegal or immoral sexual pleasures. It can also constitute a strong and unreasonable desire for wealth, fame or power.
Gluttony ;; refers to the overconsumption of food, drink, or anything to the point of waste.
Greed ;; an intense desire and passionate love for material wealth. It results from an irrational longing for what you donβt really need.
Sloth ;; laziness, avoidance of work, the desire to avoid responsibility.
Wrath ;; uncontrolled feelings of anger, rage or hatred, often fueled by an irrational drive to harm others.
Envy ;; the desire for possessions, happiness or talents/abilities of others, often because the other person doesnβt deserve it.
Pride ;; an excessive love for oneself, belief in oneβs abilities or the desire to excel everyone else.
e.g. if you want to start their mafia adventure from scratch, but let's keep it to a minimum!
Character Form
WANTED ROLE ; Can't promise you'll get it, so feel free to list first and second choice
NAME ; First "Nickname (if any)" Last
AGE ; 22-60
GENDER ; Male, female, non-binary, etc
SIN ; Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride
LOYALTY ; The Gambino / The Vitalys
ORIENTATION ; Heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, asexual, etc
FACE CLAIM ; Use a celebrity, please. Preferably an actor/actress, model or singer
β’ Here ( Biography and personality stuff )
β’ At least 3 Positive - elaborate if you'd like!
β’ At least 3 Negative
β’ Goals , fun facts, opinions, flaws, etc
β’ Name - connection ( please try to come up with a connection to everyone in the same family
β’ Name - but you may know (of) someone from the other family as well!
β’ Name - same with associates. )
β’ E.g. "someone who hates him", "a friend with benefits", "a sister", etc
Character Form - CODE
[SIZE=3][B][COLOR=rgb(184, 0, 0)]WANTED ROLE[/COLOR][/B][COLOR=rgb(184, 0, 0)] [/COLOR][B];[/B] Can't promise you'll get it, so feel free to list first and second choice [B][COLOR=rgb(184, 0, 0)]NAME[/COLOR][/B][COLOR=rgb(184, 0, 0)] [/COLOR][B];[/B] First "Nickname (if any)" Last [B][COLOR=rgb(184, 0, 0)]AGE [/COLOR];[/B] 22-60 [B][COLOR=rgb(184, 0, 0)]GENDER [/COLOR];[/B] Male, female, non-binary, etc [B][COLOR=rgb(184, 0, 0)]SIN [/COLOR];[/B] Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride [B][COLOR=rgb(184, 0, 0)]LOYALTY [/COLOR];[/B] The Gambinos / The Vitalys [B][COLOR=rgb(184, 0, 0)]ORIENTATION[/COLOR] ;[/B] Heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, asexual, etc [B][COLOR=rgb(184, 0, 0)]FACE CLAIM [/COLOR];[/B] Use a celebrity, please, preferably an actor/actress, model or singer [B][COLOR=rgb(184, 0, 0)]INFORMATION[/COLOR][/B] β’ Here ( Biography and personality stuff ) [B][COLOR=rgb(184, 0, 0)]TRAITS [/COLOR][/B] β’ At least 3 Positive - elaborate if you'd like! β’ At least 3 Negative [B][COLOR=rgb(184, 0, 0)]EXTRAS[/COLOR][/B] [I]β’ [/I]Goals , fun facts, opinions, flaws, etc [B][COLOR=rgb(184, 0, 0)]CONNECTIONS [/COLOR][/B] β’ Name - connection β’ Name - connection β’ Name - connection [B][COLOR=rgb(184, 0, 0)]LOOKING FOR[/COLOR][/B] β’ E.g. "someone who hates him", "a friend with benefits", "a sister", etc[/SIZE]

Check out some of our detailed character profiles H E R E
1 x President OPEN! 1 x "Matriarch" @p r i s m 1 x Vice President @Vinaein 1/2 x Advisor(s) @Magno 2 x Captains @BennyQ OPEN! 2 x Sergeant of Arms @Retrojapan OPEN! 1 x Head Assassin @nutsacket 1 x Head Trainer OPEN! X x Soldiers @Cayleee OPEN! | Hacker @Retrojapan @KaeganofAmber Cartel Representative @Xanaphia Arms Dealer / Pawnshop Owner @Tuska of Worlds Any from the detailed list above! OPEN! | Lieutenant at RPD @BennyQ Detective / Hitwoman @p r i s m Trauma Surgeon @p r i s m Journalist @Cayleee Any! OPEN! |
This is just a Request Thread !
Here is our M A S T E R T H R E A D . Previous discussions can be found here.
Feel free to explore the rest of our sub-forums too!
We've started this roleplay, but feel free to join us any time! New characters are always welcome
& you'll have no trouble finding connections. You'll be included in our wonderful group the moment you join!
The timeline of this roleplay started on H A L L O W E E N , 2 0 2 0
The leader of the Gambino's - Enzo - has been missing for a few days & no one knows where he is.
The first group roleplay started on Wednesday, May 26th 2021.
The thread will stay open for a while, and you do not have to participate in it for your character to be present.
How active you want to be is up to you!
Feel free to read this IMPORTANT UPDATE post if you want some more info regarding how this group roleplay will work.
D i s c l a i m e r ;; This is inspired by a roleplay I saw on Tumblr!
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