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Todoroki rolled his eyes and waited with the others for the votes, but when Bakugo came up behind him he leaned happily into his boyfriends chest. He did like this, being out. It cut off the edge of frustration he carried with him throughout the day of not being able to act like they were together until they were back in the dorm and alone. He hadn't expected the kind of tactile person he'd become once he cared about someone.

A few of their friends still looked - Mina's glee was hardly contained - but they'd gotten a lot more subtle about it since Bakugo had made it clear he'd bite their heads off.

After awhile the music cut off and Iida cleared his throat to call attention to him. His knight costume kept him from being able to get atop the table, but he was tall enough he stood out. "It was a close one, but the prize goes to Katsuki Bakugo! Good job everyone!"
Honestly, even though the desire was there, Bakugo didn't think he'd win. He wasn't popular among his classmates and if it was put up to a secret vote Bakugo almost never won these things.

So he was genuinely surprised when Iida came over, handing him the two meal ticket stubs while the others cheered.

"Enjoy the date," Kirishima flashed his friend a thumbs up and a wink.

"Congratulations, Kacchan!" Deku said brightly, his eyes twinkling behind the holes he'd made in the sheets.

Bakugo grumbled in embarrassment, though with a huff he stuffed those tickets in Mina's hands. She'd made his costume for him after all, so he felt she deserved it.

He'd just buy his own damn meal for his boyfriend.

"Whatever, I'm leaving this dumb party," he announced with a stretch, pinching Todoroki's butt. "Let's go."
Honestly, Todoroki was surprised too - not because Bakugo didn't deserve it, but because competitions based on popularity were never in his favor. Mina looked more confused when he handed her the tickets, but wasn't sducidal enough to argue with him. She just shot Todoroki a look like she wanted him to intervene. He didn't, there was no making Bakugo do something he didn't want to do.

"Told you we should have picked 'Roki," he heard Kaminari mutter to Midoriya, and he thought he understood - it was their own way of saying they were okay with this thing Bakugo and Todoroki was doing. A silent show of support.

He shrugged slightly in a way that he hoped conveyed that he was thankful for their attempt, and followed Bakugo out of the party as the music started back up again. Knowing their class, they'd go until the middle of the night. He wouldn't be too shocked to see some of them asleep down there come morning.
Once they were finally back in their room, Bakugo shut the door behind him and sighed. The music was still booming downstairs, sounding like it wasn't going to fade anytime soon.

The blond shrugged off his shaggy coat, took off his boots, and groaned as he lied across the couch. He'd conveniently forgotten about his wolf ears and the collar that still needed to be taken off of him, but he couldn't be bothered to take them off right now.

"Should have stolen some more punch," he mumbled, then looked over at his boyfriend who was still tightly wrapped in all those annoying layers.
Todoroki hummed noncomittedly as he undid his cloak and hung it over a chair. He'd almost forgotten how much clothing he was wearing as he undid the necktie and knelt to undo the laces on his boots. Why did he decide wearing this many layers was a good idea?

In the end it was too much work, and he settled for flopping on top of his boyfriend instead.

"And what? Get shitfaced in here just the two of us?"
"Yeah," Bakugo agreed easily enough, placing a hand behind his head to watch Todoroki undress. It was a first getting to see him undress out of a vampire costume like that but the fact he had fangs and that slicked-back hairstyle Bakugo so liked was enough to get his cock stirring in his pants.

"You're tired already?" he grinned, smacking a hand over Todoroki's ass, the slap loud and vulgar.

"Was thinking you should sit on my face."
"And you call me the pervert," Todoroki muttered, but he propped up enough to look down at his boyfriend. He ran a hand through his hair, between the wolf ears, then down the side of Bakugo's face before landing on the collar around his neck. "This is really hot, you know."

He remembered suddenly the picture Mina had taken, how hot and heavy they'd gotten in front of everyone, how much he'd wanted it, and he kicked his boots off before sitting up and undoing the vest. He dropped them beside the couch with little care and started in on the zippers that made up his pants with a frustrated sigh. "Help a guy out."
"Because you are," Bakugo sneered. He definitely liked the fangs and the slicked-back hair that his boyfriend was sporting that night. He sat up and pulled Todoroki close, helping him with an extra set of hands to strip the annoying layers off of him. With more of his boyfriend's skin that was revealed to him, Bakugo felt more inclined to kiss and mark along his shoulders. Once Todoroki was completely naked, he went for his nipple first, tugging and tugging on it with his teeth and lips.

When he pulled away, he was extremely hard in his pants, his cock forming a stiff outline against his thigh. "You're fucking hot," he muttered.
It never passed his notice that he somehow always ended up naked before Bakugo - if Bakugo even ever did - but he had such a desire to be touched that he didn't care to voice his thoughts. Instead, his hand went to the back of his boyfriends head, holding him close just tight enough to state his want, but not to keep him from moving where he wanted.

His sighs as Bakugo's mouth worked him were hot and heavy, his nipple hard and his cock harder. His free hand dropped to his boyfriends thigh, rubbing with a purpose against the outline he could easily follow. "You're not so bad to look at yourself."
He loved when Todoroki held his head close to his chest like that. He felt like he could nurse on his nipple like this for hours if he could just have Todoroki play with his hair like this. He placed both hands on his boyfriend's ass and squeezed them as if they were stress balls.

"Fuck, baby," he mumbled, his red eyes lust-blown as he finally released his nipple from his lips. Bakugo lied back, then, scooting down to make enough room for Todoroki to seat himself on his face. "Come here, let me take care of you," Bakugo tapped his lips with two fingers.
A mixture of arousal and alcohol had Todoroki flushed, a light pink decorating his skin from his face across his chest, his mismatched eyes almost as dark as Bakugo's.

"Jesus," he whispered softly, crawling over the couch until his knees were pressed next to his boyfriends ears. He leaned forward to hold onto the arm rest as he found a comfortable position to lower himself down. He was already breathing hard just in anticipation.
Bakugo tugged Todoroki down with his arms slung around his legs, like braces to keep him seated on his face. His breath sealed around Todoroki's hope as his chin lifted to meet his boyfriend's ass, tongue licking a filthy wet stripe over his hole. With a growl, he buried his face into his lover's ass, eager to eat him out.

"Fuck..." he mumbled, his tongue circling the rim before it wiggled inside, fucking him heatedly with it while his arms kept Todoroki from lifting off his face.
"God - Katsuki," he muttered, his body shuddering the second that tongue was on him. Pleasure shot straight though him. That fucking growl always got to him.

He was never ready for the amazing way it felt every time Bakugo's tongue slid inside of him, each time was as shocking as the first time. One of his hands nearly slipped from the arm rest so he repositioned it to holding onto Bakugo's hair instead. "You're so good at this."
He couldn't see properly from where he was but he could definitely feel the way Todoroki was responding to the way his tongue fucked him, and how Todoroki grabbed at his hair or anything he could just to anchor himself in the moment.

Katsuki slid his hands up his boyfriend's back slowly, like giving him an erotic massage before they returned to holding his hips. He wanted to convey that this was Todoroki's night, and that for once, Katsuki would focus on what Shoto wanted. If his boyfriend wanted to ride his face all night, he'd let him do that until his jaw was sore.

When Todoroki lifted up just enough for him to catch a breath, Katsuki kissed along his inner thighs, and gently bit that perky cheek of his that was already healing from bites he'd made last week. Then, he returned to eating him out, trying to spread his legs just a bit to ease the strain on his cock.
He wasn't sure what was different, but he felt spoiled. Like he was the center of the world, and all Bakugo cared about was giving him what he wanted. It reminded him of taking that walk - it hadn't been for Bakugo, it'd been for him. So was this.

His boyfriends hands on him felt amazing, strong and centering. The nip to ass drew him back into and Todoroki decided fuck it - if Bakugo wanted him to enjoy this, he would. So he let his head drop back, lowered himself again, and rode his face like every orgasm he'd ever had was at stake.
With Shoto riding his face, his tongue worked past the ache of his jaws to delve deeper into him, fucking into that hungry, tight hole.

He grabbed the waistband of his pants and jerked it down to let his cock spring free, one hand jerking it while his other arm braced Shoto against him, almost as if to silently let Shoto know that he'd gladly eat him out the entire night if he wanted to.

His tongue was working up a pace, flickering in and out of that puffy rim, no matter if he couldn't breathe properly. If he died like this, it would certainly be the best way to go.
He thinks he's making noises. Something low and desperate and incoherent. Curse words, maybe Katsuki's name, he's not sure. All he's really aware of is how fucking good he feels, how his cock is dripping. His boyfriends mouth on him sounds wet and obscene and he can hear him stroking his own dick behind his back and it gets Shoto off even more to think that Katsuki enjoys this just as much as he does.

When his boyfriend hits a particularly good spot he moans and the hand in Katsuki's hair jerks up to wrap around the base of his cock, keeping him from coming for now. He wants to enjoy this without the desperation that comes from wanting more. This isn't like before. They aren't on a time limit. He isn't a teenager searching for release before getting to the good part.
This was different than all those other times they'd fucked because Katsuki could feel the time drag on, and his jaw get delightfully sore. He never actually got to that point any other time because he was always rushing to get his dick inside Shoto as soon as possible. Now, when all of his focus was on Shoto, he felt attuned to his boyfriend's body more than ever.

"Fuck, baby," he growled in his bedroom voice, slipping a middle finger into that hole he was lapping and tongue-fucking, just to give his boyfriend something else to ride on.

He wished he could take a picture of Todoroki just like this, him riding his face, getting off on that feeling.
Katsuki's voice like that, low and rough and turned on, always went right to his dick. He was sure he said something else, whined something that would embarrass him if he'd been alert enough to hear it, but instead he was focused on getting more of that feeling that was tightening the muscles in his stomach and sending warmth through his body.

The added pressure of the finger that worked inside of him was too good, almost too fast, and he let go of his dick to grab onto the couch just in time to keep from freezing his favorite body part off. Ice clung to the cushion as his orgasm hit, his hips rolling down greedily on finger and tongue and his back arching as cum landed in his boyfriends blonde hair.
Bakugo had been a trooper, letting Todoroki ride his face to kingdom come, and he'd done it for quite a while, because by the time he felt Shoto losing it on his face, his jaw was so sore that he could barely open it anymore. His head was dizzy from the lack of oxygen going to his brain, too, but it was all worth it when he could feel the tension build in his boyfriend's body.

As he felt those walls spasm and clench around his finger, he slipped another inside and fucked him against his prostate, his fingers going knuckles deep to abuse that sensitive bundle of nerves through the waves of his orgasm, and especially after it.

Shoto would be so sensitive, but that post-orgasm torture was what he was going for as he pulled his waist down, forcing him to take those two fingers that were constantly jamming into his prostate.
They'd fucked enough times that Katsuki knew exactly where his prostate was and could pinpoint it like he'd been training for it his whole life. Normally, Shoto liked that. Now, it was overwhelming.

His grip on the couch shattered the ice he'd accidentally let loose and his ass would have yelled at him that the stretch was too much too soon if his body wasn't still in post orgasm bliss. He was caught between pressing down and pulling away but it didn't matter because his boyfriend forced him down anyway and the noise that ripped out of Shoto was half moan half scream as he buried his face into his arm and bit down into his own skin. He was a shaking mess, his cock trying to empty itself again like he could possibly come any more.
Now, he was curious just what Shoto's limit was. He'd seen amateur videos of people being able to cum multiple times in a row, especially the ones he'd seen of prostate milking, just so he could try it on his boyfriend. Shoto was twitching and quivering like he couldn't handle another, but...

Katsuki used his grip around his waist to fling Todoroki onto his back, his fingers still shoved deep inside his gorgeous boyfriend. He pushed his legs apart and kept abusing that poor prostate, not exactly fucking it hard or carelessly, but deep, and making sure his fingerpads pushed firmly against it the way he'd learned.

"Come on, baby," Katsuki whispered, gazing at Shoto like he was the most beautiful thing he'd ever laid eyes on.

"Give me one more."

He'd push Shoto to his limit, barely giving him enough time to recover from that refractory period to work him towards another orgasm, and he didn't need more than two fingers to get him there.
He was so light headed and out of it that he didn't notice he was being moved until his back hit the couch and the angle Katsuki's fingers were out suddenly got deeper. He whined again, his hands scrambling to find any kind of purchase he could. He ended up with one wrapped in the loose part of the collar still around his boyfriends neck and the other gripping his shoulder so tight he was sure it would bruise.

"Fuck," he whispered, broken and shaky, his eyes hazy and wide as he met Katsuki's gaze. "I can't - I c-can -" whatever he was going to say disappeared into a groan, his body arching again, one of his legs wrapping around his boyfriends waist and pulling him closer. His muscles flexed and the veins in his neck stood out as they pressed together for a moment while he squirmed, like he was trying to use his grip on the other man to push himself away, but the slut in him was determined to stay.
He almost didn't want to give Todoroki too much stimulation in this state, wanting to see just what his limits were to just cum again on his fingers. He didn't even know if it was possible but with the way Shoto was acting, squirming and gasping like a slut, he was hard-pressed not to stop.

"You can't what?" he sneered, kissing Shoto's jaw. He could feel Shoto trying to push him away but he knew he didn't mean it. If he really wanted to, Todoroki definitely could. But sluts like him got off on guys like him pushing more and more, their dominant will overpowering whatever limits Shoto had.

He pushed back even stronger, his fingertips now having found exactly where Shoto reacted the most to, and rubbing that one spot firmly, over and over again.
They'd never done this - never tried to push past the recovery period. Usually if they took turns like this they could get going again while the other got off. But Katsuki was pushing him, too far and too good and too much, and his body was on fire with it and he wanted wanted wanted.

He tightened his grip on his boyfriends collar and jerked him down, slamming their mouths together in a kiss that was almost painful. A desperate need to expel the way every nerve in him was overwhelmed and oversensitive. It was a clash of teeth and tongue that left his lips messy when he pulled away from him and fucking screamed, the heel of his foot digging into Katsuki's back as his body wound tight and released again. It certainly felt like an orgasm even if it wasn't, or some mock version of it where his body just exploded. He wondered briefly if he'd set something on fire, but his mind had gone white.
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